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MD79: Celeste Crimson & Matt Tastic vs. Rush & Sam Smith

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Arashi will accompany Celeste Crimson to the ring.
Scott Williams will accompany Matt Tastic to the ring.

The unlikely pairing of Celeste Crimson and Matt Tastic are set with the task of taking on Sam Smith and co-Eurasian champion Rush in a tag team match, presumably as the main event of Meltdown. The two mentors will be showing their rookies how to form alliances and figure out their strengths/weaknesses during the match when pitted against a well-known team. Rush will be exposed with a target on his back during this match thanks to his recent attacks against the roster, namely going after the Black Dragon who will be sure to extract revenge.

Deadline 19th of September, 11:59pm Central Time. No extensions allowed
Where is my student?

Where is my mentee?

Where is the ball of clay for me to sculpt?

Where is the little hatchling for me to carry under my wing?

Despite my unmatched experience, WZCW has seemed fit to overlook me as a mentor. A thirty year veteran of this business who has wrestled in every venue across the world, in every match imaginable and against the true greats of this sport, somehow isn’t qualified enough to attempt to turn an Aftershock nobody into an Ascension curtain-jerker.

I am the embodiment of both the past and the present, but apparently viewed as incapable of guiding the future.

Why shouldn’t I be the one to teach about the cruel, unsympathetic, callous lessons of WZCW? An organization that rests on its laurels, settling for the mundane and continuing to pump out formulaic, cookie-cutter TV on a weekly basis opposed to challenging themselves to evolve and set the bar higher and higher. We’re all cogs in the machine here; a number, rather than a name. It doesn’t matter whose name is on the marquee, as long as someone is buying. A company that expects you to conform to their image and will remind you that it’s their way or the highway at every chance. Step out of line or refuse to tow the company line, and the thumb comes crashing down, crushing you until you succumb.

Why can’t I educate about the selfish, undeserving, crazed fans? The fans that cheer you into a hypnotic trance and manipulate you into being their dog in the fight and expect the world from you at all times. Having dinner with your family during one of the fifty days off? It doesn’t matter when it comes to signing your autograph for something that they’ll attempt to sell on Ebay for an easy dollar.

The ones that expect you do throw your body off of a ladder and wear what they call “a crimson mask” during every match you wrestle. Eventually you’re brainwashed into believing that that is what you must do to keep the paycheques coming. Bump, after bump, after bump, night, after night, after night, over, and over, and over again despite the fact that it takes you ten minutes to get out of bed in the morning on the good days and the pain in your hips is the only thing that seems to take your mind off of the stabbing pain in your lower back. And when you refuse to please the crowd in this coliseum after they have reduced you to a lifeless, heart-attack ridden mass and taken a year away from your career, they call for your head and wait for the next fool who will.

Why can’t I attempt to warn someone about this dog-eat-dog, everyman for themselves business? Coming home to an empty house after travelling for three hundred days out of the year; your wife and only child gone after she receives a phone call from a ring rat that you decided to take back to your hotel room after an event on the other side of the country. The never-ending flow of booze and drugs available to you at all times. The friends that used to be passed out around you, you now read about dropping dead to drug related issues.

Who else would tell them to get out while they still can?

Certainly not Celeste Crimson or Matt Tastic.

I’ve proved myself to be the better wrestler against Celeste Crimson and Matt Tastic, yet they both are two of the selected few that WZCW management felt are capable enough to leave their thumbprint in the future of this business.

This is just another ‘atta boy’ reward for Matt Tastic for being the definition of company stooge. From time to time, WZCW likes to give Matt the equivalent of doggie treats every time he sits, speaks, and rolls over at their command, and each time, Matt continues to be the yes man that they want him to be. Matt Tastic is smart enough to realise that without the support of the company, he would be nothing so he does everything possible to appease management. Tastic is their obedient lap dog, their foot stool and their court jester.

Sure, Celeste has been with WZCW since Day One, but her experience isn’t Celeste’s biggest attribute. There are two very big reasons as to exactly why Celeste had been chosen as a mentor by management, and they both are directly right in front of her. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much knowledge and experience you possess. If that was the case, I would have been the first person approached when this entire mentoring farce was concocted. Sometimes it’s not how good you are, it’s who you know, and who you blow.

In the end, it doesn’t matter who is selected to be mentor or how they got the job because looking at the crop of “talent” that is available for WZCW to pillage, the future is doomed to be as bleak and as the present no matter who is leading the way.

Matt Tastic can keep his Scott Williams cookie, and Celeste can continue to silently seek some eye contact. Sam Smith and I will continue to burn this company to the ground and teach all of WZCW a lesson that no one will ever forget.
There's something very endearing about the local, independent talents who work the opening dark matches at WZCW house shows. I was once in their position, slaving away in relative obscurity, trying to impress the talking heads backstage enough to get a contract. Part of me could empathize with the two kids in the ring at this house show, as I prepared to storm the ring and let these fans know what was really on my mind, but I realized that their entire match was an exercise in futility, anyway.

As I walked through the fans in the stands, the ones closest to me jeered and booed, while the rest of the crowd was abuzz with speculation as to what was going on. The more people noticed my presence, the louder the boos got. The two local wrestlers in the ring looked around, confused by this perceived betrayal by their hometown crowd.

I hopped the barricade and demanded a microphone -- all eyes were on me, at this point. I slid into the ring, much to the bewilderment of the two wrestlers in the ring. All the action halted, as they tried to figure out what I was doing there. I put the microphone to my lips and began speaking.

I've got quite a bit to say, so don't hold your breath on finishing this match, boys. You can get out of my ring now.

The two talents quickly slid out of the ring, unsure of what was really going on. The crowd's booing intensified.

Now, it's about time that people started to listen to me -- this goes for all you sheep in the crowd and all you idiots in the back, too.

The crowd continued to shower me with boos, some even launching pieces if trash at the ring.

That'll teach me! Validate everything I say about you by hurling trash at me. Genius. It's a wonder how some of you even manage to make it home every night.

You guys are just a cog in the machine, though. You're part of a much larger problem, the problem being WZCW as a whole.

At this point, the boos are being supplemented by "Smith sucks" chants, among other things.

After having won against Black Dragon and Johnny Scumm in the main event of Meltdown 77 -- alongside my partner Rush -- I was demoted to the middle of the card the next week. Where is the logic? It took two vicious beat downs of Scumm and The Gent last week, to earn me another main event spot. Even so, I'm stuck in another inconsequential match. What will a match against Matt Tastic and Celeste Crimson earn me? Absolutely nothing.

I took a momentary pause, as I paced around the ring.

Tastic is the definition of a company stooge and nothing but a jobber to the stars; he's a nobody. Crimson, in her own right, has done nothing in this company and is nothing more than a novelty; she's a woman trying to compete with men, a product of the Title IX era. Yet, Rush and I are supposed to be grateful we've been given the main event slot to face off with them.

The crowd has slowly begun to quiet down and listen to me. A select few are trying to spark chants of "Crimson" and "Tastic," to no avail.

What's more, it's these people that are shoved down the fans' throats. It's these people that are given their own mentees to mold. It's these people that are undeservingly given the spotlight, while the likes of Rush and I are kept away from the success we deserve. This company isn't about how good you are, it isn't about putting out the best possible product, it's about rewarding those who shove their nose firmly into the asses of management in the back. If you're a glad-handing yes-man, this is the place for you.

The shocked looks in the crowd only serve to fuel my anger, as I continue on.

It's not just them, though -- it's all throughout the company. Alex Bowen, a hardcore reject, is being pushed into the spotlight as a serious wrestler. The man's a sideshow with serious self-mutilation issues, he can't lace up my boots. James King was entered into the six pack challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, while I wasn't even put on the pay-per-view. What, exactly, has King ever done? Well, other than ride Alhazred's coattails, of course. What about Grand Mystique? He was instantly thrust into a main event last week against a former World Heavyweight Champion, Showtime, upon his return. You know who I faced upon my return? Phoenix. The very same Phoenix who I'd beaten before, the Phoenix who I'd beaten en route to my Elite X Championship victory. Tell me, is that fair?

The silence of the crowd told me everything that I needed to know.

Look, I could brown nose any number of the stooges backstage and hope to get a World Heavyweight Championship match, but I have too much dignity to do it. Just like I have too much dignity to make an ass out of myself in front of you people. This is why Rush and I want to destroy this company, because it's all a sham.

Maybe after our sound destruction of Celeste Crimson and Matt Tastic on Meltdown 79, Rush and I will get the respect we deserve. I doubt it. It doesn't matter, though. We both enjoy tearing through the WZCW roster. We like what we do.

Tastic and Crimson better fear what's coming their way, because we don't have any qualms about putting them on the shelf, to achieve our ultimate goal. It doesn't matter which set of company men -- men and women, in this case -- management had sent at us, the result would be the same. Rush and I will leave, with a path of destruction in our wake, because we are the best this company has to offer.

With that, I drop the mic and slide out of the ring. I slither over the barricade, disappearing back into the crowd, as WZCW security finally streams down the entrance ramp. The utter chaos around me is exactly what I wanted. A job well done.​


The scene opens with an ecstatic Matt Tastic standing by with a birthday cap on and Alisha by a door with a ribbon on it.

So freakin' awesome. For real?

For real.

Matt rushes past the door revealing the old broom closet he used to dwell in several months ago before having to leave due to the heavy expenses of throwing away thousands of dollar in merchandise. He nabs a cupcake on a table to the corner:


He blows out the candles as Alisha seemingly disappears. He sits by a small TV on the floor and opens a compartment on the wall that reveals a large stack of DVD's. Anime, wrestling, sitcoms, action, stand-up, Matt seems to have it hidden on a wall. He grabs a DVD at random and pops it in before snacking down.


Excuse me, Matt. Would you like to do an interview later on?



Now F*CK OFF! I'm enjoying my shows!

Matt goes to munch on and watch as his eyes open wider and wider. But suddenly.......
*ring* *ring* Matt's phone rings.


Hello Mr. Tastic. This is Dog. From Talent Relations.

Who the hell named you Dog?

My mother.

I'd hate to ask, but what's her name?


Oh........ Well. This is awkward.

Yeah.... Just wanted to let you know that you will be wrestling this week on Meltdown in a tag team match with Celeste Crimson as your partner against Sam Smith and Rush. Celeste will have Arashi with her and Scott Williams must attend your match.

What? But I can't find Larry anywhere!

I assume you mean Scott Williams. It's mandatory that he attends all your matches, Mr. Tastic. Or risk elimination.

But he seems to just plain ol' hate me. What am I supposed to do?

I guess that's up to him. It's his job at stake. Not yours.

Ahh..... Fine then.

OK, Mr. Tastic. Thank you for your time.


Hey, Dog.....


Is your grandmother by any chance called-

No, Mr. Tastic. No one in my family is called "Bitch".

Pffft, :lmao: I wasn't going to ask that.

Right..... asshole.....

Matt laughs on, before once again indulging on whatever he was watching and eating. But.......

....oooohhh Maaaaatt.......

Ohh, come on! I wanna en..... HOLY CRAP!!

Matt turns to the side to see something that has to be seen to behold


Matt drops a bit of blood out of his nose and stands speechless for a bit.

Like I said, happy birthday.

It was two months ago.

Does it matter?

The fuck it doesn't. Come'ere you!

The door closes as Matt rushes towards Alisha. As if he was going to "eat her up and Deliver Kickassery" all over her.

==================Hours later==================

Matt Tastic walks the backstage. Looking smooth and refreshed. Jorts, t-shirt, sunglasses and long hair lose as well as a subtle, sly smile on his face. Soon enough, he finds himself standing still as a big sign behind him reads "Meltdown". Johnny Klamor pops up by his side.

Ladies and gentlemen, WZCW fans alike,at this time please welcome one fourth of the slated main event of Meltdown this week, Matt Tastic.

Matt bows his head silently as Klamor prepares to start his interview.

Now Matt, this week you are in another unlikely tag team. This time with a person you've never even interacted with in Celeste Crimson. Not to mention that you are going against a duo that has been somewhat established for a bit in Sam Smith and the co-holder of the EurAsian Championship Rush. The man has been a total warpath as of late.
How do you plan to stop them?

I don't forgive. And I don't forget.See, if memory serves me right, the very reason Rush even has a title is because he beat me. I still remember the day he faked a heart attack to cheap shot me. But you see, I'm a fighter. A Super Saiyan at that. When you fail to kill a Super Saiyan, he gets stronger and learns from his mistakes. Adapting for the next round. The next round is this week. Rush ain't getting away from me this time. He can yank my arm off. I'll pick it up and wack him with it. He can rip my leg off. I'll hobble and hobble and kick his ass with the other leg, as impossible as it seems. He could rip off one of my testicles, the Man-Beast Machine's testicles. Toss it aside. I'll march on and fight. I'll grab it....

Matt makes a motion that he's grabbing something from the floor, put it in his mouth and *Poot* spits it forward.

And spit it at his face. Like a boss. Rush can't silence this Man-Beast Machine. That sad clown. All he does is whine, piss and moan. "Wha! Wha! 30 years! Wha! Wha! No respect!" No kidding there's no respect for you. You come back one week after a heart attack sidelined yoy and you're pissing about not being a champion and faking a heart attack before actually competing for a title shot the next. The fans supported you. We supported you. Now? Well now you can piss off and get Sammy to feed you a bottle and cradle you. Baby.

Any concerns about Sam Smith? He's another person in this match you've never had much interaction with.

Sam? He's nothing. Do I think little of him? Not really. But he's shown me that he's nothing. Why? Since coming back, what's he done? Nothing. Since coming back, what's he won? Nothing. He comes out, grabs the mic..... *lifts the mic up and breaths in...* "What did he say? I....I.....don't think I heard him." Shut up! I heard him. I heard him alright. I heard him loud and clear. He said, he said...... Absolutely nothing! If I go around the locker room and ask what's Sam Smith done lately, do you know what the people will say?

That he's sided with Rush and have become a destructive alliance.

Exac- Hell no! Klamor, what in the rowdy blue hell is wrong with you?

I'm saying the truth. Those two are a real wrecking crew around here. You and Celeste are in real trouble with those two this week.

"Those two? Those two?" I see one guy doing the heavy lifting. What's Sam been doing?

....ummm..... Nothing I guess.

Uff. Irony, what a cruel bitch you are. But back to Sammy, he can ride along with Rushy all he wants. But Rushy is the one driving while Sammy is riding shotgun. Rushy is the Champion, not Sam I Am. Guess what the guy driving shotgun in a car does? The same thing Sammy does best at the end of the day. A big stinkin' pile of nothing. He deserves a reward, Klammy. Wanna know what the reward is?

What is it, Matt? Kickassery?

No you dolt. A gift-wrapped box of Nothing. Pay attention.

Matt breathes deep as does the slightly skeptical looking Johnny Klamor as they change gears on subjects.

Personally, I feel you should be worried about both individuals, but that's your problem. Changing gears now, what about Celeste? She seems to be having slightly better luck with her mentee than you do with yours. He's not even here right now, is he?

I don't have a freakin' clue were Larry is and quite frankly at this point I don't care. He's shown nothing but disdain towards me so me trying to teach him anything is pointless. Maybe he'll learn going against me, but I wouldn't hold my breath for it. I'll be surprised if he even shows up for my match like he's scheduled too. But yeah, Celeste. I'm teaming up with WZCW's greatest tag team ever.

What do you mean? I don't think I follow. You're teaming with just one person.

You don't know the greatest team in this company?

Saxton and Saboteur? They are the Tag Team Champions.

Um.... Nope. Me and Consty beat them. Yup. The current Tag Team Champions. Been there, beaten them. I'm not in line for a title shot oddly enough. Seems to be a habit. But I don't mean them. There's a bigger duo in this company. A duo that no one could ever hope to stop.

Then who do you mean by "greatest tag team"?

Dude!! Mary *grabs his right pec* and Joanne! *grabs his left pec*

Klamor facepalms...


Best tandem in these parts. Those two big knockers knock anyone out in that ring. And probably out too. But in all seriousness, we'd make one awesome combo. The Super Saiyan and the Sailor Senshi. Two planet busting sons..... I mean children of bitches that are going to Deliver Kickassery all over Rushy and Sammy "I do nothing" Smith. Now if you don't mind, I should probably go talk stuff over about our match with my.... 3 partners.

3 partners?

Yeah. Celeste, Mary *holds left pec* and Joanne *holds right pec* I'm bringing my girlfriend along. You know.... Just in case.

Matt actually skips off.
But Klamor doesn't seem all that focused. Instead, he seems to be holding and looking at his pecs. If he has pecs....

....I'm confused. I thought Joanne was the one on the left. Or was it the one on the right? Or was that Mary?

Someone can be seen walking up to Klamor, confused as to what he's doing. What are you doing, Klamor?

Oh, just figuring out what Celeste's breast's are named.


The person asking........ IS Celeste. Klamor gives a small aside look without noticing as he still plays around before the realization sets in.

The sunlight penetrated the glass and warmed the inside of the lobby of the hotel. Another long arduous night for the WZCW superstars left a few of them with delayed fights that were later canceled. As a result a number of them were taking refuge at nearby airport hotels. Among those that had missed their flights were Celeste Crimson, her mentor Arashi, and his manager Luke. She was sitting in the lobby swirling a glass of vodka in her hand, while Arashi sat across from her, looking as uninterested and benign as ever.

“You should try to loosen up Arashi,” she said.

The masked man rolled his eyes and looked away. She could tell that he hated being around her, but she didn’t care. As his guide she wanted to see him succeed regardless what he thought about her.

“Are you angry that you have to face Isabel Stone this week?”

Again she was met with silence. Luke leaned forward and interjected, “He’s not going to answer you; why did you even sign up to be mentor in the first place?”

Celeste took a sip of the glass, and leaned back into the chair. She looked at the man and smiled, “I’m not trying to tell Arashi what to do mister Luke; I’m giving him moral support by inquiring why he feels to need to distance himself.”

Arashi growled and jerked his head towards her, “Whatever it is you’re trying to do, I’m not impressed.”

“What do you mean?” she asked innocently.

“This- this playing nice with me! I don’t understand why you signed up to be my mentor when it’s obvious that I don’t want you around-”

“I signed up because I want to see you succeed, what other valid reason do you want to hear?”

“That bullshit and you know it!” he yelled leaning forward in his chair. “I’ve been a professional wrestler longer than you have; this is a cutthroat business. There’s nothing that someone like you, a woman who’s accomplished nothing of noticeable worth has to say that I want to hear.”

Celeste took another sip, “How sad for you, to think that the only way that you can succeed in this business is to rely on yourself-”

“I never said that!” he interrupted. “I just don’t want to rely on you.”

“Because I’m a woman? What exactly do you have against women Arashi; did your mother not love you enough?”

He snarled, “There’s nothing wrong with my mother; she was a saint.”

Celeste smiled, “So she supported you, and yet you never turned her away-”

“You’re not my mother! And I never fucking asked you to be!”

“And I’m not trying to be,” she countered. “But when I became a mother myself, I learned the value of unconditional love. I’ll always love my son regardless of whatever decisions he decides to make in the future.”

Arashi leaned back in his chair as she continued, “You make yourself out to be this hardened villain; an emotionless competitor who feels that he has something to prove to everyone, and needs to do so alone…”

He growled and opens his mouth to retaliate but she cuts him off, “…Even if you feel that you have nothing to prove to me.”

“What’s your point?”

She continued to smile, “My point is that when I look at you, I don’t see a harden villain; I see a compassionate man who cares for the people precious to him. That’s the reason why you haven’t tried to leave me, or even attack me behind my back.”

He scoffed and folded his arms; it was obvious that he thought that her statement was ludicrous, but there was some truth to her statement. Why hadn’t he tried to attack her? If women were so far beneath him then surely he wouldn’t have had a problem trying to dominate the mentorship.

“You haven’t felt the need to challenge me because you don’t see me as a threat and I understand that,” she said.

“I could defeat a former WZCW champion and it really wouldn’t matter to you, would it?”
Arashi continued to give her the silent treatment and listened to her talk, “That’s why I don’t really care if I win or lose.”

“Then what good are you as a mentor?” he asked.

She leaned forward to look him in the eyes, “Because in this business if you have no support then you lose passion; and without passion, you can’t perform and lose the connection with the fans. Surely even in Japan you experienced that.”

“When I was in Japan I had the support of the fans; I don’t need a mentor, especially an inept woman, to help me find that here.”

“That’s right; you don’t.”

Arashi looked shocked; was she finally admitting that she wasn’t any good as his mentor?

“I don’t want you to think of me as a mentor, Arashi. I want you to think of me as a friend,” she replied.

He gasped, “A friend?”

“A friend that will support you no matter what you decide to do. You don’t need my help to win matches, as you can do that already. What you do need as guidance; and I’ll be god damned if I allow you to be consumed by the chaos of this business that nearly destroyed my life years ago. I wouldn’t able to live with myself.”

He looked stunned, “But why? Why would you want to be friends with someone that thinks less of you?”

“Because,” she said with a grin. “I care about you.”

Arashi scoffed and turned his head as she continued, “I’ve learned to perform unconditionally for the fans. I have no regrets, and nothing to prove anymore. I have goals, sure, but they are not as important as my friends.”

“This week I have a tag match with Matt Tastic against the Eurasian champion Rush and Sam Smith. Rush and I were old rivals, and I’d love a chance to settle the score between us, and Sam Smith lacks passion. He’s lost, floating in an endless purgatory of wanting to spread destruction; eventually all he’ll end up destroying is himself.”

“Even if I lose this week, I’ll have no regrets because I hope to have made a new friend in you,” she turned towards Arashi and toasts him before downing the rest of her glass.
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