MD78: The Masked Gentleman vs. Sam Smith

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
This match was requested from Sam Smith due to what happened during the Redemption Eurasian Championship Open Challenge where The Gent tussled with Smith in Gents' defeat to Smiths' ally. He will be looking to gain revenge against the masked man whilst The Gent will be looking to get back into the swing of things following his absence last week.

Deadline: Wednesday, 5th of September (11:59pm Central Time)
“All I know is that while I’m asleep, I’m never afraid, and I have no hopes, no struggles, no glories — and bless the man who invented sleep, a cloak over all human thought, food that drives away hunger, water that banishes thirst, fire that heats up cold, chill that moderates passion, and, finally, universal currency with which all things can be bought, weight and balance that brings the shepherd and the king, the fool and the wise, to the same level. There’s only one bad thing about sleep, as far as I’ve ever heard, and that is that it resembles death, since there’s very little difference between a sleeping man and a corpse”
~ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

Our scene opens as the sun rises on the front doors to the famous Roissy airport. All the men and women buzzing in and out. It's here a limo pulls up. The one driving is none other than The Masked Gentleman's butler, Liam Banks, serving as chauffeur to the master himself, The Gent , surrounded by around eight bags of luggage. Upon arrival The Gent bursts out from the back of the limo, holding his cane up in the air in enthusiasm.

The Gent: Hello World! What a lovely day today, eh, Liam?

Liam: That it is, sir.

The Gent: Now this...this is a day to be up in the air. To get once again another good look at this fair city.

Liam opens up the back door to slowly take out the suitcases.

Liam: Sir, If I might I ask, what's with the excess luggage?

The Gent: I'm glad you asked, Sir Banks.

The Gent takes out one of the cases from the back, unzipping it to reveal it's almost completely overflowing with his calling card, the miniature version of his red mask, before zipping it back up.

The Gent: Quite a lot of catching up in a week. I think of the luggage, only about three actually have clothes in them. Also, did you remember to pack my training set? I remembered to practice during my little "vacation" of self-rediscovery after being cost my shot at redeeming myself for managing to live up to the chances I'm given.

Liam: It's in the trunk, sir.

The Gent: Outstanding job, my faithful friend. The next show marks two milestones: the day Le Gentleman Masque made his debut on Meltdown and the day that Sam Smith got his just desserts.

Liam continues to one-by-one taking out the rest of the luggage, laying them on the ground.

Liam: I see, sir. Good luck on trip, Sir.

The Gent: My sincerest gratitude, Liam. T'was Redemption I had finally had my chance to make up for myself not being able to live up to what I had wanted to be. That was going to come to an end at Redemption. However, Rush had a certain brute on his side. Who's to say he needed him, but in certainly helped in his favor. I question what may have happened had he not interfered, but it's trivial.

Liam gives a nod to show he's listening.

The Gent: All I can do is hand him some 'what for' and maybe a lesson in being a true gentleman. He has done this to me, and if nobody is going to stop him, he is going to continue to doing it to others. But Black Dragon? He has his hands full at the moment with a rematch with Mr. Rush on the horizon. If it means going past my normal limits, I've got a job to do. I simply just cannot do nothing. What say you, Liam?

Liam: You seem determined, sir.

The Gent slams his cane back to the ground.

The Gent: Indeed I am. But that is not all, it's more than a simple "he cost me my title" I am also looking to repay the man who saved me. That Black Dragon fellow came to my aid and had earned his title back, yet the man I am facing had stopped him from once again becoming the ONLY EurAsian Champion. In saving me, this Black Dragon became one of....the two people left in this world who trust me after my past.

The Gent gives a sigh. After a brief pause of reflection, he turns his head to face the car.

The Gent: My apologies, Liam. I You know how my parents choose to rarely speak to me, and when they do, they simply give me money to go away.

He takes off his mask to look at it in annoyance.

The Gent: and Frankly, times, I wonder if it's even worth trying to create a new identity for myself, because deep down, I feel that I could be here a thousand years...but I cannot exactly escape my past.

Liam looking at his employer gives a sigh, patting The Gent on the back.

Liam: Sir, if you quit now...yes, you will just be remembered as a thief and continue only having two people in the world who trust you. You never had to do this, after all. You could have lived and died in that mansion, but you chose not to.

Carefully listening, The Gent once again puts back on his mask, and turns his attention back to his butler.

Liam: Sir, for the 20 something years I've worked here and raised you since you were just newborn. You haven't backed down before, and in fact, you hate to give up any hope. Are you willing to let your past take hold of you, like a , and pardon my vocabulary, "dingus"?

The Gent gives a light smile, offering a handshake to his butler, which Liam accepts.

The Gent: ...You are absolutely right, Sir Liam, my sincerest gratitude. After all, my opponent is one of those you mentioned, the "dingus" variety. He and Rush had given up hope in others than themselves. Heck, even when I had gotten caught, even when I was imprisoned for many a year, I had not given up hope and I'm certainly not giving up now.

Liam and The Gent break away from each other in the handshake

The Gent: Oh, and Liam...

Liam: Yes, Sir?

The Masked Gentleman moves in closer to his butler and gives him a hug.

The Gent: Thank you for standing by me. I shall be off, Liam and likely will not be home for quite a while, so please, do me a favor and look after the dogs for me.

Liam gives a smile, breaking off the hug from his employer.

Liam: Will do, sir.....Oh, and one more thing before you go. I believe you had requested this?

Liam pulls from out of his suit pocket a cell phone, and handing it to The Gent.

The Gent: Thank you, Sir Liam.

Liam: I take it this is for business purposes?

The Gent: ...You can say that. A name I highly respected had decided to leave recently, and has lacked motivation, like I had just now. He has been refusing calls from management and even friends of his, simply because he feels he doesn't have a purpose left, and as you've said before, I detest giving up hope.

Liam: I see. So, you tracked down his number?

The Gent: and that is the peculiar part, Sir Banks. You see, I had this with me on my last trip. During my match with Sir Rush, I had returned to find my locker opened, my cell phone taken out and the only thing that had happened to it was...The Beard's number was added.

The Gent puts the phone into his pocket.

The Gent: and even more peculiar, absolutely no finger prints. If I was the only one touching it, it would make more sense because I only wear gloves, however the gentleman or lady who put this number into my cell phone was as well. I've done all I can here in this magnificent country, but it's time to investigate into the matter in the United States.

The Gent gathers up his many suitcases, dragging them all along at the same time.

The Gent: Take care, Sir Banks!

Before dragging his suitcases through the door, he reaches into his suitcase for one final goodbye, by throwing one of his trademark mini masks into the air.

Liam: and you as well, Sir!

Liam catches the miniature mask in the air, as The Masked Gentleman makes it through the doors. Liam takes a good look at the miniature mask, before throwing it away into the nearby recyclable.

Liam: I swear, one day the government will have to require he has his own forest if he wishes to make more of these things.
I should be dead. It may seem a bit forward, but it's entirely true. As fate would have it, I'm still around to tell the story. Whether or not I'm happy to be alive -- well, that's a different story for a different time.

Two weeks before I finalized my return to WZCW, I was in a bathtub, needle sticking out of my arm, with the life slowly flowing out of me. To say that experience changed me would be an understatement. I was laying in the tub, when I finally realized I had taken it too far. The high was gone, but the pain was still there. The more and more I shot up, the more hollow I felt. My body began to decline, I started to fade. That's when it finally hit me; I was going to die. I began shaking, not due to the drugs, but due to fear. I was scared of death, I wasn't ready to die. My mind started running a hundred miles per hour, I started remembering everything I had ever experienced. The first time I walked, the first time I put on a pair of wrestling boots, everything was rushing through my mind. Oddly enough, it was euphoric -- it was the ultimate high. That's the last thing I remember.

I have no recollection of Chelsea breaking through the door of the bathroom, doing whatever she could to keep me alive. I don't remember the ambulance ride to the hospital. The only thing I remember is waking up. I was alive, I had beaten death. The fear was gone. I was forever changed.

Once you stop fearing death, what's left to fear? Everything else pales in comparison to death. It makes you stronger, more ruthless, and more willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your ultimate goal -- even if you have to die trying. Once I overcame my fears, it began to fuel my thirst for revenge. I used to fear letting the fans down and those who I respected most. Now, I realize how selfish it is to dangle such a fear in front of somebody. I was the real victim, now I'm just here to punish those who've wronged me.

Lightning lit up the sky, as thunder shook the ground. People all around me were ducking into doorways to avoid the rain -- I kind of liked it, though. Weather is something you can't control -- it's a powerful force.

I was walking to meet Rush at my place, but I was running a bit late. Something about the stormy weather just made me want to walk around and take the world in. Everything just seemed so much more vulnerable and real when it was storming outside -- probably because it struck fear into so many people.

I walked up to my door, only to see a soaking wet Rush sitting against the wall.

How timely of you, Sam.

I smiled, responding.

Sorry, man. I just lost track of the time. Come on in, have a drink.

We stripped off our soaking wet jackets and took a seat at the kitchen counter.

Ready to get your hands on The Gent?

More than you'll ever know. Ready for Scumm?

Rush let out a small chuckle.

With the way he gift-wrapped that match for us last week, it should be a walk in the park.

The mention of our last match got my attention.

You know, there's a few things about our match that just don't sit well with me.

Like what?

For starters, I just can't shake the feeling that it was just too easy, man.

Now you're complaining about wins?

It's more of an observation, than anything. Dragon clearly didn't want Scumm as his partner -- he had something planned. We're not safe, yet.

He could have been blowing smoke out of his ass, too.

It doesn't strike me as something Dragon would do. He wouldn't basically throw away a chance at winning in the main event of Meltdown. Scumm made a mistake, but it saved us. For all we know, he could be working with half the roster -- we can't tell who's wearing those masks.

You think TMG might be involved?

I shrugged.

Wouldn't be much of a secret after Redemption, but he probably is. I'll do what I can to take him out, though. I owe him for his little attack at the PPV.

He's good. Don't try anything stupid, just get the win. If you attack him, the ring could be surrounded by fake Dragons in an instant -- you don't need another beat down.

I don't, but I also want my revenge. The more he suffers, the better. We can't have people thinking they can get away with coming after us. We need to be a feared force in WZCW -- in one week, we can take out Scumm and TMG. After that, we can go after Dragon. After THAT, we can lay waste to Kurtesy, Showtime, and Callahan. We can go straight to the top, Rush!

There's nothing I'd rather do, Sam. Just make sure not to overlook TMG -- it took the both of us to put him away at Redemption.

Don't worry, I understand that he's a challenge. I've faced my fair share of top level guys, though. If guys like Holmes and Constantine fell at my feet, then so will TMG.

TMG has never faced the level of instensity and violence I will bring to the table. He'll be just another body in our line of victims.

Rush raised his glass before speaking.

Cheers to that.
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