MD77: Steven Holmes vs. Stevenson Marquel

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Holmes: There were said to be four horseman of the apocalypse; Pestilence, Famine, War and Death. Each brought with them devastation and destruction. Each served a purpose, a greater cause. I believe that I will use each of these to annihilate all who stand in my path and take the crown, becoming the World Heavyweight Champion once and for all. It is not destiny, it is not fate; it is a formality.

We are welcomed to our scene with a slow pull out from Steven Holmes’ face. We start big with his eyes and pull back to see his face in full. Holmes still carries the battle-scars of his most recent endeavours, warring with Big Dave and John Constantine respectively. We cannot see who Holmes is talking to, and soon enough he resumes his dark speech.

Holmes: You see, Redemption saw just that; my redemption. I crushed those who dared oppose me, swept aside bitter, old foes and eliminated jealous nemeses’. The tapestry of destruction is complete. My vengeance has become a reality and now, after all of that. After everything I’ve done, my personal business is complete. There is a great sense of accomplishment in that. It’s as if I am whole again.

Holmes smiles wildly at the suggestion he’s just made and nods, looking off to the side for a moment. Our pull back continues as we are now up to Holmes’ shoulders, some background details can be seen, but not made out clearly as they remain out of focus. We know only one thing, white is the predominant colour.

Holmes: The noise in my head has ceased and I did not vanish into a cataclysm of insanity. I am whole once more and perfectly, and utterly sane. A spooky thought for sure. I mean, what’s more dangerous? A man possessed by his own inner demons lashing out uncontrollably, making him susceptible to mistakes or a monster guided by logic and intelligence, under his own control, dictating where he should strike with cold, hard, malice intent? I’d say the latter, no?

No response, as Holmes stares dead ahead, a slight grin uprooting his deadpan look. We continue to pull out, a little more focus brought to the background. There appear to be various people in business attire behind Holmes, in an office setting.

Holmes: Not in an overly talkative mood? Very well. My point is this; I have gone from being driven by personal demons to being consumed by business vendettas. That makes me all the more deadly. If WZCW thought I was a monster before, wait until they get a look at me now. Steven Holmes driven by cold hard cash and the drive to succeed may not seem as deadly or potent as a madman obsessed with destruction, but I assure you, I am much more devastatingly powerful now than ever before. The world will soon quake in utter fear at the sight of me and I will relish every second of that.

More pulling out occurs and things become much more clear. There is an army of people in suits wandering back and forth, going about their daily work as if nothing is happening. Holmes appears to be sat in front of a window pane which separates him from them; he’s in an office. Whose we are not yet aware.

Holmes: Fear remains a key part of my conquest for gold and i shall rule by that one primal, primitive emotion. Fear has the power to control men in a way unseen before. It’s why dictators govern in such a way that they are unopposed. If they are opposed, they aren’t doing it right. Ty Burna for example, didn’t do it right. He thought he had everyone where he wanted them, but they all slipped from underneath his slimy little hands and look at him now. What’s that? You can’t? That’s because he’s nothing but a charred corpse curtsey of an errant lightning bolt. The fool. And now, the door is open, the top of the world is unoccupied for the first time in an eon and the throne that sits on the peak is the perfect fit for myself.

Still we pull out. The office even sharper behind Holmes. Likely a one-way mirror so the boss can observe his employees. Holmes is in this boss’ office for a reason unbeknownst to us. Then, finally, we stop pulling out. Still fixated on Holmes. Then, we suddenly change for the first time to the boss. A man with thick horn-rimmed-glasses, a broad, brush like moustache on his face and a flat-top haircut. He isn’t thin, but far from morbidly obese. A little chubby. He has his hands clasped, and sits across from Holmes, still not saying a word. Suddenly he speaks:

Boss: Mr. Holmes, I can tell by the way you speak that you’re an intelligent, well spoken man, but you still haven’t really gotten to your point yet, have you?

Holmes: Oh but don’t you see? I am talking about my point.

Boss: Well then I’m afraid I don’t see it.

Holmes: Allow me to explain in simpler terms. I wish to rule WZCW with an iron fist. I look to do it through fear so that none will dare cross me like Chris K.O. did with the previous owner Ty Burna. I seek to capture the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship and rule via that method. However...

There is a pause from Holmes as the boss continues to listen on, waiting for Holmes to complete this sentence.

Boss: However, what?

Holmes adjusts his tie, a little uncomfortable suddenly.

Holmes: quest for utter domination and control is impeded by WZCW’s continued reluctance to reward me with a World Heavyweight Championship match. In 2012 I have broken the record for length in a Lethal Lottery match, been Elite X Champion, left Big Dave in a pool of his own blood, defeated Steven Kurtesy and slaughtered John Constantine and still, despite all this, I have yet to receive my championship match. I understood Ty Burna’s desire to keep me below him, it was understandable for a power-mad narcissist such as himself to do that, but now what stops this company from putting me up against Drake Callahan and the World Championship? Chris K.O.

Boss: Chris K.O.?

Holmes: K.O. is the now owner as per the rules of the casket match between himself and Burna. He’s the one making the decisions. He’s mentally weak though so I suppose it’s excusable. I also don’t believe he’ll keep the company under his name. He saw what the total power did to Ty, corrupting and twisting him; he’ll no doubt wish to rid himself of such a “curse”. What he doesn’t realise is that with the right control and mental powers one can wield such a power and remain the same. I for one fit that bill, and that is why I am here. I am going to buy WZCW and finally get my shot at immortality, becoming the omnipotent presence in WZCW.

Boss: So you wish to purchase WrestleZone Championship Wrestling? That’s what you’ve been sitting here building up to for the last fifteen minutes or so?

Holmes: Correct.

The boss leans back in his reclining chair, relaxing a little now that Holmes has finished. He moves his head side to side, nodding and sticking out his bottom lip, as if considering it. He tucks the lip back in and nods more firmly this time.

Boss: Alright then, shall we get started?

Holmes grins and showcases his pearly white teeth, a hint of madness remaining in his eyes. A slight chuckle begins to rise up from Holmes belly, bursting out like an almighty bellow. We begin to depart, fading out as the sound of Holmes laughter grows louder.
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