MD77: Alex Bowen vs. Mr. Baller

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The scene opens up at the Ed Sullivan Theater, David Letterman is going through his nightly sketch. Entertaining the masses in front of him. Dressed in his usual, he slowly wraps up and walks back to the middle of the stage.

David- Well, well, well today we have quite a treat for you guys! How many of you are fans of pro wrestling?

David slowly paces on stage as the crowd responds. He smiles and claps his hands together.

David- How many of you know about a company called Wzcw?

The crowd erupts, the camera pans about and finds smiling faces. A few die hard fans are shown with Wzcw merch on.

David- Well next we have someone who you might know then! His name is Alex Bowen and he is NEXT!

The band plays the commercial out. Letterman makes his way back to his desk. Sitting down he looks over a few notes for the interview. An intern comes and takes the papers from David, and slowly the producer counts him back on Tv. Letterman takes a large breath.

David- The King of Mayhem, this man just became it all. He won what people are calling the most brutal match ever at Redemption. Ladies and gentlemen I give you ALEX BOWEN!!!

Bowen's music plays, The hills have eyes hammers the speakers in the studio and the crowd erupts. Bowen slowly walks out, his head totally skin bald and bushy black beard still growing. He is dressed up quite a bit, in a brand new Wzcw funded suit.

David- This guy! This guy just impaled another man a few days ago people. Literally threw him off the top of a 20 foot tall cage. How do you do something like that Mr. Bowen?

Alex- First off David, you can call me Alex. I work for a living Bro, you saw that match I believe. To answer your question, it was easy. I said I would send Steamboat Ricky's whole legacy out with a wimper. He thinks it matters that people might think that he is more hardcore than me. But in the end, I made the lights go out on something that was well overdue.

David- We were well warned at the start of the match. What do you think about people saying Ricky had the match won? I saw the match and you were pretty well out of it on that table.

Alex- The thing about me is I never give up. Ricky could have won that match, but he let his pride get in the way. I had one goal, get the win. That's it, and I knew what I had to do. Ricky wanted to build on his legacy, but in the end he just crashed and burned. He wanted to end me, but I ended up winning because I was smarter than him.

David looks over at Bowen. He is looking at his forehead. A fresh bandage still covers the damage done at redemption.

David- Is that where he bit you? I saw that Alex, man that was something else.

Alex shrugs his shoulders.

Alex- It's just part of the business. He thought that would phase me out or something. He did something crazy, and I came right back and did something more. Don't be surprised if you see kids on the indi circuit doing stuff like that now. I kind of feel bad for stealing the spotlight from the mayhem title match. But in the end we really just put the bar up higher for them to climb. Ricky and I did things that they will have to work harder to match. In the end I really think all mayhem matches will look to this match. To see if they did something more extreme, or if it was a better match.

David- I really can't see anyone topping that match for quite some time. What is next for Alex Bowen in the realm of Mayhem? Have you talked about that yet?

Alex- Well yes I have, I've had a few meetings with my training staff, and the brass. I think the door is still open for me in that division. But I created a log jam there. For nine months I stood a top that mountain. That really is the first step for everyone now in the company. I killed a lot of dreams for people. A lot of people simply couldn’t keep up with me, so they left, or were fired. I think it's time for something new, I've broke down a wall now David. I'm in better shape, and I think it's time to move on. Well who am I kidding, I am moving on.

David- From the company? Are you leaving Wzcw?

Alex takes the question in, and shakes his head. The look on his face is priceless.

Alex- I just spent the last month fighting some dude to prove that I can still do my job here. In the past six months I've been working with top notch trainers to get back in shape, and learn more of the trade. It's not time for me to leave, it's time for Alex Bowen to do something he has never done. I'm taking a step out of my comfort zone, and I will be moving into regular matches. I don’t know where I fit in on the card. Because hell in almost twenty years I've only had a handful of clean non tag matches. But this is going to be something new for me, I think guys like Mick Overlast and Triple X will now have someone new to think about.

David- Well it does sound that way. Question? You said you've only had a few clean matches over your whole career, how does that affect you moving into something like this?

Alex- Well when I said a few, I was exaggerating a little bit. I've had my fair share of regular singles matches. But when you look at the number of hardcore matches to singles. It's a rather small number. But I think I will do just fine. In high school I was a state level wrestler, I've been training at that again. I've also been working with my old trainer James and his son. Who is turning into a monster cage fighter.

David- What have you been working on?

Alex- Just a lot of submissions, and ground wrestling. I think you will really start to see a newer Alex Bowen. Well of course once I get my footings in. This is going to be something really new to me. But I'm going to enjoy my time here.

Alex adjusts in his seat, looking out at the crowd. David reads something on the teleprompter and looks at Bowen.

David- You wouldn't be above taking questions from the crowd would you?

Alex- Not really, we still have time don’t we.

The producer shakes his head, and puts up two fingers.

David- We have time for two more questions. People, you better make them good ones!

Letterman and Bowen sit next to each other, a man runs out into the crowd and picks a random person. He's about six foot tall with a five o'clock shadow.

Man- On it's showing that this week you will face Mr. Baller in his return match. How do you feel about that? Do you feel like Mr. Baller is a higher level wrestler on the card?

Alex puts up his hands and has a huge OH NO! smile on his face.

Alex- Oh god Mr. Baller.... If he was a higher level wrestler don't you think he would be here, and not me? Baller is one of the guard, never quite good enough to win the big one, but always there. You have to get past him, and I think this will say something for me if I pull out a win. He has main evened a pay per view for the world title, and he's coming back. It would be a perfect time for me to put him away and move up the card. People could definitely believe Alex Bowen is a threat if I beat Mr. Baller. He has that name, you know who he is. But really he's never been a draw in the company like I have. I've not lost since I came back, and Baller will be no exception. He has nothing on me, i'm one of the biggest draws in the company at the moment. He on the other hand is nothing.

David- Good stuff Bowen, next question!

The man with the mic shakes the taller man's hand and walks around in the crowd. He picks out a bombshell with a Wzcw shirt on. Blonde hair, a lot of makeup, and a perfect white smile.

Woman- Will you be going after a title? Something like maybe the Eurasian title?

Alex- I think if the time comes I could move into that. But in all reality I think with a few wins I would be better suited to start out in the Elite X division. I think I would fit in there better, more risks for me to take. Don't get anything twisted, I'm still the King of mayhem, I will still bring the pain. But now I have to focus on making people hurt without using weapons. With my new training I think my first opponent Mr. Baller will be in for quite the surprise. No matter my name, or what I've done in the past. I have to work my ass off, and work up the division. I'm at the bottom of the pile right now, I don't think it would be proper to tell Mick Overlast that I'm coming to beat his ass for the title. I'm sure I could, but I'm old school. I haven't earned anything, maybe after a few matches, a few wins I could talk about that. But for now, it's Mr. Baller. You lose matches when you look past people like him. I'm defiantly not going to let my ego get in the way.

David- Alright that's all the time we have for questions today. Alex would you like to say anything before commercial.

Alex shakes his head, and stands up out of his chair. He points out to the crowd.

Alex- For to long I've been a victim to the blade against myself, bloodletting all of my soul. Stuck in, and paralyzed in this vortex. Reduced to silence, In the dark I've lingered too long. But now I will reach for the top, and master all that I've been taught. I lost my fears, and the notion of time. I healed my sorrow, and all boundaries are nothing but illusion when you reach the center light. All the ghosts from my past are gone, and this is my time to rise. Like I said, you and Mr. Baller will see who Alex Bowen really is. No more chains of chaos to hold me down. This is my time to bring down the axe and open the light on Wzcw.

The crowd erupts, a huge roar gets louder as Bowen hypes up the crowd. David Letterman is clapping behind the former mayhem champion, a large smile almost cracks his face. We cut to commercial and the scene fades out.
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