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MD75: Scott Williams and Arashi vs. Krypto and The Angel

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
WZCW is proud to welcome three new superstars who have applied to join the ranks amongst the most elite wrestlers in the world: Scott Williams; Arashi and; the Angel. They will compete in tag team action alongside a newly-debuted star in Krypto on the flagship show of WZCW in the opening contest. We would like to wish all competitors the best of luck in their careers.

Deadline is Tuesday, June 26th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
A man of about forty years old sits behind a lexan window. He is a prisoner in the United States Penitentiary in Atlanta, Georgia. He is waiting for a visit from his younger brother, Scott Williams. After about ten minutes, Scott walks in.

Scott: Hey Ross, how you been?

Ross: About as good as you can be in a prison. How you been holding up?

Scott: (sighs) I've been decent. I've got my debut match in WZCW this week.

Ross: Really? (smiles) I'm proud of you little bro. Who you facing?

Scott: I'm tagging with another debuting guy, Arashi. I hear he's pretty good. You know, came from Japan. Our opponents are crap though. Krypto and The Angel.

Ross: What's so bad about them? And what in the hell is a Krypto? Sounds like an alien from outer space.

Scott: (gives a maniacal laugh, and then his face twitches) Well, the idiot thinks he's some kind of alien. He got clobbered in his first match last week. I think he only got one, maybe two moves in on his opponent. He's garbage.

Ross: (smiles) And what about The Angel?

Scott: (another maniacal laugh) From what I've heard, he's a Jehovah's Witness who picked up some wrestling boots one day. He's actually approached me in the back with a Bible. Completely ridiculous. If he wanted to be a preacher, he should've stayed in the suburbs going door to door. Not in my ring. (smile begins to turn into a frown)

Ross: What's up with you?

Scott: It's the company management. Ty Burna. He's booking me in this uninteresting, boring match. Why would he get me, and one of the best to come out of Japan to face two guys who shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring? (face begins to twitch uncontrollably) I want to be challenged. (voice rising) You can SEE that I'm the next big thing Ross. Can't you!?

Ross: Well of course, but- (interrupted)

Scott: I shouldn't be booked in this match! Straight away, I should be booked against a champion, no questions asked. (begins to scream) I AM the next big thing in WZCW! (calms down) Management is going to pay for this.

Ross: You haven't had one match yet. Relax, they'll realize your talent.

Scott: You know, Ty Burna is doing a LOT of things I agree with. But this.... this makes me think completely different about him. You know, I'm starting to think he's as dumb as any fan of this product in which I'M not making a meaningful debut is. This pisses me off Ross. And you know, if I'm starting at the bottom like this.... does that mean I'm staying there for a while?

Ross: I wouldn't know Scott, I haven't been out of this place in eight years.

Scott: Ty Burna has two options Ross. He's either going to give me the spot I deserve on the roster, or he's going to have a major problem on his hands.

Ross: Bro, are you okay? Have you been taking your medication?

(screaming) You think you're my doctor!? How dare you ask me if I've been taking my meds. Go to hell Ross, oh wait, you're already behind bars. (laughs maniacally for the third time, and punches the lexan window)

(Police officer walks up to Scott)

Officer: Sir, I'm afraid you're going to have to leave, right now. (grabs Scott's arm)

Get the hell off me, I'm going. (puts the phone down that he was using to talk to Ross through the window, when he realizes all the other visitors in the room are staring) And what in the hell are all of you staring at!?


(Scott shrugs the officer off of him and leaves the prison.)

Scott: (to himself) Ty Burna has two options...
The Misadventures of Krypto

Teaming with an Angel can be a blessing.

Krypto is seen walking backstage after his match on Meltdown, he is surprisingly happy after his crushing defeat. “Krypto is comforted by his toy robot RJX9, and R2D2 action figure that only Krypto can hear.”

Are you okay sir?

I’m awesome, why?

Well…your first match wasn’t exactly a success.

Well what can I say, my Furon chemical levels were low from all the space travel we did to get here. That guy was also bigger, taller, stronger, and had more experience than me. I went out there to have fun, doesn’t matter if I lose as long as I get to go out and wrestler in front of all these humans.

Ok….well what now?

Very good question, there are still many things I don’t yet understand about this WZCW let alone the planet Earth. I don’t know what to do now, my match is over, I have no idea when I will wrestler next, and besides you RJ I’ve got nobody to talk to. It’s a really weird feeling.

I think this is the human emotion of loneliness sir, it says here on my database the base way to overcome this is to make friends.

Good idea RJ.

Krypto begins to walk around the arena hugging and kissing on the cheeks of various members of the staff and crew, eagerly trying to gain friendship and shake his feelings of loneliness. But everyone he meets is freaked out by him, they give him weird looks as he passes by, he can even hear some people laugh at him behind his back. He’s confused when people ask him why he’s wearing a costume. He thought he made it clear he’s from another planet. Krypto then retreats back into an empty locker room somewhat depressed.

Man, making friends is hard RJ.

We’re not on Nova Terra anymore sir.

Yeah I know, things were easier there, the people were friendlier, people here look at me like I’m some freak, and I’m completely different from everyone here.

Well as far as we know sir you are the only “alien” on this planet. And you did come here because you wanted something different.

True, I just thought humans would be more accepting people than this, you’d think people would be happy to see a different species want to learn from their culture.

The walls of Nova Terra were not built in a day Krypto, we must wait.

Krypto begins to slowly fall asleep in the empty arena not having anywhere else to go and tired from exhaustion.

The Next Morning…..

A janitor wakes Krypto up from his slumber.


Wha…what is it?

You’re going to have to wake up bum, time for me to clean this place, how did you even get in here there was huge WZCW show last night.

I was there! I was on that show!

Yeah…you don’t look like a wrestler to me pal, I mean come on what’s up with the ridiculous costume and action figure?

It’s….it’s my skin….

Yeah sure thing pal, you got five minutes to scram before I call security.

Wait! Hold on….will you be my friend?

Uh….sorry kid I don’t think so. Don’t you have any friends?

None whatsoever, except for my robot pal here I guess but I’m new to this planet.

Uh huh….well you got to have faith kid, things will go your way soon enough.

The janitor begins to leave the room and begins to mop up the hallways.

What is faith RJ?

I believe it has something to do with a strong belief in God sir.

What is God?

I’m not really sure, but it’s something humans worship at a place called Church I think.

Let’s find this place called Church.

Krypto then leaves the arena and aimlessly wonders around while people on the street stare at him until he finds a huge building with the word Holy Trinity Church. He walks in amazed at what he sees. A choir of children blissfully singing, men dressed up in clothing Krypto’s never seen before reading wonderful stories out of a black book with a cross on it.

Amazing isn’t it?

Krypto turns around to see a man fully dressed in a white luchador like mask, white wrist bands, and even white tights.

Who are you?

I am what they call the Angel. I can only assume you are who they call Krypto right?

Yeah how did you know that?

I recently applied to become a wrestler at WZCW; after the show was over I was informed my first match would be next week in a tag match teaming with you against two other rookies. I saw your match last night; you’re uh…very easy to remember.

You…you look different just like me. Do people stare at you too?

Yes people do stare at me from time to time because I never take my mask off. I have adapted the style from Mexico, where wrestlers wear mask and costumes when they compete to protect their identity, kind of like what you’re doing now.

No this is actually my skin; I’m not really from this planet.

Well I am also not from this world.

Are you an alien too?

Uh…no I’m from a place called Heaven. It’s where God, Angels, and people who have faith in god go after they die.

There’s that word again, faith.

Yes faith is having a strong belief in God, but we can talk about that later, it’s a good thing I found you so we can talk about our match.

How did you even know I was here?

I sometimes do charity work here, and the fact that you just stumbled upon me here is what us Angels like to call a blessing.

Wow, I’m learning so much. I can’t believe I just met an Angel.

Better believe it, now come on; let’s go somewhere quieter so we can talk about our match.

Krypto then follows Angel into a small empty chapel He sees a picture of an Angel with wings and a halo on the wall as he enters. They both sit down and Angel pulls out a laptop.

So I was informed of our opponents, here they are: Scott Williams and Arashi. Scott Williams is a self-proclaimed outsider, his intentions of coming into this company is to bring down the management and higher ups. He is pretty much a loner.

Why would anybody want to be alone, I’m alone and it’s a terrible feeling. Also what grudge does he have against management? Doesn’t he know he’s lucky to even be wrestling on the flagship show?

I believe everybody who was made by God is unique, just look at us, were completely different from anybody else and we have the chance to make it in the best wrestling company in the world. We shouldn’t judge Mr. Williams but we in no way should let his rebellious side walk all over us. It is unknown why he hates the higher ups but he wants to apparently bring down the establishment. We’re going to make sure that doesn’t happen right?

No way, there has to be a way we can change his attitude, are all humans like this?

I have faith that after we beat them we can change that. Now onto our other opponent Arashi, he seems like a very honorable wrestler for Japan, he seems to at least have more respect than his rebellious partner. Though he does tend to underestimate opponents, something he will most likely due to us seeing as were both shorter than our opponents.

There are not very many weaknesses with these guys, how do we know if we can beat them?

It’s simple amigo, egos, I’ve just met you and even though you seem like a peculiar person I can tell you’re a very nice and easy going guy just looking to have fun. I’m a messenger of God looking to live out my dreams of wrestling. Both Williams and Arashi have huge egos and completely different agendas in mind. Arashi is untrustworthy and Williams doesn’t like to be told what to do. And even if they can work together I have faith you and me are the superior team.

You’re really been helpful man thanks. I’ve realized now you just have to have faith, you can’t scream and yell and demand good things will happen to you like Williams and you can’t back stab everyone who won’t obey your every word like Arashi. Thanks Angel.

No problem man, actually I was going to do my first interview today, did you want to come?


Angel begins to get up.

But hey hold on; do want to be my friend?

Angel turns around and begins to smile under his mask.

Anybody who has faith in God is a friend of mine.

Angel then leaves the chapel.

I did it RJ; I finally made a more or less human friend.

That’s all well and good Krypto but you don’t need friends to succeed in WZCW. Drake Callahan, Sam Smith, the Apostles, all people who I don’t believe are very concerned with making friends did everything they could to win on Meltdown.

What do you mean?

There is going to come a time in which you have to adapt and become a vicious and do anything it takes to win just like humans, just like your opponents.

……No, as exciting as this world is I refuse to give up the morals of my home planet. I’m different from everybody here and thanks to Angel I realize that’s a good thing. This world hasn’t seen anything like me and I plan on showing Scott Williams and Arashi that no human will ever walk over me like I’m nothing again.

Umm….Krypto? Are you talking to that action figure?

His name is RJX….never mind. Let’s just go do that interview.

Krypto and Angel then leave the church.
The scene opens to an orphanage, deep in the south of Mexico. The Angel can be seen laying in his bed. His mask is off but his face can't be seen as it is to dark. He rolls over and looks at his clock hanging on a wall. 2:45. He sighs as he can't any sleep. Restless, he takes his mask off of a mannequin head he keeps it on while it's off of him and slips it on. He puts on a shirt and pants and walks out of his small room. As soon as he walks outside, he sees an ad in a newspaper article that reads:

WZCW está aceptando pruebas de aptitud para la lista principal! Ir a Stanford CT con las aplicaciones de fondo de la lucha libre y estar listo para un partido.

WZCW is hiring?

He looks up to the sky.

Thank you Father!

A day goes by and the Orphanage is having a fiesta for The Angel as a going away present. He is waving goodbye to his family and all the orphans, as he is going to the United States in hopes of getting a job at WZCW. He waves to his family one last time and takes his seat on the bus.

A few days later, he finally reached Stanford. He has made it to the top promotion in wrestling today. The Angel looks around as a bunch of people are staring at him, due to his mask. He walks off, suitcase in hand, and begins his search for the WZCW Headquarters. He looks far off into the distance and only sees cars and giant buildings, way different from what he is use to.

About an hour into his walk he comes across the HQ. Outside, a bunch of other wrestlers looking to prove themselves for a chance at the greatest wrestling business in the world. He walks up to a man shouting on a microphone and taps him on the shoulder.

Excuse me, Senor?

What do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy?

Another man shouts in the distance to the man on the microphone, calling him by his first name. Chuck. That's when the man with the microphone turns around and he is revealed to be Chuck Myles.

Are you still here? What do you want?

I'm here to try-out for WZCW.

Of course you are. Well, go fill out the paperwork at that table and we will call you in when we are ready for you.

The Angel gets a surprised look on his face as he didn't know paperwork was involved, but what can you expect from the greatest wrestling company. Only the best of the best compete in WZCW. Barbosa, Ty Burna, Titus, and Matt Tastic. All of the worlds greatest competitors wrestling under one roof. The Angel heads to the table and begins to fill out his paperwork. He takes a seat on the ground and begins to pray. He prays for his Lord to finally let this be his chance. A chance to make money for his family. For the orphans back home. That's why he got into wrestling in the first place. What seems like hours of waiting, he finally hears his name being called and finally get his chance. On the way there, he begins to pray again.

"The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance." Jonah 2:1-10

He walks up to the building, still praying, and sees Chuck Myles inside an office. He goes inside and Chuck Myles gets a dead look on his face.

Oh, great. So you are Angel? The man who bugs me. Of course, We lose control of WZCW to Ty Burna and you come along. Well, tell me something about you?

My name is The Angel. I come all the way from Mexico City to wrestler in WZCW. Our Heavenly Father has blessed me with the ability to wrestle and that's why I do.

Chuck Myles looks at Angel. He loses control and begins to laugh like a five year old.

You are one of them? A Catholic who is all about God? Please, that gimmick gets old.

It's not a gimmick. It's who I am. "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless." James 1:26

I studied the bible for many years and It's who I am. Call me a fake or a phony all you want.

You have heart, kid. Do you really think you have what it takes to be in to major leagues?

I do. I know I do.

Fine. I'm going to give you what's called a temp contract. It means, I'm going to put you in a match on Meltdown this week. You have a good showing and the contract is yours. If you suck, I let you go without any money. Deal?

Yes. Who are my opponents going to be?

I should let it be a surprise, but since one of them already knows about the match, it will be all over the internet. On Meltdown, you will face off in tag team action against two man making their debut as well. Their names our Scott Williams and Arashi. Both have the same contract as you. You're partner lost his debut last week. His name is Krypto.

Where can I find this Krypto?

Well, the last I heard of him, he went down to some church in downtown. Look for a guy dressed as an Alien.

With that being said, The Angel walks off smiling. He walks out the doors of the building and throws his hands in the air towards God. He begins to thank him for everything he has done. The food on his table, the clothes on his back, and the roof over his head. He looks ahead and wipes a single tear from his eye.

I must find you Krypto. We will be the greatest team in WZCW history.

The Angel walks off, still a single suitcase in hand, and on his own path God has created for him. This is his chance. Might be his last chance to support his family.

The Angel is seen getting off a bus downtown. He calms down and takes a deep breath and continues his journey to find Krypto. He notices a small church on the middle of the city and decides that is a great place to start looking. He opens the door to the church and couldn't believe his eyes. A real life Alien was standing before him!


Yeah, that's me? Who are you?

My name is The Angel. I'm your tag team partner this week on Meltdown.

Angel? Well, great to meet you. I'm Krypto from the planet Terra Nova. And this is my best friend, RJX9.

The Angel looks baffled as Krypto holds up an old action figure. He shrugs it off as he is not one to judge a book by it's cover.

You are from another planet?

Yes sir, I sure am. Are you from Heaven?

No. I took the name Angel because of our Father from the Heavens. He is the one who created both you and I.

Ok, So you are from Earth and not Heaven. Can I ask you a question?

Sure anything.

Do you know Chuck Norris?

The Angel looks at Krypto like he is insane and pauses before answering him. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

No, I don't. Are you ready to train for our match?

Bongtrong! Oh, sorry, I forgot you don't speak Novian. On my planet, that means yes!

The two set off, this time to find a wrestling ring to train together. Their match at Meltdown is in a few days, and with each passing second, The Angel is getting more and more nervous. Days go by, and the team train night and day to beat their Meltdown opponents. Finally, the moment they waited for has arrived. Moments away from making his debut match, The Angel is getting very nervous. He jumps when someone taps on his shoulder. He shrieks and turns around, only to see Krypto and Leon Kensworth at behind him.

This is Leon! He is a backstage interviewer here in WZCW. He wants to know if it's true.

Know if what's true?

If you can fly?

I told you a hundred times, Krypto, I'm not a real Angel. It's just a name.

But in the chapel earlier you told me you were Angel.

We were never in the chapel Krypto, in fact that whole conversation was days ago.

Krypto awkwardly pauses and whispers to RJX9 as Leon and Angel being the interview.

Well, I have decided to do an interview with you two...if yo don't mind Angel? Krypto already gave me his approval.

Sure, Leon. Ask away.

Well, you two are teaming for the first time in your careers. How do you feel you fare off against your opponents?

Our opponents are as new as me. They also have the Temp contract I was given. Having a man who competed in a WZCW ring already gives us the advantage.

Plus, Angel can fly!

Krypto, I can't fly. I'm not a real angel!

Krypto shakes his head no and whispers something to his doll.

Your family must be proud of you.

My family will be waiting for a phone call. Unfortunately, they can't watch but they know in their hearts that I will do my best. That's all a man can do.

A man comes up and informs the team that their music is about to play and their match is next. Krypto's plays first and out he runs. The Angel can hear the crowd cheer for his new friend. He grins as he hopes to impress the crowd as much as Krypto did.

"Do this, knowing the time, that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep; for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed." Romans 13:11

The Angels music blares through the speakers and out he goes. Family is all that is on his mind. A good show is what Chuck Myles wants, a great show is what he will get.
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