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MD74: Ricky Runn vs. Mikey Stormrage

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
After losing their titles at Kingdom Come, RRR Express member Ricky Runn will have the chance to take on one half of the new tag champs Mikey Stormrage in singles competition to gain some retribution and possibly showcase that a rematch for the titles are in order. However, with both men bruised and battered from the TLC match, which man will have the advantage of being less injured and be able to expose their opponents weakness to take home the victory for their team?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
It is a sunny day in Orlando Florida, barely a cloud in the sky over Islands of Adventure. Ricky Runn and Mikey Stormrage just got through the entrance gate with their tickets. After their bloody match at Kingdom Come, Ricky and Mikey wanted to celebrate Strikeforce’s victory in the TLC match. However, Mikey’s partner, James Howard couldn’t make it due to spending time with his beau while Ricky’s partner, Austin Reynolds hasn’t answered any of Ricky’s calls since Kingdom Come. Ricky was slightly worried about how Austin is taking the loss. He knew how proud Austin was of being a tag team champion. But despite losing the titles, Ricky took the loss like a grain of salt, he had a huge smile on his face as he looked about the park. Ricky is seen wearing the red brony shirt Mikey gave him before Kingdom Come. Mikey was wearing both tag titles around his waist, having one attached to the other so it could fit around his waist. Mikey looks over to Ricky and says with a grin.

“Hey Rick, thanks for the tag titles. But these things are way too small to wear. Just don’t tell James I stole his title.”

Ricky rolls his eyes after Mikey’s comment and responds with a smile.

“Well bro, when we get back to the shows we can ask the crew backstage if they can refit your…Generous girth.”

“You trying to say I’m fat, Ricky?”

“No no, I’m just saying you share the same waist size of Austin and I if we were standing side by side.”

“Well obviously I wasn’t fat enough to climb the ladder and grab the titles.”

“Well you might too fat to sit in a roller coaster.”

The two both laughed before Mikey gave a playful jab to Ricky’s shoulder. The two finally make their way to the Hulk ride. But unfortunately for the both of them, the line was ungodly long. The two stood in line for a solid 30 minutes with the line only moving inch by inch. The look on Ricky’s face can tell you he is getting impatient of waiting in line, Mikey on the other hand is enjoying himself with a giant ball of cotton candy. Mikey gets onto his tippy toes and looks over the giant line and says to Ricky.

“Hey Ricky, I think we should just get out of this line and find something else to do. This line is taking forever and I am running out of cotton candy. “

Ricky looks over to Mikey and shakes his head. He then says in a very boastful tone.

“No way in hell dude, we already spent 30 minutes in line. We are going to sit this out and ride this thing.”

Mikey sighs after taking the last bite in his cotton candy. To pass the time, the now tag team champion grins and says to Ricky.

“Hey Ricky, what’s the difference between you and Selena Gomez? “

Ricky shrugs his shoulder and waits for Mikey to continue.

“Selena at least has a girlfriend.”

Ricky and Mikey both laugh at the cheap joke. Once the two stopped laughing, Ricky grins and asks Mikey.

“Hey Mikey, what’s the difference between you and the Grand Canyon?”

“No idea, what?”

“People pay to see the grand canyon.”

The two once again laugh at their cheap jabs at one another. Ricky grins and shoots another rib at Mikey.

“Hey Mikey, your momma is so fat….She is currently on a diet trying to improve her lifestyle.”

The line gasps at the rather poor momma joke. After a bit, a few notice who Mikey and Ricky were and one person yells loudly.

“Yo Momma battle!!!”

Ricky and Mikey look around to see all eyes are on them. The line has turned almost into a circle while both the WZCW superstars stand in the middle of it. Mikey plays along and says boldly.

“Oh yeah, well I had sexual relations with your Mother last night with Joe West.”

“My mother is dead dude, you know that.”

“Oh…Well that explains why she didn’t move around much last night.”

The crowd makes a loud oooohh sound at the joke. Ricky covers his mouth to act surprised at the joke. But it is to cover the smile on his face. Ricky then retorts.

“Well your momma is so fat, she was originally casted for the movie The Abyss, starring as The Abyss.”

The crowd once again ooo’s at the yo momma joke. Mikey smiles and says back to Ricky.

“Your momma's so dead, the way she's been laying on her back... you'd think she was still alive. .”

“Yo mama's so fat, she jumped for joy and got stuck.”

“Your momma's so dead, when she croaked... deaths pale horse was a pony.”

“Yo momma's so fat she needs a VCR for a pager”

“Your Mama is so dead, she is on display in the Museum of Natural History next to the caveman.”

“Yo momma's so fat she had to get baptised at sea world.”

The two’s tirade goes on for seemingly forever, the line to the Hulk ride clears up while Ricky and Mikey are too busy appeasing the crowd with their rather crummy Yo Momma jokes. The two go on forever while one rather scrawny looking kid is typing away furiously on his Smartphone.
Can you believe this James? One more title defense and we will have held the tag titles for a full year. That is unheard of. Forget company records, we are going for universal records. So to the alien version of Mikey Stormrage out there, suck it bro.

Just don't get too cocky this is our toughest test yet, we have to defend against two cyborgs programmed to exploit our ever weakness. On top of that they have rocket launchers and net guns. Oh and they can predict the future.

Piece of cake. Speaking of cake, I'm hungry!

The battle waged on for what seemed like a years. In fact it only took about four seconds. As soon as I stepped into the ring the cyborg launched a rocket. It appeared to be over when suddenly a masked man rappelled down into the ring and not only karate kicked the rocket away, but he kicked it right back into the cyborg, destroying him instantly.

James and I both looked at him star struck.
Wow, thanks masked man!
yeah you sure pulled our knickers out of a jam there mate.

Have no fear citizens for I Rucky Rinn, the masked crime fighting daredevil will always help a friend in need. By the way if you see my good buddy, Ricky Runn tell him he is the coolest most awesome guy in the world and he could kick my butt any day of the week.


Hello. I answer groggily

Mikey, its James, are you still asleep? Its like four in the afternoon.

No I was just resting my eyes. There was a bug in my eye and I was trying to smother it. I sleepily say.

Well the match listing is up......blah blah blah....Meltdown...blah blah blah...Ricky Runn...blah blah blah....England stuff....blah blah blah...tag team...

I drifted to sleep again.

Oi! Are you listening? Come on mate stay awake! I think I lost my tag belt, have you seen it?

I look down and see both belts still around my waist.

No man, check uhhhh I don't know maybe, uhhh, Buckingham Palace. Did we go there? Sounds England enough.

What are you on about?

I'm tired, I will look for your belt in the morning. Ricky and I teaming together this week on Meltdown. Gotcha.

No no no, that isn't...

With that I hung up. I was pretty tired but I had important things to take care of. I jumped onto Xbox Live and checked to see if my Battlefield buddies were on. Sure enough, CM Waffle, Letters, and Captain England were all online. It was time to beat some blueberries.



Both Ricky and myself said in unison England Guys! 'Ello!

We bantered back and forth for a while while playing until Ricky and I were the only two left. The time difference across continents was a major headache. By this point we had completely abandoned actually playing the objectives and supporting our team and were full on dicking around. We made it a point to go out of our way to kill our teammates.

At one point I placed C4 on Ricky's tank.

Why are you putting C4 on my tank?

To protect it.

Our childish attitudes toward the fictional war continued until Ricky decided to to run me over.

CM Waffle Team Kill Tired Penguin

You ran me over you butt licker!

You ain't getting my sympy... Ricky coughed, ...sympy... he coughed again, sympathy.

You are a poop face and this weekend when we tag together I will jump off the apron when you try to tag me.

That makes me wonder, why are we teaming up this weekend? Austin told me he and James were fighting on Ascension, so why are we teaming up on Meltdown? Surely they wouldn't make us fight each other would they?

Who knows? Maybe cause we are the best friends ever.

Good point, we are friends and gamers. The best kind. I'm getting hungry though.

Me too. I will drive over and we can get some food.

Where do you want to go for lunch?

Cracker Barrel! I said without missing a beat.

With that I set off to Ricky's place. After a great day at the amusement park the day before, we were off on another adventure that only two idiot friends could hope to have.
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