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MD74: Brad Bomb vs. Matt Tastic

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
The fall-out from Kingdom Come continues as the two men who competed in the Elimination Chamber but yet unsuccessful in winning will be taking each other on in singles competition. Matt Tastic took a beating from his encounter in the chamber but he won't get any sympathy from Bomb who is looking to avenge his early defeat. Can Tastic overcome his foe or will Bomb show that he still means business?

Deadline is Tuesday, June 12th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
You are cleared to go home now, Matt.


Voices can be heard but nothing can be seen yet.

You still have a week off. Your back will be sore, but there's no real trauma. A little R&R will get you ready to move on.

Eyes open. The scene is a hospital with a doctor standing in front with charts on his hand and a nurse taking a table away.


The surroundings now change as we see Matt Tastic sitting by what seems to be a canal. An open air sewer system that takes used water for cleaning. Matt seems to be reflecting on something as he simply sits kneeling on rocks with his fist holding his head. What's he thinking about?

One day... Some day... I'll do it...

Matt has a somewhat saddened look on his face. Not really what you'd call a feeling of failure or doubt, more like a feeling that he really didn't do his best. He sits thinking as a figure comes by...

Sheesh, you still come to this stinky place?

It's Matt's friend, Vancel.

You're one to talk. You nicknamed yourself... "Vancel". The hell does that even mean?

Hm. Funny, coming from "Matt Tastic".

Matt turns around to face Vancel as he sits on the ground close to where Matt's sitting.

I guess you're here for the same reason you always came here. To clear your mind. What're you mad about? Rush almost paralyzing you? Losing, period? Constantine won?

Nah, mano. I'm mad at myself.


Matt jumps down from the rocks he was sitting on, but when he lands, he stirs a bit due to back pain.

Why? Because! All these chances, all these opportunities! I've lost them all! It's... Coño, carajo! It's unreal, man! I win and I win and I win! Then the big show comes... And I lose.

Mano, it happens.

Matt drops his arms showing disappointment.

No, man. I'm a choke artist. A damn choke artist. I've been given constant opportunities and I keep losing just when I'm close to win. Have I done anything worthwhile since I was Mayhem champ?

Of course you have, man! You beat Titus clean!

Then he won my contract.

You ended Alex Bowen's winning streak!

Then got pinned and made #1 at the Lottery.

You eliminated entry #30 at Lethal Lottery!

Got eliminated right after that.

You ranked #1 in the F15!

Then lost King For A Day. Is this gonna go anywhere positive at some point? You're really not helping.

Vancel stands up angrily due to Matt's negativity.

Man, what's the matter with you?

I'm mad, man. I'm mad that I constantly fail when it matters the most. It's ridiculous, really. How the hell do I keep repeating the same infernal mistake over and over?

Maybe the answer is where you're picking your fights. You're always fighting more than one guy. I mean, look at guys like Triple X or Black Dragon. They're champions. They fight one on one. Occasional 3 Way on the side, but their opponents are limited. You on the other hand have been facing... What? 6... 30... 6 again... A bunch of guys at once. You want my honest opinion? The company treats you like crap.

What? What in the hell are you talking about?

Think about it, man! Triple X, Black Dragon, Steven Holmes, Blade, Steven Kurtesy, Showtime, these guys always got their titles fighting one opponent. But you, they treat you, one of the top draws, as filler! Dude, at the least you should be Elite X Champion.

Stop tal....

Why were Showtime, Barbosa and Black Dragon fighting for the same thing you were? When you were Mayhem Champion, they didn't let you compete in that Gold Rush Tournament Gordito won to challenge the World Champ. But these guys got that chance and also a chance to win the EurAsian Championship with the champion involved.

Matt's eyes open widely as he seems to believe Vancel's words. He still stands in denial though.

The truth is you're nothing but filler. You haven't done anything significant since beating Titus so long ago. You get the crowd going, but that's about it. You don't get the significant matches on the card, just the one with large numbers made to get the "other" people on the show.

What in the hell is wrong with you? What in the hell are you talking about?

Bro, you really should either embrace what you get... Or sink into chaos.

Matt snaps and backsteps after hearing Vancels ominous words.

You're a failure, Matt. You fail yourself constantly. And you will keep doing that as long as you fail to embrace the Chaos that surrounds you. Only then will you get the title matches, the true support of the crowd and the envy of other wrestlers.

Did... Did Ty really do this to you? Jesus, why the hell would he be interested in messing with me?

He's in control now, he's free to mess with anyone he wants. He'll prey on the weakness in your heart until you embrace his Chaos. Otherwise, you'll just keep lingering in pointless matches against other lost souls that try to escape. The best part is, they have a chance. You don't.

Matt keeps backing off and reaches the side to where the water is. He looks back, but finds that it's a river of blood. He panics and starts to look at his surroundings. What used to be a grassy hill is now withered and cracked. Matt turns to see Vancel, now a mindless sentinel with blank eyes walk towards him slowly.

I'm here to inform you of your next task, fool. You'll be facing another lost soul. Brad Bomb. However, it seems Baller may still hold a grudge against you. He's just as trapped in this endless charade of filler matches as you are. except it's all thanks to you. And Rush.... Rush may want to finish what he started. What will you do, fool?

Matt, very frightened, continues backing up, but once again reaches another edge. This time he realizes he's totally surrounded by the bloody canal with no way out as Vancel keep walking towards him.

No... Dammit, no... All I wanted was to finally have something to show for myself... Why the hell is that so wrong? Why the hell can't I ever come out on top? Dammit, it doesn't matter if I'm or bad, I always just lose in the end...

That's right, Matt. Despair. Despair, for nothings fair. Rush injured you... And Brad Bomb will end his work. You mean nothing to this company. No matter what those rankings say.

I... I can't... I can't give up... I... I...

Your father abandoned you... Your parents neglected you... Your girlfriend pities you... This company... Just doesn't need you...

Matt, on his knees in fear, notices something from the devil-like Vancel's words.

Ty Burna doesn't know a damn thing about me. How would he be able to torture me with stuff he doesn't know about?

Your life isn't one big secret anymore, Matt. You don't hide your face. The Chaos knows. You left your home and school feeling meaningless because your father didn't want to come home. That's why you always try to gain people's acceptance...

Get out of my head....

The Chaos knows all... When you lose to Brad Bomb, the Chaos will consume you...

Vancel finally reaches Matt as he shakes on his knees with his fists and prepares...

I.... I might be afraid... but that doesn't mean I'll.. give up...

Then lose yourself.

Vancel grabs Matt's arms. Matt fights back, but Vancel engulfs Matt as darkness cover everything.



We suddenly return to the hospital room as a frantic Matt gets up from his bed on a hospital robe with an IV attached.

*pant* *pant* What the hell happened?

Kid! Are you OK?

Matt looks to the side, recognizing the voice.

Dad? ...damn... Was I dreaming?

Matt looks to the other side to see Alisha, Leon Kensworth and the doctor standing by.

I guess the sedation did too well a job.

I'm just glad he's awake and ready to go.

He'd better be. He's facing Brad Bomb on Meltdown this week.

What? Brad... I'm facing Brad Bomb this week? Son of a... I... What?

What's wrong with Brad?

Nothing... I... was it really just a dream or what?

Does Brad Bomb worry you?

No... n...no, he's not the problem. It's something else.

With Meltdown 75 and Ascension 50 coming by, word is every title will be on the line. A win here might set you up for one of these title matches.

*pant* *pant* Yeah... Yeah, getting back on track should be my next move. I haven't won a title since 2010. It irks me that guys like Triple X and Brack Dragon get to be champions even though they've been here less time than I have. I never get the chance to see if these guys are legit.

And what about your back?

Are ya' kiddin' me, Leo-Boy? I'm the Super Saiyan of Pro Wrestling. Stuff like this only makes me stronger. *pant* *pant* I'm gonna Deliver Kickassery all over Braddy. And after that, I'm gonna get myself a title shot.

For a guy who just woke up from a nightmare in a hospital due to a nasty back injury, you sure sound confidant.

*pant* *pant* Are you joking? I'm gonna snap Brad like a twig. I'm perfectly fine.

Matt gets up from the bed and "pants" across the room to the bathroom while dragging the empty but still not removed IV. Alisha and Matt's dad have very worried faces. But inside the bathroom Matt splashes water on his face.

Was that all a dream? Or is the Chaos... How did I know... About Brad Bomb? Damn........

“You know it never hurt anybody to smile.”

“Says a man who hasn’t just come out of the King For A Day chamber.”

We see Brad Bomb in the backstage medical area with his friend Matt. Brad sits on the doctor’s table, covered in minor grazes and cuts from putting Drake Callahan through the glass pod and holding an ice pack on his lower back. The two friends share a brief pause of silence as Brad sits there wincing in pain, in the background, the faint sounds of Constantine’s music can be heard.

“I guess that bastard had to win something sometime, there’s only so long you can fail at winning something, right? Only so long before it’s your time…”
Brad’s face gives a look of defeat.

“Hey man, don’t get yourself down. You were unlucky out there, you kicked out before the three count, the ref should have let you stay in and I don’t know what was going on with-“

“Don’t make excuses for me. Out there, I gave it what I had and what I had wasn’t enough and that seems to be a running theme for me recently. Maybe I’m just not cut out for this business.”

“You aren’t seriously thinking about quitting are you?”

“I... I’m not sure. We’ll have to see what happens.”

The scene ends with the WZCW medical staff returning to Bomb with some x-rays, as Matt leaves shocked as they talk to Brad.


We see a long, sandy beach on a hot summer’s day. The waves can be end endlessly crashing upon nearby rocks as people splash around playing games in the water. All along the beach people are entertaining themselves, whether it be reading, sunbathing or playing volleyball. The noticeable figure of Brad Bomb stands out from the rest.

Wearing white khaki shorts, sandals and an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt with a white hat to match, the Englishman strolls along the beach looking at all the people he passes, judging them with his eyes, observing how they act with others and trying to work if they’re happy or not. He walks over to a bar hut and orders himself a drink, he continues to look out over the beach at the people.

“What ya thinking about there boy?” an old man sat at the end of the bar looks towards the confused Brad Bomb, “Yeah I’m talking to you. What ya thinking about?”

“Nothing much that would concern you old man.”

“Oh yeah? You know what I think?”

“Yes and no. What do you think?”

“I think you should tell her that you love her and you’re sorry for what happened.” The old man looks at a bemused Brad, who’s struggling not to break out laughing from the comments. The old man’s face is awash with anger when Brad begins laughing at him and he goes to rise from his chair.

“Hey old man, I ain’t looking for a fight. Besides I can’t, I’d get fired if I did.”

The old man ignores Brad and gets up from his chair, as he walks towards the now embarrassed Brad, he drunkenly stumbles and flails about before falling on the sandy beach. By this point Brad has now broken out in hysterics and is pointing and laughing at the old man. Everyone around him is now looking at him and the old man, a few people are glaring at Brad thinking he is the one responsible for the old man’s accident.

“If that’s the retired life then that’s certainly not what I play to be doing. Sitting at a bar in Honolulu acting like a wise old man you see in the movies and on tv. God no. I have enough problems of my own to even contemplate giving two shits about other people’s problems. That reminds me, best check my phone, I have a match in four days and I have no clue who I’m supposed to be facing.”

Brad checks over his phone, looking at the match list. After he’s done, he’s finishes off his drink and puts his phone back into his pocket.

“Matt Tastic, ay? What’s there left to say about the guy? He had all the momentum but couldn’t produce the goods. His flashy style of wrestling, what with an arsenal that looks to strike every part of the body as equally as the other, aww man it’s adorable. No doubt he’s an opponent I shouldn’t smirk at yet, yet really what is there to be afraid of. I mean really the guy is just so meh and bland, he’s like every other guy out there trying to be different. It ain’t working and soon enough you’ll just be another Chris Beckford, the guy people cheer but they don’t know why exactly, maybe it’s just because he’s not as bland as that other guy and because he didn’t say this town sucks, which in this business, it’s most likely true – your town does suck. I hope to never again have to return to Mobile, Alabama but I digress. Next week, shall be experience for Mr Tastic and one he’ll cherish as it’ll be the first step one of us takes towards doing something meaningful in this company, I just hope it’s me.”

Brad gets up from the bar and walks past the first aid hut where inside the old man has drunkenly passed out and is being lifted by two lifeguards into the recovery position, he laughs at the old man once again before walking off, ending the scene.
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