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MD68 - Sam Smith and Matt Tastic vs. Showtime Cougar and Mr. Baller

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
All four men will be recovering from last week's shenanigans of the Roulette as they take each other on in an exhibition tag team action to showcase what could potentially happening during the Lottery (as all four men have qualified). Unlikely alliances will occur if any of these men wish to gain some momentum heading into the big event. Will Smith and Tastic be able to get along and take down their opponents or will the cheating strategies of Baller and Cougar be too much to handle?

Deadline is Tuesday, January 24th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The scene opens to Sam Smith and Chelsea Shaw walking down a New York City street. Small flurries of snow tumble from the sky and a slight breeze occasionally blows by. Although it is daytime, the streets are fairly abandoned, with a few cars sliding by every so often.

How are you, Sam?

I've been better, then again, I've been much worse.

I'm sorry about the Elite X Championship and all that.

Don't be. I've set higher goals for myself than being a holdover in the midcard. I qualified for the Lethal Lottery last week and not only do I plan on winning it, but I have my sights set on Titus' World Heavyweight Championship at Kingdom Come.

You and your goals, Sam... Can't you just let things happen?

Where will that get me? You can't wait for things to come to you, they don't fall into your lap.

That's not what I'm saying, Sam, but you can't start obsessing over the World Heavyweight Championship.

It's not an obsession, Chelsea. It's something I strive for. I've learned a semblance of restraint ever since I fell off the deep-end a few months ago.

I hope so, Sam.

Can't you just take my word for it?

I can't. I'm sorry, Sam. I just can't. That ship sailed a long time ago.

I'm not the same person who hurt you, Chelsea.

I don't know, Sam. You've always been a charmer, one hell of a talker, but you ruined any possibility of us having a happy relationship. We were going to be married, we were going to be a family, but you ruined that.

Do you think I don't know that? I think about it all the time, but I can't dwell on it.

You shouldn't dwell on it, you should be sorry.

Smith raises his hands into the air, his frustration boiling over, his tone raising.

I am sorry!

Smith looks up into the sky, gathering himself before going on.

Look, can we not just go have lunch? Do we have to do this right now?

Fine, Sam. I just don't understand why you're so dead-set on eluding this, though.


The scene re-opens as Sam and Chelsea are now sitting in a small cafe. The inside of the cafe is the exact opposite of what is going on outside, as it is buzzing with activity.

Look, I'm sorry about that. We'll talk sometime soon, I just don't want to do that right now. Let's just have fun, Chelsea.

That's fair, I suppose. Well, what's in store for you this week in WZCW?

A tag match with Matt Tastic against Showtime and Baller.

Didn't you face Baller at Kingdom Come?

Yeah, I did. Beat him for the number one contendership to the Elite X -- Elite Championship. He's gotten much better in recent months, but I don't like his attitude. He's not in this because he loves it. Showtime strikes me like that, too. Showtime's full of himself, but I can actually learn a bit from him. He won the Lethal Lottery last year, faced Ty Burna in the main event of Kingdom Come. That's something I want to do, too. The thing is, I plan on seizing my opportunity. Once I get my World Heavyweight Championship opportunity, I don't plan on losing.

Overconfidence, Sam?

Maybe. Or maybe it's just that I know what I want in life.

Chelsea stands up out of her seat, making her way to the door.

Don't let it define you, Sam. Please.


The scene re-opens at a WZCW event, with Sam Smith in the ring.

Matt Tastic is ready for battle and so am I. Showtime and Baller will not be leaving Meltdown with their hands raised. No -- we will. Commitment, will, and perseverance is on our side. We don't need the flash that Showtime and Baller will provide. We'll put aside whatever problems there may be, whatever other plans we have, and move past this roadblock. I plan on building a full head of steam leading up to the Lethal Lottery.

At the mention of the Lottery, the crowd lets out a cheer.

It's high time someone rightful of the main event at Kingdom Come, at facing Titus for his title steps up -- I fully plan on doing that. The Lottery is mine to lose, this match is mine to lose.

I'm ready.
Meltdown Madness 2012 said:
The referee finally frees Toyota as Tastic ascends to the top rope. The ex Brother in Arms gets up and Tastic leaps from the top with a Screw Attack. Things don’t end too well for him though as Toyota nails him with a thunderous Savate Kick. “The Hunter” is now in obvious pain and grabs hold of his injured ribs. Toyota picks up on the injury and with his foot, flips Tastic over onto his back. He slams the strap into Tastic’s ribs numerous times, causing him to writhe and wriggle in severe pain. Toyota holds the strap up, at first to appear to taunt his adversary, but in fact, to pull him into position for Toyota’s devastating finisher; The Banzai Drop! The crowd reacts with a much more mixed response compared to before as the super heavyweight climbs to the second rope before bringing all his weight crashing down onto Tastic’s chest. 1...2...Toyota stands up? The referee has to stop his count as Wasabi stands to his feet, apparently not contempt with letting it end there. He looks to the crowd with a face of steel before looking directly at Tastic with the same glare. He hoists him to his feet with the strap. Tastic falls limp though as his ribs and chest may well be crushed.

Copeland: Come on Wasabi, you’ve got him beaten, what are you doing?

Cohen: Perhaps Toyota’s looking to send a message?

Toyota brings Tastic to his feet again, but this time he catches him in a hug. The crowd is, for a brief moment confused before realising what this means. The vicegrip like Bearhug is locked in and Tastic is done at this point. He’s ravaged in pain, so much so that he can’t even submit. It takes the referee to verbally ask if he wants to submit before the match can be declared as over. Toyota leaves the hold locked in, as the referee calls for the bell. He finally releases Baez after noticing that the bell has rung.

Harrys: Here is your winner; WASABI TOYOTA!

The crowd elicits a very strong mixed reaction, unsure as to what they’ve just witnessed. Toyota outstretches his arm for the referee to release him from the strap. He quickly leaves with no celebration and no reaction to the win. Just an ice cold stare. Tastic is clutching his ribs in excruciating pain, unable to do anything but lay there.

Cohen: I think we just bore witness to a new Wasabi Toyota.

Copeland: I don’t understand. Wasabi was always such a peaceful man. What has happened to him?

Cohen: Who knows, but I like what we just saw.

The referee calls for medical staff to assist Tastic out as Toyota finally vanishes behind the curtain and into the back.


What happened? Where am I?

Matt Tastic's voice echoes heavily in utter darkness.

...damn... This pain... What the hell happened?

That's what I'd like to know.

A powerful and heavy voice echoes in response to Matt's plight.

Wha... What do you mean? Who are you? And why can't I see anything?

As soon as Matt says that, light starts to show and some familiar images appear:

Baker goes over to the turnbuckle and climbs up it, but out of nowhere a chair shot from Baller hits him square in the head and he falls off the turnbuckle, plummeting to the outside. Baller goes to pin Smith, 1... 2... Killjoy breaks it up! Killjoy clotheslines Baller out of the ring, goes onto the apron and hits the Death From Above. He pins Smith, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your winner and NEW Mayhem champion, The Killjoy!

The referee hands Killjoy the belt. Killjoy raises it above his before getting out of the ring and making his way up the ramp as all 3 other men look on

My first title way. Man, that was a great moment. And I didn't just about a week after debuting. That felt so good. The satisfaction and all.

Killjoy cries out in pain. He struggles to break free, but to no avail. Gordito lets go of one arm and slaps the stomach of Killjoy. He goes to grab it again, but Killjoy frantically swings his arm away. He reaches out and just get ahold of the cow bell. He swings once, cracking it off of Gordito's skull. A second one breaks the hold. Both men are down and looking beat up. They slowly get to their feet. Killjoy has the cow bell in his hand a swings hard, taking down Gordito and himself in the process. Killjoy with the cover, 1... 2... Kickout by Gordito. Killjoy slowly picks Gordito to his feet. Killjoy goes for a Uranage Backbreaker, but Gordito elbows out of it. Killjoy stumbles away, and then charges at Gordito. Gordito instinctively ducks down and hits a Samoan Drop on KillJoy on a trash can. The can is flattened. Gordito goes for the cover. 1... 2..... Killjoy just kicks out. Gordito can't believe it, but claps his hands and looks pumped. He grabs the table and starts setting it up in the corner. He has it positioned and then raises his arms to the crowd. He turns around to get Killjoy. Killjoy is up and fly's shoulder first at Gordito's neck. Smashmouth connects, sending both men through the table. Killjoy drapes an arm over Gordito. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and still Mayhem champion, The KillJoy... Baez.

My first match with Gordito. Boy, I sure burned that bridge. But what's the meaning of all this?

The visions of familiar images continue onward...

Baez insists that was a three count; however the referee continues to tell him it was a kick-out on two. Baez isn’t sure whether to batter the referee, drop to his knees and cry or to keep up the assault on Titus. After a few moments of indecision, he chooses the last option, but it’s a little too late as Titus has recovered somewhat, unleashing a spinning heel kick. This knocks Baez down though he’s quickly up. He charges at Titus again, this time receiving an uppercut. Titus continues to grow in confidence as Baez’s frustrations manifest themselves, this time running into a hurricanrana. Titus, now with his composure back, follows up with a swinging neckbreaker. He signals that the end is near and looks to load up the Tit Drop!

Cohen: NO! This won’t happen. Titus should be taking Baez’s bags to his car.

Copeland: I’m not sure the referee would agree with that one Jack.

Baez is finally to his feet and in position for Titus’ big finish which he executes with perfect precision. He moves into a cover. 1...2...3! The mixed reaction from earlier is echoed here.

Harrys: Your winner of the match; TITUS!

Ugh! Enough with the visions! They are starting to hurt already!

The visions begin to fade and eventually darkness is all that can be seen again.

You've fallen pretty far, boy.


You say you've changed and that you'd turn your life around, but you've done everything but that.

I'm a good person now. I'm making up for my mistakes.

Is you losing your matches not a mistake? Don't you feel undeserving of the crowd support you receive?

What are you talking about? I beat Alex Bowen a few weeks ago.

But where's the Mayhem title?

It was non-title.

Then clearly your win then was of small consequence to your sinking career.

Sinking? How is my career sinking?

The current reigning Mayhem Champion is Justin Cooper. But you were the first to beat Alex Bowen. The current reigning EurAsian Champion is The Black Dragon who debuted late last year. The current reigning Elite... Champion is Steve Holmes. A man you've beaten on Pay-Per-View. The current World Champion is the man they call Titus. Someone you once beat, but then fell to his knees. You are an afterthought.

That's not true!

You are no longer the longest reigning Mayhem Champion.

That's not important.

Is that so? Do you plan on doing anything of note? Because I've seen nothing in the past 2 years on your part as the world passes you by.

Who the hell are you?

That's not important, Matt. Now answer my question.

Well... I... I'm gonna win the Lethal Lottery.

Is that so? You failed to keep yourself from being pinned in a 6 Man match. A match you failed to win the previous year for the EurAsian Championship. If you couldn't handle 5 men at once, how do you expect to face a full set of 24?

I'll find a way.

Find a way? You have to start at the beginning. Do you really expect to last long enough? A fat man beat you in less than 5 minutes. How could you last 50?

Ahh! Enough with your negativity! Who are you?

Knowing who I am won't solve your problems, child. You started strong. But that was 2 years ago. And you have done nothing since. You are falling into obscurity. Is this the life you wanted when you abandoned your childhood? You tossed out your education and family for a pipe dream you could have reached in 2010. Not so much in 2011. 2012? There's a better chance that the Aztecs were right about the world ending than you reestablishing yourself. You are pathetic. You are a horrible wrestler.

No. You are wrong. I am a success. I am a good wrestler. I'm a great wrestler.

You are not.

Shut up! I'm the World's Greatest! That's what I am. I've lived for fighting. Since I was a kid I did nothing but watch and learn how to fight.

Then prove it! You've tossed your life for fighting but fail at it too? You are a failure.

Wrong, magical voice in the nothingness. I'm no failure. I'm #1. I'm a hunter and my opponents are the prey. I will Deliver Kickassery. And I will prove I'm the World's Greatest. Just you wait! No one will EVER stand in my way again. I will KILL to prove just how great I truly am! I will never be broken again!

Strong words, young man. Can you make them a reality?

Fuck yeah, I can.

Suddenly Matt wakes up and sits up on his bed. He's at the hospital still recovering from his match against Toyota Wasabi on a hospital room with an IV injected in his arm. By his side is his loving companion, Alisha who is startled by Matt.

MATT! You're awake!

Matt doesn't react at all as he simply looks around his surroundings. He eventually notices the IV attached to his arm.

I don't know what happened to you last night, but you were passed out in the bathroom. It was... Wait! What are you doing? Are you crazy?[/COLOR

Matt grabs the injection and rips it off his arm with taping and everything before getting off the bed and walking barefooted out of the room. Hospital coat and all.

Where are you going?!


It's 2 days before Meltdown where Matt will team up with Sam Smith to face Showtime and Mr. Baller. In that time, Matt's been locked up a gym doing nothing but training and exercise. He faces a punching bag with a glaring look that would pierce fear into normal people. He stands steady, hands wrapped and ready for battle.

I don't care who my partner is. I don't care who stands across the ring. All I know is I'm the hunter and I have to fight whatever obstruction decides to stand between me and my prey. The World title.

He begins to throw punches at the bag with heavy force.

All my life, I've thrown whatever opportunity I've had for this career and I'm made nothing of it. I won't lose my edge. To nobody. I gotta win. I have to win. I need to win.


Matt punches the bag at full force. Every ounce of strength and emotion pour out into one punch that swings the bag heavily as an exhausted Matt stands holding his fist in the air in clear exhaustion. After a drink of water, Matt composes himself.

Mr. Baller used to be all fun and games. People mocked him. Never believed in him. Then his head got kicked off and it was a wake up call for him. He changed. And I underestimated him because I didn't understand that change. That was until I got my own wake up call last week. Now I see. He's determined to do anything. And so am I now. Thank you, Baller. But don't think that will save your ass though. You and Showtime may be former Tag Team Champions, but big ego's never did make for pretty combos. After all, Showtime was the first person to botch the Lottery win. You being number 25 when he isn't won't sit well with him. Nor will the fact that you headlined a PPV for the World title while he was teaming with an old man.

You'll lose. I'm far more determined than ever. Sam's pretty riled up too. He lost his title and then it got rebranded to boot. He's been made to look as an afterthought and I don't think that sit's well with him. Him and I are looking to dominate and you two happen to be in the way. Be careful, gentlemen. True warriors fight at their best when they are pushed to the brink. We have nothing to lose. But you two have your ego's to stroke.

I'm.. the World's Greatest. And... I.. will... prove it.

Meltdown Madness is over and Mr. Baller is coming off another win in a tag team Texas Tuxedo Match. Baller is in the medical center as the doctor is taking a look at Baller’s rashes from the penguin bites during his match. Baller can’t stop scratching his rash on his buttocks.

Doctor: Baller, I need you to stop scratching your buttocks and let me take a look.

Baller: I can’t, it itches. Do penguin’s have rabies?

Doctor: No don’t be silly, now just hold still for one minute and let me take a look. I don’t think it should be that serious.

As the Doctor takes a look for a few seconds, he makes a quick evaluation.

Doctor: Yeah you should be fine.

Baller: Fine? I can’t stop scratching; you don’t think I should take a few weeks off. You don’t think you can write me a note saying I can’t compete until the Lethal Lottery.

Doctor: No, you should be fine by Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest. Just bring this prescription to the pharmacy and take it twice a day until the rash goes away.

Baller: Are you positive?

Doctor: Yes, I am positive.

Baller: You sure you don’t want to take a second look?

Doctor: I am sure. Now put your pants back on and go get some rest.

Baller with a neglected look on his face then nods at the doctor and begins to head for the door. As he is about to leave the door opens up and former Meltdown General Manager Chuck Myles appears. Myles similar to Baller has a neglected look on his face and has a piece of paper in his hand.

Myles: Hey Baller, can you sit down for a moment? I got a message for you from the new Meltdown General Manager Ty Burna.

Baller stares down Chuck Myles as his neglected look turns to anger and then walks past Myles.

Myles: It isn’t a request, it’s a demand. He told me to tell you that if you don’t listen then you will be terminated immediately.

Baller then turns back at Myles, slams the door, and then sits back down.

Baller: What in the world were you thinking Chuck? Look I know you were a terrible General Manager, and completely biased, but still I didn’t think you were this big of an idiot.

Myles: Let’s not talk about me. I hate myself for this but unfortunately I have no say in the matter as of now.

Baller: I can give you my lawyer’s phone number. You may be bad but anything is better then that devil Ty Burna. Now what do you want to tell me? If it’s him taking my last spot in the Lottery then I am done. I can’t deal with all the garbage management as dealt me time and time again.

Myles: Actually no. Ty has assured me via this piece of paper that you are indeed going to enter the Lethal Lottery at number twenty-five. He says that you earned the spot and will not take it from you.

Baller: Wow! Ty did something fair for once.

Myles: However, he wants you take a look at this clip.

Myles then gets up and turns on the television in the Doctor’s office and then puts in the video.

It is a video of “Showtime” David Cougar on commentary.

“See? Neither of these guys are on top? This is boring! Everest is stale like old horse excrement and Steele is a vanilla midget who couldn’t even win a match with MR BALLER in it!”

Myles: You see Baller, Ty has had a history with both Showtime and yourself and thinks you two would make an excellent tag team.

Baller: Well Ty is as dumb as you then. Showtime is such a cocky bastard. It’s despicable really of how good he thinks he is. What has he done in his career that he thinks he is some god?

Myles: Well he has won the Lethal Lottery. Been a multiple time champion as well.

Baller: He choked at Kingdom Come though, making that Lottery win irrelevant. Something that won’t happen once I win the Lottery. He has had chance after chance to win the big one, and he could never get it done. Hell he should be known as “Choke Time”.

Baller then laughs at his own joke.

Myles: Well anyway Baller, you will be teaming up with David Cougar this week.

Baller: Awesome!

Baller says sarcastically.

Myles: Against the team of Matt Tastic and Sam Smith.

Baller: Well at least he gave us two jokes for opponents. Sam Smith had a nice run but now that Holmes’ exposed him for the fraud that he is, it’s over. He is back to the same joke he always was. And then Matt Tastic, he thinks he is a new man, but he is still the same old loser Killjoy. Always has been and always will be. These two guys think they have changed during their tenures in WZCW, but it hasn’t. They will always be non-threats. It’s a shame Tastic is forced to be the number one entrant since he won’t even be in the match by the time I enter, and Sam Smith won’t last 35 seconds with that soft attitude he has.

It takes skill, determination, and a little bit of swagger to win the Lethal Lottery something that both Tastic and Smith lack. I will prove that this week when I carry Showtime to something he isn’t used to and get us a win and beat those two clowns…

Before Baller can even get another word in, Myles starts to stand up and begins to leave slowly.

Myles: That’s great Baller, well I have to get back to work.

Baller: See you later Chuck. Oh and have fun being Ty’s bitch. I got to go talk to Showtime anyway and make sure he doesn’t get in my way at Meltdown next week.

Baller then heads out after Myles and begins to search the backstage area for Showtime. As he starts his search he sees a crewman hanging up a poster. After he posts it up, it is a picture of Showtime David Cougar promoting his next episode of “The Show”. At the bottom of the poster there is a picture of Mr. Baller and it below the picture it says, “Feature special guest Mr. Baller”

Baller: What the hell? Well I guess I found out how to talk to Cougar. This will be the first time his show is must see TV, and you better believe that.

Baller then begins to chuckle to himself, as crewman then begin to stare at Baller wondering who he is talking to as he walks away.
Scene opens at backstage WZCW Studios. Showtime David Cougar is seated in his leather sofa with his eyes closed. Allen Lewicki is also room going over papers for tonight's episode of The Show. Showtime’s dreams take over visually.

Meltdown 55

We cut backstage to Chuck Myles rushing frantically through the backstage area. He walks up to Becky Serra.

Myles: Becky! Have you seen Showtime anywhere?

Becky: I haven't boss, doesn't he usually check in a couple hours early to get the good locker room?

Myles: We haven't heard from him since his commercial shoot the other day. He better show up tonight, or I'm having him thrown back into that psych ward.

Becky: Isn't that a little harsh?

Myles: He's the one with the problem not me. If you see him, notify me immediately.

Myles takes off once more as Becky looks on. We cut to commercial.

We go backstage as a limo pulls up in the parking lot. The driver exits the vehicle and walks over to the other side and opens the door. Showtime Cougar emerges from the limo, already dressed for his match. Myles walks up, clearly fuming.

Myles: It's about time you showed up. I almost sent one of our development talent out there to take your place? Do you know what that could have done to ratings Showtime?

Showtime stares at Myles for a moment before walking right past him and towards the entrance stage. Myles turns and looks on before yelling.

Myles: I'll see you in my office after this match Cougar!


Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

On his way to the ring, from Miami, Florida, weighing 220 pounds, this is MISTER...BALLER!!!!"

He is then interrupted by Showtime’s music. As he appears, boos rain down on Cougar as he strolls solemnly down the ramp in darkness, save for the blue spotlight that follows him.

And his opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada, weighing 219 pounds, Showtime David Cougar!

Copeland: “How will these men bounce back from their respective defeats at Kingdom Come?”

Cohen: “I am expecting big things from both these men. Cougar is going to hunt Ty and eventually gain his first World Title. And Baller has it tough tonight but he will continue his impressive development ”

Showtime enters the ring and goes straight after Baller. He immediately dominates with successive hard punches to the face. Baller tries to fight back but Showtime is too strong and he pushes Baller into the corner. Showtime kicks him in the gut repeatedly until the ref intervenes and pulls him away. Baller stumbles out of the corner and Showtime drops him with the Ratings Crash! Showtime covers arrogantly, 1....2....Baller kicks out forcefully.

“Showtime hit one of his signature moves straight away!”

“Credit to Baller, that could have been over right there.”

Showtime wraps his legs around Baller’s neck. Baller screams as Show wrenches the unusual hold. Baller reaches for the ropes but he is a long way away. Showtime uses the ropes that he is close to and uses them for leverage. He gets away with once as the ref doesn’t see it but when he tries it a second time, the ref catches him and demands that he breaks the hold!

“Showtime is willing to do anything here. I feel kinda sorry for Baller”

Showtime picks Baller up again and signals as if to finish the match but as he goes to hit the standing Final Act, Baller turns it in a neckbreaker! Baller goes to cover but is slow to do so, 1....2.....Cougar kicks out!! Baller is gutted and eventually drags him around towards the corner and goes for the Buzzerbeater but from his back on the floor, Cougar gets a boot up, kicking Baller in the head as he twists in the air! Baller collapses as he is clearly knocked silly by the clever blow.

“Show needs to end this now.”

Cougar rolls over and grabs Baller’s legs and goes the Commercial Break. The referee checks on Baller and as the move is locked on, Baller barely moves. The referee immediately signals for the bell. Cougar refuses to let go and the ref has to pull him to halt any more damage to Baller who has remained barely motionless in the centre of the ring.

You winner by submission, Showtime David Cougar!!

Showtime’s eyes open up. Sitting next to him on the coach is Trent Stonewall. Trent turns towards Showtime’s ear and speaks.

Stonewall: This is unacceptable. Last week, this week. You deserve better than what you are being given.

Allen breaks the silence.

Allen: The numbers from last weeks shows were pretty good.

Cougar: Good, but not nearly acceptable. My ratings used to be the best in the industry. Tops amongst all other variety talk shows. This is barely bigger than Zander Young’s goofy internet series.

Well you did kind of make the decision to go back to The Show last minute. Behind The Show was captivating in its truth and look at behind the scenes, but was hardly the ratings buzz The Show was during its prime.

I’m not going to accept the fact that because it was on hiatus for the past year is the reason why the ratings are down. I am the biggest star in WZCW period, but you would hardly know that looking at the matches I’ve been in the past month.

Rogers verse Showtime had a lot on the line. That in itself is fairly big.

Rogers was a joke. I carried him throughout our entire run as Tag Team Champions and was more than happy to put his career in WZCW to bed. Of course if I had seen what kind of match I’d have the week after, I probably would’ve just rolled out of the ring and left WZCW to take a much deserved holiday. Do you know how many calls Hollywood leaves me to go and make movies. I could be making a fortune elsewhere.

Well you can’t blame anyone for last week Mr. Showtime. It was entirely random.

Entirely random eh? Is that why Ty Burna was put in a match with one close ally as his opponent and one confused ally in his corner? Is that why Austin Reynolds received a shot at the Elite X Championship? Is that why Steven Kurtesy was in a WZCW Heavyweight Title match? Is that random?


..... Yes?!?

Well I don’t believe that is possible. I won Lethal Lottery last year, I shouldn’t have had to qualify for it, and I certainly shouldn’t have had to go and compete on that cheap third rate show Afterburn.


Watch who you’re talking to kid.

Allen I’m not in the mood for being corrected. Who cares what the damn show is called, I’m the star of WZCW. I shouldn’t be competing on that show. And now this week I’m back on Meltdown, but at the bottom of the card. Teaming up with Mr. Baller to face Sam Smith and Matt Tastic? Three guys I’m going to have no trouble with eliminating at Lethal Lottery.

Maybe if you ask Ty Burna nicely he can change the match for you.

Are you kidding me? Do you know the history there is between the two of us? Never would Ty do anything for me unless I bowed down to him and his Apostles which will never happen. Ty Burna purchasing Meltdown may wind up being a nail in the coffin for WZCW. That and his Apostles running a muck in WZCW.

Maybe you can form your own stable. It seems like the cool hip trend going on right now.

Tell him that’s a terrible idea.

That’s actually not a bad idea Allen. The Showtime Stars. Unfortunately there’s just no one in WZCW who can run with me.

Well what about Mr. Baller?

Allen are you freaking kidding me? I may be teaming with Mr. Baller this week but the guy is good for nothing more than a laugh. I obliterated him at Meltdown 55.

Well he has gotten a lot better since then. Feuding with Steamboat Ricky and Everest and was just in the main event at Unscripted a few months ago.

Look, I’m happy the guy is doing a lot better since the beat down I gave him in our match, but the guys not in my league. I’m sure he’s very happy that he is going to be teaming up with this week...

Actually he’s quite angry with the comments you made about him at Aftershock.

What do you mean?

Here... it’s still on your PVR.

Allen turns on the TV and plays Showtime’s match on Aftershock.

“See? Neither of these guys are on top? This is boring! Everest is stale like old horse excrement and Steele is a vanilla midget who couldn’t even win a match with MR BALLER in it!”

Hmmm... well it’s definitely not the worst thing I’ve ever said about someone.

Well I think you should invite Mr. Baller to be a guest on your show and clear things up.

Can you believe what this hack is saying.

Shut up. Allen please elaborate.

Ummm... right. So Mr. Baller’s popularity has skyrocketed in the past several months. It could be a good little rating’s boost for The Show. Plus like I said it may be a good idea to batch things up before your match. I know you see it as a throwaway match, but you don’t want to lose these type of matches and wind up in a feud with Matt Tastic or Sam Smith.

Hmmm... I like your points. Okay schedule Mr. Baller to be on The Show and make sure there’s plenty of Gatorade and Balls on set. I hear basketball players really like those things.

Showtime leaves the room while Allen goes to make a few phone calls. The image of Trent Stonewall is still in the room as he stands behind Allen.

Kid... sooner or later... you are going to get hurt. Showtime’s my client... and we’ll kill to keep it like that.

Allen turns around like he heard a sound but the room is empty. He looks around a bit more before returning to his work as the scene fades.


Scene opens on the set of The Show. Showtime David Cougar is seated behind his desk as his music dies down.

Cougar: Thank you. Thank you all so much for the warm glowing response. Now where were we? Oh yes, this past week on Aftermath...


Aftershout. Whatever... you don't need to shout it. Anyway... This past week I qualified for the Lethal Lottery. Now I can go on and on and tell you that I shouldn't have had to qualify for the match since I was the winner last year. I could also go on and on and tell you that I should be in the WZCW World Title match at Lethal Lottery and not that phony Titus or that Quack turned Pedagogue Steven Kurtesy and especially that 3 or 4 or 5 minded Barbosa. Instead I am going to talk about my match up this week on Meltdown 68, yes back where Showtime belongs on the top show. And on a stellar card that includes two title matches I will be competing in a tag team contest. I will be competing against the dethroned Elite X Champion Sam Smith and the de-masked Matt Tastic. My partner for this match is also my guest tonight on The Show. Ladies and Gentlemen... the last entrant in the Lethal Lottery match... Mr. Baller.


The crowd boos as Mr. Baller comes out. He does an air swish shot and then heads to the desk where Showtime is seated. Showtime stands and the two shake hands before sitting down to begin.

Welcome to The Show, Baller.

Baller: I thought you said this was a big time production? Took me twenty minutes to find the damn studio.

This is WZCW Baller, not Paramount Studios. There is only one main studio here... and it's for my show.

Well playa I think it's time you got yourself an upgrade, you better believe that. When I'm told I am going to be a guest on an award winning and highly rated talk show I expect there to be at least a dozen studios. From 1A to 25B, not just one. And I expect there to be studio carts driving tourists and workers around and my own personal assistant for when I walk in the door. There was none of that here for WZCW's number one player, Mr. Baller.

I did arrange for someone to assist you when I got in. My assistant Allen Lewicki.

Who? What did that fool look like?

He's that skinny fool standing over there.

Allen is standing off the stage. He has a basketball under his arm and then waves at Showtime and Baller when they point at him.

Oh that skinny wanna be baller. I thought he was just a suck up fan when he asked me to sign his ball. I threw it up on top of the roof and he ran away. I didn't think he was gonna climb up and retrieve it. Haha... here kid... I'll sign that ball for ya now.

Allen happily runs out onto the stage with the basketball. Baller takes the ball and looks like he's going to sign it. He then punts the ball off stage and yells at Allen to beat it. The crowd boos loudly as Baller takes a seat now.

Can you believe the people you have here Showtime? Asking me to autograph balls and booing me when I walk off. Don't your viewers have any idea who I am.

Enlighten them for me.

I am the most balling superstar in WZCW. I main-evented Unscripted and have beaten every joker from Big Dave to Everest in this company and I am now the last entrant in the Lethal Lottery which I am going to win and go on the main event Kingdom Come.

Those are some pretty bold predictions Baller. But while I enjoy tormenting my young apprentice I don’t much care to see other people doing it as well. I sense a little hostility between you and me.

You damn right there is Show. I don’t care for what you have to say about me. I am the MVP of WZCW, not some chump or poser that you’ve been teaming and feuding with for months. I’m not just climbing the ladder here in WZCW, I’m sprinting up it and you better believe that, Chocktime!

A loud gasp is heard from the crowd followed by some hooting and hollering. Showtime quiets his audience and then speaks.

Oh I do Baller. I don’t question that at all. Since I laid the beat down to your ass after Kingdom Come something inside of you has seemed to click. You may be the most successful person to ever have his head punted off and then surgically reattached.

Well.... I don’t like to brag about it too much.

But it’s true... you’ve been in a WZCW World Title Match and beaten out of bed and almost senile veterans like Everest and Steamboat, modest accomplishments of course.

Modest? And you forgot to mention that I am the last entrant in the Lethal Lottery.

Yes you are... and whether that number is 20, 25, 10 or 30... that’s all it is, and entry number. We don’t need to bring up your past Lethal Lottery experiences. Like when you tried to pin someone at Lethal Lottery 2 or like last year when you were the first person to qualify for the Lethal Lottery. And what a nice showing it was with the basketball and the one elimination, but that’s all it was, a nice showing and not a victory like I had. You can discredit what happened after, but you can’t take away the fact that I am the defending Lethal Lottery winner and that I’ve held more titles in this company than any other wrestler. What do you have to your resume Baller? A 5 minute Mayhem Title reign and holding James Baker’s other Tag Title.

Baller stands up from his seat. He does not look very happy and has a his fist clenched.

Oh calm down Baller and relax I didn’t invite you onto my show to pick a fight... I invited you here to play some ball.

Showtime pushes a button and a basket net lowers. Showtime pulls a ball out from underneath his desk.

Are you for real. Okay... what game do you want to be schooled in?

I don't care to play Baller.

Then... why did you?

I don't need to play ball with you. It's what you're good at it and therefore I trust you. What I'm good at... is wrestling and winning matches. What our opponents are good at right now is losing. Smith can't win a tag team match to save his life and since he's had to face off against the team of Holmes and Constantine he's barely been the same man who once held the Elite X Championship, the same title I might add that I never lost. And since losing his mask Matt Tastic has somehow fallen more off the radar than before and seems to be a shell of his former self. He's basically disappeared and is more hidden within the roster than before.

You probably want revenge against Smith for when he defeated you at Kingdom Come and cost you a guaranteed title. And neither of us wants to lose to Matt Tastic so just like I'm going to trust you to make this basket I need you to trust me that we will be victorious because it is what I am good at and deep down beneath your cocky exterior you know it's true. So make the shot... okay player.

Baller looks at Showtime and then down at the basketball. He bounces it a couple times on the floor then turns around and flings it backwards over his head. Swish.

You talk a whole lot of shit.... but you're finally speaking my language Showtime. At Meltdown... we end those clowns.

Showtime and Baller shake hands as the scene ends.
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