MD60: Ty Burna vs. Alex Bowen

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Ty Burna has truly shown the world how malicious and dark he is by revealing he was the one behind Hayley Reynolds' kidnapping. Austin Reynolds swears revenge but both competitors have been separated on both shows, so the challenger to his title has made a call out to anyone to face the dark and twisted World Champion. Mayhem Champion Alex Bowen has answered the call stating that Ty has no idea of the meaning behind true mayhem and plans to show him that come Meltdown. Will Ty Burna get a taste of his own medicine at the hands of Bowen or will there be another victim in the form of the Mayhem Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
Wzcw Mayhem Champ Alex Bowen is standing outside with a two sided sandwich board hanging from his shoulders. He has a large Megaphone and is speaking to the fans. We are at a Wzcw road house show this time. Bowen is dressed in his "Sunday Best" of a ripped pair of Black jeans and white tee-shirt. The front of his sandwich board shows a picture of former Mayhem Chap Baez Crossed out, with red lettering below it. It reads Goodbye. The back has a picture of Ty Burna, it has the same lettering reading you're next!

Alex- I'm left off the card people! Yes ME! The new longest reigning Mayhem champ ever. I have goals, I have life. I have made everything I ever said come true! I am putting my foot forward to be the best that this company has to offer. Your world champ Ty Burna has put out an open invitation. He wants someone to face. I have taken that challenge!

The crowd roars at Alex Bowen's statement. Small chants of "hardcore, hardcore" break out before Bowen gets them to quiet down.

Alex- I am always the instigator in this company. I don't let anyone, and I mean anyone get by with anything. I asked for this match because I am sick of how the World title picture is being ran. A tyrant is in charge and that man is Ty Burna. He is a liar and a fraud. He claims to be the best thing that ever happened in this company. How can you live behind Chuck Myles and his rules, and call yourself a champion. Hell I remember when he told all of you that he was glad myself and my former tag team partner were not in the world title picture.

The crowd in front of Bowen is electric! About a line of 300 fans are waving signs, and trying to get the champions attention. Some for the camera, and some just to be fans of him. Alex has his back to the crowd and is hooking up his Megaphone to yell back at the fans when a loud voice is over top of the heard crowd that has slowly quieted down.

Voice- WHY?!

Bowen looks back at the crowd and with a small squawk starts to talk again.

Alex- Because I'm not afraid to go that extra mile. That is what has gotten me here. That is what got me this title. But week after week I see Ty Burna in Tag team matches, and in singles competition with kids just coming into the company. WEEK AFTER WEEK, SHOW AFTER SHOW. I am fighting my divisions finest, while he gets squash matches until the pay per view. People want to call that building a storyline? I call that hiding behind your title!! He says he's giving the smaller people in the company a shot to do big things. But in reality Chuck Myles and the boys behind the scenes are just giving him a crutch to hold himself up on.

A black man dressed in a preachers outfit holding a bible is shaking his hands at Alex Bowen, yelling at him. He has a crazed look in his eyes and is chanting something Bowen stops and looks at the preacher with cross eyes and is taken back with a smile on his face. He has an idea and with one hand motions for him to come over. The Mayhem champ holds up his Megaphone for the preacher and he grabs it.

Preacher- PREACH MY BROTHER PREACH!!!! I am sick of being a wrestling fan and having to hide it because of all this blasphemous talk. Your world champ is a member of the Occult, he is a devil worshiper. He is a practitioner of the Ouija board. You will burn in the Lake of fire for this. On top of that he should be in JAIL! You fans cheer a man who is holding a girl against her will. Shame on you, I hope Brother Bowen here gives the world champ gods will this week.

Bowen high fives the wise preacher and looks at him with a wide smile. He locks arms with the man of god and does a small twist dance while the preacher chants to the heavens. They stop and briefly hug and the preacher goes back to his spot in line.

Alex- Ty Burna made one mistake though when he said yes to this match! He asked for mayhem rules.

Bowen stops and looks through the crowd at the fans in front of him. He lets out a breath and runs his hand through his now bushy beard. He clicks the Blow horn on and starts to talk again.

Alex- You want to know why guys? Because I am a Mayhem god, no single man has ever beaten me in a mayhem rules match in Wzcw EVER! I am the end of the line when it comes to matches of this type. I am coming up on ten shows as your champion, and I've ended two careers. Ask Justin Cooper and Chris Jones what it's like to be bounced out on their asses. I'm about to do the same to Ty Burna this week, and at the Pay per view I'm going to slaughter Saxton for taking a second match.

Bowen stops and slits through his throat with a maniacal smile.

Alex- I've spent a long time in this company, and a long time in this business. I've seen this happen many times, some yuppy yuppy kid with minimal mic skills gets on the boss man's stick and rides it as far as he can. Ty Burna didn't care about you, he never did. I do guys, you have seen it. But I admit as of late I have been kind of stale. I have been hearing people calling my matches to similar, and that I haven't been taking as many risks. Fan's I implore you, PLEASE! If I ever do that feel, free to tell me.

The fans start to clap and chant Alex Bowen! Bowen looks to his crowd of fans that has now grown to a much larger number, and Wzcw security is keeping an eye on them and The Mayhem champ now.

Alex- Thank you guys, I love the support. But I am here for a reason, you all have seen it. Ty is burying himself in lies. He is cloaked in a vast army of secrets. I am going to take this company in a direction that he never could. I took this match so I could break down walls. He upped the stakes by making it a Mayhem match! Ty Burna what do you know about Mayhem!? Ty I've upped the ante in my division since you and all the other hacks left. No one can or ever will lay claim to doing what I am doing now. Are you even going to try and scope me out? Hell no you won't, I'm just some peon. But you will always remember my name after I rip you apart!!

And with that Chuck Myles walks out a door with a large number of security and a blow horn in his hands. Bowen looks over to the noise the the crowd is making and starts to laugh.

Alex- Look at that guys! The boss doesn’t like what I'm saying about his Yes boy! Whats the difference between me and Ty guys? He sold away his name, without one ounce of shame. And who will break his fall, after he has used them all. You are going to hit the wall soon Ty, and I'm going to make sure of that after this match. I am not road kill on the money trail. I am WZCW...

Chuck Myles brings the blow horn up to his mouth, he has a snarl on his face and starts to spit into the blue and white horn after a small squawk.

Chuck- You want to make yourself a name by bad mouthing the top name in this company? I gave you that title you wear around, and this match. So keep talking and I will strip them both from you.

Alex bursts into laughter and reaches to the large boards on his body and pulls them off. He throws it to the ground. He picks up his blow horn now and squawks it back at Chuck.

Alex- See guys! You say one or two bad things about someone in this company and you have Mr. Chuckie breathing down your neck. You would love to strip this belt from me wouldn't you? No one has proven a challenge to me yet, and it would be the same in every division. You take this belt from me and I will set my eyes on your champ. I will maim him into retirement.

Chuck- That's it! Security! Escort Mr. Bowen from the property, I don't want to see him until Meltdown!

With that, some of the security watching the crowd along with Chuck's small force of men make their way to Bowen. He puts up his arms knowing the penalty of striking a security guard. They carry him down a small way and drop him off on the main street outside the arena.

A man in a plain black hoodie stands next to the building the security guards dropped Bowen off at. He turns to the Mayhem champ and flips up his black hood, revealing himself as the Ratings Winner Austin Reynolds. Bowen dusts himself off as Austin walks over and puts his hand on his shoulder. Bowen looks up with weary eyes but ready for a fight but he puts his fists down as he realizes the man in front of him means no harm.

Austin- Ty Burna is a snake in the grass Bowen. I don't like snakes, You know what you have to do.

Alex- What are you talking about? I realize that he has your wife. But that is no quarrel of mine. I can't do anything about that.

Bowen looks up at Austin with a creased brow questioning his request. Reynolds shakes his head and backs away from Bowen.

Austin- It's not just that mate, it's for the company. He's a tumor, you've seen that haven't you? He targeted me because he was scared and now here he is, a giant threat threatening to engulf the company and destroy everyone who doesn't respect him or his values.

Alex- That is why I took this match Austin, I didn't need to see him steal your wife. I knew he was a threat months before that. I've seen him cheat men out of their dreams.

Austin looks taken back by the Mayhem champions words. He looks down at the ground then back up at him with a cocked head.

Austin- So you have him, the World Champion, in a Mayhem Rules match. You can make your name against him but he could also destroy you. Think about how easily he has crushed everyone else in his path? He started in this division. Don't be another victim to him. Show yourself to be better than that.

Alex- He started in this division, and I built it. He is the one that is out of his element. I am setting right at home. He signed his death warrant by making this a mayhem rules match with me. His Mayhem Division is nothing compared to what I have revolutionized this place into. Me and him are a lot alike Austin. I'm going to be doing this for myself, and for you. Because after meltdown, he will be in no shape to take on you at apocalypse.

Austin- One more thing. Like it or not, the fans will be looking to you to achieve. You will be the face of their hopes. Respect that.

Alex- I never disrespect them, they know that. I ask nothing more of them than to cheer for me and to watch the match. Because I would never disappoint them like Ty Burna does.

Austin shakes his head with a sly smile on his face. He leans forward and give Bowen a handshake hug as a small black car comes up to the Curb. Reynolds looks over at it as someones arm flops on top of it and hits it, letting Austin know that it's time to go.

Austin- Now, you'll have to excuse me, I've got an appointment with Chuck.

Alex- You give Chuck hell Austin. Give him some for me!

With that Austin walks over to the car and opens the door. He slides his slender frame inside the car and leans over to chat with his driver for the day Dominic. When he is done he puts an arm out the door and lets a friendly wave pass. They head for the arena as the cameras fade out.
The scene opens to a run down and decrepit graveyard. Shattered headstones and overrunning foliage cover the ground, almost masking the graveyard's secrets. The sound of digging can be heard momentarily, then the sound of a shovel being buried deep into the ground rings through the feed. The camera moves throughout the crypt, focusing on various names on the remaining headstones. A concrete gargoyle stands in the center of the graveyard, casting its eerie yet watchful eye over the entire field. The camera turns again and stops in front of two freshly buried holes. A shovel stands straight up in the air between the two six foot drops. The camera moves up and reveals Ty Burna standing there, leaning against a headstone.

Ty: The fall of the acclaimed, the descent of the celebrated. The revelation that a serpent indeed can be disguised as a champion of virtue. The meek shall rise up, in hope that they can put a stop to the traitor they all whispered him to be.

Ty walks forward and pulls the shovel out of the ground and rests it across his shoulder. His eyes cast downward, his hair covering his face. The clouds break, momentarily letting the moonlight shine down upon the World Champion. Just as it shines, it scatters immediately, the dark ominous clouds retaking their claim to the nighttime sky.

They have spoken words of ill will towards me for so long. Even when I championed myself as a man of the people, someone they could be proud of as champion, the bitterness and envy only grew. How could a man so intent on destruction gain the love and adoration of the people? Why can they not see through his lies? Tell me, tell me the stories of how I manipulated everyone like mere whimsical strings. Tell me how I was behind their every loss, how it was my fault they could not achieve what they hoped for. I want to hear the fables one more time, just so I can savor that bitterness and hatred one last time. There is nothing sweeter than the tears and blood of broken men, merely fighting against the tidal wave of suffering I have brought forth.

Ty lowers the shovel from his shoulder and spreads his arms out, slowly raising his head and revealing his glowing red eyes. He throws his hair back and smiles wickedly, staring dead into the camera as the wind picks up.

It is as I said on Ascension, all they ever did was look to take something from me, and when they couldn't even accomplish that they fell back onto the same tired excuses. The mind games I played, the manipulation. Yet there is one thing I never hear. That they were intimidated by me. They will never admit it. They will clutch to their well worn excuses like a child to his blanket, comforting themselves that it was not their talent but my trickery and games that caused their downfall. And so, I stood their as my talent shone through, the longest reigning WZCW World Heavyweight Champion in history, yet those that I have trampled over still clamored that it was not my talents alone, no, that it was some outside force. Some have accused me of having Myles and Bateman in their back pocket, some have said I have certain powers backstage. But the fact remains they stand here, bitter that they could never defeat me. They cannot take the most prized possession in this company. I stand at the forefront as the absolute best. I feel their hatred burning a hole through the back of my skull. They all want something from me. The people, my opponents, the politicians in the back. I believe it was time for me to take something. The people meant nothing to me. Not like they do to Austin Reynolds or Alex Bowen. While they may have stood behind me, I did not need their support to accomplish what I have. They thought of me as their hero, when in reality, I was their destroyer.

Ty lowers his arms and his head once more, slowly beginning to laugh which builds to a maniacal cackle, his body shaking from the force. He reaches out and grabs the camera, moving it towards the headstone on the left, revealing the name Austin Reynolds wrote on it.

Reynolds, what have you done to deserve another opportunity at my title? Did the powers that be decide you were good for ratings and granted you another shot? What have you done to deserve it? Your last victory was due to me crushing Ale's thick skull with my World Title Belt. Ale, the very same man I dissected and defeated soundly. So who has the owners in their pocket? You constantly whine and complain to Myles, you weren't pinned, why hasn't anyone found Hayley? Quite honestly Reynolds I'm surprised you haven't made the plea to make me fight you one handed just on the off chance that might give you an advantage over me. So very typical of you, the moment something doesn't go your way you begin your poor pathetic woe is me routine. It's quite pathetic to behold Austin. So what better way to test you then to take your most important person. I could have destroyed Dominic at a moment's notice, but I am not a savage like that. I might as well live up to my reputation as a manipulator and master of mind games, so I took your precious Hayley. You know the sad thing Austin? You went on as if nothing was bothering you. No tears of sorrow, no breakdown or pleading. How much do you truly care for this woman? Perhaps she is better off with me in the end. She would serve much more dutifully as Serafina's playmate than your princess to be saved in waiting.

Ty grabs the camera again and swings it over to the other headstone, revealing the name Alex Bowen. Ty slams the shovel hard into the headstone, chipping off a portion of the top . He slams the edge of the shovel into the divot he created and leans against it.

So Mr. Bowen wishes to be the almighty hero that Austin Reynolds cannot be. He believes himself to be some great Mayhem warrior because he has taken out the scraps in the dollar barrel of WZCW. Has that one teaming with Titus given you delusions of saviorhood Bowen? I know your type Bowen. You skate by on the border of mediocrity, relying on your weaponry as a crutch to your limited abilities as a warrior. You sit and plead for attention, you get talked up by Titus and amped up by Reynolds. Yet what do they do when they are done with you? They walk away and don't bother with you yet again. So now you stand, oblivious to the situation you're in. So I did you a favor Alex, I asked this match become a Mayhem Rules match. But you forget one simple thing, I was once Mayhem Champion myself, only I do not fall back on the garbage wrestling you use. While you rely on light bulbs and ridiculous items to get you over with the crowd, I simply destroyed my opponents in any way possible. So while you pander to the crowd, finally satisfied with what little attention these leaches give you, I will be wrapping a chair around your head. Once it is over you will understand that Mayhem cannot stand up to the very power that Chaos feeds into me. I will then drag your worthless carcass and bury you just like I have buried every opponent of mine in the last year. The dirt will be the closest you have to death's sweet embrace, sucking the air out of you bit by bit until you have choked upon your own words and ego. You are worthless Bowen, your Mayhem rules, and your pathetic Mayhem belt. What sort of champion takes pride in a shattered belt that's been taped up? Perhaps I will do you a favor then Bowen. I'll take your duct tape belt and throw it in the trash along with your career and I'll reintroduce the proper Mayhem Championship. The one that I put pride in carrying, the belt that I put my life and body on the line to possess.

Ty lifts the camera back up and stares dead into it, gritting his teeth and raising his hand up into the air. He motions for something as his voice deepens and he begins speaking once more.

Whether you let these parasites use you as their lapdog or not Bowen is none of my concern. What is my concern is your typical comments and constant badgering of me. At Meltdown I'm going to crush this little ant nipping at my heels, begging for credence in this company. You want justification Bowen? You want attention? You have my full and clear cut attention for the entirety of my clinical dissection of your mind and soul. As I peel back layer after layer of your mental, you will beg for mercy, the great Mayhem "God" falling victim to Chaos Incarnate. And as Chaos feasts upon your inner most fears and phobias, the eclipsing of your boisterous words will be drowned out by the choir of your screams. Every thread in you will cry out pleading with the Incarnate to stop, though there will be no response, only the final shredding of your ego and the realization that you stepped up to face a true God!

Suddenly Serafina can be seen leading a blindfolded Hayley into the picture. Ty smirks evilly as Serafina shoves her directly in front of him. Serafina walks away and appears to be pulling something towards the scene.

Ah yes, Hayley, how pleasant of you to join me.

Hayley: What...what do you want with me Ty? Why have you done this? I can't be of any use to you.

On the contrary, you're the most important piece to the puzzle my dear Hayley. You see, Reynolds is hell bent on taking my WZCW World Heavyweight Championship from me. He will go to any lengths to obtain it, or so he says.

He will too! You're no match for my Austin. He'll rescue me and then he'll beat you Ty!

Such a shame. He only gets to do one or the other.

What do you mean by that?

As I have so noted, He gets to choose between you or his shot at my World Title. Now my dear, what do you think his choice will be?

Hayley goes quiet for a moment as begins laughing maniacally again. Serafina continues pulling something, it appears to be a clear see through coffin. Breathing hole scan be seen on the sides and top of the coffin. Tears begin running down Hayley's face as she bites her lip, realizing the situation finally.

So because of me he will have to give up his world title shot?

I'm afraid that is the case Hayley. Though, why would you want to be saved by a man such as him I know not.

He's the love of my life! We've been together forever and we are to be married soon.

Ah wedding bliss yes. I understand now. However, have you thought about how little he cares about your opinion? That evening we took you, you pleaded with him to listen, yet what did he do? He shrugged it off and as a consequence of that action here you are.

He had a match..

A match that didn't make much difference if he won or lost. Instead of taking care of you, he focused on himself, and only himself. He didn't care about your well being.

Hayley goes quiet again, more tears streaming down her face and she finally breaks down crying outright as Ty continues speaking.

And so the next week, instead of graciously accepting any help in finding you, he shoved me away. Time after time I offered to help, yet he didn't accept. Had he accepted I would have "discovered" you and returned you to Reynolds, and that would have been the end of it. I would be hailed a hero once again and Reynolds would be too weak mentally to defeat me at Apocalypse. Instead I crushed him, and revealed the true beast that has always been in the shadows. But instead of simply taking the easy route, he pushed me and continued to attack me. You know the most pathetic part Hayley?


Did he show even a bit of remorse for your situation? No instead he took his time doing his promotional work, writing letters to his fans, even doing his Ratings Spike interview with Mr. Baller. Take that into consideration Hayley, he coveted doing an interview with Mr. Baller of all people rather than searching for you. And here I am, trying to speak the truth to you, so who has shown more concern Hayley? Your precious Austin who has been too busy being a big superstar, or the man who tries to comfort you with the writing on the wall?

Hayley falls to her knees, her head to the ground as she takes it all in. Ty kneels down and puts his arm around her in a comforting manner.

There there, it's alright Hayley. Once Reynolds decides to keep his World Title shot rather than save you, you are more than welcome alongside me and Serafina. We won't treat you like a lost glove in the back of the closet. We won't take our sweet time to find you like Austin has. You will be a goddess among the heathens in WZCW.

Austin would never abandon me like that!

Hayley tries to headbutt Ty but he simply shrugs it off. Serafina grabs Hayley and drags her up off the ground and tosses her into the open coffin. She slams the door down as Hayley struggles in the coffin. Serafina locks it quickly as Hayley pounds on the door as Ty cackles once more.

I will leave you with your thoughts Hayley. You have a lot to digest until Meltdown. Consider this, a comfortable place to meditate. I for one cannot wait for Reynolds' decision. The ego maniac he truly is will shine through. The question remains, what will I do with you my dear Hayley.

The graveyard suddenly goes pitch black as Ty laugh echoes throughout the crypt. Hayley's whimpering and screams can be heard as well, intermingling with the laughter. The screen goes black as the laughter and screams fade. A few moments pass and suddenly a shot of Ty lying on top of the clear coffin, his face merely separated by the glass coffin from hers. He holds the WZCW World Championship down next to Hayley.

Time is ticking Reynolds, Meltdown approaches and the Ratings Winner will bow before the King of Darkness as he is forced to make his choice.

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