MD60: Titus vs. Sean Cruz

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
WZCW Legend Titus will be taking on Sean Cruz this week, a young man who once had a tag team only a couple of weeks ago has had to start anew. Titus himself seems to be finding himself under the attention of Baez, of which he said he would address this week. Will the masked man's interests put Titus off his game or will Titus make this an example point to Baez?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
We're backstage with Leon Kensworth who's stood with Titus. Titus's body language shows he's in quite a happy mood.

Leon: I'm here with Titus who this week will be taking on Sean Cruz.

Leon turns to look at Titus.

Leon: Plenty of questions to ask you Titus, lets start with last week.

Titus: That wasn't really a question now was it? What aspect of last week? There was a lot went on.

Leon: Lets start with Baez and how out of character you seemed, what are your thoughts on that?

Titus: That wasn't me, it was obviously some fake that Myles and Bateman had set up. Just look at him, firstly he's a dick to Becky. Second the accent sounds nothing like mine. Mine iss like this whereas he spoke like this and as Red Mask I speak like this!

Titus pauses.

Titus: In all seriousness though I will address the matter of Baez this week on either Meltdown or Ascension.

Leon: Last week against Kravinoff you seemed to put up a great fight but were screwed out of a win at the end, do you plan to show Kravinoff that you can beat him?

Titus: Let me just clarify something here. Titus has only ever been screwed over in this federation once, that's one time in all the times I've been here no matter how many times I may have felt it in retrospect they were not screw ups. Last week against Hunter Kravinoff was not that time.

Titus pauses once again.

Titus: Baez tried to play mind games, he may have succeeded another time but he didn't. I can say I was caught off guard and should have won but if you're going to win matches you can never be off guard. In addition to that you need to be able to capitalise on a week moment, I'm sure if he didn't use the steel chair he would have used that briefcase or some other thing, do I blame him? No I do not. Hunter Kravinoff is the real deal and his focus to get that gold is second to none.

Leon: Well this week you take a step down to face Sean Cruz and I must say I'm rather

Titus quickly interrupts Leon

Titus: A step down? A step down? What the heck is wrong with you? How is that a step down? Is it because he failed to win the tag titles? I've never won the tag titles and I didn't make the number one contenders slot so it's harder to do than you think. Did you know their team lost time and time and time again? Why do you know that? Oh Armando Paradyse told you so didn't he. Can you imagine having to team with Armando and keeping sane? Sean Cruz has something. He gets in does the job, his partner mucks up and doesn't complain or moan, he just keeps on keeping on. Well which one is still here? The man who was in after tag team gold for his partner not himself. He may come across as a cocky sort but you can tell when someone's humble. I look forward to stepping in the ring for it will be a bigger challenge than facing Constantine, Kravinoff, Big Dave or any of the so called big names.

Leon: Why do you say that?

Titus: I know how Big Dave operates, I've beaten him before. I know how Constantine operates, I've beaten him before. Kravinoff I almost beat and know I would be able to beat him on a good day. Cruz has an air of mystery about him and he's going to bring his A-game for this. It wouldn't surprise me if he's going around the locker room asking for tips and actually listening to them to apply them for out match. This match is not a guaranteed victory for me, not by a long shot. It's an honour to face this man in the ring, and I'll be ready mark my words.

Titus walks away as the camera fades to black.
It's early morning as the scene opens to Sean lying in bed. Still battling insomnia due to the sudden loss of his partner and friend, the lack of sleep has done his appearance no favors. He rises from bed and begins his day as usual thinking very little of his match that night. The routine has become so familiar to him that nothing can break his stride, until in his pile of mail he pulls out a strange postcard.


On the other side of the card is a message from none other than WZCW veteran Titus and it reads:

You're abilities have impressed me,youngster. I knew the moment I saw you when I returned that you had true potential. Now that Armando is around it's time to cultivate that potential. This match will not only show you your limits,but I will also bring out strengths in you that you didn't know you had. Absolutely no preparation for this match is required. I want to see the real you. Consider this a training lesson, Cruz.

Signed, Titus.

Sean: Wow. This Titus. TITUS! Wants to have a match with me. This is unreal! I've got to tell someone. Anyone! But who...?

No one wanting to disappoint, Cruz seeks out information from fans of Titus,but it appeared to be dead end. He had become quite the enigma among the casual fan,but they all had one thing in common to say of Titus.

I've heard legends of that person.

Faced with no other option,Sean seeks out some of the more tenured members of WZCW.

Sean: Alex? Alex Bowen?

Alex: Who's asking?

Sean: Erm, me. I'm Sean Cruz.

Alex: The little dancing kid right? Whaddya want from me?

Sean: I was wondering if you have any experience battling Titus? I got an...well, I guess an invitation to face him later tonight, and I have no idea what I'm up against.

Alex: I'll tell ya what you're up against;a legend in this business. Think of guys like Constantine, Blade, Baez, Big Dave. They've all faced him and lost. He's had classic matches with the best in our field. I'd say you're in for a helluva tussle,kid.

Sean: Have you ever wrestled him?

Alex: Can't say I have. But I'll offer you this one piece of advice: Be ready to put it all on the line against this guy. If you go over him tonight,they'll be talking about you for years, kiddo. Good luck out there.

Excited by the lofty prospect of beating a man of such stature, Sean runs of to find more information on his opponent. Moments later, he encounters Action Saxton, a man who has told almost as many legends as Titus has created.

Sean: Mr.Saxton!

Saxton: WHAT!?

Sean: Um...uh...

Saxton looks in confusion as Cruz stands perfectly still,literally paralyzed with fear.

Saxton: Punk ass cracker... Did you need somethin' from me, boy?

Sean: Um, I just...wanted to know if you had any experience against Titus?

Saxton: Titus? That's one tough S.O.B. What's it to you? You a reporter or somethin'!?

Sean: No, I'm a wrestler here and-

Saxton: LMAO!!!!! You? You look like a backup dancer for that crazy GaGa woman!

Sean: Well that didn't sting at all... Anyway, he sent me an nvitation to face him tonight.

Saxton: Damn, you must be pretty good to get an challenge from Titus himself. I can't offer you much advice,but I will say this: You beat him, and you've got it made here. Good luck out there, rookie.

Saxton, impressed by Cruz's apparent potential pats him on the back and struts of into the sunset(even though they were inside of an arena)

Sean: Where'd the sun come from!? *shakes head* HAS ANYONE EVER FOUGHT THIS GUY!? DOES HE EVEN EXIST!?

Left with no other alternative,Sean has no choice but to follow the request of Titus and do as he's never done before. Tonight on Meltdown, Sean Cruz rushes off into battle against the avatar of the unknown, the legendary Titus.
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