MD60: Scott Hammond vs. Ale - Special Referee: Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Blade continues to play the psychology game on Scott Hammond, having cost him a victory against Barbosa, he will control the rules of his challenger's match against Ale by being the special guest referee. Hammond's frustrations are continuing to build, will he be able to contain himself before his title match at Apocalypse or will Blade send him over the edge?

Deadline is Tuesday 2nd August 23:59 EST
The scene opens, and it’s Meltdown 59, and Ale is getting interviewed by Becky Serra.

Meltdown 59

Ale in front of the Meltdown logo.

Serra: So Ale, still relatively new to the company and you're the Main Event next against the World Heavyweight Champion Ty Burna. You must be feeling excited to get such a match this early in your career!

Ale: Well Becky, fact is, Showtime, Kravinoff, Reynolds can all go on about defeating Ty Burna for the Championship, but the fact is that they have failed to do in their original attempts. As for me, I plan to make my presence felt and defeat Ty Burna to make my claims for the title because I will show that in my first match against Ty, I will get it done the first time around.

He spots that a sweaty Showtime Cougar, still in possession of the replica belt, is standing right next to Becky in observation, she leans the microphone towards his direction, he stares at it blankly before looking back at Ale and gives a basic nod towards him. He gives Becky an unimpressed glare before heading off.

Ale walks off, as he finds his father, George, still holding the baseball bat that he found in the vacant house not too long ago.

Showtime? Why would he nod at me; I could care less about that punk.

I agree; I have no clue what his problem is.

Not as bad as Ty though.



Actually, I’m going to let you take this one on your own. This is the biggest match of your career so far, and if you got here all by yourself, than you should go into this match all by yourself.


George taps his son on the back.

Good luck, kick ass, and get heat.

George walks off, as Ale enters the entrance way for the beginning of the match.

Meltdown 59

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“Drones” by Rise Against plays as the giant Ale emerges from behind the curtain. Ale slowly walks down to the ring, occasionally stopping to glance at the audience.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Peru, Indiana, weighing in at 400 lbs, Ale!

Ale reaches the ring and grabs onto the top rope and pull himself up onto the apron. He straddles over the ropes and then stands in the middle of the ring. He raises both arms and gives a load roar just before the lights turn off on him.

Static lights begin to flicker as Ty Burna makes his way out to the top of the entrance ramp, flames spewing forth across the stage. He walks slowly down the ramp, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship wrapped around his waist. He walks up the steel steps and enters the ring.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is you WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty Burna removes the title belt and raises it in the air as the lights come back on. The crowd roars loudly. Ty hands the belt to the referee and then goes to the corner to remove his hood and vest. He turns around to find Ale standing very close to him. Ty has to look up at Ale who looks down on him and chuckles.

Copeland: Look at the size difference between these two. Ty Burna is not a small wrestler, but compared to Ale, Ty Burna looks like a cruiserweight.

Cohen: Ty Burna has faced more athletic and more talented opponents before, but he has never faced someone this large before. I predict an upset here Seabass.

Ty and Ale continue their stare down as the bell rings. Ale goes for an over hand chop on Ty, but Ty swats the arm to the side. He follows it with a round of punches, first having little effect, but then starting to wear down Ale. Ty throws in a few kicks mixed in with some punches which pushes Ale to the centre of the ring, teetering. Ty turns and bounces off the ropes going for a high knee. He hits it, but Ale still manages to stay on his feet. Ty grabs Ale and tries to lift him up for a slam. He barely gets Ale off the ground before Ale clubs him with a forearm. Ale uses his strength and pushes Ty back into the ropes. Ty uses the momentum goes for another high knee. As Ty leaps, Ale charges with a foreword headbutt and makes solid contact, knocking Ty to the mat. Ty appears shaken at first as Ale looks down at Ty and laughs. Ale bounces off the ropes and goes for a leg drop. Ty narrowly avoids the leg drop as Ale lands hard. Ty quickly gets up and kicks the back of Ale’s neck, causing the big man to fall hard on the mat. Ty stomps on the big man keeping him on the mat. Ty continues the offense by dropping a knee on Ale as he rolls over. Ty holds Ales leg down on the mat and drops a knee on the leg. Ty holds the big man to the mat and tries to apply the Muta Lock.

Copeland: Ty has to fight very differently against Ale than most opponents. Ty normally over powers most of his opponents, but verse Ale we’re going to have to see Ty rely more on a mat and technical approach.

Cohen: A true champion can fight in all conditions. Ty may be found as one dimensional after Ale gets a hold of him.

Ty doesn’t get the submission fully locked in and Ale is able to get his leg free and power up to his feet. Ty slides down off his back and goes for a Russian legsweep. He is unable to pull Ale to the mat, who looks at Ty to his side. Ale grabs Ty by the throat and lifts him up into the air. He walks around the ring for a bit and then looks to hit a Military press slam. Ty wiggles and slides down the backside, pulling Ale back as he falls for a Russian Legsweep like maneuver. Ty goes for the pin and Ale powers out at the count of 2. Ty continues to be aggressive against Ale and stomps him on the mat. He starts delivering strong forearms as Ale gets to his knees. Ty steps back and runs at Ale kicking him in the side of the head. Ty grabs Ale's arm and quickly locks in the The Final Séance. The crowd roars but Ale's huge body is already near the ropes and he manages to get his leg on top of bottom rope The ref counts to 4 and Ty lets go of him. Ty stands and waits for the big Ale to get to his knees. Ty looks back to the ropes and runs towards them. He bounces off and goes for a high knee as Ale stands up. Ale catches Ty in midair. With little pause he lifts Ty over his head for a Fallaway Slam. Ale gets up to his feet and walks up to Ty. He takes a 2 step approach and then jumps, hitting a big leg drop. Ale goes for the cover. 1... 2... Ty kicks out. The camera shows a split screen from backstage. Austin Reynolds and Showtime Cougar are both watching this match from their respective locker rooms.

Copeland: Austin and Showtime both taking a keen interest in the outcome of this match.

Cohen: One wants to beat Ty at Apocalypse, the other wants to make sure Ty loses at all costs. And they are about to see a champion bow down to a giant.

Ale waits for Ty to stand and then picks him and hold him up in the air before slamming him to the mat. Ale grabs Ty by the head and lifts him to his feet. He then raises his head and drops Ty with a headbutt. Ale grabs Ty and lifts him off the mat and headbutts him a second time. Ale goes for the pin cover. 1... 2... Ty kicks out again. Ale stands up and raises both arms to boos and then waits for Ty to stand. Ty slowly gets to his knees as Ale walks behind him. Ale places both hands on the sides of Ty’s head and locks in the Runaway Vise Grip. Ale shakes Ty from side to side, squeezing the head on Ty. Ty slowly begins to wear and both arms drop. The ref raises it once and it falls. The ref raises it up a second time and it drops. The ref raises a third time and Ty manages to get it up. He shakes his fist as the crowd roars. Ale lowers one hands down on Ty’s neck and raises the other one in the air, thumb sticking out. He goes for Samoan Spike, The Joker... Ty ducks under the fist and with Ale’s momentum lifts and turns him in the air dropping a huge Spinebuster. The crowd roars as the ref makes a 10 count. Ty is up at 6 and gets the crowd going. Ale is on his knees and gets up by 8. Ty kicks him in the gut. Drops him with Mo’ Murda. Ty doesn’t go for the pin and instead stands in the corner waiting. The crowd is on their feet cheering on Ty. Ale slowly gets up to his feet he turns around to face Ty. Ty runs at him and hits Consecrated Banishment. He goes for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

The ref hands Ty Burna the belt. Ty raises it in the air to a big applause. Ty circles the ring and then stops at the corner, raises it one more time, and looks to leave. He turns back and sees Ale slowly starting to come to his knees. Ty puts down the title belt and stands. Ale gets on one knee and then to his feet, only to be struck down again by a second Consecrated Banishment. The crowd cheers but not a loudly as from before. Ty picks up the belt and rolls out of the ring.

Copeland: I don’t understand why Ty Burna did that to Ale. He won the match cleanly. This does not seem like Ty at all to pick a man after beating him soundly.

Cohen: This is Ty Burna sending a message to Austin, Showtime, or anyone after him. Look at what he just did. He destroyed a giant. This may be the most interesting thing Ty’s done in months.

Ty heads over to some fans who have their hands raised, he goes to slap them but one of the fans in a Baez mask grabs his hand and slaps him hard, he climbs over the railing with the steel chair he was sitting and waits behind Ty who turns around and is met with a hard chair shot which knocks him out. The fan stands over him staring and shakes his head before he removes the mask to reveal it's Austin Reynolds which the crowd boo heavily. He mouths the words "This is for Hayley!" as he stands over Ty before slamming the chair next to him and heading up the ramp as Meltdown goes off the air.


Ale is now seen walking backstage; taking out every object in sight; whether it’s with his head, or with his fists.

Where is he?

I’m right here.

Ale walks over to George, takes his bat, and takes a swing at a wall, sending a huge hole in the wall that he swung at.

I’m not talking about you, where’s TY?

Ale starts to walk down the hallway; still smashing everything in sight with the bat.

That coward, where is he?

Ale and George then enter a very dark hallway, as we hear noises of Ale smashing things with his bat.

???:Looking for someone?

Ale turns around, and we see that mysterious person pull a string on a lamp to turn a light on in the dark room, and the person is revealed to be the current WZCW EurAsian Champion, Blade.

What do you want?

Just to inform you that next week, on Meltdown 60, you will be facing someone that you know that both of us despise equally, and that man is Scott Hammond.

What’s your point, Scott Hammond is an English piece of crap that feeds off of these disgusting slobs of fans joy, and made a name for himself by being the ass end of a mildly-successful tag team with a fat c***k.

I agree with you, but the reason why I’m here, and the only reason I care about what you do is that I’m the special guest referee.


Now, you can win this match; you can destroy this "challenger", but you can’t let your anger get the best of you.

If you’re going to tell me what to do than I suggest you run away as fast as you can, because I have a bat, and there’s no way I’m taking advice from you.

No way you’re taking advice from a champion?

It took you what, a year and a half? Also, I hope you feel proud of yourself because the man you beat to win the title took him well less than a year to win that title.

Remember, I’m the referee, I make the rules, and I suggest you not do anything to screw this up, because I hate Scott Hammond, but I can hate you just as much.

Ale hands the bat over to George.

Okay, just don’t screw anything up for me; I don’t want Scott Hammond to make it to your title match; I hope you know that. Scott is going to go through the worst pain that he can imagine, and it’s not going to be because you’re the referee, it’s going to be because I’m his opponent.

Ale walks off, as George points the bat at Blade’s face, before he (George) walks off with his son. Blade then sits back in his seat, alone.


Ale and George are in a car; driving back to a hotel. George is on the wheel, while Ale is in the passenger seat, with a black hoodie on, and the hood just barely hanging over his nose, and he’s just looking forward for most of the ride.

I don’t need Blade. I can beat Scott Hammond without any “special referee”.

Son, you’re 28 years old; stop complaining to me, and just win!

I will, I will destroy Scott Hammond. I will bust him open, and show the blood and the damage that I do to him to all of his fans out there. I will rub his busted up head all over the arena. He will not make it to his match with Blade. Next week, I am hosting Scott Hammond’s retirement party.

That’s more like it.

Ale looks to the side, and George pulls up in a very nice Ramada hotel. Ale exits the car, and is harassed by the media. They ask Ale all sorts of questions, but Ale ignores them. George then pulls out the baseball bat, and threatens to swing it at the media, as Ale grabs one of them by the head with just his right hand, and he lifts the media member up, (by his head, with just one hand) and throws him on the car. Ale keeps his hand on the head of the media member, and throws back to the ground; on his back.

Don’t mess with this man. The only answer you need is that Scott Hammond is a dead man come Meltdown 60. I will repeat it, Scott Hammond is a dead man.

Ale and George walk off, and when they’re about 10 feet away from the entrance doors to the hotel, Ale turns to George.

Why did you speak to those rats?

To get them off; remember, when I was the best car dealer in the whole state of Michigan not too long ago, I had the media all over me as well. I know how to handle them.

I can’t stand them. Sebastien Copeland, Jack Cohen, and soon enough Cat Connors calling my every move in the ring is bad enough.

They enter the hotel.

Scene Fades To Black
The scene opens in a small bar, that has a few people scattered around, drinking and talking. Scott Hammond can be seen sitting at the bar, with his head down, taking a shot of what appears to be whisky. The barman approaches him with a confusing glint in his eye

Scotty, where's your overtly large friend, I haven't seen him in a while?

We don't roll together anymore George, we had to split.

That's why you look so down in the dumps huh?

Partly. If he was here right now, he'd be chewing my ear out for drinking. One of the main reasons why I'm a little down is because I have let someone get in my head the last couple of weeks. I'm not that guy. I'm the guy that gets inside people's heads. But recently, this guy has got a couple over on me is all.

How so?

This guy Blade, he's the EurAsian champion. He's been a great champion too. Held the title since our biggest PPV, Kingdom Come.

I think I've seen a little of him. I watched him last week...against Showtime Cougar right?

That's right. Blade got knocked out during that match, and all I remember is being ready to strike the guy down. I was going red with rage and then, it just...subsided. So I grabbed his title, and to let him know that I will walk out of our next PPV Apocalypse the next EurAsian champion, I held it high, and laid it over his lifeless body.

Sounds like its all good to me Scott. You want another?

George points to his empty shot glass

Yeah sure why not. But it wasn't that that was the problem. The following night, I had a big match. Against a nutter who calls himself Barbosa. I had the guy all set up and who do you think got involved?


Of course it was. What really got me was that all he did was distract me long enough to walk into Barbosa's finishing move and lose the damn match. The last thing I need right now is a loss of momentum going into what could well be the biggest match of my singles career to date. I just wish I could turn the tables on Blade and mess with his head. To compound issues, he is involved in my match this week as a special guest referee.

Hammond looks up at the TV and sees a re-run of Dukes Of Hazzard

Could you go up a couple of channels.

George flicks the TV over and a re-run of last week's Meltdown is on. They have tuned in during the main event between Ty Burna and Ale

I got to face this guy, Ale. Speaking of which, I'm a little thirsty, could you fix me a Newcastle Brown Ale please George?

Georges pops the top on a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale and hands it over

Sound's weird that I would be fighting a guy named Ale, after all, a lot of funny times have happened when I've drank too much ale. The guy was in the main event as you can see, so I won't be taking him lightly, but he seems to think so little of others. He has obviously had some daddy issues over the years. But I guess that has ultimately lead to his position in WZCW. The guys obviously needs a hug. The only thing he is getting from me is a kick in the teeth. He and Blade are pretty much going to take me apart. Its more or less a handicap match, but I've put up with far worse odds.

Listen, Scotty. I'm not one for big speeches, but your obviously a little worried about this whole situation. Its a tough place to be for you. But ultimately, you will be facing Blade one-on-one at Apocalypse. Sure he may try to put you out of contention before then, but I remember what an old friend of your used to say. Packing as many peanuts in his mouth as he could, he'd say 'the path to enlightenment is filled with many dangers, and when you think your alone, you need only look to those around you for help and answers to the questions that cloud your judgement'.

Good old Wasabi, so wise was he.

Its not about mind games Scotty, its about being the best wrestler. I have full faith that you know what your doing, and you may not see it right now, but everything will become clearer when the time comes, you just need to clear your mind. If Blade gets in your way, kick his ass.

Yeah your right. Your a modern day Buddah George, thanks. Grab me a bag of peanuts my good man, I'm in this for the long haul

Hammond takes a bag of peanuts and begins cramming large amounts of them in his mouth at once

No jokes about nuts in my mouth, you got that?

Would I?

George laughs as the scene fades out as Meltdown goes off the air on the TV
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The scene opens with Rebecca Serra standing by with Blade. Wearing the referee shirt and his EurAsian title around his waist, his smirks with an air of smugness. In his right hand, the familiar cigarette burns, sending whispy smoke into the air as Blade awaits the first question.

Rebecca: So Blade, as part of the exclusive interview, can you tell me how you’re feeling going into the Scott Hammond vs Ale match as the special guest referee?

Blade: We’re online so any of my usual witty and sparkling wordplay will go straight over the heads of anyone watching right now. This is the internet audience, the most intolerant, foolish, biased group of people on this earth. All you have to do is go to any wrestling forum, and you can immediately feel yourself becoming more and more stupid. But I suppose if those are the people who I’m catering to in this interview...

Blade closes his eyes to get himself ‘into character’.

Blade: Z.O.M.F.G.W.T.F.ZORZ? Titus is over-rated, knows 5 moves only! Push Steven Holmes, his heel promos are teh rockzorz. Your opinion is WRONG cause you don’t like who I like and you’re stupid also. My god, I can’t keep this up, I’m annoying myself. What was the question you were going to ask, Becky?

Rebecca goes to answer, opening her mouth, but Blade almost instantly cuts her off.

Blade: I have no fear of Scott Hammond or of Ale. I have manipulated Ale without much effort on my behalf so if all goes well, he’ll be destroying Hammond for me. I will be calling this match right down the middle, because I’ve lit a fire under Ale to destroy Hammond for me. Ale has a lot to prove after having his ass handed to him last week. So I have faith in the power of my own manipulation. As for Hammond, he’s admitted to himself that he’s let me get to him. Do you know what that means? That means I’ve already won. Regardless of how he may think he has been redeemed by whoever he was talking to him, no matter what happens now, the damage was already done. He is putty in my hands. Give up, Scott. The battle is already loss.

Rebecca: You should know better than that, Blade. Hammond did make an example of you on the last Meltdown. He held the belt that you love so much while standing over your unconscious body, with the help of Showtime. You’re telling me that didn’t get to you at all?

Blade: I have dealt with this already. I went out to the ramp on Ascension and I told Hammond and the world exactly what I thought of his pathetic attempt to get one over on me. Does my head hurt? Sure, but that’s cause Showtime smacked me in the head with a replica belt. While it’s sad that the only way Showtime can get his hands on the world title is by holding a replica, the replica is still made of gold and it still hurts like hell. But with all that Hammond could’ve done, stealing my title or trying to take me out or whatever, he decided to hold my title up. Who hasn’t done that at some point? He’ll try to claim he’s too noble to steal a title or try hurt me before our match, but that’s not true. He just doesn’t have the balls to do anything. And that’s why I’m so confident, that’s why I’m optimistic. For all Hammond’s strength, he doesn’t have the brains or the balls to win this war. So yes, he has already lost.

Blade flicks away the cigarette as he throws his belt over his shoulder.

Blade: See Becky, as this video goes out and people rewatch this over and over again and the hits for this interview sky rocket into the millions on youtube, I’m going to finish this with a term that is used by these moronic drones on the internet. I’m gonna pwn Hammond.

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