MD59: Forgotten Powers vs. Black Dragon & Jack Skinner

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The Forgotten Powers continue to demand for challenges. Outside of the Tag Team Contenders Battle Royale, they wanted some competition, so by random draw, they face the unlikely combination of the Black Dragon and newcomer Jack Skinner. Will the champions see this as easy prey or will the "odd couple" show them there's more than meets the eye in this bout?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th July 23:59 EST
Leon Kensworth is standing with the Forgotten Powers; James King and Dr. Alhazred. Richard King and Mister are not present it seems. Behind them is a large picture of a top of a beautiful snow topped mountain. Both men are wearing their Forgotten Powers custom made hoodies over their in-ring gear, the WZCW Tag Team Titles are proudly wrapped around their waists.

Leon Kensworth: I’m standing here with the WZCW Tag Team Champions, James King and Dr. Alhazred, The Forgotten Powers. The big topic swirling around WZCW is the lack of Tag Teams, now with the end of the Brothers in Arms and Armando Paradyse taking some time off; you two are the only remaining Tag Team in the company. What are your thoughts on that?

Dr. Alhazred: First things first, I’d like to apologize to Becky Serra and James King for the way I acted last week. I was incredibly inappropriate and King and I have moved past that. What can I say? Daddy likes a little Scotchy Scotch with his breakfast on occasions. But moving on to your question, Mr. KITTENsworth. That’s right I’m bringing it back.

Leon Kensoworth looks down and shakes his head for a moment.

Dr. Alhazred: Let me first start with the BiA. You claim the reason for your split is so you can both pursue your own endeavors. Well I call shenanigans. I say you split, because you knew you couldn’t hang tough with the new kids on the block. You knew as soon as we entered the division and started destroying everything in our path that you didn’t have the right stuff to compete with us. Step by step we got closer and closer to finally ending your reign of terror over the Tag Division. And when we finally defeated you guys two on two, you cut and ran before it was even summer time. That was what pissed me off the most. I hated you two, but I always respected you. You always took us to our limits and beyond every time we interacted. But after you both went single after losing the Tag Titles to us, instead of being the men of honor you claimed to be; I’ve lost all respect for you two. Now that you left, the Forgotten Powers have become the lowest champions in this company. With no one to defend our titles against, we mind as well go dirty dancing by ourselves. We would have gladly given you your rematch for these belts, because if we successfully defended them against you, that solidifies our reign as champions. But when you two find no success in the singles division, don’t come calling us at 2 in the morning begging for a shot at these titles, you’ll find no sympathy from us.

And as for Armando, I knew he couldn’t cut it with us. He was all talk and no bite. Claiming to be a “Future WZCW Tag Team Champion” well I think we all knew from the beginning that that would never happen. Don’t turn out the lights on the Forgotten Powers though, just because we are the lone tag team, doesn’t make us any less dangerous. We will always be ready for a fight and we will always be ready to defend these titles against all challengers.

Leon Kensworth: What are your thoughts on this James King?

James King: I think it’s safe to say I share the same sentiments as my partner here. A lot of unexpected things have happened in our short time here in WZCW. We were thrown together, the only the thing we had in common was we debuted at the same time. We have both said that in the beginning neither of us really liked each other. But we knew from our first match together that we had chemistry and that we were capable of big things together. The loss of the other teams is just another example of how anything can happen and you have to get through it no matter what. We didn’t ask for the weight of this division to be thrusted atop our shoulders but it was. People can say whatever they want about our reign, but the fact that through everything we are still a strong tag team and we are still a forced to be reckoned with, shows that we truly deserve to call ourselves champions.

Leon Kensworth: In a very uncharacteristically generous move of yours Dr. Alhazred; you sent a request to the heads of WZCW to give you more challenges by having an open challenge number one contenders tag team contest. You’ve shown to not care for many things other than yourself, why did you decide to be so rewarding, when you could have easily lengthened your reign as champions by having no competition?

Dr. Alhazred points to the picture of a mountain behind him.

Dr. Alhazred: It’s lonely at the top Leon. It’s especially lonely when you peer over the edge of the mountain and see that no one is even attempting to climb to the summit behind you. Say what you want about my attitude and lack of care for much of this world has to offer, but the one thing we have always said is that we want to be known as the best. Having no challengers and no one to face could have been easy, we could have sit back and watched our reign grow longer and longer. But the fact is we never wanted it easy, we truly want to show that we are the best of the best and lying back and doing nothing just wouldn’t show that. We’re taking these titles back to the streets, back to what its former glory days. It’s time for us to quit playing games with the heart of this division and just prove to everybody that as long as you love us we will give you all we have to give. Wrestlers come here every day saying “I want it that way” but we just want the Forgotten Powers and the Tag Division to be larger than life. If we show the world the meaning of being lonely at the top, we will prove that we are the ones and they will know the true shape of our hearts. When I got the call that Chuck Myles had approved our request, a great sense of relief came over me as well as my comrade over here. We aren’t just a kid who got in a car crash and a nerdy shut in who only cared about his Power Glove and video games, we’re more than that. We are the two guys who will save this division from drowning any longer.

James King: I think the real reason there are no challengers is simply fear as well. We may be far from veterans here but we are the real deal when it comes to getting in that ring and doing what needs to be done to attain a victory. While Dr. Alhazred made the request, I was all for it. Just to see who truly isn’t afraid of being humbled by the Forgotten Powers. Just to see who has the guts to try to do what we did and who thinks they have what it takes to stop us.

Leon Kensworth: This week on Meltdown you will be facing two newcomers in Black Dragon and Jack Skinner, how do you feel about your competitors and are you possibly looking into the future too much and over looking two dangerous new rookies?

Dr. Alhazred: I’ll admit I don’t know much about either competitor but to say we are overlooking them is just plain dumb. My partner and I are truly ‘nsync at every level at the moment. While the crumble of the tag division is tearing us apart inside, when I saw we were facing them I thought “Here we go”. I think it’s so fitting that this match is taking place and we more than anyone should know not to over look them. Two guys thrown together that don’t know anything about the other one. They probably don’t even like each other, hell their attitudes and methods of life are completely opposite it would seem. But we know what that’s like and believe me when I tell you, we will not fall to them. We’re going to go into that match and destroy these two. I am willing to bet that they will drive each other crazy and after getting slammed in the face by a Level 5 or feelng the pain of Amnesia Strikes, they will saying bye, bye, bye to each other and to the tag division. When the dust settles and all the talk stops, it’s going to be us with our hands raised. This I promise you, we will win, the crowd will pop for our victory and you two will forever be gone from this division girlfriend.

James King: What’s up with you? Everything you say sounds like a bad boy band song or something.

Dr. Alhazred: I’m just speaking from the heart bro, just speaking from the heart.

James King: Okay then. We never take any team lightly, even a random rookie one like this. But we know what we are capable of and I don’t think these two will have the same success we had. They’re going to have trouble working with each other and you can be the best wrestler around, but if you make the slightest mistake against an experienced Tag Team like ourselves, you better believe we will capitalize on it and it will bite you in the ass.

Dr. Alhazred: Do you have any more questions Kittensworth? I’ve been away from my 3DS for far too long. I’m having withdrawal symptoms.

Leon Kensworth: No, I have no more questions. Thanks for the interview guys, surprisingly nothing bad happened. No one got hurt, you guys weren't in your underwear or anything. Thank you so much guys...

The giant picture behind them falls on them. Knocking everything over and hitting the camera. The camera falls to the ground hard and messes up before cutting out.

The scene opens with Jack and Leon talking in the locker room. As the camera approaches, you can't hear clearly what's being said, but Jack is smiling and nodding in approval.

Leon Kensworth: ...and you'll be facing the tag champs, the Forgotten Powers.

Jack Skinner: Sweet! I'm tag-teaming with Batman! And, it's a title match!

No, Jack. Let me tell you how wrong you are with both of those statements. First, it's not Batman. It's Black Dragon. I believe Batman is licensed to DC Comics. Also, it's not a title match.

But, they're the champions, right? And, I am the Jack Skinner. I knew the guys up top would recognize my importance to this establishment, and put some gold on me right away.

What are you talking about? Importance? You're a rookie. A well-known guy, but a rookie. And "put"? You don't get titles "put" on you. You earn them.

It's a damn shame.

Excuse me?

It's a shame, you've been here so long, and have no idea how it works. It's not talent. It's politics. I'm a big name, and it's big money for this place, if I have a fancy belt to show off. Sure, it's only the tag title, and my partner is apparently a no-name, but at least it isn't the Mayhem title, right? Maybe next week, I'll get my shot at the Elite X. Maybe the Eurasian. Time will tell!

I can't deal with this. I've got other interviews to do. It's a busy week.

Leon leaves, and Jack pulls his leather jacket on, slips on his shades, and leaves the locker room.


The scene picks up with Leon at dinner, accompanied by a beautiful brunette, who is clinging to him.

Look, Jessi...

Anonymous Lady: Actually, it's Jennif...

It doesn't really matter. I don't exactly plan on adding you to my Facebook, or hell, even calling you. The point is, I have to go. I have to talk to this Black Lizard guy, and make sure he understands how our match will go. You got the check, right? Thanks.

The lady goes to kiss him good-bye, but he stands up, letting her fall against the seat. Before he exits the restaurant, he is on the phone, trying to track down his mysterious partner.

(Into the phone) What do you mean, "unlisted"?

Jack shakes his head in disbelief, as the operator explains the name does not exist in the phone records, and she has never heard of the "Black Lizard guy". He flips his phone shut, and tosses into the front seat of his Ferrari, and speeds off.


It's early in the morning, and Jack is once again on the phone, this time with Leon.

Hey, man. I'm sorry our interview got cut short yesterday, and if you can help me out, I promise you an exclusive next week, OK?

An exclusive? Yeah...Anyway, what's it you need?

I tried calling the Black Snake dude, and there's no name, or number, that matches anywhere. I'm thinking I need an address. I'll pay him a visit.

I'll ask around. He's a weird guy. Don't think anyone has anything on him. No more favors though. I'm not your lackey. I'm only helping you now, because I know how hard it is for a rook like you to make it here.

Whatever. "Rook", or not, I'll be fine. These guys know who I am. Just do it.

Jack flips his phone shut, and within minutes receives a text from Leon, with an address.

100 Third Street, apartment 12. Hmm...That's down in the red light district. I ain't taking my Ferrari there. I'll stick with the Jag, then.


Jack pulls up to where the address should be, but sees an abandoned lot. He gets out of the car, and double checks that he isn't at the wrong address, and gets back in his car.

(Muttering to himself) I get it, Leon. Not my lackey. "No one knows where he lives" would have sufficed. Guess I'll have to go this alone.
We come in on the basement of the King house. We See James King sitting on a bench lifting, with his tag-team championship sitting next to him. He has a distracted look on his face, and keeps looking at a printed piece of paper posted on the wall.


James shakes his head, and lowers the weight in his hand. He gets up and walks over to his phone, which is vibrating. He lifts it up, and opens the cover. He takes a glance, sighs and walks up the stairs into the kitchen. We see Richard King talking on the phone with someone, but James ignores him. Instead, he walks into the living room and sits on the couch. He wipes his hands on his face, a weary face being worn.

And then there was one. As much pride I take in being champion, it doesn’t mean anything when we are the division. Something needs to happen.

We see a hand land on James’ shoulder. James looks up to see Richard with the phone in his hand, and a look of interest on his face. James raises an eyebrow, asking a silent question. Richard smiles as the phone rings again. He looks down at the ID and pushes two buttons.

King residents.

James frowns at his father when a familiar voice cracks through the speaker.

Hello, this is Chuck Myles.

James sits up quickly, his eyes wide. He turns towards the phone as Richard looks on with a small smile on his face.

Mr. Myles! What do I owe this call to?

A little complaint I received from a unnamed source.

There’s a hint of annoyance in Myles’ voice. James shakes his head and has a slight chuckle.

Very well. A complaint about what?

A complaint about a lack of a tag team division. So as such, I thought I’d let you know that there will be a battle royal for anyone interested for a shot at your titles.

James smirks as he turns to his father, miming a back fist, showing who he thinks made the complaint. Richard shakes his head as he motions back to the phone.

May I ask about opponents for this week?

A sigh rustles through the phone, sounding like sandpaper.

I thought you would know, but you’re facing two of our newer superstars in Black Dragon and Jack Skinner.

James motions to his father to get the laptop, while he picks up the phone and pushes a button.

Well thank you for that information, sir. I will see you on Meltdown, goodbye.

James hits a button on the phone and leans back. Richard walks back in with a laptop under his arm and notices James in his state.


James looks up at his father. He has a look of curiosity on his face. He shakes his head at his father.

Just tired. How new is newer?

Richard sits in the chair across from James and opens the computer on his lap.

Well, Black Dragon’s been around for a couple of weeks, had some good matches, most recently in the Mayhem Eliminator last week.

James smiles at what he just said, a glint in his eye.

A mayhem person? He can’t stand with us. We’ve perfected tag team wrestling, while this Black Dragon has been knocking people around with chairs.

Last week was his first mayhem match, he’s also won very competitive matches. As for Jack Skinner…

James leans in with intreast. Richard in scanning something on the laptop while James waits for him to speak.

He seems to be one of the newest people, having just been awarded a contract. It appears that this is his debut.

James laughs out loud at the thought that he will be facing a person in their debut match.

Anything else on him?

It seems that he used to be a journalist…

James starts laughing again, a hint of thoughtfulness creeping in.

A reporter? He thinks that just cause we can do it, a person who makes a living behind a typewriter can too. Jack, here’s a tip. Leave wrestling to the people who were trained to do it. Go back to the computer you used to write up your columns, and keep typing on the future of the business.

James stands up and walks over to the window with his tag team title in his hand.

Keep typing on how the Forgotten Powers will be the champions for a long time. We are the future, and you need to realize that. And Black Dragon, go back to the dark hole you came from. Live where you know you can survive. You will end up like the others who stand before us. Broken, beaten, and scarred from the damages we caused to you. The Forgotten Powers will reign, and there is no one that can stop us.

James remains in front of the window with Richard walking up behind him as we fade out.
Book of the Dragon

~ Chapter Five – Cat, Mouse and Rope ~​

Prey and hunter. Hunter and prey. But which is the hunter, and which is the prey?

Being a shadow is harder than one might think. Sooner or later people will start to from questions about you; and curiosity, like a disease, is highly contagious. Jack Skinner, a cat so curious as to put himself in danger, starts poking around. He asks questions of Kensworth, who is unsurprisingly ignorant, and now we have two people poking around. Whilst the cat is content to hunt aimlessly around the cess pools of the city (or so I presume, I have more important tasks to undertake than stalking a cat), Kensworth takes the more logical step and consults Klamor and Rebecca. And thus the hunt for the Dragon doubles again. Rebecca cannot tell him anything, and Klamor wouldn’t share a secret even if he knew. From this point the trail of the hunters becomes almost impossible to follow, but it takes only a matter of minutes for it to be passed to my ears that people are taking an interest in me.

Fortunately I can rely on our old friendly snake Bateman to respond to any inquiry with an immediate, ill mannered rebuttal. Snakes do not hunt as a pack, but rather work alone; and Bateman has far more reason than I to want to prevent me coming to the attention of those with inquisitive minds. There is the fact that I’m being paid through… unofficial channels, there is the violation of multiple athletic regulations by allowing me to perform anonymously and without insurance, and of course there is the fact that I know what he did. No, Bateman would much prefer I did not come to the attention of the world, and will keep my secrets safe whilst hunting me in his own way.

Today’s event in Bateman’s game: a handicap match against the most powerful combined force around. Last week I fought through three men, was bent across a guard rail and slammed against steel until I could be held down. This week I face two men who make a living fighting as a unit. Subtlety is indeed a lost art form. And what, dear reader, do you think I am given to defend myself? Why the curious cat Sam Skinner of course. A man who asks too many questions. A man who cannot fight. A partner described best as a sick joke. For now he can be safely ignored. I hope for his sake that this state of affairs continues.

As for the Powers, I see nothing more or less than two more faces added to the hunt.

I met a young Cheyenne Indian once, just before taking up the mask, and he shared with me a little wisdom about the hunt. “A bad hunter chases”, he said, “He storms across the land, trampling bracken underfoot leaving his own trail. A good hunter doesn’t need to give chase, he simply stands and waits, in certain knowledge that the prey will come to him.”
I thought it best to vacate my lodgings. There is a tail of money leading there. The girl climbs the stairs more often than she should to leave me little notes. Since the girl does not lie as well as one might hope, it seems plausible that she might one day allow herself to be followed. And of course, Bateman must unfortunately know the location. No; all in all the lodgings are no longer safe from the hunt and must be abandoned. They were just another half way house in a line of half way houses, I can leave without regret.

My young Cheyenne friend had some wisdom to share on this subject as well. When a beast finds its earth to be staked it is left with only two options. It can stand and fight its pursuers on its own turf, in which case it will stand bravely and fell multiple foes, but ultimately fall. Alternately it can flee, and in order to flee from superior numbers the beast must run somewhere that the hunt does not expect it to run.
It was with my young friend in mind that I elected to wait in the one place nobody would think of hunting me. I arrived at the arena and settled into the shadows to wait and watch. I watched the bodies come and go, saw fresh faces and recognisable names go about their business and checked off names against my list. I even showed myself at one point, as a friendly warning of my continued existence, but that’s a story for another day.

Am I hiding, or am I lying in wait? Am I the hunter or am I the prey? Cat and mouse, cat and mouse, but who is the cat, and who is the mouse? Certainly there is a hunt for me, but let them come. Let them come one at a time, let them come together, let them bring their friends and hammer me for as many minutes as the man pulling the strings feels necessary. Let the staff make their inquiries, let Bateman plot, let the Cat continue to chase geese. Let the Forgotten Powers come at me with everything they have; physical pain is something that can be transcended. Physical pain is something that I have seen, many times before, and if anyone thinks that the taste of my own blood, or the taste of defeat, is going to push my away from my task then they are sorely mistaken. Let the Powers come, but let them come carefully; for when an animal is cornered on its own turf it can take down a great many pursuers before it falls. Tonight I have a point to prove; a point that has nothing to do with victory, and everything to do with pain. Tread carefully hunters, lest you leave too strong a trail and find yourself becoming the hunted.

Prey and hunter, hunter and prey.
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