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MD59: Blade vs. Showtime Cougar

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
With Scott Hammond named as his challenger, Blade wanted to further prove his worth as the EurAsian Champion. Last week he defeated former World Champion, Everest, this week, he takes on former EurAsian Champion Showtime Cougar. With Showtime returning back from a slight injury from Redemption, will his pursuit of the World Heavyweight Championship going to affect his game plan or will Blade continue to build up more momentum before facing Hammond?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th July 23:59 EST
A house show in the O2 Arena in the heart of Dublin has gone well. There have been several good matches featuring several of WZCW's top stars. But the sense of anticipation, the buzz in the crowd has yet to subside due to the hometown hero not having appeared just yet. With the house show nearly over, a nervous tension if felt in the crowd until suddenly, finally, Bliss hits to a huge pop from the crowd. After no sight of Blade for several moments, he finally emerges, his belt over his shoulder, and the pop reignites. He looks around at the adoring crowd, feeling touched. He walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. Climbing up to the second turnbuckle, he raises his title before the crowd, closing his eyes, and taking in every second of his homecoming. He's handed a mic and he stands in the middle of the ring. The crowd stay loud for what seems like an eternity, with cheering and various chants breaking out. Blade doesn't mind the length of the reaction, clearly loving every second of it. Finally it dies down a bit and Blade starts speaking. He puts the mic up to his lips, the crowd getting ready to hang on his every word.

Blade: Hi there!

The crowd start cheering loudly again as soon as Blade finishes his sentence, making him laugh.

Blade: The best thing about coming home is that, no matter what you've done, you'll be hailed as a hero by those who supported you from the beginning. And for that I say: thank you.

The crowd give Blade some applause before he continues.

Blade: But I specifically requested that I not be in a match tonight so that I could come out here and say everything I wanted to say. On television, everything is a strict schedule and everything is limited. On a house show anywhere else in the world, I'd be booed... Except in Chicago, those smarky bastards... So I am here tonight and I have as much time as I want to say whatever I want. The only thing that's left is to ask for permission from you guys. So, fine people of Dublin, will you allow me the time to vent and get everything off my chest?

The crowd let out a huge cheer. A genuine smile appears across Blade's face for the first time in a long while.

Blade: Thank you... Well, first thing's first. I got the title I've been hunting for over a year. This beautiful EurAsian title. The Prodical Son has returned!

He raises his title to another cheer.

Blade: Put this is not how I promised you and promised myself to return. I hold this title, this gorgeous, coveted piece of gold that proves that I am one of the best in the world. And I love being the EurAsian champion, it's still an honour being the best midcard wrestler in the world. But that's not how I promised I would return. I promised I would be the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion... That is, as you know, the destiny of this warrior. But it has been a long, difficult road. It took everything I had to get this title, Chris Beckford made my fight for it from start to finish. Made me fight for it so hard that, in the end, I had to force him into early retirement. I defeated one of the toughest young rookies I've seen since... Well, since myself in King Shabba. And at Apocalypse I face the big bad mothefucker known as Scott Hammond. Y'know, he interrupted me at a house show in London yesterday. It wasn't to build up the feud because there were no cameras there. He just wanted to let me know that I was going to lose and he was going to win. While he may not have the menacing edge he once had, his time alongside Wasabi Toyota has made him a huge threat to my title. While I'm not scared of facing him, my life is tough. As difficult as it was defeating Beckford and getting to the title, it's even more difficult being the champion, with the proverbial bullseye on my back while at the same time knowing that I'm still expected to keep evolving and work my way up to the main event scene when I lose this belt because apparently, I'm that good yet the moving up thing is not actually up to me... And so I'm scheduled to face Showtime Cougar on Meltdown. A man who made a fool of me last time we faced off a couple years ago... And do you know how I feel when I think facing him? I think that I cannot beat him. Not now at least, because he is on a whole other level. This is the guy that, over the last few months, has been taking Ty Burna, the greatest World champion in this fine company's history, to his very limit. Anyone who watches just one of his matches can tell you he's on a different level than I am. Showtime knows it, everyone here knows it, everything in the back knows it, everyone in the world knows it and... I know it.

The crowd is eerily silent now as Blade is leaning back against the turnbuckles, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

Blade: I am a wrestler. I am a wrestler through and through. I am a wrestler's wrestler and I am one of the very best wrestlers in the world today. And I know what you guys want me to say. Hell, I know what I'm supposed to say. I'm supposed to come out here I'll kick Showtime's ass like the whiny little bitch he is and then I'll move on to Apocalypse and face Scott Hammond and kick his ass like the generic musclehead he is. And you guys will drink up that Kool Aid like you've been dehydrated for days and I will pose with this title, the conquering hero leaving on a high note. But that's what I'm going to say. If there is one place where I should be allowed be honest and tell you what I'm really thinking, it should be here, in front of this crowd where you will love me no matter what. I had a realisation last night that I can't beat Showtime. I thought to myself, sure I beat Everest, another top guy, but Everest is past his prime while Showtime has just reached his. While nobodies like Black Dragon and Shabba talk about me like they can beat me, Showtime doesn't need to. So I thought what's even the point? I could stay at home. One missed paycheck won't matter much to me and I'll avoid a beating. But hey, maybe taking the best Showtime can give me will make me prepared for anything Hammond can throw at me. It'll bring me back down to earth or whatever...

Blade shakes his head as the crowd look depressed at what their hero is saying.

Blade: But then... I watched myself against Everest last week. That wasn't the performance of someone who is on the level of some has been. That was the performance of someone who can hang with the very best. And that is exactly what I intend to do. Maybe Showtime is better than me. Maybe he'll want to take all his frustration out on me. It doesn't matter, because regardless of how good I am, all it takes is me to be at my best just for one night and there is no doubt in my mind that I can beat him. For all his strengths, all his accolades, he has failed where it is most important. He has failed to win the WZCW title in his numerous opportunities. He has failed where I am destined to succeed. But even with my destiny driving forward, the EurAsian title is still my top priority, and it is what I'm fighting for. Maybe I am a bad guy who does bad things. But I am also a proud man, and I am not going to let anyone... ANYONE... say that I am not a fighting champion and that I am not a damn fine EurAsian champion. So Scott Hammond, you want to come out and confront me, you want to tell me that I am going to lose? That's a bold statement to make considering I'm on fire right now and you know that I can easily make you just another vicim after ten minutes then forget about you completely after another five.

The crowd are loud again, cheering an applauding the EurAsian champion, who has adrenaline coarsing through his veins.

Blade: Bring on any challenge and I will accept it. Dublin, I love you all, and I will see you again soon. I stand before you fighter, Irishman and proud EurAsian champion.

He puts the mic down softly and slowly raises his title into the air as the crowd stand up applauding. He poses on all four turnbuckles before getting out of the ring and walking up the ramp. He stands on the stage, soaking it all in because he knows that, come tomorrow, he'll go back to being hated again.
Scene opens backstage at WZCW studios. Showtime David Cougar is scene talking loudly on his cell phone. Showtime appears very annoyed as he now hear his conversation.

Showtime: What do you mean nobody is available to interview me? What about Leon?... He’s with King Shabba and they’re ridding Giant? Look I don’t wanna know what Leon likes to do during his spare time or who he likes to screw with, I want someone to interview me now. What about Johnny Klamour?... On vacation? Since when is he ever on vacation. His job is a vacation. What about Becky?... How is interviewing Sam Smith more important than me? Don't you know I was once Elite X champion? Yea, and I never lost the belt. What about Stacey?... What do you mean she's busy... Is that... I can hear her in the background. Hello... Hello? Damnit.

Showtime hangs up the phone. An annoyed look surrounds his face.

Who the hell does Chuck Myles think he is? I’m the star of WZCW, not some second rate clown with a pretty face. I need someone, anyone to take down my words... Hey you over there.

Showtime points and quickly walks up towards a scrawny individual carrying a small box with what looks like his belongings.

Come with me, I need you to do something for me.

I really don't think I'm allowed here still...

Man quit the excuses, drop the box and lets go.

Showtime grabs him by the arm and pulls him towards the direction Showtime's going. The box drops and a snow globe ornament breaks. The man has a sad look on his face and he is being pulled away from his box of stuff before giving in and following Showtime willingly.

So what’s your name there son?

Allen Lewicki.

So Allen what is it that you do here?

Allen: Well there was an ad saying WZCW was looking for new interns. There must’ve been a typo on it cause the ad said there were looking for ten interns. Turns out they only needed one. Unbelievable. And they must’ve all being reporting under different people because I’ve been here for over a week. Nobody got wise about it until they found out one of the interns Alvin was interviewing a bunch of people. So after a few complaints they decided to let all the interns go.

Well Alvin consider this an audition then. I am the star, creator, writer, and director of this show and we’re going to see if you have what it takes to be on it. Come Alvin.

It’s Allen.


Scene reopens inside Showtime’s dressing room. Allen is seated in a chair with a pen and paper as Showtime relaxes on a couch.

What is it you want me to do exactly? I don’t have a lot of experience interviewing wrestlers.

I don’t need you to interview me. I just want you to listen to what I have to say and write it down on that paper. This is going to be a rough draft of what will come this week in WZCW. Do you understand?

Yes, I think so.

Excellent. I would like to begin first by addressing the recent kidnapping of Austin Reynolds fiance Hayley, the brewing feud between Austin and Ty Burna, and the role that I will be playing the part of in this ongoing performance. Would you read that last part back to.

I didn’t know I was supposed to start yet.

For crying out loud Alvin! I give you the simplest of tasks. A chipmunk can collect nuts and you can't write what I say.

There is a brief pause between the two men as Showtime takes a drink.


I know, it's Allen, I’m sorry I snapped at you. Okay start writing now and I’m not going to stop you. We’re going to go through it once and then I’ll review it later, okay.


So anyway... I want to make it perfectly clear to our respected viewing audience that I have in no way done anything wrong here since my return. I am simply speaking on behalf of the casual wrestling fan when I say that I am sick of seeing Ty Burna as our WZCW champion. For months now the fans have begun to grow tired of seeing the mascaraed of this dark and mysterious figure sucking the life out of WZCW. Implanting his own brand of justice he likes to call fear and using it to turn much greater opponents into sniffling cowards. Ty Burna likes to twist words on his challengers, make them doubt that they even have a chance before they step into the ring. Make them wish that they had never been born rather than to step into the ring against this self proclaimed prince of darkness.

I’m not saying that Ty Burna is not good at what he does. As someone who has got into the ring with Ty Burna more times than anyone else on the whole roster I know exactly what he is capable of. He is no slouch inside the ring. He thrives off the fear of others and using it to his advantage. His presence alone has grown to the point where that is all he needs to ensure victory.

But Ty Burna is not some higher being. He is just another player, another character in this show and like all the others he is prone to mistakes. He can be beaten. He says that is the crutch everyone hopes wont break on them when they face him. It is the truth actually, and I am on a crusade to bring this truth to the roster, to the viewers. My goal is to end Ty Burna’s dark reign once and for all and bring life back into WZCW.

Showtime pauses for a moment to let Allen catch up and to take another sip of his drink. He lies back down and continues speaking.

This is why I reached out to Austin. They say you’re desperate when you reach out to a foe and offer them your help. In this story Austin just happens to be the next in line to receive a title shot. Management feels that I’ve had my opportunities. That it’s time me to step down the ladder and let new challengers face Ty Burna. They feel that guys like Austin, Hunter, Dave, hell even Baez, deserve a shot at the WZCW Championship over me. I’ve beaten Ty Burna, twice. I’m the last person to do it. I know that I can beat him again, but for now I will take my place on the bench and wait for my next turn. It will not be done quietly however. I will find a way to give the fans what they want and that is to see a new WZCW champion crowned, before the fans at last get wise about Ty Burna and his sinister plan and turn their backs on him and WZCW.

But, getting back onto topic. I offered my hand to Austin to help him do what even he thinks that he cannot do and that’s beat Ty Burna. My personal feelings aside about Austin Reynolds, this is solely based on the fact he is the next one to face Ty Burna. What is to my advantage though is that he, despite his many objections to the claim, is a lot like me. In the ring, ego wise. We crave what I control and that is the spotlight. I know what Austin wants and when I offer it to him, he blindly rejects it. Through all this I continue to show Austin I mean by what I say and was there to support him in his match verse Barbosa and what would’ve been a victory for Austin turned to defeat when Ty showed his face. Ty caused Austin to lose and I hope Austin now recognizes that I am his ally in all this. I hope Austin realizes that I am here to help his career. I am the spotlight and if he wants it, I will grant it to him.

There has been a lot of talk about Hailey’s kidnapping and some have pointed the finger at me. Yes, I admit I have some kidnapping in my history, but I am a changed man, a cured man. I have seen the folly in that paths way, the rage it releases in your opponent, not to mention having to put up with their valet. Ty Burna, now he wants to make you suffer, it’s in his blood and it’d be in his nature to do this underhanded deed and he’s doing this because we wants to unleash that rage in you, he’ll say it’ll give him a small challenge.

Austin I am giving you one last chance this week to accept my offer to help you defeat Ty Burna. It may be the only way you’ll ever beat Ty Burna. It may be the only way you’ll find your love Hailey. Austin I hope you think long about my offer and make the right decision.

Showtime stops to take another sip of his drink. Allen speaks up.

Mr. Cougar, if you don’t mind me asking, why do you want so badly to end Ty Burna’s reign, if you say that you can beat him?

Showtime smiles rather than getting mad at the question.

Allen, it’s Showtime, and I can beat Ty Burna. I’ve done it before, I’ve made him tap and I can do it again. But if I’m not getting a title shot for a good long time, then I will most certainly help anyone who tries to..... Besides anyone who beats Ty will be an easier challenge for me when I face them for the title. That is Showtime fact.

Allen nods his head and continues scribbling down on the paper what Showtime said.

Now on to this week for myself and my return to the ring. I face a man who’s been waiting for destiny to call since he was walking in diapers. Of course I am talking about the current champion of all middle carders, Blade. Blade is a supporting character in our ensemble who has has developed slowly but has steadily grown over the seasons. Once an adolescent punk, Blade has quietly carved out a career of mediocrity with half wins and countless short comings.

Blade preaches to us about destiny. His destiny reminds me of a snail crossing the road. Slow moving and liable to be kicked around a few times. What Blade fails to realize is his destiny is not certain or in his control. His destiny is my hands just as every wrestlers future is mine to create, make, or break. I am no longer just the star here in WZCW with the blockbuster shows and the pretty boy looks. I am wrestlings version of Ben Afflick. Started out as the big ticket, box office draw, now he writes, he directs, he creates, and what’s more he gets praised for his work. One difference between Afflick and me though is I was great before and now I’m only going to get better. This is my show and now I have the power to create it as I want it.

Blade, I knew in our first match that you were not meant to be in the spotlight. Potential was there, but something never seemed in you. That is why I beat you without using any of my finishers. I knew I could win that way. I didn’t think you deserved to lie there in my spotlight. Through the years though you’ve had modest accomplishments. You defeated a man who suffered a heart attack in the ring, held on for so long but lost to Dave, bleed to a former friend and came up short in numerous multi-man championship or number one contender matches. Again potential but something was never there.

And then you went off the page. You set your sights on a weak champion. Beckford was a shell of the great wrestlers who previously held the EurAsian Title. The win, defining, but somehow not nearly as satisfying. Maybe it was because you couldn’t defeat Dave when he held it, or me for that same matter.

Showtime stops to finish the last of his drink. Allen feverishly writes, excited to continue.

I’m glad to say that you’ve grown as a champion. The way you cast aside Beckford with that chair, copying my EurAsian open challenge idea and being victorious. And then last week, the defining moment so far in the destiny of Blade’s career. Blade climbed to the very top of the mountain and defeated Everest. Now Blade is as close as he can possibly be to the spotlight as he is set to face Showtime David Cougar, the star of that spotlight. Unfortunately for Blade, once you make it to the top of the mountain you have no chance then but to fall back down. Blade I’m sorry that I have to crash your high, but this after all my grand return to the spotlight, to the viewers. And they demand that I be victorious. That my dear Blade is already written in the script, but do not fear I wrote you a terrific part and a respectable ending, one where you can lie on the mat with dignity that you put up the good fight and helped steal the show. Blade has my nomination for best supporting character. You can be sure of that, but you be sure also that in this fight, the main character wins. The main event beats the middle card. And the spotlight only shines on one star. Showtime.

Showtime stops to take a big breath. He sighs and then speaks to Allen.

That’ll be all. I’ll read it in morning.

Allen finishes the last word and then puts the papers down.

Did I do good?

You did good Allen. You might be getting a call back. Now... beat it before I call security. You don’t work here.

Allen’s smile quickly disappears and he hurries off. Showtime sits down in front of the papers and sorts them in order. He starts to read to himself as the scene ends.
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