MD57: Constantine, Michael Winters & Chris Jones vs. Titus, Phoenix & Sam Smith

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Rivalries come afoot as the growing tensions over the Elite X Championship combine with the brewing heat between Titus and Constantine. All six men have strong motivations going into their matches before heading into Redemption as this match could upset the momentum of the champion and his challenger but furthermore, will Titus put Constantine in his place or will the tension be too much to bare with Redemption just around the corner?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th May 23:59 EST
The scene opens to Leon Kensworth standing outside of a large New York City high-rise. Kensworth is tapping his foot on the ground, constantly checking his watch, obviously anxiously awaiting someone.

Kensworth: Where the hell is he? He should have been here te--

Kensworth gets cut off as Sam Smith steps out onto the street from the large high-rise. Smith isn’t sporting his usual suit and tie, instead he has on Levi’s jeans, a t-shirt, a leather jacket, and Ray-Ban aviator shades. Not only that, but Smith is unshaven and has a slight beard coming in. He’s holding a coffee mug in his right hand and he waves at Kensworth with his left.

Smith: Hey there, Leon. Sorry I’m late.

Kensworth: Don’t worry about it. If you don’t mind me asking, what’s with the coffee mug?

Smith: Ohhh yeeeaah, well, this match I’m having this week is just my cup of coffee, that’s all.

Smith chucks the mug to the ground and starts walking with Leon following him.

Kensworth: Errr… You alright, Sam?

Smith: Better than ever. Why?

Kensworth: You’re acting a little… different.

Smith shrugs it off.

Smith: Don’t know why that is.

Kensworth: Anyway, want to go to lunch or something so we can get this done?

Smith: No time. Just do it as we walk.

Kensworth: Well, alright, if you want.

Okay, how do you feel about the HUGE six-man tag?

Smith: First off, I couldn’t have asked for two better partners. On one hand I have Phoenix, one of WZCW’s finest and my corner-man at Redemption. On the other hand I have Titus, a WZCW legend. I’m quite confident in them, but most importantly… I trust them.

Our opponents, well, they’re a different story. We have Constantine, Winters, and Jones. We’ll have our hands full, that’s for sure. Constantine’s a slime ball, he’s about as dirty as they come. A true politician in the sense of the word, he lies and cheats to get whatever he wants. Too bad as a lawyer, and a damn good one, I’ve spent years dealing with his kind. I’ll go step for step with him, if need be. Same goes for Winters. He doesn’t stand a chance. I won’t let either of them cheat for this one, neither will my teammates, I’m sure. That leaves us with Chris Jones… Man, I don’t know what this guy’s deal is, but whatever it is, “goosfraba” bro. Jesus.

Kensworth: Who’s the biggest threat out of all your opponents?

Smith: Hmm… Jones is just mad, not him. Constantine would be, but he seems to be allergic to winning. That only leaves Winters, I guess.

I mean, all three of them are quite good, so I can’t really choose. All of them are going to require a lot to put them down and keep them down for the three count. We have our work cut out for us, no doubt.

Kensworth: You’re facing Michael Winters at Redemption for the Elite X Championship, what’s your plan?

Smith: To win.

Kensworth looks at Smith awaiting further elaboration, but Smith doesn’t continue on.

Kensworth:…That’s it?

Smith: What else is there to say? I have ONE goal at Redemption: To beat Michael Winters to the point where he can’t respond, to where I have imposed my will upon him. To the point where his shoulders are on that mat for a three count, or until he screams in pain while tapping out.

It’s simple. I want to incapacitate him. I want my moment! That belt deserves to be around my waist.

Kensworth: Do you think you’re ready for the Elite X Championship?

Smith: Do I think I’m ready? Obviously I think I’m ready. I have made an undeniable impact here in WZCW. I’ve done my best to earn my title shot and I did, by winning my match at Kingdom Come. Not only that, but once I get the belt, I will do my best to make it the most respected and prestigious belt there is. I will be a proud champion. The belt won’t ever leave my sight.

Smith and Kensworth walk towards a convenience store.

Smith: Hey man, I gotta go grab a bottle of water, I’m dying of thirst over here.

Kensworth: That’s fine with me.

Smith and Kensworth walk into the convenience store and are greeted by a friendly teenage boy working behind the counter. Smith and Kensworth grab whatever they want and head to the register. After Smith pays, his phone rings.

Smith: I’ve gotta take this phone call right away, sorry Leon.

Smith hands Kensworth his purchased items and walks away. Kensworth looks down at his hands and sees a water and a half eaten snack. He offers it to the camera man.

Kensworth: Slim Jim?

A Plan Emerges

Deep in the heart of the Nevadan desert, under tonnes of golden sand, the Axis Of Evil meets in secret. Their mission? To take down Titus once and for all... Or is it?

Constantine stands at the end of a long table, a huge screen built up behind his figure. Around him, the lighting is dim but the figures of 3 other men are visible. Constantine has a furrowed brow and a look of confusion on his features. He looks down at the stack of papers that lies before him as he loses himself in deep thought. After a second, he raises his head and looks around the table.

Constantine: For weeks now, we have been trying to put Titus back on his perch. By controlling one of the most over-rated and loved men in the sport, we can control the fans.

Constantine nods his head and then looks to the man nearest to him. The man, dressed in a sharp suit similar to Constantine's, sits on chair flicking through his sheets of paper.

Constantine: Walters, what can we do to get him back up there?

The man, now known as Walters, closes his binder and looks up at Constantine with a look of befuddlement in his eyes.

Walters: According to my calculations, Titus is right on track to get back to the top of the company. Not only did he pick up a win last week, the fans are starting to get behind him again.

Constantine: Just as we planned. You see, with Titus in control of the fans and in agreement with me, I can wield him like a weapon, turning audience after audience against their favourites and onto my side. You only have to look at my matches against Chris Beckford and Austin Reynolds to know that there is something of mystery in having the fans cheer for you. It gives you a momentum that cannot be generated from anywhere else. I mean, why else would they have beaten me?

There is a hush in the room as the cogs of the minds that line the table whir around, avoiding the most obvious answer. Constantine thinks for a moment and then turns his back on the men who look up at him from their seated position.

Constantine: Gentlemen, we find ourselves in between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, we need to secure a win for ourselves. We need to show everyone that Constantine is still a massive threat in WZCW. However, we need to get Titus back on top. With the announcement that I am due to be competing against Titus, Phoenix and Sam Smith, there is urgent need for a plan. Russell, you have been oddly quiet today. I hope it is because you have devised a plan so scintillating that you felt as though you would explode if you uttered it?

Russell: I do have one idea, Sir.

Constantine tilts his head out of curiosity and looks sternly at Russell.

Russell: If you are able to remove yourself from the match, then it will mean that the door is open for Titus to win. Goodness knows, he is the definitely leader of the opposition team. Not only does he have more experience that the rest of the team put together, he is the only one that the fans will recognise. It was lucky that Sam Smith was always first to go on at whatever show he wrestled on or I would never have stuck around.

Constantine: Walters, tell me about the other members of this match.

Walters jumps at the mention of his name and begins to flick through his notes again.

Walters: Well, Russell talked about Smith and I would like to go into a little more detail about this one. Over the last couple of weeks, he has begun to show that he is perhaps a little more than the curtain-jerker that everyone thought he would be. He has a shot at any of the mid-card Championships and he is cashing it in on Michael Winters' Elite X Championship at Redemption.

Constantine: I would be lying if I said that I cared about anything in that thought other than the Elite X Championship.

Walters: The odds are firmly stacked against him, Sir. Not only does Michael Winters have more big game experience, he will be defending him Championship and will have a point to prove. He went down to Titus last week and people are already pegging him as being a paper champion. Who knows, Sir, maybe he is just holding the Championship until you are ready to take it off of him?

Constantine smiles briefly and then turns to the third member of the Axis.

Constantine: Michaels, give me some suggestions here. My team for Meltdown this week, summarise them for me.

Michaels: Well, there is obviously you. You should be forewarned that you are perhaps the strongest member of the team. If there was captains for the respective teams, then you would be it. This obviously means that you will have a target on your back throughout the whole match. However, the other team are carnivores and will smell blood and weakness. That weakness, Sir, comes along with your team mates. Chris Jones, a former Mayhem Champion, was the victim of a pinfall to Phoenix last Meltdown and his mentality will be in the toilet. When you couple that with the fact that Michael Winters went down to Titus last week, you have to worry what you are letting yourself in for in this match, Sir.

Constantine: Indeed we do.

Constantine ponders the situation for a second and then sits down at the table.

Constantine: So, what you people are telling me, is that I can stay in the match and be a victim to the whim of the other team. A team that has made it's mark on WZCW in recent months. Or, I can leave the match early and ensure that Titus and his fellow tag team partners have an easy route to the win? Really, when you think about it, it is a question of who I care about more, isn't it?

One one hand, I can fight against the forces of evil and possibly take out all three men with an almighty effort and run the risk of damaging the momentum of Titus heading into Redemption. I will be propelled into a different match at Redemption when everyone sees that I am far beyond Titus' skill level. Or, on the other hand, I can leave the match early and take a loss when my team inevitably loses without me. It is my pride or my long-awaited win over Titus and the forced appreciation of the WZCW loyal...

Michaels: Yeah, that is about it, Sir. So, which one is going to be?

Constantine gives a wry smile and grabs his coat before leaving the Axis Of Evil HQ.
From the Notes of Dr. Alice Cotten

Michael Winters. Everything wrong about organized religion rolled up into one smarmy, arrogant fool. And to be honest, I'm surprised Jones is drawn to him like he is. He hates religion, and has told me on multiple occasions that he considers it a sign of weakness. So why would he want to work with Winters? Is it really just for an Elite X title shot?


*camera cuts to backstage office, with Chris Jones lying on a couch and Alice Cotten sitting in a chair beside him, notepad at the ready*

Jones: So is there a particular reason we had to have this impromptu session, Doc?

Alice: Call it intellectual curiosity. Considering you saw fit to not tell me you were planning to ally yourself with one Michael Winters...

Jones: Oh, what, now I have to tell you everything I'm doing? Do you want to know what I ate for breakfast this morning? What books I've read recently? If I think Harold Camping is a manipulative bastard or just an idiot?

Alice: Don't be topical, it isn't like you. Which reminds me, why Winters?

Jones: Why not Winters?

Alice: hate religion.

Jones: *sighs* Hate is such a strong word, Alice. I intensely dislike the people associated with religion. You know, the pedophile priests and such. I admire Winters for his conviction and devotion to his beliefs. I don't agree with his methods, but I respect him for his reasons.

*Alice frowns, trying to not comment on the hypocrisy of Jones's statement, and instead lets Jones continue*

Jones: You know that I'm not a social butterfly, Alice. I've tried to do the whole "friend" thing once or twice, and it pretty much never worked out. And as much as I'd like to just continue working solo, alliances need to be made in this business. For example, if I could win the tag team titles by myself, I'd gladly do so. Sadly, I can't, so I need to try to work with people.

Alice: So you're saying you want to form a tag team with Winters?

Jones: I wouldn't say no to the idea. It doesn't mean we're going to suddenly be best pals or anything. It's just a means to an end. If I wind up getting an Elite X title shot instead, so be it. I'm flexible like that.

Alice: Does said flexibility extend to your fellow tag partner this week, one Mr. Constantine?

*Jones groans, rubbing his eyes*

Jones: Frankly, no. I can deal with being associated with a corrupt Christian, but a politician? Noooooo, thank you. That's just asking for trouble. The sooner I can get as far away from him as possible, the infinitely better.

*Jones stretches, yawning a bit while doing so*

Alice: I do hope I'm not boring you, Christopher.

Jones: No, mother. Anyway, I am glad that associating with these two is already paying off. A six-man tag against Sam Smith, Phoenix, and Titus? You saw how well I did last week. I may not have won, but I got to beat on Smith and elevate myself above Phoenix. Now, this week, I get to do more. Once I'm finished turning Smith into the first boneless lawyer, I'll make Phoenix look like a bigger chump than I did last week, and then finish up by reminding the psychotic superhero wannabe Titus why he should've stayed in retirement. It's almost like a late birthday present.

Alice: So you're perfectly fine with associating with lowlifes like Winters and Constantine?

Jones: War makes strange bedfellows, Alice dear. Smith understands this as well as I do. Why else would he associate with a manchild who hasn't gotten over his superhero fetish and a reject from Insane Clown Posse? He understands that I'm not about to let this go, so he has to stack the odds in his favour, and I have to counter that. We'll see where things with Winters go, but for the time being, this is just another chance to get at Smith.

Alice: Fair enough.

*Alice frowns, then holds up her pen*

Alice: And by the way, if you ever call me "dear" again, this is going in your eye.

Jones: *grins* Pudding, then?

*Alice groans*

Jones: Sugarplum? Pumpkin? Honeybunch?

Alice: Just shut up already.


From the Notes of Dr. Alice Cotten

As mentioned before, I'm glad that Jones seems to be focusing more on his job than anything else. Still, if doing so forces him to associate with people like the ones he currently is, then it may be counter-active to my work. Not to mention that I have this nagging fear that Jones is simply using these people, and could easily turn on them at any given time. I need to find the pattern to his planning, in order to prevent something like that from happening.
The scene opens a few hours after Ascension 31. The backstage area is dark besides an exit sign and a faint light coming from a room that’s door is mostly closed. The camera moves toward that room and pushes the door open a bit to see Phoenix sitting on a bench with his duffel bag next to him. The rest of the room is empty. After a moment, he begins to speak, as if the camera wasn’t there.

I want to get revenge on Michael Winters so bad. He needs to be put in his place, and I know I can be the one to do it.

He runs his hands through his hair and begins speaking again.

I want to make Winters suffer. The best way to do that is to not only beat him for his precious Elite X Title. I can’t do that if Sam Smith wins at Redemption, though.

Phoenix shifts through his bag for a moment and mutters to himself some more.

I want to trust Sam, and I think I can. But I remember what happened last time. I also don’t want to betray Sam, because he’s a good kid and can help me with Chris Jones.

He begins to get up and start pacing.

I’m excited to team with a legend like Titus, even though it adds Constantine to the match. Constantine is dangerous, but I know that myself, Titus or Sam can handle.

He grabs his bag and starts walking out of the room as he speaks one more time.

I will defeat Michael Winters, whether or not he has the Elite X title, and knock him off his pedestal. I will support Sam Smith at Redemption and cheer him on no matter what happens in the match. And this week, myself, Sam, and the legend Titus will defeat Chris Jones, Michael Winters, and Constantine. I know it. I don’t know why, but I know.

Phoenix walks out of the room, stares down the camera, and walks out into the darkness.
The scene is a blue door, the door is bigger than a normal door with brass knockers and to the side a doorbell. It is rather quiet with the occasional tweet of a bird. Then pops in the all too familiar face of Titus, Titus rings the doorbell.

Titus: The date is Sunday 22nd May 2011, the time is 11am. Last night the entire population of this congregation vanished. This church need not be named but it is, of course, attended by Michael Winters. As you can see there is not a soul in sight.

The camera pans around, you see a few cars in the parking lot. The sun is shining, there's not one person in view.

Titus: So it seems it happened.

The camera shows a big church sign. “RAPTURE 21ST MAY 2011 6PM EVERY TIME!”

Titus: Not only did it happen but Michael Winters was taken. The man who turned is back on any advice I previously gave him was taken. The man who once stood for justice, truth and the good old American way who decided to put himself first was taken away.

There is a moments silence.

Titus: That does not make sense. This entire congregation are not here, where are the church members? Why was Winters taken? Michael Winters is the man who just last week decided he wanted to go one on one with myself. He lost in spectacular fashion, I made the guy tap out to the ankle lock. This I have not done in a long time. Yet he was taken.

Titus looks at the door, he shakes his head and begins to walk away.

Titus: Just why?

You see the door begin to open. Out pops and old lady, she looks a pleasant sort.

Lady: Can I help you there young man?

Titus looks around in shock.

Titus: Oh howdy there ma'am, I didn't think I'd see you here.

Lady: Why would you say that? I look after these grounds so it would make sense that I would be here.

Titus whispers.

Titus: Well I thought either everyone would be here, or no one. You know it being the day after 'The rapture”was supposed to happen.

Lady: You do realise sonny that it's Monday and not Sunday? Church was very busy yesterday, young Mr Winters gave a resounding talk to the congregation on how God heard our prayers on Saturday night. Isn't he a great man?

Titus: He sure is ma'am.
Titus walks off as the old woman shuts the door.

Titus: I despise Michael Winters. There's not many people I hate more than him.

Out of nowhere a lady in her mid twenties appears.

Lady: Hello there Sir, could I just invite you along to this event we're having.

The young lady holds Titus a flyer.

Titus: Well sure, which event is it?

Lady: It's held by the Congregation of Constantine and it's...

Titus stops the woman in her tracks.

Titus: Oh great yeah, I love Constantine. How about you take a break and I'll get rid of all of those leaflets for you?

Lady: Oh you're a swell guy.

The lady walks one way as Titus walks another, the camera focusing on Titus.

Titus: There's not many people I hate more than Winters, Constantine is one of them however.

The Scene ends with Titus throwing the full pile of leaflets in the trash can.
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