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MD57: Black Dragon vs. Sam Masters

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
A new generation has arrived for WZCW and they arrive in the form of Ale, Black Dragon and Sam Masters. Proving they have the skills to rise above the remainder of the Development Roster, they will now exhibit their talents for the first time at a live WZCW Show. In this bout, Black Dragon will take on Sam Masters in a one on one contest, who will shine in this encounter?

Deadline is Tuesday 24th May 23:59 EST
“The identity of one changes with how one perceives reality” - Vithu Jeyaloganathan​

The scene begins with a camera shot of Sam Masters standing in line at McDonalds inside an airport terminal. He has a cell phone pressed to his right ear as he waits for his food to be placed on the counter.

Yes, I understand that Mr. Novak.

*mumbled sounds on the telephone*

Of course, I will be more careful with where I lay my cigarettes.

*mumbled sounds on the telephone*

Well, I’m very glad that the insurance will cover the cost of the fire damage.

A McDonald’s worker steps up behind the counter and places a tray of food on it.

Order #192!

Sam perks up to his number being called and begins to approach the food.

Again, I’m very sorry about that fire, I’m glad no one was hurt, but I have to go now. I’ll send you my final rent next week. Okay, bye.

Sam quickly hangs up the phone and tosses it in his pocket. He sighs with relief after clearing things over with his ex-landlord, Mr. Novak, on the phone. He picks ups his tray off the counter and he makes his way to a deserted table, with a quick stop at the napkin and condiment bar. Sam finally occupies the lonely table and begins to enjoy his food.

He begins to survey the terminal as he destroys each fry, one by one. His eye catches the flat screen placed inside the McDonald’s area. The Dark Knight is playing on the screen. Sam begins to have a strange feeling that the movie is oddly relevant to this moment. He smirks and then diverts his attention away from the movie. While taking a bite of his burger, his cell phone begins to ring. He pulls the burger away and swallows.

Damn it. (sighs)

Sam pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks at the Caller ID. It’s a number he doesn’t recognize, but he answers it anyway.


Hello Sam, this is a representative from the WZCW. We need to talk about cutting a promo for your upcoming match on Meltdown.

Oh, sure. What do you guys have in mind?

A black smoke begins to fume out from behind the McDonald’s register counter. Sam sees it, but thinks nothing of it.

Well as a face we need to get you over with the fans. How about cutting a promo about your dead mother, and the fact that you are doing all of this for her.

No. Besides, that’s what everyone is expecting me to do.

Alright. How about we capitalize on your damaged relationship with your father some more?

That’s a story that has been told too many times.

Alright. Well, we could just book you an interview with one of our interviewers.

Too easy, seems like a poor man’s promo.

Okay, well then we can turn creative control over to you for your promo. If you have any ideas, please call us back.

Alright, sounds good. Talk to you later.


Sam hangs up the phone and begins to put his phone in his pocket. As he is placing his phone in his pocket, he examines the floor, which is now coated with a layer of black smoke.

What the hell?

Sam looks around and a musty blanket of black smoke has filled the floor of the terminal. Sam notices that all of the people in the terminal continue to go about their business, paying no attention to the ankle-high smoke. Sam rises from his chair and begins to examine the terminal. He notices that the smoke is flowing like a current from the north side of the terminal. He begins to follow the current upstream, hoping to find the source.

As Sam walks, the smoke kicks up behind his feet. He notices it slowly beginning to rise to knee level on all of those around him and himself. He turns to a man walking pass him.

Do you know where this smoke is coming from?

The man looks at him confused and continues walking. Sam notices a woman walking with her child pass him.

Mam, please? Have you heard anything about the smoke?

The woman shields her child from Sam and scurries away from him. Sam begins to panic a little as he continues to follow the smoke upstream. He passes a security guard who has his eyes glued on Sam. Sam looks away, worried about drawing attention to himself. The smoke is now thigh deep as Sam finally locates, from a distance, where the smoke is gushing from, the terminal bookstore.

Sam begins to walk faster towards the bookstore. The smoke is slowly rising up to waist level. The people in the terminal begin to watch Sam as he frantically makes his way to the bookstore. By the time Sam gets to the entrance, the smoke has risen to stomach level. Sam looks inside and sees a small table with an open book placed on it. Black smoke is flowing out of it like a fountain. Sam’s face is overcome with a puzzled look.

What is this?

Sam begins to walk towards the book as the smoke rises to chest level, everyone else in the bookstore is completely oblivious to the smoke as they read books and make small talk with each other. The closer Sam gets, the more smoke begins to omit from the book. Only a few steps away, the book shoots out a rushing flow of black smoke. It begins to push Sam back.

How is this happening?

Sam pushes forward as the smoke gushes harder and pushes Sam back further. The sound of gusting winds fill the bookstore, and smoke has completely filled the bookstore like a cavity.

Damn it! I’m not going to be engulfed!

All of the sudden, a sound that resembles a firework popping occurs. A face outlined in the smoke pops out of the book and slowly drifts toward Sam. Sam’s eyes widen and he hesitates, allowing the smoke to push him back some more. Sam bows his head for a moment and a close up shows his face. He then lifts up his head with a smirk showering his lips.

The hell I’m going to lose to something like this!

Charging full throttle, shoulder first; Sam charges toward the face outlined in the smoke. Sam bust through it and plows through the gushing smoke. He finally makes it to the book and grabs the ends with both hands. He slams the book shut on the table, and the smoke in the terminal begins to evaporate. Sam looks around and notices that the smoke is quickly disappearing.

Hell yeah!


Sam looks over at the check-out desk and a librarian has an index finger placed to her lips, signaling him to be quiet. Sam mouths the word, “sorry.” He turns his attention back to the book on the table, and then he feels a hand on his shoulder. A teenager, wearing a backwards ball cap and grungy clothes, is looking at him with a grin.

Dude, it’s just a book. (chuckles)

The teenager walks away and Sam looks back at the book and grins.

Ya, I guess it is.

Sam looks up from the book. The camera angle transitions to a close-up shot of Sam’s face. Sam begins to turn and a 180 pan is done with Sam’s face as the focus of the shot. When Sam’s turn gets 90 degrees complete a faint crowd sound begins to be heard. The crowd sound gets louder until it is fully audible at 180 degrees. The camera pans back from Sam’s face and Sam is now dressed in his ring attire.

A camera shot from behind Sam’s shoulder shows a crowd through a set of curtains. It is revealed that Sam is backstage, waiting to debut in his inaugural match at Meltdown. Sam looks out through the curtains and sees black smoke fuming from the ring. Sam bites his lip.

Dude, it’s just a match.

Sam looks over to a backstage worker who is waiting to give Sam the signal go down the ramp. Sam grins and looks back through the curtain.

Ya, I guess it is.

The crowd’s roar gets louder and Sam pops his knuckles.

Alright, 1,2,3. Go!

The camera black outs.
Book of the Dragon

~ Chapter Two – The Mask Beneath the Skin ~​

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.

The anonymous soul is free to say and do things that those bound by the chains of identity would never dare to dream.

Reader; tell me, could you hurt a man? Not in anger, not in self defense, but simply because that man needed to be hurt. Could you beat him, break him, bloody him? Could you shatter bones and disfigure limbs? Could you do all that and more, knowing that come the morning you would have to see your face in the light of day and live forever more with what you’ve done. When the face in the mirror is not your own; it becomes easier.

I am not the only warrior to take up the mask. I mask my face; my sparing partners mask their whole selves. Reader; do not be deceived by what I face. All men here hide behind a second self, a screen, a construct of male fantasy. When the lights come on and the camera roles they cease to be themselves and become avatars of their own desire. In this cesspit all men are masked, I simply wear mine on the outside.

For the rest, the mask lies under the skin, behind the eyes so that they cannot see it. But I can. For some men the mask is subtle, barely cloaking the soul. Present just enough to shield them from the things they don't want to remember, and to help them pretend to be the things they always desired.

For others the mask lies deeper, not only hiding the soul but choking it of air. Men who have lost sight of who they truly are. Men who will commit acts of unspeakable evil with no remorse. Men who have lost sight of reality and live their whole lives as illusions. Men who can look at themselves in the mirror and not flinch. Men like me.

It is for such men that I am here. Let the word spread forth: I am judgement and I have arrived. The Sword of Damocles hangs over your head, straining against a single thread. It may not fall today or tomorrow, but as long as you feast on fantasy it will hover over you. Till finally the day comes, the blade falls. You will look up, look into my eyes and realise once and for all what is real.

Take for example our grass snake Bateman. A man hiding so desperately behind the mask, trying so hard to shield himself from crimes committed that he has long since forgotten who he is. Bateman will not be punished for his sins. Bateman will be punished by his sins. His time approaches. He will throw obstacles in my path but dragons have long lives. Justice can be delayed by never escaped. The snake has elected to have me jump through hoops after our last encounter. As is the way with Bateman, as soon as his fear abated the games begun; but it is easier to win Bateman’s game than not to play at all.

This week’s game: Sam Masters. A scrap of paper was pushed under my door last night, naming my adversary. Official confirmation will doubtless be rung through over the next few days, though I would not put it past Bateman to have this ‘slip his mind’.

Sam Masters…

A tirelessly sculpted rock star. The kind of man who spends hours in front of the mirror making sure that he doesn’t look like he spends hours in front of the mirror. I’ve met him twice before, we’ve even traded blows. He is competent enough warrior, but I do not truly know him. I do not know when he’ll fight and when he’ll flinch. I don’t know where he draws the line and what will make him cross it. I don’t know where he is strong or where he is weak, where he is wracked by guilt or fear and what he holds sacred beyond all else.

Perhaps he is a good man, perhaps he is not. Certainly he is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Collateral damage is unfortunate, but can seldom be avoided. When you stand in the path of a dragon you risk getting burned.

Prey Masters, show yourself to be worthy of existence. The dragon's eye is fixed upon you, and the dragon's eye sees everything.

For now Masters will not be hurt beyond necessity, but it is a necessity that he be hurt.
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