MD56: Paradyse Cruz vs. Steven Holmes & Dr. Steven Kurtesy

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Lissa-Hey Armando!

Armando Paradyse-Lissa? Why are you answering Sean's phone?

Because he thinks it is his fault you two lost you're debut tag match against the Forgotten Powers last night on Meltdown. He has been up all night and crying ever since he came home.

How was it his fault? It was our first time teaming together and we faced an already established team. Plus, I'm the one that got pinned, not him. Let me talk to him.

Lissa yelling at Sean Cruz- Sean! Armando is on the phone and he wants to talk to you!

Cruz mumbles something but Armando can't make out what he says.

He says he is not good enough to be you're tag team partner.

Armando gets a fustrated look on his face.

I'll be right there. Bye.

He hangs up the phone, grabs his coat, and walks out the door. The camera fades
The camera fades in as Armando is pulling up at Cruz's house. He slams his car door in anger before walking into the house.

Where is he?!

He is in his room. But it's locked.

Armando walks over to Sean's door and kockds. He gets no answer and quickly kicks the door busting it open. Sean lets out a quick scream and jumps out of his bed. Armando walks over to him and slaps him across his face and grabs him by the collar of his shirt. He brings Cruz closer to his face. Sean's eyes get big with fear as he never seen this side of Armando before.

Listen here Sean! We lost! You can't win every match you're in and James King and Dr. Alhazred got the best of us. I want you as my partner but we both need to step it up. This isn't the indy's anymore Sean. This is the big game. This is WZCW. We need to get more focused. We need...

(Armando is interupted by the Meltdown theme song. Both men turn their heads to see where it's coming from. It's a commerial on the T.V. promoting the upcoming week on Meltdown)

This week on Meltdown, the King For A Day winner Big Dave is challenged by Barbosa! Does Dave have what it takes to win or will the Mentally Insane Barbosa prove that he should have won the Elimination Chamber match at Kingdom Come III? Also, WZCW newest tag team Paradyse Cruz takes on Steven Holmes and Dr. Steven Kurtesy. Who will win? Find out this week on Meltdown!

Armando let's go of Cruz and he falls down onto his bed.

Sean, I'm sorry. But we need to start acting and thinking like a tag team. Armando smiles Let's go rent a movie..

Sean Cruz-A movie? At a time like this? You just said we need to start acting like a team.

Come on. Let's go.

He walks out of the bedroom. Sean is hesitate but follows. The screen fades.
The camera fades back in as the two are walking in the door at the local Hastings.

Armando, you havent said a word since we left my house. What are we doing here?

Were here to get "WZCW: Greatest Tag Team Matches Of All Time!" on DVD. I think if we watch how other teams wrestle, then we can get an idea of how the tag team thing works. Were both new at this type of wrestling, so if we watch we could learn alot. We can watch tonight and practice in the ring until our match on Meltdown.

They walk to the sports section and pick look through all the wrestling DVD's. Armando picks one up and turns it over to read the back.

Great last copy. Let's hurry home and pop it in.

The two rush to checkout and hurry back to Cruz's house. The camera fades out.
The camera fdes back in on Cruz putting the DVD in the player. Armando is sitting on the couch with his arm drapped around Lissa. Sean starts walking off toward the kitchen after he is done putting it in.

Where are you going?

To make popcorn. Can't enjoy a movie without popcorn.

Sean, this is serious. I'm very serious about my wrok. NOw I like popcorn just as much as anyone else but it is distracting.

You're right. We need to man up and learn to watch movies without popcorn.

Shhh you two. It's starting.

The camera focus' on the T.V. as the three begin to watch. Leon Kensworth is on.

Leon Kensworth-Ladies and gentleman, over the years of WZCW there has been some amazing matches. But on this special DVD, we are going to focus on tag team matches. There has been some great teams including the reinging champions Brothers In Arms, The Motor City Psychos, and of course the Crashin Movement. Let's take a look at one of the greats, Brothers In Arms vs The Motor City Psychos at Meltdown 50....

The doctor drops his head set and slides in the ring to check on Crashin whilst the action has stalled. He drags him to the outside, but he is out. Kurtesy thinks quick and rips off the referee shirt, putting it on himself. He slides into the ring and takes over the duties. Allen is up and is confused by Kurtesy, but shrugs it off and climbs to the top to hit the Juggalo Drop. Allen goes to hit it, but Toyota rolls out of the way that sees Allen crashing to the mat. Toyota gets up, ascends to the second turnbuckle and hits the Banzai Drop. He goes for a pin... 1... 2... 3!

You see how they menuver the ring as a unit? that's how we need to be Sean. Skip to the next match.

Sean grabs the remote and pushes a button, skipping the DVD to the next match, Pride Of Toyota vs The Ghetto Stars at Apocalpyse.

Lights is making his way down the ramp, his eyes glued to Baller still standing in the middle of the ring. Baller sees Lights and walks over to the ropes and starts yelling at him from inside the ring. The ref goes over to try and get Lights to return backstage and get Baller back into his corner. Kravinoff sees this and gets back into the ring and is telling Toyota that it is time to end it. Toyota nods in agreement. They pick up Baker and Toyota connects with a headbutt. Baker stumbles back and is dropped by a double-underhook DDT by Kravinoff! He tosses Baller out of the ring and leaves just as the ref turns around to see Toyota pinning Baker, 1…2…3!

Wasabi Toyota has been in the tag team division a long time. He has had two different partners.

Si, but that tells he us he might have trust issues with his partners. Since one already abanded him, he could be afraid that Hammond might as well. If we face them, we have to use our speed to our advantage.

A few hours go by and the two men are now equiped with pens and paper. They are taking notes on the DVD.

This last match on the DVD took place at Lethal Lottery III. In one corner the challengers, Scott Hammond and Wasabi Toyota and in the other, the champions, Steven Holmes and Dr. Steven Kurtesy....

The mens eyes get big as they start to watch the match.

Kurtesy rolls in and covers 1...2...determined kick out by Toyota. Holmes tags in and locks in an sleeper around the giant neck of Wasabi Toyota and Toyota is fighting furiously to escape it by using his weight . He is close to the ropes but Holmes is expertly controlling the hold, so that Toyota has to drag his own weight. Hammond comes in and breaks the hold with a swift kick to the neck of Holmes, before he is dragged back to his corner by the official. Both men are now standing up and begin to slug it out in the middle. Toyota quickly gets the upper hand and whips Holmes off the ropes. Toyota comes back goes for a sharp savate kick to the face but Holmes ducks and dropkicks his standing knee. Both partners waiting to tag and the Brothers in Arms are willed on vociferously by this capacity crowd and both teams do so simultaneously!Hammond runs in and kicks out at the onrushing Kurtesy but he catches it and turns it into a dragon screw. Holmes rolls back in and hits Hammond with the Imperial Impaler!!!! Kurtesy covers him and hooks the leg .......1.................2........................ .Wasabi Toyota saves the match for his team by kicking Steven Kurtesy in the ribs!!! Steven Holmes tried to stop it but didn’t get to him in time. The doctor pounds the man from the Far East and sets up for the Prescripted Sedation, Toyota pushes him away and as Kurtesy rebounds off the ropes, Toyota locks in the Bearhug!!!! Kurtesy flails around but the big man locks it down quickly and Kurtesy is trapped in the middle of the ring!!
“Scott Hammond kicks out of the piledriver and now the Bearhug is locked in tightly. I can’t see Kurtesy escaping!”Steven Kurtesy is tapping like a mad man but Toyota is not the legal man!Holmes gets ready to tackle Toyota but Hammond dropkicks him away. Sandoza and Jason run down to cheer on their stable mates and they look set to interfere but Hammond stands aggressively in their way so they hesitate. Toyota drops Kurtesy and in an instant, the Brothers work together to press Kurtesy over their heads and onto Sandoza and Jason at ringside!! Holmes is on his own and Hammond and Toyota both realise it. Holmes stumbles about, recovering from the recent offense, Hammond hits London’s Calling which puts Holmes in perfect position for a huge Banzai Drop!!! It hits with crushing impact!!!! Hammond covers Holmes!!!!! 1...................2.......................3!!!!

They both have a dead stare at the T.V, neither are blinking or movin a muscle. Finally, Sean opens his mouth to speak.

That was a fantastic match. Brothers In Arms are the real deal.

Si, they are good but Toyota's "The" team. If we can take him down then Hammond will be done. But they are not our opponents for this week. Holmes and Kurtesy are. They are experts in the tag division as well. Holmes and Kurtesy are veterans. I respect them but we have to win Sean. We can get those belts.

I know and this time they don't have Doug Crashin and the rest of the movement to help them out. Those titles mean everything. We will get them.

You're right. As long as we are focused and use what we are going to practice in the ring against them, they won't stand a chance. Ok, partner, I'm out for the night. I'll be here at six in the morning to pick you up to begin our training.

Sounds good.

The two men shake hands and Armando leaves the house. The camera fades out.
We begin with a male figure sat in a steel chair inside a locker room. A towel is draped over the back of the figure’s head, obscuring our view of the man’s face. He sat in his wrestling attire of black trunks with streaks of gold throughout. The locker room is deserted. The figure sighs with a tone of disappointment when suddenly a shadow is cast over the figure. The man takes his towel off to reveal he is Steven Holmes. Holmes turns his head to look at the shadow and then up to look at the cause.

Holmes: So you’ve returned...

We now see, from Holmes’ point of view, that the shadow is the result of...

Holmes: ...Sandaza!

The twisted smirk of one Ojos Sandaza is stretched across his face. Sandaza is dressed in his typical outfit, hat and all.

Sandaza: You were unlucky out there tonight. A strong performance from you once again. Yet once again you’re held back by weaker partners.

Holmes: So let’s see, you’re already planting the seeds of deception once again Sandaza and you must be back from Mexico for what, four, maybe five hours? You do work fast.

Sandaza: Joke all you want, you know it’s true. You had to work relentlessly at Kingdom Come without any reward at the end sans the beating you gave Crashin. Once again, a fine performance, but also nothing gained but a tick in the losses column. It’s a shame that your talent is rotting away with the likes of Kurtesy & Crashin.

Holmes shakes his head and chuckles slightly.

Holmes: Y’know, I’m not even sure why you’re still in my employ. I’ve not seen very clearly for a long time. That was until Crashin attempted to blame me for his demise in WZCW at Kingdom Come. In that one moment I saw that I had been blinded by Crashin’s poisonous words and I realised that it was time for me to break out from my own.

Sandaza: And yet you haven’t. You still linger with the tag teams. You still team with Kurtesy. You remain trapped in a loop and you refuse to break the cycle. You refuse to accept that it’s time to escape the atrocity that was the Crashin Movement. That’s why I’m still in your employ. I still need to show you that you are ready to leave Kurtesy behind.

Holmes: I sent you to Mexico to deal with the problems Doug Crashin had created there. In the time you were gone I realised that myself and Kurtesy need to both prove that we are forces to be reckoned with. It’s merely coincidence that our first venture as singles stars was as a team. I will show you that I have moved on with victory in my next bout.

Sandaza shakes his head. He pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket. He hands it to Holmes.

Sandaza: I doubt you’ll be winning your next match, even with such low calibre opponents.

Holmes analyses the paper he received from Sandaza. He looks at it in surprise.

Holmes: This is strange; I specifically requested a singles contest for the next television shows. There must be some sort of mistake.

Sandaza: No. It’s not a mistake. It’s proof that no one believes you have what it takes to be a singles star. It’s proof that neither Myles nor Bateman think you have the potential to be anything other than a tag team star. You are stuck in this rut and now you must face the consequences of that until you make an impact.

Holmes: I can make an impact against Paradyse Cruz no doubt. While they are young and foolish, they are talented.

Sandaza bursts out laughing. He continues for several seconds before stopping himself as he sees Holmes’ anger.

Sandaza: Paradyse Cruz are talented? Oh please. They are a pair of pathetic losers who try to overcompensate for their awful wrestling ability by being party animals. Worthless trash sums them up much more than ‘talented’.

Holmes goes to open his mouth but Sandaza cuts him off.

Sandaza: What happened to you Holmes? You used to be proud. You were a man who believed no one was his equal. You were a convincing talker and an extremely gifted wrestler. Now when I look at you, I see you trying to shy away from that, from who you really are. You try to disguise your true self by acting like a naive twit. You once had a path to greatness, now it’s merely a path to mediocrity.

Holmes: You can believe that all you want but the truth of the matter is I am on the path to greatness. Yes it can be a bumpy road but I shall--

Sandaza: And you say stupid, petty things like that. You aren’t an optimist Holmes, you’re a realist. You can try to suppress it all you want, but I know the real you is buried inside you and it’s dying to come out and strike at everyone, perhaps most of all Steve Kurtesy.

Holmes: That’s a lie. Kurtesy is a great wrestler and a fine partner. He and I have shown countless times that we are a strong, formidable alliance and have even been tag team champions. We can show the world at Meltdown 56 that we are the future of WZCW. We will take Paradyse Cruz and display amazing ability and talent, defeating them and getting ourselves back on the path of glory, and back onto our own roads of greatness.

Sandaza: Except you’ll falter long before you reach greatness. You are nothing but the side attraction to Kurtesy at the moment. Everyone says he’s the talented one of the duo. The real brains of the Crashin Movement is a common expression backstage and across the wrestling world right now. You are nothing but a sideshow and I know that has to eat you up inside. The sooner you realise that team with Kurtesy is only trapping you into a stereotype, the better.

There is an uneasy silence as Sandaza turns and departs, exiting the locker room. Holmes crumples the piece of paper in his hand up and throws it away. He puts his head in his hands, rubbing his forehead for just a moment before suddenly leaping to his feet, grabbing the steel chair he was sat on and throwing it across the room in frustration.
Backstage at a WZCW event, Stacey Madison is sitting in her own private make-up booth with her eyes closed reciting her rendition of a journalists voice as two artists are perfecting the last bits of mascara and foundation on her face. As they finish up and appreciate their work, Stacey opens her eyes and gets up out of her chair. She leaves the two disappointed artists behind without a compliment or thanks as she heads to the interviewing area. A stage-hand comes up to her with the equipment she needs.

Here are your things Ms. Madison. Can I get you anything else?

Who is my first assignment for the evening?

Uh... let's see here... err... where is it?

Madison rolls her eyes and becomes very irritated.

You know what, let's leave it as a surprise.

Okay, is there anything else I...?

You can going away now.

Dejected, the stage-hand stops following and heads to a different direction. Madison shakes her head as she passes through the door leading to the interviewing area. As she discovers the surroundings of the room, she stops and facepalms herself as she sees Dr. Steven Kurtesy talking with the camera crew having a laugh. One of the members point out that Madison is in the room and Kurtesy goes over to her.


... Steven.

Long time, no see.

Kurtesy comes over and gives Madison a big hug as if they were long time friends, yet Madison does nothing and just stands there. Some of the crew begin to laugh at Madison's embarrassment but she quickly shoots over a death stare that stops them immediately and they continue to set up. Kurtesy ends the one man hug with a look of excitement.

It's been a while, Stace. Where have you been hiding from me?

In not a very good spot seeing as you've found me.

Madison gives off a fake laugh and smile before her face turns into her patent blank stare and walks into the interviewing area. Kurtesy follows next to her.

I'm not trying to be rude or anything but it seems that you've been quite unpopular lately by not getting many interviews. I just thought you weren't working here anymore and got a better job as a journalist for the news.

The anger in Madison's face becoming apparent.

So you can imagine why I gave you the greeting that I did.

You know, Steven... I'm surprised that you're still here too. I mean, not to be rude or anything but with the Crashin Movement being fizzled out and you being very unsuccessful in singles competition, shouldn't you be quitting WZCW and focusing on that other career choice of yours?

Madison and Kurtesy make it to their designated interview spot.

It's quite funny you mention that because Sandy and I were recently discussing that same option. Seems like great minds think alike I guess. Anyway, I decided it was time for me to move on from being a doctor of psychiatry and allow others to etch their name in history, whilst I continue my passion for wrestling and etch my name further in history. So with Sandy minding the patients, I'll have all the free time in the world to dedicate myself to wrestling. So that means I'll be seeing you quite often.


And if you want, if you need to get that interviewing quota up for the month then I can always make sure that you'll be the one that gets the job with me.

... Even better...

Excellent! Now, let's just hope my match goes just as smooth.

Madison's expression changes as she hears a hint of concern, smelling what could be an interesting story.

Why would you say such a remark?

Well Stace... with the end of the Movement it seems Holmes and I are destined to go our separate ways to pursue solo stardom. We've both had our fun and our time to shine in the tag team division together so it's time for us to move on. However, before I could let go of our past I needed to have some consolation... closure, if you will. I needed to know that Holmes and I can finish on a high note before we move on so we'd have not only momentum but positive vibes pushing us through the competition to one day make it to the top. Last week was supposed to be that victory for us against Kravinoff and Barbosa. For some reason, we came up short and we couldn't believe what happened, especially me. I was very disappointed in the outcome and I knew the only way for us to leave it all behind was to have one more last shot at glory... that's why I personally requested to Chuck Myles for us to have another tag team match before we move on and we got our wish.

Did you discuss this with Holmes first before you requested for this match? Maybe he didn't want another tag team match, let alone against two men who are new to the competition like Paradyse Cruz that could be viewed as an insult to yours and his legacy as a tag team.

Steven looks at Madison with intrigue due to the subjective comment she added after her question but eventually ignores it and continues.

As I said before, great minds think alike Stace... I know Holmes like the back of my hand and I could tell when we were standing in the ring last week after our match, he wanted some retribution and avenge the loss we accumulated. Going up against two new guys like Armando Paradyse and Sean Cruz could be seen as something to mock our legacy if we defeat them and use that as our stepping stone to end our team, yes... but in the end, when we look at this moment in hindsight it will be a moral victory for us and we'll continue our lives as normal. It's a matter of psychology here and if Holmes can get past the fact of who our opponents are, then everything will be perfect.

So you view Paradyse Cruz as an easy challenge, then? Wouldn't underestimating your opponents cause you to make mistakes and possibly lose the match?

In the past I've talked people down and viewed them as nothing but that mostly got me the loss or in a situation where I was lucky enough to win. I do not want to make those mistakes again so I'll be taking this new team on as if they were defending the tag team championships against us. These two kids are young and full of potential with their personalities linking together like a weaved basket. They've got what it takes to make it as a successful tag team in this business and I can't wait to see those two rise up to the top. They've got some stiff competition with the BIA and the Forgotten Powers wrecking havoc so they'll need to be prepared. What better way to prepare themselves than by facing the former champions of the division who fought alongside both of those teams? It's going to be a tough fight for them considering our experience, age and the old-school fight style myself and Holmes adopt... in saying that though, if they get to stepping and fly circle around us they might have our number.

Steven looks at his watch and realizes what the time is.

Ah damn... I'm going to be late meeting up with Sandy for our luncheon. Can we reschedule another interview for another time, Stace?

I suppose so...

Great... I'm sorry I couldn't give you one this week but this is something very important. It's great catching up with you... cya.

Kurtesy quickly leaves the room and slams the door behind him. Stacey fixes up her hair and looks over to her crew.

Did you get that?

All of it... including the exit.

Good... now, let's get this tape to developed. I think a certain someone would like to view the contents of this interview...
The scene is set at a moonlit beach not far from the home of Sean Cruz. Over the years it has become a popular area in more melancholy times of the eccentric young man's life. Here we see him staring hopelessly out into the horizon,searching for an answer that can't be found among the waves...

Sean: Just what is it that's keeping me from success in WZCW? If these were contests of enthusiasm and rhythm, at this point I'd be a legend. But there's something I'm missing, and now I'm dragged poor Armando into my downward spiral as well. There's got to be something I can do to put myself back into the race and redeem myself in Armando's eyes all in one fell swoop.


But what? I've tried everything. I've rallied the crowd behind us, we've got the matching outfits, the music is to die for. Our presentation is flawless,so why can't we deliver? What do the Forgotten Powers have that we don't? Sure Dr.Alhazred has that god awful Power Glove, and James King has that magnificent ponytail. Maybe that's it! I need something to give me that extra edge, to put me ahead of my opponents regardless of skill level! What could possibly accomplish such a feat at this late juncture? I'm already established as I am now, as is Armando. Maybe it's too late. Our ascent to the top will never come to a positive end, and now we face former tag team champions in battle. There's no hope for us now...

No one can talk Sean Cruz out of things better than Sean Cruz. Disgusted by his own wishy-washy behavior and inability to break through, he begins his descent into madness. First he takes up drinking, ignoring the fact that he has zero tolerance for alcohol and winds up passing out in front of the toilet in his home. Later, he swears off drinking forever and decides to indulge in first puff of cigarette smoke,which he soon finds he's allergic to. Left with no tolerable vices he locks himself in his room and remains sealed within for several hours.

*Insert Armando Paradyse's RP HERE*

Lissa: Did you fix your friend yet?

Armando: I've calmed him down now. He's quite the actor isn't he?

Lissa: He can take the smallest thing and turn it into a big scene. Sometimes it's funny,but it mostly annoys the hell out of me.

Armando: He's a good guy,underneath all the insanity. I just hope he starts to appreciate the necessity or proper training.

Lissa: He's a showman, no more, no less. If you can bring a competitor out of him, I'll marry you on the spot.

Armando clearly heard something he liked as both he and Lissa share a glance that tells a greater story than mere words on a page ever could.

Sean: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH, am I interrupting something?

Armando: Um, haha, of course not. Lissa was just wishing me luck in our match.

Sean: Boy please, I know her better than that, and I'm thinking I know you better than that too.

Foolishly believing himself to now be somewhat well versed in tag-team affairs,Sean Cruz is more than ready to jump into action. However, Armando through his dealings with Lissa, now has a firm grasp on his partner's impulsive nature and is already to prepared to calm him down.


Armando: LET'S NOT! Get ahead of ourselves here Sean. We've got to properly gauge the situation we're in. We're up against the Movement tonight, and you'd best believe their bringing their a game, hermano.

Sean: Hahahahahahaha! You're kidding right? A-Game? At this stage in their partnership? Please.

Armando: Do you know something you're not telling me?

Sean: But of course. I may be new to scene,but my girls and I always have a handle on information in our social circles.

Armando: (How did I not see this guy for the chismoso he is? Ni modo, whatever works,works.)So you've heard rumors then?

Sean: Mm hmm. There's whispers all around. Crashin has been decimated by Holmes,and now the remaining members of the all but defunct triumvirate are blinded by their own ambition. The Forgotten Powers are a unified force to be reckoned with. I'm almost positive the Movement's performance at Meltdown will be...rather lackluster. They'll not be expecting a true test of their bonds,and as we stand now we can easily crush them if not totally through rhetoric.

Armando: Your penchant for gossip caught me off guard,but this is critical information. We'll have to train even harder now so our victory will be decisive. I'm impressed with your information network.

Sean:This is what I do, Armando. We need to create a team dynamic here. You be the brains, and I'll be the mouthpiece. Now we need a plan to completely throw the Crashin boys off their game. My rather public display of devastation due to our loss last week has been well received so they've already been lulled into a false sense of security. They think we're a weak tandem. Tonight, we prove them wrong!

Armando: Wait, that was all an act? Why would you go to such lengths just to demoralize your opponents? Do you think next time we can just train harder and beat out opponents out in the ring? It makes a lot more sense that way.

Sean::lmao: Now where's the fun in that? :shrug:

The boys suit up and march off into destiny once again. Will the Paradyse Cruz sail to success on this night? This time, the answer truly does lie in the horizon out among the waves.
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