MD56: Chris Beckford vs Constantine

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A bustling and busy crowd swarm around the front entrance of an unnamed arena as the warm sun beats down upon their heads from above. Hanging above the door is a billboard and it reads:

See your favourite Superstars today​

The crowd jostle for position at the door and WZCW officials and security hurriedly try and maintain some order by pushing people back into some semblance of a line. Inside, the WZCW Superstars are revving up for some action with their adoring fans. Titus occupies the biggest booth. His merchandise is strewn out in front of him as he sits behind the desk. Red masks are available as Titus makes the finishing touches to his layout. Behind him, the EurAsian Champion Blade sits in a nonchalant manner with his feet up on the table. As the names get less and less noticeable, the booths become smaller until finally an unreserved booth at the very back becomes prevalent.

From a small door at the back Mia bursts in carrying a duffel bag full of Constantine merchandise. Constantine quickly follows but doesn't seem to be in the same sort of rush that Mia undoubtedly is. Mia runs to the top table, already occupied by Titus, and slams the heavy duffel bag down on top of his things. Titus looks up at her with a glare in his eyes as his merchandise pile that he worked so hard on falls off of the table. Mia is hushed for a moment until Constantine rounds the corner to see Titus sitting at the top booth. Constantine tugs his sunglasses off of his face and looks at Titus as Titus gets to his feet. There is an awkward silence for a second as both men size each other up.

Constantine: If it isn't the fallen icon, Titus.

Titus remains quiet but a look of sheer mettle on his features.

Constantine: Don't worry, we'll leave you alone. Maybe I'll be seeing you later...

Constantine lifts the duffel bag and begins walking down the large hall until he reaches the smallest booth in the fan expo. Letting out a heavy sigh, Constantine puts the bag down on the table and allows Mia to begin setting up his merchandise. Unfortunately, there is not enough room on the table for all of his things. Nevertheless, Constantine rounds the table and takes his seat. Suddenly, a booming announcement comes over the PA system.

PA: Doors will open in 5 minutes time.

Constantine lets out another sigh as his discontent begins to grow. Looking over to one of the bigger booths, Constantine notices Chris Beckford talking to an unnamed stage-hand. Smiling and laughing, I looks like he doesn't have a worry in the world. Constantine smirks and turns to Mia, who is still trying to fit as much merchandise on the table as she physically can.

Constantine: You see that, Mia?

Constantine stretches out his finger in the direction of Chris Beckford. Mia turns around to see Beckford in deep conversation. She places what she has in her hands down onto the table and then takes up her position at the side of Constantine.

Mia: Chris Beckford? Yes, I see him.

Constantine: No, Mia! It is what he is doing that surprises me so much. Look at him! He doesn't seem to be taking me very seriously. Here we are, only a few days from our match and he is laughing and joking. He clearly isn't taking me seriously in the ring any more and that will be the biggest mistake he ever makes, trust me on that one.

He and I have gone at it before and he had to get himself in tip-top condition both mentally and physically. Now I look at him and it is like he is brushing me off as just another jobber that will bow to his whim at the very next opportunity. Has it really become that bad?

PA: Door are now opening.

Mia finishes her business with the layout and ushers Constantine behind his table as flocks of people cram through the doors at the opposite end of the arena hall. A sea of people begins to wash over the area as they all run to reach their favourite WZCW Superstar. Titus, Blade, Chris Beckford and some other superstars at the top of the hall are very busy. The crowd begins to filter down to the people at the bottom of the hall. Constantine sits up in his chair and clasps his hands on the table, a smile upon his face as two young men begin to walk towards him. Constantine nervously shuffles in his seat as they get closer, so close that he can hear their words to each other.

Boy 1: I can't wait to meet him, he's just such an inspiration to me!

Boy 2: I know, right. It's too bad he has been treated so poorly recently.

Boy 1: Yeah but at least he is here... Wait a minute!

The two boys stop in their tracks as they look more closely at Constantine. One of the boy squints to get a closer look at the figure that sits behind the table. A look of shocked realisation sweeps across his face as he turns to his friends.

Boy 1: Oh! It's John Constantine not Doug.

Boy 2: Constantine? Who wants to see that loser?

The boys turn around and begin heading up the arena hall as Constantine's mouth sits ajar. The shock of the moment sweeps over him as his eyes follow the boys back down the hall. It is quiet again as the people at the top of the hall get all of the attention whilst John Constantine and Black Dragon sit at the other end of the hall with no one wanting to hear from them. Constantine shakes his head and looks to Mia, who simply gives a shrug.


As people begin to file out of the hall, Constantine sits behind the table with his head resting on his arms atop the table. His stack of papers to sign and his merchandise have not been touched. He looks dejected and his body language is negative all over. He picks up his head and looks at the crowd leaving at the other side of the hall. He quickly flashes a look over to the table that houses Chris Beckford. His table is bare and his smiling face shines back at Constantine.

Constantine: Can you believe that, Mia?

Mia: Believe what, Sir?

Constantine: In the last few weeks, I have been in the ring with the WZCW Champion and his number one contender. I have faced Austin Reynolds at Kingdom Come and yet Chris Beckford, the biggest puppet of the Internet Wrestling Community is more popular than me. Hell, even Doug Crashin is more popular than me and he wasn't even talented enough to keep himself in the company.

Mia searches for an answer that would please Constantine but soon realises that there is no answer that satisfies that criteria. She remains silent instead.

Constantine: Here I am busting my ass to give these people what they want and what they want is someone who panders to their every whim. They want Chris Beckford! They want a man who is guilty of robbing me of my destiny at All Or Nothing and taking the EurAsian Championship away from me when I had worked so hard to get it. They want the man who is as false as my grandmother's teeth. They want a liar. They want a phony! They want the weak!

Mia: Maybe we should get going, Sir?

Constantine: No, I want to sit here for a few more minutes. You see, Mia, this place has opened my eyes. This place has allowed me to see the world in the light that I should have seen it before. It allowed me to see that Chris Beckford is the epitome of what a fan favourite should be. All through today, his table has been packed with people that just want to talk to him, they hang on his every word. And then you look at my table...

Constantine looks around at all the merchandise that still remains on his tiny table. Suddenly, he pushes off all of the stacked merchandise onto the cold floor.

Constantine: It should be me!

It should be me that is getting all of the adulation from the fans. It should be me that is telling people how to live. Numerous times I have met Chris Beckford in the ring and whilst I know that I can beat him, the power of the fans seems to drive him forward. With every punch he throws at me, I can feel the crowd willing him to take me down with one good strike to my jaw.

These people are so ******ed that they cannot see what is good for them but I have the opportunity to get back on the horse this week at Meltdown, Mia. Not only do I have the opportunity to put the past behind me and show Ty Burna that he was lucky to beat me last time, I also have the opportunity to show the people who flock to see the pathetic Chris Beckford that I am not going down. I am not going to fall to the whim of the people. I am not going to be another Doug Crashin story and Chris Beckford is the perfect person to illustrate this with.

Constantine fixes his eyes onto Beckford.

Constantine: Think about it. Millions of people will be watching Meltdown this week, thinking that they will see Chris Beckford deliver the Cross-County that will finally take me out of this company. They will cheer at their TVs as he gets ready to inflict more punishment on me and give me no choice but to go to the Mayhem division. But right at that moment, when the fans are right behind him and spurring him on, I will strike!

I will hit him with the Axis Of Evil with most ferocity and devastation than I ever have, His back will be broken in half and I will stand victorious over a Superstar that has been Championed by the people. Don't you see it, Mia? This is my chance to take back what is rightfully mine and the people will have no option to realise that I am John Constantine and I am better than them...

Constantine does not blink as he looks over at Chris Beckford as the screen goes black.
*Scene Opens in a rather cosy looking room, we can establish via the interior that it’s a hotel room. It doesn’t appear to be a particularly high class hotel room as there’s nothing in the room but a bed, phone chair and a TV/DVD player. Sat on the bed facing the TV is Chris Beckford. Beckford is dressed casually, wearing a Leeds United football shirt and a pair of tracksuit bottoms. Leon Kensworth is also in the room. He is sat in the chair looking rather impatient.*

Beckford: …So we ended up taking to these ladies about the tragic plight of the wrinkly ball sack, which of course they new nothing about. Then somebody suggested Tequila…It might have been me, the rest is a blur. It was a crazy night, but I suppose you should expect that when you end up in the Sludge Pit with Gordito.

Kensworth: It sounds…fun.

Beckford: It was. It was what I needed after everything that's happened recently. I haven’t drunk that much for a long time. What did you get up to Leon? Was your night as entertaining as mine?

Kensworth: It was ok. Becky invited me out for with some of her friends to sing Karaoke. I couldn’t stay out late as I had a meeting first thing in the morning.

Fair enough, at least you had some kind of fun, although I can’t imagine you singing Karaoke.

Kensworth: You’d be surprised.

*Leon looks at Beckford’s shirt*

Kensworth: How did your Soccer team do over the weekend?

Erm, good and not so good. We beat the Champions, but missed out on the playoffs by 3 points. Oh well, we will have to strengthen for next year and hopefully be the team to beat. I’ll never lose faith in the boys.

Kensworth: Chris, why do you insist on staying in your own hotels when WZCW put you up in the best hotels in all the cities we visit?

Beckford: I don’t know to be honest. I like the solitude of it all. It’s my place away from the mental strain that is the WZCW world. It’s a place where I can relax and prepare for my upcoming shows. For instance right now, I’m looking through DVD’s scouting the previous matches of John Constantine as he is my opponent this coming Meltdown.

Kensworth: So what have you learned?

Beckford: Well, take a look at this Leon. This is from Kingdom Come III:

The ref signals for the bell and the two walk to the center of the ring and stare down, their faces just mere inches from one another. Constantine suddenly slaps Reynolds who staggers momentarily before turning and rushing Constantine. Constantine is prepared however and suddenly rolls up Reynolds and grabs a hold of Reynold's tights. The ref doesn't see it and starts the count..1......2.......3!

This tells me that Constantine is very resourceful in the ring and can surprise you at any moment. It tells me to be on guard at all times as he easily rolls up and gets a pinfall on one of the toughest guys I’ve ever been in the ring with and former Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds.

Constantine follows and drags Reynolds to his feet before whipping him into the ropes. Constantine lifts him up for the Axis of Evil but Reynolds spins around and wraps an arm around Constantine's neck and bounces his foot off the table and drops down with a tornado DDT variation. Both men are on the ground as Reynolds wraps an arm over Constantine...1......2.....Constantine gets his shoulder up!

In the past I’ve learnt that Constantine’s finishing manoeuvre the ‘Axis Of Evil’ is deadly and something I need to avoid. Here, this shows me that Austin countered this into a DDT. It shows me that his deadliest move can be simply reversed.

The ref signals for the bell as the car comes to a stop just short of the post. Reynolds pops out of the sun roof with a chair in hand. The bell rings inside the arena as Reynolds walks down the hood of the car and stands above Constantine. He brings the chair down and smashes it into Constantine's head which knocks him out and Constantine sprawls out on the ground, his arm raised up and still in the handcuffs. The crowd roars as Reynolds looks down at Constantine before raising the chair high into the air.

Now this bit is the most worrying bit. It shows me how tough Constantine is. It shows me that I may need to run him over or hit him with a chair to beat him.

*Beckford stops the DVD and takes it out of the player before inserting a new one*

This is from last weeks Meltdown. Big Dave is his opponent.

Constantine stands directly on Dave's shoulder while pulling his arm up, causing Dave to yell out in pain. The ref warns Constantine to bring the match back into the ring. He obliges and tosses Dave back into the ring. He whips Dave into the ropes and catches him off the rebound, tossing him over with a fallaway slam! He immediately hooks the leg, 1....2....Dave kicks out!

This shows me how dominant he can be in a match. Here he is picking apart the King for a Day winner. You have got to have tremendous ability to do that as I’ve been in the ring with Big Dave before and it’s one hell of a challenge.

Constantine gets up frustrated and pulls Dave to his feet immediately. He gets behind Dave and goes for Collateral Damage but Dave floats over and immediately lifts him up with a pumphandle slam! Dave covers Constantine 1......2.....Constantine kicks out! Dave sits up and grasps his hurt shoulder before getting up and motion for Constantine to rise. He hits a kick to the knee and then follows up with a devastating kick to the head. Constantine stumbles forward and Dave quickly drapes an arm around him and hits Checking Out! He covers Constantine, 1....2....3!

This is a crucial bit of information. It shows me that if I’m resilient, Constantine will get frustrated and make a mistake. I just have to be ready and take advantage of that. It also shows me that if I hit him with a big move it will be enough to get the pin.

*Beckford ejects the DVD before putting a new DVD in.*

But Leon the most important thing I can watch that will give me what I need to beat Constantine is this.

Beckford goes to the corner and climbs the ropes. He stares around the arena before landing Cross Country. Beckford with the cover. 1... 2... 3.
Harrys: John Constantine has just been eliminated.

*Beckford stops the DVD*

Leon, I know exactly what I have to do to beat Constantine this week. We have come across each other so many times in WZCW that he’s become a giant pain in my ass. If he wants revenge because I eliminated him at All or Nothing, then I suggest he grows up. This is wrestling, the premier federation, we do what we can to get the win and he knows for a fact that he would do the exact same thing if our roles were reversed.

Kensworth: Now though this match could be so different. You have got your sights on that big Redemption rematch that was set up last week. Whereas Constantine is in freefall, I mean there is talk of him entering the Mayhem division.

Would that be so bad for him? Sometimes in life you have to take a step back to go forward. Look at what that division has done for the likes of Gordito and Baez. Chris Jones seems to be making people take notice. It may be the next logical step for him to take.

Kensworth: So what about you? Why did you want your rematch against Blade for the EurAsian Championship in a Chairs match?

Beckford: Because quite frankly Leon I’m tired of Blade sneaking up on me and on my opponents with a chair he likes to carry round. He thinks he’s in my head, but nothing could be further from the truth. As I showed last week after me and Gordito were successful in our tag match, I can use a steel chair to great effect and come Redemption, I’ll show him how ruthless I can be with one.

Kensworth: Well I hope you know what you’re doing. I need to go. Got an interview with Titus coming up so I got to prepare.

Beckford: No problem man, pass on my best and wishes of good luck to Titus.

*Leon leaves the room, Beckford lies back on the bed with the TV remote in hand and flicks through the TV channels.*

Beckford: Movie time…..Oh great, it had to be Blade 3 didn’t it, it’s not like I haven’t seen that name enough recently….wait a sec….is that? Ohhhh so that’s where former WZCW Tag Team Champion Anthony Michaels went after leaving WZCW.

*The Scene Fades*
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