MD56: Blade vs Brad Bomb

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We’re introduced to a run-down apartment building where there are boarded up windows and a broken door. We go inside one of the apartments. It’s empty bar a beaten up sofa and the kitchen counters, both of which are covered in dust, as is the rest of the apartment. On the floor lay discarded pieces of wood and newspaper and in the corner of the room, there’s Brad Bomb slouched down. Next to him lays a six pack of beers, four of the cans are on the floor, supposedly empty. Brad clutches the fifth can in his hand. His head slumps down and he begins talking to himself.

Second chances. We’ve all wished for one at some point. Most of the time it’s to go back and change the way we did something or treated someone, in my case it’s the latter. *He takes a swig from his beer can.*I’ve never really trusted anyone and why should I? It never seemed to affect the way I developed from street rat to pro wrestler. Trust was never an issue. All that I needed to rely on was myself. *He takes another swig of his drink.*Even with my own family I never trusted anyone. My mum said she’d be ok. She died. My dad said he’d always be there for me. He abandoned us. My brother said we could always rely on each other. He started to take drugs and became a reckless idiot. *As he takes yet another swig of his drink, he stands and begins walking around the room.*

The second chance I wish I had was being able to trust my brother. Being able to trust him when he said “we could always rely on each other”. Being able to trust him when he came to me before Kingdom Come and said he was clean. *As Brad drinks, he kicks some of the wood and newspapers.* If I had trusted him then maybe we could’ve got to know each other again, prevented him from relapsing, preventing him from overdosing… stop the fact that next week I’ll be attending his funeral. *Brad stands still and looks solemn. He takes a chug of his drink this time, finishing it as he does so.* But that’s not the second chance I’m going to get. No the second chance I’m going to get is in the ring. *He throws the can away and picks up his final can and opens it, taking a quick swig as he opens it.*

That second chance is the second chance I’ll have at retribution... Redemption even. *Bomb laughs at his own joke.* The second chance to put Blade in his place. I still remember the moment he hit me over the head with a chair after my match against Chris Beckford 3 weeks before Kingdom Come. I remember it fondly but it motivates me, gives me something to work towards and how fitting it was of Chris Beckford to offer Blade a Chairs Match at Redemption, ‘cause although I’ve only been on the receiving end of a chair shot, that’ll all change this week. *Brad Bomb takes another chug of his drink and then sets it down on the window sill.*

See, this week, I will defeat Blade in our match – make no doubt about it, I’ll beat him.“He’s been on a brilliant streak in recent weeks” or “At the moment he seems unbeatable!” Are just some of the comments I’ve heard in preparation for this match but no man is unbeatable, no streak is unstoppable. Blade might be an in-ring technician but it’ll take a massive effort to stop my power… so after I beat him I will do three things:

First, I will gain my first experience in smashing someone in the head with a chair.
*Brad simulates hitting Blade over the head with chair.* Second, I’ll be giving Blade a taste of what he has to come at Redemption when he faces Beckford and finally, I’ll be earning some Redemption for myself. *He laughs at his joke once more and grabs his drink downing the remainder of his can, spilling some down his shirt in the process.*

I will send a message to Blade and everyone else in the WZCW that if you mess with me, I will make sure that I get my revenge on you sooner or later, no matter how big or how small you are. I will never back down from a fight with anyone be it Ty Burna or The Agony, Titus or Everest, Alex Bowen or Big Dave… if you wrong me I will come back to get you…

Brad Bomb begins to laugh manically and then throws his beer can across the room. He stumbles back into the corner, where he slides his back down the wall, ending up being sat just as he was as the beginning. His head goes into his hands and he begins to slowly rock from side to side as the scene ends.
Blade is sitting in his locker room, an ice pack on his neck, still recovering from Chris Beckford hitting him with a Cross Drop onto a chair. The door knocks and Rebecca Serra pokes her head in.

Rebecca: In the mood for an interview?

Blade moves his head from side to side, causing loud cracks. He gives a quick nod and Rebecca comes in with the cameraman in tow.She sits down beside Blade, who looks quite irritated but tolerates her.

Rebecca: So, I’m guessing you have something to say about Chris Beckford’s actions last week.

Blade shakes his head and puts the ice pack back on his neck.

: There is not a lot to talk about. He had an epiphany on Meltdown. He realised that couldn’t beat me without help. To be more specific, last week he needed the help of a chair. He dropped me onto it and for one brief second, he felt like the better man. It’s such a shame he felt that feeling, because it will be all the more devastating when I beat him at Redemption.

Rebecca: Ah yes, the chairs match.

Blade lets out a dark chuckle as he lights up a cigarette. He exhales slowly before answering.

Blade: The chairs match that Beckford decided to throw at me because he thought it would be to his advantage. You see, he felt high and mighty using that chair on me.

Blade lets out a low, bitter laugh.

Blade: And people call me deluded. His mind didn’t seem to register that at Redemption, I’ll have a chair too. In all his adrenaline, holding the chair in his hand, with me down after the cheap shot. He thought to himself, in his tiny little mind ‘I can win with this.’ And maybe, just maybe he’s right. Maybe he can win with a chair. But he can’t win when I have a chair too. You know the history Beckford and I have, Becky. We had our first match over a year ago, the EurAsian Championship league, back when we were both hungry and young, and I was as stupid as Beckford was. It was a great match and he beat me. But now, 15 months later, I have evolved into a higher being. I am one of the very best in the world today. I’ve beaten some of the biggest names in this company. Beckford, on the other hand, fluked his way to the title, had one of the worst title reigns in the history of the company and is back in the same place he was 15 months ago. If he wasn’t still a thorn in my side, I might feel sorry for him because of that. Instead, I just feel sorry for him because he will be in the ring with me at Redemption.

Rebecca: You critcised Beckford for attacking you with the chair, but how can you say that when you did the exact same thing to Brad Bomb a month ago?

Blade shakes his out and gets up, and starts walking around the locker room, as if he’s looking for something.

Blade: Oh Becky, I thought we went over this after I destroyed Bomb. That wasn’t because I was scared of Beckford or because I thought he could beat me. I did that to make a statement, remember? Beckford did it out of fear for me, out of fear for taking me one on one again.

Rebecca: I see...

Blade: And you see, Bomb is exactly the same as Beckford. According to my sources, he went out last night, knowing he would be facing me, the man who mashed his faceto a pulp a month ago. He went to a pub and he drank. He drank so he could get some kind of courage together before he faced me. Do you see how sad that is? Beckford attacked me out of fear and Bomb drank himself stupid. The difference is, Beckford accomplished something. it gave Beckford some hope. False hope, perhaps, but hope all the same. And it was perhaps petty and low, but I admit that I’m hurt.

He rubs his neck again before taking a long drag.

Blade: Bomb? What did he accomplish? All he has is a hangover, vomit encrusted into his shirt and the knowledge that he still has to face me. He’s drinking because he has become so bitter. Rather than becoming stronger and learning from what happened, he held a grudge that will end up being his undoing as I beat him this week.... Where is it!?

Blade is now looking irritated as he keeps searching around his locker room.

Rebecca: What on earth are you looking for!?

Blade looks behind the wardrobe and his eyes light up as he sees what he’s looking for. He turns to Rebecca and gives an evil, dark smirk. He puts his hand behind the wardrobe and pulls out the same blood-stained, dented chair he used on both Brad Bomb and Sam Smith in the run up to Kingdom Come. He takes the mask taken from the Baez fan off the chair and gently places it on the table. He holds the chair in front of himself, looking almost happy.

Blade: They say you should stick with what brought you to the dance. Beckford seems to forget that this is what brought me to the dance.

He puts the chair under his arm and puts out the cigarette in the ashtray. He grabs his EurAsian title and throws it over his shoulder.

Blade: On Meltdown, Beckford will see how able I am in the art of the chair. Brad Bomb, on the other hand... Well, I hope he takes some Alka-Seltzer, because he’s about to get reacquainted with an... 'old friend'.

The sick smirk spreads across his face again before leaving the locker room, leaving Rebecca looking worried as the scene fades.
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