MD56: Baez & Gordito - Redemption Contract Signing

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We open to a darkened alley behind The Sludge Pit. Between the brick walls lay mountains of debris. Two large dumpsters sit half open against one of the walls. A rat scurries across from pile to pile in search of sustenance. A shopping cart comes around the corner from the street, turning into the alley. Pushing it is Gordito in jeans and a black wifebeater shirt, along with a pair of aviator sunglasses. He comes down the alley talking aloud while scoping out the piles of trash.

Gordito: Let's see here...

He stops and rummages through one pile carefully. Digging into the refuse, he pulls out a florescent light tube.

Gordito: Yes! A few more and we've got a set, baby.

He places the tube into the cart and moves on down the alley slowly.

Gordito: Mayhem rules. No rules. Violence of the highest order. It's about time the old pros show these new kids how it's done.

He stops at another pile and scans for other tools to use.

Gordito: Chairs, tables, ladders, frying pans, hammers, pipes, bottles...something...anything...

His hands emerge from their search with a small but heavy looking sauce pan. He smiles in anticipation.

Gordito: Winner.

He spins around in his hands some, testing its weight like a swordsman would picking out the right weapon. He makes a few practice swings with it.

Gordito: Blam. Right to the chest. Can you say "air conditioned", heh heh.

Back to searching. He stops in front of the dumpsters and peeks in.

Gordito: Baez baby, I've never been more excited for anything in my life. It's been almost a year since I've had my chance at you in our natural environment. It's been months since you turned your back on me and made me your crusade. And what have you to show for it?

He jumps up to lean into the filthy dumpster. After some rustling and tossing a few large bags out of his way, he pulls out a few large empty liquor bottles.

Gordito: This is like getting ready for a big date. I'm all nervous and excited, like a 13 year old about to cop a feel. What do I wear? What do I bring with me? How do I do all the right things?

He tosses the bottles into the cart while digging around some more.

Gordito: Good thing I've always been good under pressure. The Dirty One knows how to deliver, baby. I can keep my eye on the prize, and right now that prize is making you feel good. Make you hurt so wonderfully. I can see it now...

He stops rummaging long enough to look up to the sky as if in a day dream.

Gordito: ...the look on your face while I work my magic. The blood, the sweat, both forming into smalls pools on your forehead. And I won't stop there, oh no.

He goes back to searching through the trash.

Gordito: 'Cause I know what boys like you want. When you say "no more, please, stop", you really mean "give me more, don't ever stop". When you scream out in painful ecstasy, I'll be standing right over you ready to give you more. And more. And more, until it becomes too much for you and you give in.

He pulls out an old glass coffee pot from the dumpster. He goes to place it into the cart and moves on to the next dumpster.

Gordito: No more teases. No more quickies. This is it. One last slow goodbye, punctuated with your teeth being knocked out of your mouth. Accentuated with your blood running in rivers. I'm going to remember our last moments together for a long long time, Baez. One way or another, one of us is going down at Redemption. And all you've done these last few months is toughen me up for it.

He reaches his arm over into the next dumpster and blindly grabs at anything that feels lethal. Anything heavy.

Gordito: Every chair attack. Every jumping backstage or in the ring. Every little love letter you sent me over this time has only made me tougher. Didn't you think that out? What doesn't kill me only makes me more resilient, baby.

A look of excitement crawls over his face. He's found what he's looking for. He pulls his hand out of the dumpster holding a large section of metal piping. He admires it in his hand for a moment.

Gordito: You've given me something to believe in. Something good to die for so that surviving seems so much more beautiful.

He tosses the pipe into the cart and continues down the alley.

Gordito: Come Redemption, this ends. We can't be friends. We can't go back to what he had. Let us make this the last time. I'm ready to let go of the past, old friend. Maybe in time we can try it again. But right now, we both need this. We both need to move on from this.

He reaches the end of the alley. He looks down at the rat who is hiding amongst the litter, in the dark corners provided by cardboard boxes and black trash bags. The rat looks up at him frightened, then runs back to safer ground. Gordito smirks as he sees this, then looks up into the camera, his face filling the screen with his defiant attitude.

Gordito: The Dirty One is not one to live in the past for long. You were right, Baez. We are better off this way. I'm better off this way. You've done me a huge favor, and the best way I know how to repay you for that is to leave you in a heap come Redemption. My gift to extended vacation to a hospital bed. There, you can relax, unwind...take that much needed vacation.

He turns to go back the way he came with his now loaded cart of weapons. As he starts back, he looks over his shoulder at the camera one last time.

Gordito: Don't say I never gave you anything.
We find ourselves backstage with Baez walking. He seems very focused. Leon meets up with him.

Leon: Baez! This week you'll be signing the contract to your Mayhem match with Gordito. What's on your mind as you head out there?

Baez: *sigh* I'm gonna apologize to the guy.

Leon: Really?

A guy walks by both Baez and Leon. A huge thud echoes as Baez randomly shoves the bystander hard against a wall.

Baez: Really.

Baez walks away. Hitting The Smashmouth on another bystander.

Baez: Yup! Really!
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