MD55: The Agony vs. Chris Jones

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite not being featured on Kingdom Come, neither The Agony or Chris Jones will look to let that put each other off and rather motivate them to give everything they got when they compete one on one on Meltdown. Chris Jones has put the roster on notice with his intentions to rise above the ranks, will The Agony be his first victim or will there be a different fate set for the former Mayhem Champion?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th April 23:59 EST
*camera cuts to backstage with Leon Kensworth standing by, ready for an interview with The Savior Chris Jones*

Kensworth: Ladies and gentlemen, we've just come off the greatest event of the year, Kingdom Come, and what an event it was! With Ty Burna retaining the world title, the departure of Doug Crashin, and Blade finally rising up and claiming the EurAsian title. With me now to focus on what happens after Kingdom Come is former Mayhem champion, The Savior Chris Jones.

*camera frame zooms out to show Jones standing beside Kensworth, clearly still angry at being left off of the Kingdom Come card*

Kensworth: Jones, before we get to the subject at hand, as a former Mayhem champion, could you offer your thoughts on the Mayhem title match at Kingdom Come?

*Jones glares at Kensworth for a moment, before grinning slightly and beginning his speech*

Jones: You know, ever since Kingdom Come I've heard people go on and on about that match, how it was "the most violent match in WZCW history". There was kendo sticks, there were two-by-fours, there were tables, there was glass, and so on, and so on. I hear these people go on about this match and just sigh and shake my head. This is exactly what I tried to prevent while I was Mayhem champion. The violence in that match was needless and protected the two from exposing how inadequate they are in the ring. This is what will become the standard for Mayhem once again, instead of hard-working up-and-comers like myself trying to make their mark in this company.

*Jones sighs and shrugs his shoulders*

Jones: But, I am a man of my word. I said that I would leave the Mayhem division if I didn't regain the title, and I have done so. If you people want Mayhem to be full of wrestlers who don't know a wristlock from a wristwatch, suit yourself. Just remember, I tried to save you.

Kensworth: On to other matters: While you weren't on the card at Kingdom Come, you did have a confrontation with Sam Smith at the event. What are your thoughts on that?

*Jones places a hand over his face, clearly trying to not lose his temper, before continuing*

Jones: I have to seriously question the mental stability of one Mr. Smith. He thinks that just because he got a match that he didn't deserve against one of the biggest jokes in this company, that he's suddenly a big shot. That he can act like he's somehow better than me. I question his mental stability, because if memory serves, we've already had a match. And not only did I beat him in said match, but I completely destroyed him as well. So how in the bluest of blue hells does he think that he's better than me?

*Jones shakes his head*

Jones: But, I suppose it doesn't matter. If he's really so fixated on another battle with me, then I'll gladly provide him with another beating. Difference is, he will be VERY lucky if he walks away this time.

Kensworth: Finally, this week on Meltdown, you're set to face off against relative newcomer The Agony. What's your gameplan going into this?

*Jones looks at Kensworth for a moment as though he can't comprehend what he just said*

Jones: ...I'm sorry, Kensworth, I'm still having trouble getting over the fact that that's actually his name. I mean, he calls himself "The Agony" because he got beat up as a child? Really? That sounds like something a 13-year old who didn't catch on to the fact that emo was dead would come up with! Honestly, I can't get over how many people around here love to cling on to some problem they had in their youth, and expect to make it around here. It's incredibly pathetic. These are people who need serious help in growing up, and this "Agony" is one of them.

*Jones throws his hands up in the air, clearly exasperated*

Jones: Smith is crazy, Agony is crazy...really, why can't crazy people actually do something productive with their time?

Voice: You know, they say people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Jones: And that has what to do with-

*Jones stops, realizing that it wasn't Kensworth who just spoke. He quickly turns around to see his psychiatrist, Alice, standing behind him, a rather smug look on her face*

Alice: Surprised to see me, Mr. Jones?

Jones: say the least, Alice. Pardon my frankness, but what in the name of the Seven Deadly Sins spout out from the deepest depths of Hell are you doing here?!

Alice: My my, Jones, I thought you'd be glad to see me. After all, you haven't had the best month, have you? Lost the Mayhem title, can't go back to get it again because of your own stupidity, and being left off of the biggest event of the year. I just thought I should keep an eye on you in case you decide to do something...stupid.

Jones: ...are you stalking me now or something? How do you know all this?

Alice: I told you, I watched the shows. Anyway, I'll be at ringside during your match to watch over you, so don't get any ideas. Expect a session after your match, too.

*with that, Alice walks off the set, leaving Jones dumbfounded and defeated. He looks back at Kensworth*

Jones: Just for the sake of clarification: What I'm going to be going through? THAT'S agony.

*with a final sigh, Jones walks off set as well as the camera fades to black*
.............You don't appear to be listening.

The camera quickly shakes into focus, centered and close to the plainly recognizable face of Agony as he too quickly snaps back and shakes himself into focus. As the camera pulls back a little, the dull figure of Leon Kensworth can be seen closely facing his interviewee with mechanical await for some response.

Hello? Anybody in there? Leon amuses himself with his tame comical comments and fills the gap in the widening waiting period.


Do you not remember? I was here to interview you for your match this week on Meltdown. The one where you're facing Chris Jones. I think you must have zoned out.

Agony sighs as if re-adjusting to his environment like you do after being suddenly and unexpectedly awoken, gathering the air and composure to make a relevant comment.

Go ahead.

Right. Well I wanted to know if you had any thoughts on your opponent this week, what separates him from others in your eyes and how to plan to deal with him. Can you shed any light on any of your going on this past week and plans in the future.

You are permitted to breathe occasionally you know. I prefer one question at a time.

He gathers his composure and pierces the fibre of his lair's guest.

As I understand Leon you had the pleasure of interviewing Mr. Jones earlier this week, is that correct?

That is correct.

And I of course knew this anyway because I did happen to catch a good chunk of it. Chris Jones. I never really thought anything of him until now. It seems he has a problem with my name though so Mr. Jones let me tell you about my name. It's not as simple as to simply say I chose this name, that I whittled down some 50+ names and just happened to settle on this one because it did something so convenient as to sound..."cool". He gestures with his fingers sarcastically. He is clearly quite defensive about the verbal assault bound to him by his opponent.

My childhood wasn't great (It's an astronomical understatement but for the purposes of my point) he whispers holding his right hand cupped to his mouth, I paid the price for being unlucky to be brought up how I was, I can't really find happiness anywhere. Agony is just what I am, it has always surrounded me. It both scalds me when I get too self-righteous and comforts me when patrolling the uncharted territory of momentary satisfaction. There really was no choice about it all, the name just represents me better than even I can do physically. I do expect you to understand even better how well I embody my name after we have met.

OK so back to my other question from befo......

Oh and get this; he seems to think I'm crazy as well!

Agony folds backwards with deliberately ironic laughter as Kensworth just stares at him not sensing the intentional tone.

Look at worst I'm a tad unstable, not crazy. And everybody is unstable eh? Doesn't take much to make the average guy act like he never normally would. Well there is no difference with me in that respect, I've got as much potential to go off the deep end as anyone, as you even Leon. Though I'd probably do a bit more damage.

Yeah that's what makes me more of a threat anyw.........

He slurs mid word and comes to a halt. He has descended back into the zoned-out expression which we greeted him with, sort of a heavy day-dream with a visual impact on the subject. Despite Leon's best efforts, he just remains there sometimes muttering things too quiet to decipher, and looking almost worried about whatever images stampede through his mind. Once again this breaks finally after another minute or so and leaves the giant apparently with no real recollection of his strange behavior.

Yeah you were being distant again.

Oh......right.......sorry. Where were we?

You were about to chalk up your game plan I believe, or however much you felt comfortable revealing.

Oh. Look I'm not really feeling right about doing this interview, is that OK? I feel a little pre-occupied. Let's just say that I'm quite a bit taller than him, much stronger and a lot more intimidating to look at. Hows that? I really need to try to get my head in the right place for this match though, sorry.

He picks himself up from his typical seated position on the floor and begins to scuttle away. As he pulls up his pants to his waistline ad rifles his jacket pockets, a crisp yellow envelope protruding falls out of some hidden orifice and plants itself gently on the ground without a modicum of notice being given about it. Kensworth understandably reaches down when it's owner is out of sight and earshot.

It reads on the front "Dear Jarvis". Leon peeks up again just to be certain nobody is returning to collect it once again. He turns over the letter and pokes his finger through the sealing and sliding it slowly along the edge to preserve it's intactness. After finally opening it, he begins on learning of it's contents etched on the gold-bordered letter within. He begins to read, "It has come to my attention tha-


Leon gets thrust back across the corridor and onto his back. In the camera view is the packed fist of Jarvis himself, before he begins to walk over to the dazed man lying on the ground.

Look I'm sorry Leon but that's mine and it's very personal and important to me. What you did was bad manners and I couldn't stand for it. This will serve you better in the long run believe me, don't read other people mail, ok?

He extends a hand to help back the poor flustered journalist onto his feet as a way to apologize. He dusts off Leon's suit and pats him until all the dust has drifted off from Kensworth's jacket. He continues to pick off the little grains until it's almost brand new and suddenly - WHACK!

Kenworth finds himself on the receiving end of an icy grip around his throat as he struggles to break free. His efforts are naturally in vain but he persists regardlessly. He grasp lets in enough air to not disrupt his circulation so he can garner a response when he asks the reporter.... So.....Did you....happen to.... to read anything interesting, in my letter?

Leon violently shakes his head trying to plea for what he may think is his life. He hand simply lets go soon after this supposed revelation and Leon drops to his knees gasping for air.

Well then no worries.

Agony straightens his jacket before turning to leave.

Never thought I'd be the one telling somebody else to get rest, he proposes as he stumbles back down his path un-fazed by the startling series of events.
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