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MD55: Showtime Cougar vs. Mr. Baller

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Kingdom Come didn't end well for either Showtime Cougar or Mr. Baller, with neither men leaving with the World Heavyweight Championship or a title shot at the EUrAsian/Elite X Championship, both men will be eager to make their pain go away as they compete one on one. Who is going to make the first step on the right track and take their frustration out to the max on their opponent?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th April 23:59 EST
Scene opens at Kingdom Come III. The show has just ended and the crowd is as loud as can be, cheering and screaming about the spectacle that they have just witnessed. The camera is backstage facing the tarp that covers and leads to the ring entrance. The crowd is chanting "Showtime Showtime" which is building in volume as the camera zooms in on the tarp. Suddenly the tarp is flung to the side and Showtime emerges from the entrance ramp. The crowds chants can now be heard chanting for "Ty Burna Ty Burna" as they really were from the beginning. Showtime marches down the hallway towards his dressing room. Not a single person would speak to him or congratulate him on the excellent match he had with his arch rival Ty, or even look at him. Showtime's thoughts can now be heard.

Those fools. Those gullible fools. They should all be cheering for me. I'm the star of this company. I'm the one who should be holding the biggest prize this company has to offer, that Ty. Ty has the fans trapped in his spell and eating the poisonous lies right out of his hands. He even has everyone in WZCW turned against me. Having them believe that this disorder, this sickness that he has implanted on me, has clouded my judgement. They are afraid to even speak to me... to even look at me.

Showtime stops and stares down a stage hand who is about to open up a canned beverage. He sees Showtime staring at him and slowly puts down his drink and backs away. Showtime walks over and picks up the beverage and takes a drink as he continues down the hall.

Maybe this isn't all a bad thing.

Showtime continues down the hall towards his dressing room. As he approaches his room he sees a young man standing by his door. The man is dressed casually in jeans and sneakers, but is also wearing a white lab coat. He is holding a clip board and turns and smiles as Showtime approaches.

???? Showtime. So excited to see you again. You remember me, I'm Dr. Steve. Dr. Phillpotter introduced us over a week ago. Look, here is the picture of us that I had taken that day.

Cougar: What is that supposed to mean? That if you didn't have this that I might not believe you. That I might be crazy. Is that what you're insinuating Steve?

Dr. Steve: Oh no no, Showtime I'm terrible sorry if that was the idea you got from that. I didn't mean it that way at all. I'm just a huge WZCW fan. Have been for as long as I can remember. I just brought this because I was hoping that you could sign it for me. You are one of my favourite wrestlers.

Dr. Steve holds the picture out. A big smile still on his face. Showtime looks down at the picture before taking it from Dr. Steve's hands and starts signing it.

So... if you don't mind me asking... who is your favourite wrestler?

Ahh... so many to chose from. If I had to pick any I think it'be Austin Reynolds.

Showtime stops writing suddenly. The pen actually runs across the picture at the sound of Austin's name as he stares coldly at Dr. Steve.

But... uh I'm also a huge fan of you as well Showtime. You remind me so much of Austin.

Showtime finishes signing the picture and pushes it into Dr. Steve's hands.

I think you need to go back to school for WZCW history. I believe since I was here first, Austin reminds you of me.

Showtime enters the dressing room. Dr. Steve looks down at his autograph. Showtime fixed the streak across the picture by using it as the cross for his "T"

No personalized Autograph. Austin Reynolds put "to his #1 fan" on mine.

Well Steve, maybe one day you'll suck your way up to that title. So what does Dr. Pillpopper want now.

Haha, good one. Actually Dr. Phillpotter didn't send me. As per your agreement with him, you are required to begin taking your medication today.

Dr. Steve hands Showtime a bottle of white pills.

Fortunately, you only need to take these once every 4 hours. I'm gonna have to ask you to take one now so I can record it on the chart I need to send to Dr. Phillpotter each week.

Dr. Steve watches Showtime as he looks down at the bottle and reads it. After what seems like forever Showtime opens the bottle and puts one pill in his mouth.

Perfect... now I just need to check a few things...

Steve... Dr. Steve sorry. I just finished a brutal match and I'm exhausted. Can you please wait for me to change.

Absolutely. Terribly sorry Showtime. Just come get when you're done. I'll be waiting outside.

Dr. Steve quickly leaves the room. As soon as the door closes Showtime spits out the pill. He walks over to his bag and pulls out a bottle of aspirin. Showtime empties the bottle of his prescribed medication and fills it with aspirin.

Just because I am being forced to live out this reality that Ty has created does not mean that I have to accept it, or that I can't change it. I am in control of the events that surround me now... and everyone else will be left speechless when I am finished with Ty.


Scene reopens on the set of a commercial. A basketball court is laid out on the set. Showtime walks onto the set in shorts and a black sleeveless top. He is bouncing around the basketball as the director approaches him.

Director: Okay last scene everybody. Showtime thank you so much for your cooperation with this commercial. The athletes wear were promoting for WZCW's new apparel is sure to take off with your endorsement. We did the wrestling bit of course. Transition it to football very nicely and we did the hockey scene as you are Canadian and it makes sense. The fellow from WZCW only wanted you to do 3 sports, so why do you want to include this basketball scene as well. I thought most Canadians couldn't play basketball.

Well I'll have you know that while I was born in Winnipeg Manitoba, I spent much of my childhood in sunny California.

Showtime dribbles the ball a bit between his legs before jumping up and shooting the basketball. It does a perfect arch and goes right through the net.

You won't find too many hockey rinks down there, but just about everyone plays basketball.

That is true, but are you sure this doesn't have a little something to do with your opponent this week on Meltdown, Mr. Baller. Isn’t he some sort of ex NBA player.

Ha Baller didn’t even make it to the minor leagues. He’s just some wannabe street baller who probably spent his time in Miami schooling the preppy tennis playing teens on their off days. Guy probably would’ve gotten owned by some of people I played against. Lucky for me I also knew how to fight. As we’ve seen with Baller’s career, the man doesn’t have a clue how to fight inside that ring.

Okay, we’re going to get some really players here in a minute to get some live action shots. For now just dribble around in front of this green screen and drive to the basket. Pretend it’s you verse like 6 or 10 players...

As the director explains the scene Showtime closes his eyes. When he opens them he sees several basketball players. All of them looking exactly like Mr. Baller.

... And we’ll use this footage to fill in the rest of the commercial. Just like all the others. You got this Show.

I think I can do this.

Showtime starts to dribble the ball around the court. One of the Ballers walks up the try and knock the ball away. Showtime turns his body to block the ball and then quickly wrenches the arm of Baller. He holds the arm then sharply bounces the ball of the shoulder. The Baller disappears and the ball pops up high in the air. A second Baller comes charging at Showtime. Showtime dodges and turns around hitting a reverse neck-breaker on the Baller who disappears on impact. The ball comes down just as Showtime gets up who is able to continue the dribble. Showtime runs with the ball as 2 more Ballers approach. Showtime weaves past the first, and knife edge chops it for his troubles, and then performs a running elbow on the second. As he does he lets the ball fly and it bounces off the backboard and in.

Stagehand: What is he doing out there?

He’s a wrestler. Maybe this is what they do when they are home and want to practice. Just let him have fun out there.

Showtime gets the ball back. A mean looking Baller stares coldly at him. Showtime dares him to tip off against him. Showtime throws the ball high in the air. Him and Baller both go to leap. As the do, Showtime grabs Baller around the neck and hits the Rating Crash. He gets up and goes to catch the ball on it’s second bounce as another Baller races after it. Showtime instead spins and clotheslines Baller. He sees another and bounces the ball high on it’s third bounce, providing enough time to hit a second clothesline. He gets the ball and sees only one Baller remaining standing in front of the basket. Showtime dribbles slowly towards him. He tries to dart past him one way, but the Baller blocks him. He tries the other way he still can’t get by him. Finally he settles in front of the net. Baller starts to walk towards Showtime to grab the ball. Showtime quickly throws the ball at Ballers face. It bounces off it causing Baller to fall back. Showtime gets the ball back and leaps, just being able to catch the rim for a slam dunk. He holds on with his finger tips and then lets go, delivering an elbow drop to the last Baller as he disappears.

Well done, okay the basketball players are here now. A little unorthodox style but I think we can work with some of those action shots. I liked how you bounced the ball off the poll there before that dunk.

Yes... a poll.


Scene reopens on the red carpet of a hollywood movie premiere. Showtime is sitting in his limo having just arrived. He looks over, past the many empty glasses once filled with liquor that surround him, to some tabloid papers and gossip magazines. His disorder and subsequent recovery have gotten him some media attention. Albeit the most promising offer has been to appear on Celebrity Rehab, this movie premiere he is attending, along with the commercial, are one of many PR ideas Showtime intended to use to get back his fame and whatever shred of dignity remained of him with the public. Showtime sips the last of his drink and then emerges from the limo. Cameras flash as the limo empties with more girls than a tiny clown car has clowns. Showtime walks down the red carpet, intent on making it to the bar inside. Every few seconds he stops and turns to the cameras and reporters that line along the carpet behind the velvet rope and waves and smiles. Suddenly a tall slender balding man with a pen and pad and a suit too small for him comes up behind Showtime.

Showtime, Matthew Pacaud. Viewers Access news. My readers want to know what your thoughts are about your loss to Ty Burna.

You’re not real.

I see, still sensitive about the disorder. I wasn’t going to bring that up at all but...

You see those guys over there.

Showtime points towards a tanned male and short blond in a gold dress.

The guy with way too much air gel and the busty blonde, yea.

They work for E!

Oh really, that's exciting. She's really hot.

Indeed. You see how they’re standing over there. That’s because they aren’t allowed past that rope there. If they aren’t allowed that certainly means you aren’t allowed which means you aren't real.

Showtime walks past him. Showtime stops again to posse for the cameras. Matt suddenly appears behind Showtime again.

So what if I’m not real. So what if you think you’ve figured it out. We still run loose inside your thoughts and we demand answers. And you don’t ever mind expressing your opinions on any topic.

Showtime smiles and speaks through this teeth.

If I humour you will you leave me alone for this. We have to maintain a sane profile if you don’t want to be locked back up in that room again.

No way, it was too crowded in there. I was bumbling heads with Fast Eddy and Stuart Chamberlin.

Showtime continues down the carpet, Matthew quickly follows behind.

The lose to Ty was unfortunate to say the least. If the company refuses to give it’s biggest star the biggest prize on the biggest stage than one has to wonder how far Ty’s spell has gone in WZCW. To be able to work Bateman and Myles like puppets. This all ends now. Ty Burna beat me out of desperation and he knows it. Perhaps I underestimated the confidence Ty had built inside of him after months of being champion, but I have now worked into Ty the last piece of the puzzle to beat him for the title. Fear. Ty knows how close he came to losing that title on numerous occasions at Kingdom Come. Whether it is me or someone else, Ty knows his time as champion is drawing closely to an end and the next time we face each other I promise you the end result will be vastly different. I’d stake my name on it.

Showtime continues down the ramp and now there are groups of fans along the ropes. Showtime walks over to a section and starts signing autographs.

And what of the huge rumours swirling that Austin Reynolds may be next in line for the belt and with Big Dave holding King For A Day this puts you in somewhat of a distance from the World Title picture.

A look of anger crosses the face of Showtime, but he quickly covers it with a smile and quietly answers as he continues signing autographs.

Austin Reynolds beat my bumbling ex accomplice in an over blown gimmick match. Yea know I once thought Austin was simply trying to ride the train of whatever big ratings drawer that passed by, but now I realized that Austin needs gimmick to be a draw. He’s been in 3 Stages, Iron Man, Inferno, Triple Threats, King For A Day. The man hides his weak in-ring abilities with matches where anything can happen and there are no rules. Out of those matches, the Iron Man match which is a test of endurance and in ring ability I beat him. I have proven myself the far superior wrestler and he will have to beat me to deserve a shot verse Ty Burna.

Showtime signs the last one and starts to head in. One of the fans shout “Showtime vs Ty Burna. One more match” Showtime turns back and points to him and keeps on walking.

As for Big Dave. There is nothing I can do about him. He has a guaranteed shot whenever so I’m not going to worry about him at all. I think you and me can both agree we have enough going on in our heads.

Ha, Im going to quote that one to all the others. They’ll have a good chuck about it.

One more question. Anything you’d like to tell us about your match with Mr. Baller? Any concerns heading into the match?

Matt. It’s the night before Meltdown and I’m here and little tanked at the moment. I think that statement can pretty well sum up my worry heading into this match. This is a man who once tried to pin a man in the Lethal Lottery match. A man who claimed to be the face of a tag team champion reign while his one legged partner actually carried the team for them. Mr. Baller has all my confidence, but without my intelligence. Mr. Baller has all my flash in the ring, but without my skill. Mr. Baller was once punted from WZCW... quite literally I might add, not sure how that worked, but my point is Baller is half the man I am. Hence he will be half the opposition.

I must admit that he has improved since his debut, but that has been out of survival. Survival that has lead him to this point. The payoff. A one on one match with Showtime David Cougar. Now Mr. Baller when he gets older can tell his little ballers and little ballerettes all about the time he made it to the big leagues in WZCW and got to wrestle its biggest star. Baller going one on one with Showtime.

But then that’s when the story will get sad. While Baller will tell his children that the 5 minutes he shared inside the ring that night were some of the best he’d ever remember, he will sadly tell them how it all ended in defeat and Showtime David Cougar stood over him in silence and took away with him the spotlight.

That’s all we wanted to hear. Enjoy the movie.

Showtime nods as the figure is now gone from his sight. Showtime pulls his bluetooth set from his ear and turns to enter.
The camera fades into a basketball court in Miami where Mr. Baller is shooting hoops, and he has a distraught look on his face. As he shoots a shot, the ball clangs off the rim, and then bounces off the floor. Baller then kicks the ball into the nearby fence. Baller slowly walks over to pick up the ball and then puts his head on the ball.

Baller: Failure. When was the last time I won? I honestly can’t remember anymore. I have never defeated Sam Smith. Never. The guy is a joke, he can’t win cases but he can win matches against me, Mr. Baller. I don’t get it. Never have I been in this big of a slump. I can’t even shoot hoops right. I don’t know what is going on with me.

Baller then takes the ball and begins to dribble it back on to the court. As he puts the ball through his legs, Baller loses control of the ball and it once again rolls back to the fence.

Baller: Oh my god, this is unbelievable. This is just like wrestling. I start off strong, doing all of these great moves, start to get back on track, and then BAM! Back to square 1 and losing match after match after match. It’s enough. How do I fix this?

Baller thinks for a moment. And then whips out his cell phone.

Baller: That’s it.

Baller then begins to dial the phone number and we hear a hoarse voice in the background.

Baller: Hey Coach Darby? It’s me, Mr. Baller.

You can faintly hear Coach’s voice in the background.

Coach: Mr. Baller, huh? Long time no talk. Last time I saw you, you punched me in the face.

Baller: Yeah... Sorry about that Coach. But that was the past and we got to move on. We’re on to the next game, like you always said.

Coach: Yeah yeah. Now what reason do you have to call me?

Baller: What do you mean? I just can’t call my Coach from a long time ago and see how he is doing nowadays?

Coach: Baller, you should know that I know you better then anyone, and you wouldn’t call me unless you wanted something. Now spit it out.

Baller: Well, you see Coach, I can’t do anything right anymore. I can’t shoot, I can’t dribble, I can’t win matches.

Coach: I’ve noticed that lately. You don’t wrestle as confidently anymore. Your in a slump.

Baller: The great ones don’t go through slumps though. This shouldn’t happen to me Coach.

Coach: That’s where you are wrong, all of the great players go through slumps. Everybody has off nights, weeks, months, hell even years. But you know what they do Baller?

Baller: What’s that Coach?

Coach: They battle through it. They don’t get down on themselves, they keep fighting. Great shooters will always continue to shoot, and great wrestlers will continue to wrestle. Now stop being a damn bitch and man up because if you don’t you will continue to be the loser that you are now.

Baller: You know what Coach?

Coach: What?

Baller: That day I punched you in the face, I should’ve punched you harder. I should’ve made you bleed from your skull down to your stomach, your telling me to man up. If you were such a man, if you were such a winner, you would’ve fought back. Now when I get myself back on top, I will shove it up your ass and prove you wrong.

Baller slams the phone, and then shoves it up in his pocket, and then continues to go back to shooting. As he heads to the three point line, he lines up his shot, and shoots but it is off to the left. As Baller continues to shoot, Becky Serra enters the scene and is looking for an interview.

Baller: Not now Becky, can’t you see I am busy.

Becky: Sorry Baller, I am following orders and have been asked by management to give you an interview for WZCW. This won’t take long.

Baller: Ugh, sure go ahead.

Baller picks up his ball and continues to shoot while Becky begins her interview.

Becky: Hello WZCW fans, I am here in the courts in Miami with Mr. Baller. Now Baller unfortunately you came up short at Kingdom Come versus Sam Smith, what is going through your mind after that loss?

Baller: I am in a slump Becky, in wrestling and in basketball. Now Sam you caught me at the wrong time, you won the match, but just know that you did not get me at my best. I was not the true Mr. Baller and that your win was pure luck. I hope you enjoy that ass whooping you get from Blade or Winters because we sure as hell know you have a zero percent chance of getting past them. Blade and Winters were probably having celebrations when they found out one of them will get to face you.

Baller then shoots the ball and is once again off to the left.

Becky: You say you are going through a slump, how do you plan to go through it?

Baller: All the great one go through slumps, I will battle back, there is too much talent in my body for me not to get through this. The confidence level is down, and I am not being the true Mr. Baller lately. But I can guaran-damn-tee I will be back out of this slump and contending for World Titles soon.

Becky: Speaking of world titles, this week you are in action, and it is against former number one contender to the world heavyweight championship, Showtime David Cougar.

Baller’s eyebrows raise, and gets a smirk on his face as he retrieves his ball.

Becky: How do you plan to beat David Cougar if you are still in a slump?

Baller shoots again and this time the ball bounces off the rim, hits the back board and goes softly through the net.

Baller: Becky, my slump will be gone by the time I face Showtime. This is my opportunity and I will not pass it up. I may not be getting a Eurasian or Elite X title shot soon, but once I defeat Showtime, my slump will not only be over but I will be getting my world title sooner then planned for. I will keep fighting through all the way till I get to Cougar and I refuse to come up short. This is my Kingdom Come this week. It is my time to shine and break out and get back on top where the true Ballers belong.

Baller shoots and this time the ball swishes in.

Baller: All it takes is some confidence and I got my swagger back. This slump was never going to last forever, and unfortunately for you David you are in your own slump. The show will not go on for you sadly, as you had your 15 minutes of fame and sorry but it is up. It is time for a new challenger, and that is me. You couldn’t get the job done, so step aside and let the real competition do the job. Everything you do you have a job for in life. Whether it’s being a student, being a basketball player or being the next WZCW World Champion, I will get the job done. And that job starts right here this week with you Cougar. And I know that for you Showtime this will be nothing but a rerun at Kingdom Come for you as you get pinned in that ring 1,2,3. It’s not only show over but it is also game over and you better believe that.

Baller walks out with his ball as the camera fades out.
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