MD55: Big Dave vs. Constantine

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Constantine's Kingdom Come ended in a nightmare after Austin Reynold made him say "I Quit" and left him trapped between a car and a post and receiving a concussion from his long time rival, Austin Reynolds. For Big Dave, his night ended in a dream by becoming the new King For A Day, surviving the Elimination Chamber. On Meltdown these two men will compete for the first time, which out Constantine's nightmare or Dave's dream will continue?

Deadline is Tuesday 19th April 23:59 EST
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen. Now, I don't know if you have been living under a rock for the last month or so but surely you must have heard about WZCW Kingdom Come? This once-a-year event happened only a couple of weeks ago on the 4th of April and since then, the fallout has continued to fall around us.

The charismatic host, Max Meadows, allows his arm to rest on the wooden table that lies in front of him as the crowd listens in attentively.

Tonight, we welcome our first ever WZCW wrestler to the show. Please welcome John Constantine!

Constantine, after a moment, steps out from behind the set and onto the stage. He raises one hand to wave to the crowd but is met with a few boos through the welcoming applause. Constantine lets out a laugh as the members of the crowd buy into his wrestling persona. Stopping for a moment, Constantine gives a signal to the crowd and then greets the host by his desk with a handshake. Both men sit down on their respective seats as the applause begins to die out.

Welcome John, or should I call you Constantine?

Ha! No, John is fine.

Well, John, it's a great honour to finally meet you.

No, honestly, the pleasure is all mine. Charlie Sheen told me how good the catering was for this show and I had to get a piece of the action.

And how was it?

It didn't live up to the hype, let's just say that. I was waiting at the table behind someone for some of the canapés but soon realised it was John Goodman and decided to let this one slide.

The crowd let out a laugh as the host tries his best to steer the conversation back on track.

Speaking of not living up to the hype, John, Kingdom Come didn't go the way you would have liked it to go huh, buddy?

[jumpto=Option1]If you want Constantine to laugh off the comment, please click here or skip to Option 1.[/jumpto]
[jumpto=Option2]If you want Constantine to threaten the host about his comment, then please click here or skip to Option 2[/jumpto]


Option 1

[aname=Option1]Well,[/aname] I would have liked to have won the match at the end of the day, Max but these things happen. Austin Reynolds is the toughest son of a bitch I have ever faced. I gave it everything I had at Kingdom Come and I just came up short, you know?

The audience is seemingly appreciative of Constantine's honesty and gives a muted applause as he sits up in his seat.

Maybe you didn't get exactly what you deserved at Kingdom Come but the winners was definitely the viewing audience. Kingdom Come was the most successful event in your company's history and that is down to the matches that was given to the paying audience. How responsible do you feel for the company doing so well out of the biggest show of the year.

Yeah, I guess it I should take a little bit of credit for what happened at Kingdom Come but you really couldn't put it down to any one man. You had people like Titus, Showtime Cougar and Ty Burna on the card. I mean, we are just lucky to be blessed with such a great array of wrestling talent right now that everything seems to be coming together for us nicely.

Speaking of the other talents that made up Kingdom Come, I managed to catch up with Showtime Cougar just before Kingdom Come and he seemed somewhat out-of-sorts. Now, I know that you have a fabled history with Showtime but have you heard anything about his condition?

[jumpto=Option3]If you want Constantine to answer sincerely, then please click here or skip to Option 3[/jumpto]
[jumpto=Option4]If you want Constantine to deflect the question and speak more about himself, then please click here or skip to Option 4[/jumpto]


Option 2

[aname=Option2]What the Hell is that supposed to mean, Max?[/aname]

Well, I was ju-

Don't try and wiggle your way out of this one, Max. Listen! Austin Reynolds may be the most difficult opponent I have ever faced in the entire time that I have been in WZCW. Not like I would expect someone like you, a talk-show host, to go know exactly what it takes to hold your own against a man who would like nothing better than to see you bleed all over Madison Square Garden.

I didn't mean anything by it, John.

Constantine shakes his head and then loosens his tie a little. The crowd have been stunned into a silence that has never been seen since Doug Crashin entered at Kingdom Come.

It's fine, Max. Since Kingdom Come, I have been trying to move on from the person who people associate with the name of John Constantine. I mean, when people think about me, they think of some angry fascist that only endeavours to get what he wants. You know, everything I have ever done and will ever do is for the betterment of the people who flock to see me in a WZCW ring. Date it back to when I was running for office if you like, the fact of the matter is that people gravitate towards me and I should be showing them what being an upstanding member of the community should be.

The host looks at Constantine for a moment, the sweat on his brow glistening under the harsh spotlights affixed to the roof above their position.

Well, speaking of members of the community, they were out in force for Kingdom Come a couple of weeks ago. You managed to fill Madison Square Garden and could have filled it multiple more times. How responsible do you feel for that great achievement.

Greatly responsible, of course. Listen, Max, Austin Reynolds and I have been beating the 5 senses out of each other for almost a year now and it was time for the people to get what they wanted. They needed to see someone get the upper hand and that is why they flocked to the Garden to see us compete. Reynolds calls himself the Ratings Winner but it took me to get him there. It took a supposed villain to get him back on track. Without me, he would be nothing. More importantly, without me, Kingdom Come would have been a huge failure. You can talk about Ty Burna and Showtime Cougar all you like but I was the one that put asses in seats, Max. Me!

It's funny that you should mention Showtime Cougar actually, John. I was at Kingdom Come Fan Access before the biggest show of them all took place and it must be said that Showtime Cougar seemed out-of sorts. What can you tell us about his condition coming out of Kingdom Come?

[jumpto=Option3]If you want Constantine to answer sincerely, then please click here or skip to Option 3[/jumpto]
[jumpto=Option4]If you want Constantine to take issue with the host asking about someone else, then please click here or skip to Option 4[/jumpto]


Option 3

[aname=Option3]Cougar... I haven't heard from him actually.[/aname] I will tell you something though. Showtime Cougar had driven himself into the ground over the last few years. This guy has been through more than your average Joe. When he was my associate I could tell that something wasn't right. He was distant and depressed. Some times, I had the feeling like he would do anything to win the Championship from Ty. I haven't spoke to him recently but you can bet that he'll be back in WZCW before you know it.

The host listens in intently as the tone of the interview changes for a moment. Never being one to sugar the pill, the host shuffles in his chair and then continues to probe Constantine.

Let me talk about people who seem like others, John. At Kingdom Come you faced off against Austin Reynolds and in one of the most personal feuds on the card. Now, in the run up to it, you guys both seemed in the right state of mind for a match like this. What did you think of the match and the run-up?

Well, Max, I will say this much. Austin Reynolds is a crazy person. To go into a match like that you must have a couple of screws lose and we demonstrated that at Kingdom Come. For almost a year, we had bled for the company and for the ultimate victory. As hard as it is to say, Austin Reynolds took me to Hell and back. Only a person with nothing to lose could have managed that feat. You put me in against Ty Burna, Showtime Cougar or Big Dave and I will beat them to a bloody pulp 9 times out of 10. But there was something about Reynolds that night.

If I wasn't so sure that Reynolds gave it everything he had to take me down, I would be denying it even happened, Max. The truth is that Austin Reynolds and I have gone at it hammer-and-tong and one of us had to come out of it as a loser. If it wasn't for vehicular threats on my life, there is no way I would have quit. But you know, Max, sometimes you have to admit that one person in a match was better than the other...

[jumpto=Option5]If you want Constantine to give credit to Reynolds, please click here or skip to Option 5[/jumpto]
[jumpto=Option6]If you want Constantine to verbally assault Reynolds, please click here or skip to Option 6[/jumpto]


Option 4

[aname=Option4]Oh, I didn't realise that I had suddenly morphed into someone else, Max?[/aname]

What do you mean?

Well, here I am gracing you with my presence on your show and all you want me to talk about is other people!? That's just not going to fly, Max. Listen, the condition of Showtime David Cougar is of no concern to me. He gave up those privileged when he struck me with the Elite X Championship all those weeks ago and he can rot in Hell for all I care. What I will say though, is that I will not forget those who wrong me in some way. The EurAsian 5 have not escaped my list and they will have their comeuppance. I don't care if Dave Cougar is in the nearest Loony-Bin in a lovely white jacket whispering sweet nothing to himself. This is my time and it wont be sullied by talking about someone who is more unbalanced that your average see-saw. You understand?

Well... Sure.

The host gives a look to the camera with a confused look on his face. The stage hand nearest to him raises his arms in a motion that can only be described as nonchalant as Constantine shuffles in his seat again.

Well, moving on from that, John. Your match at Kingdom Come may have been one of the best matches I have ever witnessed as both a fan and a casual viewer. Both you and Reynolds really took it to the next level. Coming out of Kingdom Come, what is your opinion of Austin Reynolds.

Here's the thing, Max. Austin Reynolds and I have gone to a level now where we don't care what happens to the other man. If he dropped off of the face of the Earth tomorrow, I wouldn't shed a single tear in his honour. But at Kingdom Come, we both needed each other. We needed that match to finish this off once and for all. We needed each other to take our competition to the next level and that is what we got. I'm sure that if you look at the rating numbers, we were the people who put the asses in seats, Max.

[jumpto=Option5]If you want Constantine to give credit to Reynolds, please click here or skip to Option 5[/jumpto]
[jumpto=Option6]If you want Constantine to verbally assault Reynolds, please click here or skip to Option 6[/jumpto]


Option 5

[aname=Option5]As much as it kills me to say it, Max, Austin Reynolds was the better man on the night.[/aname] He knew what it would take to put me down and that is the thought of losing my career. I saw a look in Austin's eyes that night, Max. The look was dark and solemn. I knew right then that I was in the fight of my life and I needed to match him all the way. Sometimes though, the emotion of the night and the occasion is what takes you above the competition and Austin Reynolds was in that place. He looked at me in the ring at Kingdom Come and I knew that he would stop at nothing to run me into the ground and out of the company.

I must admit, that when I spoke to him the day before Kingdom Come, he was looking phenomenally focussed. He didn't say much but that goes a long way in explaining how tense he was heading in.

Sure, I mean, Austin Reynolds was not the same man as I had faced and had gotten the better of on multiple occasions. He was like a man possessed and I recall him hitting me square on the jaw and thinking that a steam train had just connected. I've never been in the ring with someone who wanted to win so badly as Austin Reynolds at Kingdom Come and as brave of a fight I put up, he got the better of me. I don't refuse to accept it because I know that this is a learning process for me. Never again will I be unprepared for an opponent because I have seen what a man in his peak physical and mental and condition can do and no one will surpass that. It needed something special to beat me at Kingdom Come and Austin Reynolds brought it.

Well, as you say, everything is a learning experience and I am just wondering how this will affect you in your match against Big Dave on Meltdown this coming week.

[jumpto=Option7]If you want Constantine to let-loose on Big Dave, please click here or skip to Option 7[/jumpto]


Option 6

[aname=Option6]But I was the man who brought the fans and the aggression to the match, Max.[/aname] You see, it took Austin Reynolds and a God-damn car to be able to beat me. Not only did I bank on having a fair fight with Austin Reynolds, I didn't think he would stoop so low as to use a vehicle to try and inflict damage on another person. What kind of sick human being does that, Max? The people who packed Madison Square Garden did so to see me. They didn't do it so that they could see attempted murder on my life. Austin Reynolds is a fiend who was no though for other people and it pains me to say that I couldn't get the job done. In saying that, if he hadn't tried to kill me, then he wouldn't have been so lucky. Austin Reynolds didn't beat me at Kingdom Come Max, I chose to end the match. Me!

The fans certainly enjoyed your match, John. I would hazard a guess at it being one of the most personal feuds that WZCW has ever seen and I what I am wondering, perhaps you can shine some light on this, is where you go from here when you have just come out of such a personal feud?

Where do I go from here? It's pretty obvious where I go from this moment on, Max. You see, Showtime David Cougar, Ty Burna and the EurAsian 5 have all wronged me in some way. I am going to keep doing what I have been doing and going after the people that deserve my wrath. Ty Burna can cower behind his number one contenders and his Kings For A Day but we all know that the sycophants who line the WZCW arenas want to see me stick it to that freak once and for all. They want to see me lead them into a new generation of WZCW and that is what they will get soon enough... Mark my words.

Speaking of King For A Day, Big Dave is your opponent on Meltdown this week. What do you make of your chances?

[jumpto=Option7]If you want Constantine to let-loose on Big Dave, please click here or skip to Option 7[/jumpto]


Option 7

[aname=Option7]Big Dave, huh?[/aname] I hadn't heard that he was my opponent this week but I guess now is as good a time as any to get the news.

Listen, Big Dave is a big deal on Meltdown and Ascension, this much is true. The good thing about this match-up, Max, is that the management of WZCW are coming to their senses when it comes to booking their biggest talent. I mean, do you remember when they were putting me in matches against scrubs like Doug Crashin, for Goodness sake?

I do remember that. I also remember that he was fired at Kingdom Come.

And not before time, I should say, Max. But getting back to Big Dave. I am not going to lie and tell you that he is going to be an easy task for me. In fact, coming out of Kingdom Come, this might have been the last thing I wanted. It is no secret Big Dave is one of the toughest bastards in the entire company and the last thing I need right now is another man who will not stay down for the life of him. Big Dave is not the sort of person who will give into my will easily and like Austin Reynolds, that is what keeps them going through all the hurt. That is what keeps getting them to their feet after each Axis Of Evil that I deliver. It is the reason that they refuse to be second best and that is not what I need right now.

So, you think that he will get the better of you?

Anything can happen but here is the thing, I was looking on a couple of days ago and I noticed a nifty thing called the Ascending 10, have you ever heard of that?

The host shakes head to signal a no.

Well, it lists those who are not holding Championships within the company and ranks them on how successful they have been. It might surprise you to hear that The Power Trip didn't even make the top 10. Big Dave, on the other hand, is listed as the number one guy to beat. All the time I was thinking that they were going to put me back down the card to face off against people like Sam Smith but I was wrong! No, they have finally realised that they made a mistake by not just giving me the King For A Day contract and now they want me to take it from Big Dave. I mean, Big Dave had had his chance in the spotlight. And I know what people expect me to say in this position. They expect me to tell them that Big Dave will be a bloody pile of mulch after I get done with him but his character is something that I can resonate with. He'll be a tough challenger, no doubt about it.

That being said, it seems as though the power-brokers at WZCW Headquarters have finally realised that I have outgrown facing off against the run-of-the-mill babyface like Austin Reynolds. The way I see it, they want me to prove that I can swing with the best of them and putting me in a match against Big Dave is the best way to do that. They want me to prove that I can beat the number one guy in the company and they want me to do it soon. Hell, they are basically crying out for a hero these days and who better to fill that role than someone who knows best about everything? A moral crusader fighting against all that is unjust in this world and where better to start than Big Dave?

I mean, come on. Big Dave was in a match that was probably more barbaric than mine at Kingdom Come. Not only will he be beaten up physically, he will be beaten up mentally. Those 5 men he was in the Chamber with are animals, the likes of which Big Dave will never recover from seeing. They say that when you go into the King For A Day Chamber, you don't come out the same person. Taking that into consideration, This match, given my state of mind, might turn out to be easier than Dave's sister...

Constantine raises his hand to his chin and sinks deep into thought.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, join us when we come back when we have John Goodman in our kitchen whipping up a storm with our celebrity chef for the evening. Join us then.

Max reaches across the table to shake Constantine's hand but Constantine is in a world of his own. Realising that he wont get any rise from Constantine, he sinks back into his chair and adjusts his papers as the screen fades to black.
The scene is set backstage at Kingdom Come, Big Dave comes through the curtain, drained and in disbelief as there are some applause right before he is embraced by his sister Dani, he says no words as she congratulates him. She drags him by the arm back to his locker room as he’s surrounded and embraced by friends who pop a bottle of champagne. Ace is there and shares an embrace with his best friend, everyone’s all ecstatic, except for Dave who has not said a word still and is in his own world. Eventually, the crowd dissipates as Dave is left alone in his locker room, he gets up and goes to have a shower, he just lets himself cool down, while the water streams down from above, the look of disbelief turns into a smile.


A few days later, Dave is sitting in a small group meeting with the executives of WZCW, Vance Bateman is present along with some pitchers, on the table are some drawings, a prop crown and some banner slogans.

Pitcher 1: One of the ideas we have is for you to sell yourself as the King of WZCW. You are the top guy people are talking about, more than Showtime, more than Ty Burna. We want to take advantage of that and transform Big Dave into King Dave.

Pitcher 2: Yeah, we want to have you dressed up royally, new theme song, British accent…

I am British you idiot!

Right, have the gold looks, wearing a crown. People will see you as the next champion.

It’s your call Dave, naturally it’s a popular choice but it rests down on you.

Dave isn’t sure what to make of the situation

I think, the only thing that makes good for me is having a gold finish to my outfit. I know I’m the King, but I just want to carry like a briefcase or something to represent my shot?

The rest of the room is hesitant with the idea.

What about a sceptre? Or a cape?

I’m now a superhero?

Ok, what about…

Dave rolls his eyes before holding his face in his palms in a deep sigh

Clearly this isn’t working

You think?! Just for this week, I will test out this King idea just to prove how ridiculous it actually is! But I never want to see you guys suggesting ideas for me again!


A couple of servants open some door as Big Dave walks through dressed in a kingly fashion, wearing a crown and a red cape, he has a look on his face that’s unsure what to make of this, he looks over to see a peasant looking person hobbling nearby

Old woman!


We’re not going with this approach are we?

I’m thirty-seven…

Oh forget it!

Dave moves onwards as he appears to find that despite being in California, the residential area appears to resemble 14th Century England. Dave is unsure what to make of this as he ventures onwards as the residents watch on with mixed feelings

Must be a King

How did you figure that out?

Hasn’t got…

Beaten by the ignorance of others, is that what you were going to say?

Err, no I was going to say that you haven’t got shi…

Alright, alright. I know where this is going! I’m getting out of here!

Dave walks off in a pacing motion, not pleased at the obviousness of the situation that’s occurring.

Quite an uptight bugger isn’t he?

I know what you mean Reg, right, on with work. He rings a bell. Bring out your dead!


Dave continues to walk into the distance where he spots a bridge being guarded by a black knight.

Nope, not going to go down that route!

He continues walking and now finds the terrain looks like a proper California residential area, Dave looks behind him, besmirched by the randomness of the street behind him still is in Medieval England, so he just wonders on and gets into the nearby limo. He removes his crown and unhooks the cape and sighs back into the seat. The limo starts driving, he puts on a CD and the music starts playing

Ni-ni-ni-ni-ni-no-one knows what it’s like to be the bad man

Dave rolls his eyes before holding his face in his palms in a deep sigh


Dave is now back at his residence, he just sits back and enjoys a cold beer as the sun beams down from the outside, he’s joined by his sister Dani.

So, how’s the King?

Urgh, don’t get me started! The execs want me to play up this King roll as if I am a proper king. Ricky and Corey Payne didn’t have to do this, so why do I?

She sits down and joins him

Clearly they see the importance your win carries and feel it justifies the responsibility you carry.

Really? It’s a title opportunity that I can get any time I want after Redemption. I’ve decided that I won’t play up this King role because I more than a King, I am the man with the shot!

Good to see you know what you’re doing. Have you considered when you plan to cash in that opportunity?

I’ve considered some possibilities, but honestly, the time will come up when it arises and will go for it when I know I can win it. This opportunity hasn’t fared out well for the previous holders, true, Ricky won the title before using the shot and Vengeance won the title from a shot that wasn’t his, but I want this to be a memorable moment, when the King uses his shot and walks out the World Heavyweight Champion. I plan to make it a night for me and the history books!

And it will happen!

She embraces her older brother and smiles proudly

Oh, speaking of making history, an email arrived with news of your opponent at Meltdown, first time encounter with Constantine.

Him? It was due to happen at some point, but I know he’s said some words about me before and it doesn’t matter what he says now after becoming a fruitcake thanks to Austin Reynolds at Kingdom Come. I won’t forget that he made it known that he wanted me long ago. Now he’s got me in the ring, there’s no turning back. I must say the execs are on a roll here; from the whole King gimmick to me facing a man who barely walked out of Kingdom Come, all that spells is a serious injury situation. We both went to hell that night and only I walked out with a goal achieved, does Constantine have a hope that I will be his saving grace the first night out of Kingdom Come? No, he may have been brutalised by Reynolds, but he’s never had to endure an Elimination Chamber, being trapped like that, all the hate, the anger, the rage, it felt homely yet claustrophobic. My plan with Meltdown this week to get a whiff of fresh air again after being in that environment, if they wish for me to take down Constantine further to do so, then it’s the way it has to be.

We’ll have to keep a close eye on him.

He may be dangerous because he’s unpredictable, he won’t know what to path to take after that night. He’ll be confused, has Reynolds rubbed off on him to question the things he’s done? It’s hard to say. But the problem I see with Constantine is that, he feels like a scorpion, you know? Like in the story of the scorpion and the frog where he stings the frog halfway across a river despite promising not to, the reason being is that it’s in his nature, that’s what I see with Constantine, you can say whatever you like about how a certain event changed you, but you can never take back the instincts you followed, the things that made you do certain acts that can never be undone, it lives with you, just like each and every match.

Dave gets up and walks up to the window, looking out the view of a sunlight street in his sight, creating a huge silhouette at the window.

You know the funny thing about what I just said about Constantine?


He turns around directly, with his features being blocked out by his shadow.

It’s exactly the same for me!
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