MD53: Sam Smith vs. Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Sam Smith and Blade both had good weeks and look to continue that as they will compete against each other. Will Smith put a dent in Blade's momentum or will Blade further present his chase in his pursuit of the EurAsian Championship?

Deadline is Tuesday 1st March 23:59 EST
Wake Up by Rage Against the Machine hits and we see Sam Smith come out from the curtain. It is a WZCW House Show and Smith is not dressed to compete, although he is not wearing his usual suit and tie. He has on a pair of designer jeans, red Vans shoes, a red Nike hoodie, and a black t-shirt underneath it, he is also unshaven, sporting a five o'clock shadow . He seems to be very focused on something, as he makes it to the ring very quickly without interacting with his fans and immediately beckons for a microphone.

Smith: Meltdown 52.

Smith pauses and begins to pace around the ring, as the crowd seems bewildered.

Smith: On Meltdown 52... I am facing Blade, my biggest challenge to date in a WZCW ring. You know what? I can't wait!

The crowd begins to applaud Smith's eagerness, but he continues on.

Smith: Ever since I first arrived in WZCW a few months ago, I've been salivating at the idea of facing somebody of Blade's caliber. This could be my moment! But no... I've been written off by everybody. Nobody thinks I stand a chance against Blade, nothing but a speed bump in the road. Nothing but another head for him to add to his mantle. Oh, they couldn't be any further off!

The crowd goes wild as Smith takes it in for a moment.

Smith: I won't let my opportunity go! I may be the underdog, but I want him to underestimate me... because he has no idea of what I am truly capable. No more games, I'm here to win. Last week I faced Baller, and I won, I broke him, I broke his spirit in that ring. He underestimated me too, so I made him tap. I loved every moment of it! As much as people like to disrespect me, I just keep coming back better and better, stronger and stronger, and MUCH more determined.

Smith points to the backstage area.

Smith: My determination is what separates me from Blade. Blade has lost sight of what is important. Hell, Blade used to be one of the guys I watched to get better. A guy I respected, and while I respect his ability, I certainly don't respect the man. His despicable actions have caused not only me, but all the guys in the back to look at him differently. He's a changed man... and sadly, he changed for the worse. You see, Blade has one major problem. He's power hungry.

Blade talks about his destiny to become the WZCW Heavyweight Champion and how people will fall at his feet. He will be the person that everyone is talking about and he will be the man to nestle his name amongst the very best that this business has to offer. He would join the likes of Joseph Rios, Everest, Titus and Ty Burna as one of the greatest Champions that this company has ever seen.

Blade sees himself lifting the championship belt and his name getting announced for the Hall of Fame. Blade sees all the fame and glory that lies on the other side of the winning three-count against Ty Burna. He sees his name in lights, ranked amongst the very best that the sport has to offer. He will be on top and nobody can take that away from him. He feels... entitled.

Again, so focused was he that he lost sight of what is important.

You see, I go out every week and put everything on the line for the match I am in. My eyes are not fixed on some distant future that might never happen. I go out to please the fans and make sure that when the bell at the end of the match is ringing, I am the one who stands victorious over my opponent with my hand raised high into the air. Too often has Blade had opportunities and blew them. He was put into the RWO and couldn't stick with it. He feuded with Phoenix and the more motivated man was shown to be Phoenix. Blade has had too many opportunities and has choked on them all. His sights are too firmly set on being Champion that I am going to take everything from him at Meltdown.

I am going to take his pride, his winning mentality, his EurAsian Championship spot and his future... I need to!

Because there is one BIG difference between Blade and I... I damn well want this win more.

Smith drops the mic and begins to walk out of the ring, but Bliss by Muse hits as Blade apparently wants to respond. Smith is prepared for a fight, focused on the curtain, but Blade slithers into the ring from the crowd with a steel chair in hand.

Blade smashes the steel chair into the back of Smith's head, and Smith crumples to the mat in a heap, lifeless. Blood gushes from the back of his head, puddling around his body.

A devilish smile crosses Blade's face, as he yells at Smith inaudibly, but he is not finished. He smashes the chair into a defenseless Smith's back. Each chair shot echoes around the arena, as Blade is putting all his power behind each shot. He finally stops as many a WZCW security guard spills into the ring from the back. Blade escapes into the crowd, being heavily booed and berated by the crowd, but he does not care. He is too proud of his actions.

Smith lies in the ring all alone, blood still gushing from the cut on the back of his head. The crowd is now in a stunned silence, because Blade is out of sight. The looks of concern on the audience member's faces are quite obvious. They're all fearing that Smith may be quite seriously hurt.

Finally, team of EMTs rushes out into the ring. They attempt to speak to Smith, but he is unresponsive. They slide smith out of the ring and put him on a stretcher, as Smith is too injured to move.

Vance Bateman comes rushing through the curtain, with a mic in his hands, the EMTs say a few words to him as they stretcher Smith out.

Bateman: Folks, folks, from what the EMTs have just told me, Sam Smith's status for Meltdown is uncertain. We will let you know as soon as we can. My apologies. Enjoy the rest of the show.


The scene opens to a WZCW press conference. Standing at the podium is Sam Smith. He has a bandage around his head, obviously shielding his cut.

Smith: Last weekend, at a house show... Blade viciously attacked me. Like the coward he is, he attacked me from behind, rendering me defenseless. The doctors told me that my concussion would keep me out of action this week, but I won't let that happen.

Blade, I now know that you're a spineless coward. You didn't want to face me, because you want a clear shot at Beckford, but it won't be quite that easy.

I will fight you tooth and nail. I will have my redemption. Your cowardice at a house show will not stop me from beating you. Because we all know that you thought you'd have a bye this week with me injured, but I'll be there at Meltdown 52. You overlooked me again, Blade!

I'll teach you a lesson in humility, and you will pay for your actions. I will punish you like I punished every last criminal that stepped in my way, Blade.

I will not be disrespected like this. Blade, come Meltdown you're stuck in that ring with me. When I lock in the Double Jeopardy, and you start to tap... I'll only wrench back EVEN FURTHER! If I hit you with the Final Judgment, I won't hesitate to do it again and again.

Smith pauses for a moment to collect himself.

Smith: Blade, when the referee raises my hand in victory... I will make sure that it's because you cannot get off that canvas. I will make you feel as vulnerable as you made me feel.

At this point Smith is clutching the podium with both hands, breathing heavily, as the veins in his neck are pulsing. He looks straight ahead into the camera.

Smith: Blade... You're mine.
The scene opens with Blade in his locker room. Blade paces back and forth in the room, his phone in one hand and the familiar cigarette in the other. A small bead of sweat rolls down his tense and irritated face as he listens to the person on the other end of the line, taking a drag every other second. Blade flicks the cigarette away and gives up listening, trying to inject himself into the conversation.

Blade: Listen... Yes... Yes, I know... Listen, please.... SHUT UP MISTER BATEMAN!

The words ring out in the room, and suddenly Blade collapses to the couch, not believing what he just said.

Blade: I’m sorry, sir. But listen to me. I told you I was going to make a statement, and I did it. I cost Beckford an important match, I destroyed Bomb and I fed Gordito to Baez on a silver platter. I did what I said I’d do and I did what you asked of me. I am one of the hottest wrestlers in WZCW at the moment, and my feud with Beckford is one of the hottest feuds in the world. I’m putting money in your pocket. You shouldn’t be complaining if Sam Smith or Brad Bomb can’t make it to Kingdom Come because of me, because who actually cares about them? You have to look at the big picture here, if taking out to random scrubs who add nothing to the Kingdom Come card means I have more interest in me, someone who is actually in a high profile match at Kingdom come, that’s a good thing. You get money, I get inside Mr. Beckford’s head. Everyone... Who matters, at least... benefits.

Blade listens for a few moments before a smirk spreads across his face.

Blade: Yes, ok. Bye.

Blade hangs up the phone and places it down on a table. He smirks to himself for a few more moments, going over his plan for the week in his head, dreams of lifting the EurAsian title at Kingdom Come... Lifting the title in front of a roaring Madison Square Garden crowd. He’s snapped back to reality by a sharp knock at the door. Blade shakes his head, the dream of Kingdom Come glory floating away from him in a thin wisp. Now disgruntled, Blade turns to the door and quickly opens it to find Rebecca Serra standing there beside a cameraman and a microphone in hand.

Rebecca: Surprise!

Blade gives her a curt nod and gestures her inside the room. He takes out another cigarette and lights up, to the disdain of Rebecca. She clears her throat loudly and gives a nod to the cameraman and he starts rolling.

Rebecca: Blade, as you head towards your EurAsian title match at Kingdom Come, you are on quite a roll. A great showing in the Lethal Lottery, defeating Baez and then teaming with him to take out Austin Reynolds and Gordito. Up next for you is Sam Smith. Do you think you can keep up this recent good form?

Blade: Becky, we both know it was inevitable you were going to be interviewing me. You’re my regular. We usually work well together. But today, after a week of figuring out what to ask me, that’s what you come up with? I don’t say this often, but I wish Klamour was here.

Rebecca goes to talk but Blade cuts her off and she gives him an annoyed look.

Blade: Have you seen what I’ve been doing lately? To my opponents? To the WZCW? As fantastic as my matches are, they are, for the first time, not the most interesting thing I’m doing right now. I managed to take down Baez by getting inside his head. Do you realise how difficult it is to do that to him? I then manipulated him into helping me beat Gordito and Reynolds.

Rebecca: But Baez was the one who got the pin...

Blade: The pin? The pin, Becky? Do you put any thought into watching a match? I made him take all the animosity he had towards me and add it to the already existing animosity he had towards Gordito. Before the match, Baez was a caged animal who had caught the scent of Gordito’s blood. I was the one who unleashed him. With my technical brilliance and Baez raring to rip the head off the hippie, we couldn’t lose. And we didn’t. Once the match was over, Baez tended to his unfinished business with Gordito and I got out of there before I got caught in the crosshairs. Meanwhile, on Meltdown, I caused Beckford to fear a little bit more than he already did. Did you see the look on his face when he turned around and saw me standing there with a chair? He shat himself. It was the greatest expression I’ve ever seen on anyone’s face... Until about 10 seconds later when I saw his expression after I blasted Bomb in the head. Then Beckford’s face had a mixture of fear, concern and confusion. It was.... Perfect.

Rebecca: That’s something I meant to ask you... Why did you hit Bomb when your Kingdom Come opponent was standing right before you, already tired and sore from the match? You could’ve taken him out. I mean, I don’t condone that kind of thing at all, but that would just be very... You.

Blade lets out a dark chortle.

Blade: Now it feels like Klamour is here. But you partially answered your own question. You said Beckford was tired and sore. Exactly, I didn’t need to hit him with the chair. I can tell you right now that he’s still feeling the pain from his match with Bomb. Meanwhile, Baez did most of the work for me in our tag match due to me riling him on, so I’m fresh as a daisy. I already have the physical advantage over Beckford... I just needed the mental advantage over him. Well, more of a mental advantage over him. So what would freak him out more than standing in the ring with a chair and not hitting him?

Rebecca: I don’t follow...

Blade: Come on Becky, think about it. If you and the opponent you just beat were in the ring, and then your arch nemesis slides into the ring, chair in hand and... Hits your opponent instead? What would you think?

Rebecca: That maybe you had some problem with Bomb...?

Blade: Guess again... Come on, Becky, you can figure this out.

Rebecca: Well, I guess he would think you didn’t want to take him out?

Blade: Exactly. Now, Beckford isn’t the most neurotic type, but that would drive many people crazy. Beckford will be flipping his thoughts and theories over and over in his head for the weeks leading up to our match. Does Blade think he can beat me when we’re both at 100%? Does Blade see a weakness that I don’t know about? Can I still beat him when he’s this much in my head?

Blade lets out a bark-like laugh.

Blade: It’s so beautiful in a way...

He notices that the cigarette he’s been holding for a few minutes has now burnt to ash without him having smoked any of it. He shrugs, drops it and lights up another.

Rebecca: So what about Sam Smith? You’ve got nothing to say about him?

Blade: Not quite.

Blade smirks and sticks his hand into his trenchcoat pocket, taking out a Nintendo DS. Rebecca looks on in interest as Blade taps the on button.

Blade: I beat Smith to a bloody pulp earlier today.

Blade gestures to the blood stained, dented chair he used on both Sam Smith and Brad Bomb.

Blade: It was really just for the sake of consistency. As much as a wreck he is now, I’ve still been studying his mind... Using my secret weapon.

Blade taps the DS screen to start the game and the title screen shows up: Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. Blade turns to Rebecca confidently and grins, but she looks unimpressed.

Blade: This is the greatest, most in-depth, realistic lawyer simulation ever created. It gives an incredibly accurate representation of what it is like to be a lawyer in the real world.

Rebecca: Ummm... I’m not very knowledgeable when it comes to video games, but I suppose I’ll take your word for it... So what have you learned from it?

Blade takes a drag and smirks at Rebecca. He straightens himself and removes his shades, showing a sober look in his eyes, trying to look as professional as possible.

Blade: Is there a chance Sam Smith can beat me? Be honest.

Rebecca: Well, if I’m being honest, I think he’s talented and can...


Blade then slams his hands on the table in front of him and cross his arms. There is an awkward silence with Blade looking extremely happy with himself and Rebecca waiting for Blade to say something more. After a few moments, Rebecca speaks.

Rebecca: Is that it?

Blade: What do you mean? Clearly you didn’t get it. Let’s try this again. Tell me what are the chances of Beckford retaining the title against me at Kingdom Come?

Rebecca: Well, Beckford is tough and I think he could...


He slams his hands on the table again and turns to Becky, giving her an accusing glare. Rebecca shrugs and Blade shakes his head.

Blade: You don’t get it, but I assure you, it’s awesome.

Rebecca: Care to explain?

Blade: We all know lawyers are the scum of the earth. They make millions for corporations that don’t need the money at the expense of small, struggling companies. They will get money for people who fake accidents. They represent dictators, thieves and murderers. But what people don’t realise, and what I’ve come to learn due to these superb video games, is that lawyers are the most unconvincing arguers in the world. They use bravado, loud voices and prey upon people’s beliefs and patriotism to hide their weak arguments. A word fort, some call it. Sam Smith is the exact same. He is a lawyer at heart and brings that to his wrestling persona. He brags, talks crap and exaggerates to cover for his mediocre wrestling ability. I’m not a talker or a bullshitter.

Rebecca snorts to cover up a laugh bubbling beneath her surface. Blade shoots her a quick, dirty look before continuing.

Blade: What I am is a wrestler at heart. And when it comes to the ring, that’s what matters. He can talk all he wants. But I shut him up. I beat him down. He should feel lucky I even took some time to get in the ring with him, even if it was to smash his brains in. He is nothing but a blip on the radar, and minor obstacle on the way to Kingdom Come and I will finish him off on Meltdown. If he makes it that far. Smith, you say I'm yours? Come Meltdown, you'll find out that's not such a good thing.

Blade gives a low, dark laugh as the scene fades.
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