MD50: Michael Winters vs. Johnny Sherman - Lethal Lottery Qualifier

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
After impressing despite their respective losses last week, Michael Winters and Johnny Sherman will now face off for one of the final places in the Lethal Lottery. Which of these two newcomers will be putting themselves within distance of a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship?

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene opens up outside a diner later at night, it must be close to or just past midnight with no cars on the road and little to no people inside. Two men are seen sitting in a booth near the back of the restaurant. Michael Winters is casually picking away at his food, large bags surround his sunken eyes as he stares blankly past Father Fournier, who's gobbling down his food like it's going to disappear. His mind is obviously some place else as the waitress repeats herself...


Oh, my apologies. Been a bit distracted lately, I'll gladly take another cup.

The waitress leans over, smiling and grabbing Micheal's coffee cup to fill it once again. He's on his 3rd cup of coffee already and they've only been sitting here for 25 minutes, it was going to be a long night. The waitress smiles as she hands Michael back his cup, he cordially nods and places it down in front of his untouched meal.

Not hungry?

I haven't been keeping my food down very well lately.

Do you have the flu?


Ah, stomach still in knots after Meltdown then, eh my boy? Not much you can hide from me anymore.

Michael looks down at his plate, clearly frustrated that Fournier has prodded at the subject, but deep down inside he's glad to talk to someone about it.

I just don't know what I've done wrong. After coming into the WZCW, I felt I could not be beat, I was on top of the world. Now I have lost consecutive matches, and sure they were against great talents, one was even a handicap match but I can't help the feeling that God is trying to punish me. Did I get too cocky? Was I not thankful enough for the blessings he bestowed upon me? I just don't know what to think anymore Father. Everything I do, I do for the greater good. Lately though, it has all gone to waste inside the ring.

You have to remember that His path is always not a smooth one. It can be a winding road, you should know that better than anyone.

I know this, but haven't I done enough to please him? He picks me up time and time again to just throw me back down, it's tiring Father. If I never become Champion in this organization then I have not only failed myself, but I have failed her.. I have failed Him.


Excuse me one moment.

Winters gets up out of the booth and walks a few steps away, just out of ear shot of Fournier.


Hi, is this Winters?

This is him.

Vance Bateman here. I thought I'd call you personally on this one to tell you who you're facing on Meltdown.

Nice to hear from you sir, that's a bit unusual though isn't it?

Yeah it is, but it's a big match and I thought you should know from me.

Please, go on then.

This week on Meltdown you'll be facing Johnny Sherman, he's a young upstart kid who's looking to make an impact, just like you.

Thank you for the opportunity sir.

That's not all kid, it's a Lethal Lottery qualifying match, so bring your A game.

Winters crosses his chest and says a quick prayer.

Thank you again sir. I won't let you down, I can't afford to lose this match.

Let's hope not, see you on Meltdown.

Winters hangs up the phone and heads back towards the booth, a huge smile spread across his face.

Good news?

I have been blessed Father, He heard my prayers. This week on Meltdown I'll be facing Johnny Sherman for a chance at a Lethal Lottery spot. If I get into the Lottery I will not lose, it is my destiny to become WZCW Heavyweight Champion.

You see my son, a little faith goes a long way.

Yes, it truly does.

Winters sits down and digs into his bacon and eggs and continues to talk to Fournier about the coming week, feeling the best he has in days.
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