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MD50: Chris Beckford vs. Mr. Baller

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
After a great display against Michael Winters, but still with no challenger named for his EurAsian Championship, Chris Beckford will take on Lottery entrant Mr. Baller on the 50th Edition of Meltdown. Both men have really impressed throughout the year, having come a long way since the Lottery last year, Officials felt that two rookies of yesteryear should display their progress as a nod to those who have risen through the ranks in the past number of years.

Deadline is Tuesday 14th December 23:59 EST
One Year Ago

Harrys: The following contest is a Battle Royale, where the winner will be granted a spot in the Lethal Lottery Match!

“Lucifer’s Angel” starts playing as the first competitor enters the arena and heads down the ramp

Harrys: Introducing first, from Chicago, Illnois, Christan Battlez!

Copeland: A young man who has been impressing our trainers, he weighs around 240 pounds and we have been told his Battlegrounds Finisher is quite deadly

Cohen: I like him, expect him to be the last man standing

“Sabotage” cuts over as the second competitor heads down the ramp with his arms raised in the air

Harrys: From Jacksonville, Florida, Duke Miles!

Copeland: Standing at nearly seven feet, I would imagine this guy will be the hardest to eliminate as he is the heaviest man in this match

The bigger they come, the harder they fall to the mat!

“Enya Stomp” plays as competitor number three starts off slow and then bolts down the ramp

Harrys: From Leeds, England, Chris Beckford!

Copeland: The British Invasion continues as the young Chris Beckford will look to make an impact like Big Dave, Garth Black and Scott Hammond in this match

Cohen: So much for our independence, can’t get rid of them!

“No Quitter, Go Getter” kicks in as an energetic competitor comes out who throws his red bandana out to the crowd

Harrys: From The Southside, JKO!

JKO is very pumped for this match. He has quite a history in fighting on the streets and I wonder how this will transcend into wrestling with the WZCW

Cohen: In a short way, Seabass, terribly!

“Suicide Messiah” blares out as the next competitor comes out pounding his chest and walking with a fast pace down the ramp

Harrys: From Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Jordan Lights!

Copeland: Another man with a background of growing up in the rough neighbourhood, standing up to bullies, which is how he earnt his nickname “The Justice”

Cohen: Expect the only justice to be served here is his elimination!

"Hero's Come Back" plays over as a mysterious masked Japanese looking wrestler appears on the ramp

Harrys: From Mount Fiji, Byakko!

Thought Chief Anoki has just come back!

Far from the truth. Byakko comes all the way from the Far East, there’s a lot of mystery to this man, he’s quick, fast and agile. No doubt he would be make a great addition to the roster

And he’ll be quick and fast enough to get over the top rope, haha!

“Feed My Frankenstein” plays as a bizarre looking character appears on the stage in facepaint and a silver and black outfit

Harrys: From Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Max Karzai!

Seabass, thought your mother just arrived!

No, that’s Max Karzai, he was a well known rocker before he became a wrestler

Cohen: Could someone tell him the 70s called and that they want their dignity back!

“Onion Head” starts playing as the last competitor comes out, waving his hands to the crowd

Harrys: And from B-Town City, Sydney, Australia, J-Dogg

Cohen: Another Aussie? JKO, J-Dogg, Jordan, clearly the same mother has no originality with naming their kids!

A young wrestler, he started around the age of nineteen

Cohen: And still acts like one! Jeez!

J-Dogg slides into the ring as the bell sounds and is caught by Christian Battlez who immediately throws him over the top rope to the floor. The other six are brawling in the different corners as Battlez taughts J-Dogg until Byakko elbows Jordan Lights into the corner and Spinning Heel Kick to the back of Battlez’s head and sends him over as well.

Cohen: What?! He was my choice, that can’t happen!

Battlez is livid but is told to go to the back as Byakko resumes his attacks on Jordan as Max Karzai and Chris Beckford exchange chops with each other while JKO tries to hold a sleeper on Duke Miles who just slams him straight down to the mat. Suddenly Beckford turns and goes for a dropkick which makes Duke stand a few paces backwards, Byakko then goes for a Yakuza Kick which gives the same effect as Beckford’s dropkick. Karzai goes for an attack but Miles hits a big boot on him. Jordan then goes for a flying forearm but is caught with the spinebuster.

JKO is back up and asks to double team with Beckford who stand poised behind Miles, when he turns around they hit a double dropkick to send Miles back against the ropes. Beckford then goes for a hurricanrana on Miles but he catches him in the powerbomb position. He starts running at the opposite ropes looking to eliminate one of his opponents but Karzai trips him and he goes flying over the ropes as Beckford finishes his hurricanrana while holding onto the ropes as Miles is now eliminated.

Copeland: The big man is out

Cohen: Soon to be followed by Beckford

Jordan hits a forearm on Beckford who looks a bit dazed but holds on, Jordan then goes for another right but Beckford blocks it and shoves his shoulder into Jordan’s abs through the second and third rope. He leaps over Jordan and is met with a clothesline from JKO while Karzai hits a Full Nelson Suplex on Jordan. Byakko climbs to the top ropes and hits a crossbody on JKO, leaving just him and Karzai standing tall in the ring.

Karzai goes for another clotheslines on Byakko but it is countered Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Armbar, taking him down to a huge ovation from the crowd. Byakko runs at the ropes as he spotted JKO getting back up but JKO ducks out of the way and hits a bitch slap on Byakko’s chest. He repeats the chop effects, backing Byakko into the corner, only for Jordan Lights to get back up and hit a forearm into the back of his head. He grabs JKO and tries to pull him over the top rope, he does so but JKO is struggling out of the situation and holding onto the ropes. Jordan stops for a moment to give Chris Beckford a kick in the head, to which JKO uses the time to get back on his feet on the apron and hit an elbow into Jordan’s face.

Cohen: JKO’s going out any time now.

Copeland: It certainly looks that way, Jack.

Karzai gets back up and knocks Jordan in the back of the head. He Irish Whips Jordan against the ropes opposite to JKO, on the rebound, Karzai moves out the way and JKO pulls the ropes down, sending Jordan over and onto the floor, eliminating him. JKO gives a pose on the apron in celebration but is interrupted with a shuffle side kick from Karzai, which sends JKO to the mat and eliminates him from the match, leaving it down to Karzai, Byakko and Beckford.

Karzai turns around to find Byakko has recovered out the corner as well as Beckford, with all three standing, trying to decide who to attack first. Beckford goes for an attack on Karzai who counters with a Fireman’s Carry and is then met with the shining wizard from Byakko. Byakko’s getting a big ovation from the crowd as he goes to climb the turnbuckle, he looks back when he reaches the top and goes for a corkscrew moonsault onto Beckford, but he rolls out of the way. Beckford gets back up and stands behind Karzai who is slowly reviving, he turns around and Beckford hits his finisher the Cross Drop onto his opponent.

That was a dumb move Beckford, you now got to get him up and over the top rope!

Byakko has rolled onto the apron and goes up to climb the top rope again, he has Karzai measured for his Closing the West Gate, he jumps and connects as Beckford watches in appreciation. Byakko communications with Beckford to double team on Karzai, and they both pick up and try to carry him over the top rope but he elbows both of them in the face to break their attempts. Karzai then grabs Byakko by the head and throws him over the top rope to the floor which gives a huge boo from the crowd which Karzai looks puzzled at.

Karzai then goes over to Beckford and hits the Crazy Train, taking out Beckford. He picks up Beckford by the head and drags him to the top rope, he then grabs Beckford in the Full Nelson hold and lifts up high over the top rope but on the descent down, Beckford locks his feet in the ropes and rolls forward, sending Karzai flying over and down to the floor. The bell sounds as Beckford holds his head in disbelief that he’s just won!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Chris Beckford!

You got to give it all eight men, they really went out there but Chris Beckford has shone above them all and is now on his way to the Lethal Lottery. But give a round of applause because they all impressed me.

Cohen: Only one of them impressed me and he was cheated out of the match. But I will admit, Karzai would have made a great addition, just was rather unfortunate as he tripped on his way out.

Copeland: No doubt Bateman and Myles were watching this and no doubt both will have to agree that we will be seeing more of these guys very soon.

Beckford climbs the top rope in celebration, raising his arm the air and backflips off of it, he gives then applauds to Byakko and Karzai who are still on the outside of the ring, getting slowly back up. Beckford then gets out and heads up the ramp shaking his fist with happiness as he’s going to the Lethal Lottery.

*Scene opens in the WZCW Interview area. We can see the WZCW EurAsian Champion Chris Beckford stood in front of the camera with a mike in hand. Beckford is wearing a 'Chris Beckford' WZCW T-Shirt along with Blue Jeans and Beckford has the EurAsian Championship over his shoulder. Leon Kensworth is also comes into shot and begins to speak*

Kensworth: Ladies and Gentlemen at this time would you please welcome the WZCW EurAsian Champion....Chris Beckford.

Beckford: Thank you Leon.

Kensworth: Now Chris, on the back of a big victory over Michael Winters last week you go into this weeks huge Meltdown 50 event to face up against Mr Baller and while your EurAsian Championship is not on the line at Meltdown 50 it will have a special occasion feel to it for you will it not?

Of course Leon. I'd like to think every show I'm on has a special occasion feel to it as I go out there and do everything I can to entertain our fans but as luck would have it Meltdown 50 will fall on my 1 year anniversary in WZCW. Now as we have just seen in that video footage, Meltdown 31 was my debut and I competed in the developmental battle royal match. I competed against some of the most talented free agents in the world that night and had enough in me to win the match. If you look at the people in the match you will notice that only me and Jordan Lights have remained with the company to this date. That's right, Christian Battlez, JKO, Duke Miles, J-Dogg, Max Karzai and Byakko have all gone on to different things while the other two men have worked hard as ever to try and be successful in WZCW.

I think it's worked well. Jordan Lights became a Tag Team Champion...until Max Karzai decided to go on tour and me well you can see the evidence of my hard work sitting on my shoulder right now. We could have given up...thrown in the towel....called it quits, but why would we? I can't speak for Jordan Lights but I know I could never give up the feeling of appearing from behind the curtain to thousands of screaming fans cheering me on. I've said it before and I'll probably say it again. It's why we do what we do, because we love the business...because we love the fans.

Passion is a strong word. It's something Christian Battlez, JKO, Duke Miles, J-Dogg, Max Karzai and Byakko didn't have. Since I've been here I've noticed people who have lost that passion. Carmen Bratchny lost it, William Teach lost it, even Trevor Steel and Karnage lost it and it made me think about why they lost that passion and will I lose the passion I have? I can't answer that. All I know is right now the passion is still burning strong within me. So as my first year in WZCW come to an end, I've found myself looking to the future and it starts at Meltdown 50.

Kensworth: Well how do you feel about getting in the ring again with Mr Baller?

Beckford: I don't like it. Nothing against Mr Baller I'm sure we will put on a great match but with it being Meltdown 50 I expected to put my EurAsian Championship on the line. Showtime is putting the Elite X up for grabs, Ferbian is putting the Mayhem up for grabs and Ty is defending against Everest for the WZCW Championship so why isn't my title being defended? I suppose I should be grateful, at least I'll be going into Lethal Lottery as EurAsian Champion but that's not who I am. After my unfortunate performance in my first title defence I feel I need to prove that I can be one of the best EurAsian Champions in WZCW history. Still the match is going on regardless and it should be a good opportunity to show the world why I'm the EurAsian champion in the match against Mr Baller.

If you look back to last years Lethal Lottery you will see Mr Baller try and pin a man in the match up. The fans thought he was a joke and granted he made some decisions that were not good. He was never a joke though. Baller is an extremely tough individual who always brings his A game to matches and maybe that has something to do with how James Baker mentored him or maybe he has worked hard and found that passion I was on about earlier but over the year he has improved amazingly. I discovered that in our match up earlier this year and I'm sure it will be no different this time out.

Kensworth: So as Meltdown 50 approaches what's your favourite memory of Meltdown past?

Beckford: For Me, smashing Constantine through the announce table with a Cross Country during our Gold Rush Match. But for all time, I got to say Trevor Steel, Titus and Carmen Bratchny impersonating the RWO from Meltdown 31. If I wasn't nervous about my upcoming battle royal I'd have probably been in tears from laughter.

Kensworth: And what's next for Chris Beckford?

Beckford: I don't know. We will have to see how Lethal Lottery goes. I still don't know my opponent and as you know anything can happen in the Lottery. We will have to wait and see but I'm sure I'll still be EurAsian Champion on the road to Kingdom Come. After that, my ultimate goal is the WZCW Championship. Can I achieve that this coming year? Who knows? But as always I'm going to give it my best shot.

Kensworth: Okay thank you for your time Chris. Chris clearly focused on his future in WZCW and as we move into the historic Meltdown 50 what will the future hold. Join us at Meltdown 50, Goodbye

*The scene fades out*
The camera fades into the backstage area of WZCW, and we see Mr. Baller walking down the halls holding his ribs. He finally reaches his locker room and the lights are off.

Baller: Hello? James? Is anybody in here?

Baller then looks for the light switch and after a few seconds of fumbling, he turns the lights on. And James with 5 girls appear from behind the couch.

James: SURPRISEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Ladies come give the new WZCW Mayhem Champion some love.

Baller: What the hell is going on?

James: I just wanted to throw a little congratulatory party to the new champ. So (pause) where is the belt?

Baller: I didn’t win.

James: What?!?

Baller: Do I need to repeat myself?

James: No sir, I just can’t believe it.

Baller: Didn’t you watch?

James: I normally do, but I was positive you were going to win, and I wanted to throw you a great party. So during the show, I went onto the streets and found these 5 lovely ladies.

James then waves at the five girls, and all five return with a big smile.

Baller: Get them out.

James: Ladies, I have to apologize, but unfortunately, the man in the building is requesting you leave.

The girls, begin to walk out one by one, and as the last one walks out James taps her on the shoulder.

James: You, stay with me.

Girl: Sure thing.

The girl chuckles

James: Sir, do you mind?

Baller: No, just get out of here.

James: Thank you sir.

James leaves with the girl by his side, as Baller puts a towel on his face, and begins to vent.

Baller: Meltdown 50, supposed to be a time of celebration. But this past year, there has been nothing to celebrate. The year has been a struggle, better then year 1, but still not where I should be. I am too good to be where I am right now. I should be main eventing, not bench warming. I should be having more belts then Kobe has rings, but I am stuck with a tag team championship which people feel like I was ridiculously carried by James Baker and Mayhem Champion for two and a half minutes.

When I first started here, I made an impact. I went after one of the biggest legends in WZCW history, Celeste Crimson.

Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

“10s” by Pantera plays out as Celeste walks toward the ring, ignoring the crowd, absorbed in herself. Celeste leaps up onto the ring apron, and grabs the top rope. Celeste then slingshots herself over the top rope and into the ring. Celeste will then taunt the crowd at the corners, and patiently waits for her opponent to enter the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Peterburgs, Russia, The Submission Queen, Celeste Crimson!

Copeland: Celeste is taking on one of the newcomers, in the form of Blade, tonight. Interestingly enough, Blade seems to have a bit of an interest in the Submission Queen, wouldn’t you say?

Cohen: Sounds like the Zero Hunter has found his prey for tonight. But like it stands for, him beating Celeste, his chances are zero!

“Bliss” by Muse echoes throughout the arena, Blade walks out on to the stage to dark red flashing light. He stops on the stage, looks around at the crowd for a few moments, then bends his right elbow at a 45 degree angle, palm facing upwards and slowly moving his arm upwards while tensing his muscles, posing to the crowd. He then quickly draws a slashing motion and begins to walk down the ramp

Her opponent, from Dublin, Ireland, weighing in at 235 pounds, Blade!

Blade walks down the ramp, steps up onto the apron, gets into the ring and does his taunt again on the second rope of the turnbuckle, Celeste does not look impressed. The ref signals for the bell and we get under way. Celeste challenges Blade to a lockdown, of which he obliges, Blade manages to use his height and weight to hold Celeste in a head lock, only for Celeste to back up to the ropes and use them to push the lock off. She catches him on the return and throws him with a belly-to-belly suplex, Blade looks shocked given the strength of his opponent He gets up again only for Celeste to lock around his waist for the same move, but Blade reverses it with a belly-to-belly of his own.

Cohen: Looks like a bit of “I say, You say” is going on here

Celeste gets up again, only to turn around and be met by a clothesline from Blade, she gets up again, another clothesline, she gets up again and as Blade goes for a third clothesline, the Violent Reactor does a backflip kick taking down the Zero Hunter. Blade gets back up and Celeste starts using a combination of low kicks and high elbows which is proving a bit much, she then steps back and his a Shuffle Side kick, which gets a series of boos from the fans. Blade gets up again, only for Celeste to grab a lock onto him, but Blade reverses and picks her up a suplex, but he has her held up high, delaying the drop, he walks around for moment to mock off his strength to the crowd, who give a mix reaction, he then slams her back to earth.

Blade picks up Celeste, and irish whips her, on the return, he catches her by the throat and picks her up in a chokeslam, but she reverses into an Evenflow DDT. She gets up to lock the Omoplata on Blade who starts to scream in pain

Cohen: This is the end, tap Blade, save your arm!

Copeland: He’s not going to quit now Jack, but the pain must be excruciating!

As Celeste continues to hold on, Blade reaches out for the ropes but they look far away. Suddenly, Mr. Baller comes running down, and Celeste breaks the hold, looking at Baller, questioning what’s doing as well as the ref. She goes up to him as he’s standing on the ringside and hits him with an elbow. She turns around to find Blade is back up and he hits The Halo. Blade covers Celeste 1…....2……3

Harrys: Here is your winner, Blade!

Blade gets up and does his signature taunt to the crowd, while standing on the rampway is Baller who gives Blade an unimpressed look.

Copeland: Celeste had this match won. Had it not been for Mr. Baller, Blade would have probably tapped.

Cohen: This was a damn steal. But why did Baller help Blade of all people? Even after the words he said

Copeland: I don’t know Jack, but it’s definitely the start of something for sure!

Celeste exits the ring, and notices Baller, who starts running off as Celeste follows pursuit in a power walk. Blade continues to pose to the crowd.
The impact I made was all for a greater purpose, I got a legend like Celeste on my bad side only to get into Blade’s head. Blade was the reason my debut here in WZCW got delayed, as he beat me in my original contract battle royale. I had to prove to Blade, I could beat Celeste on my own, while he needed my help to do so. I failed. not only could I not beat Celeste, I couldn’t beat Blade, hell I couldn’t beat anyone.

Year two came around, and I started to improve, however, I still failed to reach anything major here in WZCW. I got all the way to Kingdom Come, promising change was coming and it was about to come to fruition. I can still taste the Mayhem gold, that I was so close to getting. I still think about that very match today.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, our opening contest is the Mayhem Championship Scramble. The rules are as follows: When one of the 8 wrestlers scores a pinfall or submission, they will become the temporary Mayhem Champion. Whoever is the last person to get a pin or submission before the twenty minute time limit ends, will become the official Mayhem champion.

Escape the Fate hits and CardiffCam sprints down the aisle. He stops at the bottom, and mimics a sniper aimed at the crowd. He gets up on the apron, and makes the sniper motion to a particular member of the crowd before climbing in.

Harrys: Introducing first, CardiffCam!

Next, Shinedown comes on and John Smith emerges and makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: Next, weighing 250 pounds, John Smith!

Roll Deep hits the PA and the crowd start to boo as Scott Hammond makes his way out. He shouts abuse at some of the fans.

Harrys: The English Enigma, Scott Hammond!

Connor: Now here’s someone to keep an eye on. Hammond has never shown us what he can really do, and I have a feeling he’s got something special planned for tonight.

Next, Five Finger Death Punch comes on and the crowd let out a pop as Steel comes out onto the ramp. White lights flash around the arena as Steel makes his way down to the ring.

Harrys: From Philadelphia, PA, Trevor Steel!

We Fly High hits and the crowd give a mixed reaction for Mr. Baller. The camera zooms in as we see a big tunnel going out the entrance way. Mr. Baller comes through the tunnel, jumping up and down getting pumped for his match. He has his basketball in hand, and heads to the ring. He taunts the crowd until he reaches the ring. In the centre of the ring, Mr. Baller then puts the ball on his finger and spins it.

Harrys: From Miami, Florida, Mr. Baller!

Copeland: It’ll be interesting to see how Baller’s newfound alliance with James Baker affects the match.

Hail Mary hits and big pop erupts in Wembley Stadium!

Cohen: Speak of the devil, Seabass!

Black & white lights flicker while Baker& Malik walk to the ring. Baker slides into the ring and hits knuckles with Baller.

Harrys: Da Xtreme Gangsta, James Baker!

Black Betty hits and some booing comes from the crowd. Crashin stops at the top of the ramp and a microphone lowers in front of his face.

Crashin: Ladies and Gentleman! The opponent of all these idiots is a man who weighs in tonight at 240 pounds! He hails from Yokohama, Japan and is The Incredible One, Doug Craaaaassssshhhhhiiiiinnnnnn!

Crashin slides into the ring and measures up his opponent.

Pantera hits and the crowd start booing again as The KillJoy emerges with the Mayhem title around his waist.

Harrys: And the Mayhem Champion, The KillJoy!

KillJoy stops at the bottom of the ramp and asks for a microphone.

KillJoy: Its about time I get acknowledged around here. It's obvious you tools in the back have no respect to those that are different. But anyway, here we are, at Kingdom Come. The end for many, including my adversaries in the back. But to others, it’s a new beginning. That includes me. I step here tonight to prove to you mindless drones that I am deserving of being the Mayhem Champion of the World. I don't care how meagre and trivial you're lives are, you people need to learn that "difference makes the difference". Stop being like my opponents. Total outlets for others. Unable to be themselves. Drones... if you will. They say my 15 minutes are up, but they are mistaken. Evolution has taken its course. This... Is my State Of The Union address. And the Revolution... well... you know the deal.

He takes off the belt and holds it over his head to the booing of the crowd. He slides into the ring and hands the belt to the referee. All 8 men are eyeing each other up. The bell rings and the brawling begins.

Cohen: Alright, there’s no better way to start a night than 8 guys beating the hell out of each other!

Copeland: Well it’s certainly a great way to start off what will be a great event!

Connor: Amen to that!

Baker and Baller are punching The KillJoy in the corner, Trevor Steel is battling it out with both Doug Crashin and John Smith as CardiffCam and Scott Hammond are already on the outside exchanging right hands. CardiffCam goes to Irish whip Hammond into the barricade, but Hammond reverses it. CardiffCam’s shoulder and arm crash into the barricade. He stumbles backwards, favouring his arm and walks into Hammond who hits a DDT on the floor. Inside the ring Baller has started brawling with Trevor Steel. Crashin and Smith are going at it and Baker has The KillJoy in the corner. Baker hits a few right hands to KillJoy but KillJoy blocks the last one and throws Baker into the corner. KillJoy goes to shoulder for a shoulder thrust, but Baker uses the top rope to push himself over KillJoy. Baker lands on KillJoy’s back and delivers a sunset flip for the pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is you new Mayhem Champion, James Baker!

Copeland: Oh my! 30 seconds into the match and we have a new champion already!

Connor: And it was the champion, KillJoy, of all people who got pinned!

Baker rolls out of the ring and raises his arms as KillJoy sits up looking shocked. He rolls out of the ring and goes after Baker. Meanwhile, Baller hits a dropkick on Steel, sending Steel flying over the top rope to the outside. Baller follows him outside, looking under the ring for weapons. He takes out a trash can, some kendo sticks and a steel chain. He picks up the trash can and goes to hit Steel with it, but Steel hits a discus punching, causing the trash can to smash into Baller’s face. Baller goes down and Steel attempts a pin, 1... 2... kick out by Baller. On the other side of the ring on the outside, Hammond is still battling with CardiffCam. Inside the ring, Smith hits Crashin with a chokeslam and goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out by Crashin. Smith rolls out of the ring and grabs a chair. He walks over to Hammond, who has just hit CardiffCam with a German Suplex on the entrance ramp. Smith comes from behind Hammond and hits him with a chair shot to the back. Hammond falls forward onto his hands and knees and Smith nails him in the back with another chair shot. Smith throws the chair to the ground, flips over Hammond and goes for the pin, 1... 2... broken up by CardiffCam. Smith picks the chair back up and tries to swing for CardiffCam but CardiffCam ducks under it. CardiffCam kicks the chair out of Smith’s hands and hits The Final Shot on the entrance ramp! He slowly turns Smith over and goes for the pin, 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your new Mayhem champion, CardiffCam!

Connor: The newest member of the WZCW roster is the champion!

Cohen: For now...

Baker and KillJoy are battling at the side of the ring, KillJoy hits Baker with a
Scoopslam. Baker hits the floor with a crash and rolls around in agony. KillJoy takes a second to recover before he walks over to CardiffCam who is still celebrating his pin over Smith. KillJoy goes for the roll up on CardiffCam from behind, 1... 2... kick out by CardiffCam! CardiffCam gets up and starts brawling with KillJoy. Baker is back inside the ring and is fighting with Crashin. Baker goes for a clothesline but Crashin ducks under it and delivers a belly to belly, sending Baker flying across the ring. On the outside, Steel is hitting Baller with a kendo stick, as Baller screams out in pain. Steel picks up Baller and goes to Irish whip him, but Baller reverses, sending Steel head first into the ring steps. Baller goes back under the ring and pulls out a 15 foot ladder. He slides it into the ring then climbs onto the apron and then up onto the top rope. He leaps off the top rope and catches Crashin with a crossbody! Baller goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out by Crashin.

Harrys: Five minutes has passed!

Hammond and Smith are now on their feet at the bottom of the entrance ramp. They’re exchanging right hands next to CardiffCam and KillJoy, who are still fighting. CardiffCam picks up the chair on the ground and tries to hit KillJoy, but hits a dropkick on CardiffCam, who falls back with the chair landing on his face. KillJoy goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out by CardiffCam. KillJoy gets back up and makes his way towards the ring. Inside the ring, Baller has set up the ladder. He climbs up a few rungs, getting ready to hit a legdrop on Crashin, but Crashin gets to his feet and goes up the ladder after Baller. Crashin grabs Baller’s hair and hits his head off the ladder. Then Crashin hits the Crashin Cutter off the ladder, sending both men crashing to the mat from 15 feet in the air. Neither men moves for a moment, until Crashin lays an arm across Baller, 1... 2... Baker breaks it up. With KillJoy lurking on the outside of the ring, Baker starts to climb up the ladder. He gets to the top and signals for the Shooting Star Press, but Crashin crawls over to the ladder and grabs the bottom of it. Crashin quickly gets to his feet, lifting up the bottom of the ladder and tilting it backwards. Baker falls off the ladder, crashing into Smith, CardiffCam and Hammond who are all still battling on the outside. With all 4 men laid out on the floor outside, Crashin turns around. Baller runs at him going for a clothesline, but Crashin ducks underneath and locks in the Kataha-Jime. Baller struggles for a moment, trying to go for the ropes but Crashin pulls him back as KillJoy climbs up onto the apron behind them. After a few more seconds, Baller gives up and taps out. Crashin lets go of Baller, who crumbles to the mat, and raises his hands in celebration.

Harrys: Here is your new Mayhem, Doug Crashin!

Copeland: Wow, Crashin managed to take out 5 men here, even if it was somewhat unintentional.

Cohen: Of course it was intentional; this is Mr. Incredible we’re talking about!

Crashin gets up on the second rope and raises his arms. He jumps down and turns around, only to be hit in the head with a steel chair from KillJoy. Crashin falls to the mat and Killjoy goes for the pin. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is you new Mayhem champion, The KillJoy!

Connor: Oh my, that didn’t last very long.

KillJoy picks up Crashin and throws him out of the ring. Steel gets into the ring and starts hitting KillJoy with right hands. KillJoy responds with some right hands of his own, but Steel ducks under a punch and hits a Side Effect on KillJoy. Steel goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out!

Harrys: Ten minutes have now passed!

Connor: We’re half way through this chaotic contest!

Steel pushes the ladder out of the ring, then goes outside and looks under apron. He takes out a table and pushes it into the ring. He sets up the table in the middle of the ring, then picks up KillJoy and places him on the top rope. He gets KillJoy in Muscle Buster position and walks backward towards the table. Steel falls back, trying to hit the Muscle Buster on KillJoy through the table, but Baller moves the table out from under KillJoy. Steel gets back up and Baller stands the table up straight and pushes it into Steel’s face. It hits Steel’s head with a crack and Steel falls to the mat. Baller goes for the pin on The KillJoy, 1... 2... Kick out! Baller then tries to cover Steel, 1... 2... kick out by Steel! Baller pounds his fist on the mat in frustration. He gets up and set up the table again. He picks up Steel and tries to place Steel on the table, but Steel battles back. Steel goes for the headbutt, but Baller moves and hits him with a big DDT. Baller quickly put Steel onto the table and then gets up on the top rope. Baller jumps off, hitting the leg drop on Steel through the table. Baller pins Steel, 1... 2....3!

Harrys: Here is your new Mayhem Champion, Mr Baller!

Copeland: Baller gets his first title win of his WZCW career!

Connor: Whether he walks out of here with the title or not is yet to be seen!

Baller raises his arms as half the crowd cheer and the other half boo... He turns around and is met with the Steel steps to the face from John Smith! Smith goes for the pin, 1... 2... broken up by Killjoy. Smith hits KillJoy with his big forearms. He then picks up KillJoy and delivers a big Spinebuster onto the steel steps, causing KillJoy to shout out in agony. Baller rolls out of the ring and grabs a kendo stick. Smith pushes KillJoy off the steps and goes for the pin, 1... 2... Broken up by Baller. Baller hits shot after shot to Smith’s body. Baller then cracks Smith over the head with the kendo stick and it snaps it half. Smith stumbles backward into the ropes and Baller clotheslines him over it, sending Smith to the outside. Baller turns around and is met with right hands from CardiffCam. CardiffCam hits him with a DDT, then picks up Baller and places him on the top rope. CardiffCam climbs up on the top rope and is about to go for a superplex, but Hammond jumps up on the apron out of nowhere and cracks CardiffCam in the head with a steel chair. CardiffCam falls backwards off the top rope, Hammond gets into the ring and throws him to the outside. Hammond gets up on the top rope and delivers a belly to belly suplex to Baller off the top rope. James Baker come out of nowhere and jumps off the top rope onto Hammond, delivering a hurricanrana. Baker picks up the steel chair and nails Hammond in the skull as he gets to his feet, busting Hammond open. Trevor Steel is up now and he hits Baker with a German Suplex with a bridge, 1... 2... kick out by Baker.

Harrys: Fifteen minutes have now passed!

Connor: This contest is starting to get more and more frantic as the time gets closer to zero!

Copeland: Remember, Baller is the Mayhem champion at the moment, so he’s gonna be acting as defensive as possible!

Steel picks up Baker again, and goes for a Michinoku Driver, but Baller chop blocks the back of Steel’s leg, and Steel falls to the mat. Baller helps Baker up, and they pick up Steel together and throw him over the top rope. Steel collides with John Smith has he falls to the floor, taking both men out. Baller and Baker turn to each other and hesitate for a moment before they both start exchanging vicious right hands. Crashin rolls into the ring with another steel chair, and he starts swinging it wildly. He hits Baker over the head, causing a sick crack to echo through the arena. Crashin then goes to hit Baller but Baller catches the chair in his hands mere inches away from his face. Crashin and Baller struggle for possession of the chair in a tug of war, but a Hammond is back up now. He picks up the steel steps which are in the ring and runs at Crashin and Baller, smashing into both men so hard that they fall through the ropes to the outside. Hammond collapses to his knees with blood running down his face. KillJoy is back to his feet now too as he walks over to Hammond and starts delivering stomps to Hammond’s bloody head. KillJoy picks Hammond up and goes for The Pirouette of Doom, but Hammond powers out and hits the London Calling. Both men lay motionless on the mat but Hammond slowly crawls over to KillJoy and covers him, 1... 2... Kick out by KillJoy.

Copeland: Wow! Say what you want about the champ, but the guy has heart!

Cohen: Yet somehow I don’t see him recovering from that move....

Hammond uses the steel steps to push himself to his feet. John Smith slowly gets back into the ring and he goes for Hammond. Smith kicks Hammond in the gut and gets ready to lift him for the straightjacket Powerbomb. Hammond resists, delivers a low blow to Smith and rolls him up. 1... 2... 3!

Harrys: Here is your new Mayhem champion, Scott Hammond.

Smith rolls out of the ring as Hammond lays on his front with blood pouring down his face. Crashin gets back into the ring, picks up a steel chair, and smacks Hammond over the back with the chair. He rolls Hammond over and goes for the pin, 1... 2... Hammond gets a shoulder up with a split second to spare! Crashin picks up Hammond and locks in the Kataha-Jime. Hammond quickly falls to his knees, his consciousness fading. But Baller quickly jumps up on the apron, springboards off the top rope and hits Crashing with a dropkick, taking all 3 men down.

Harrys: There is one minute left!

Baller rolls outside, gets the trash can and rolls back in. He drags Crashin over to the corner, places the trash can in front of his head then gets up on the adjacent turnbuckle, getting ready to go coast to coast. He jumps off the turnbuckle, but KillJoy cracks a chair over Baller’s skull in mid air. Baller crashes to the mat and KillJoy pushes him out of the ring. KillJoy then picks up Crashin, hits The Pirouette Of Doom and goes for the pin, 1... 2... broken up by Hammond! KillJoy angrily gets to his feet and picks up Hammond. He goes to hit Hammond with a suplex onto the chair, but James Baker comes out of nowhere and rolls up KillJoy, 1... 2... Kick out! KillJoy gets back up and runs at Baker, but Baker ducks and launches KillJoy over the top rope to the ground.

Harrys: Fifteen seconds remaining!

Hammond goes to deliver a T-Bone suplex to Baker, but Baker reverses it into Da Extreme Knockout. The clock now has only 10 seconds left, with the crowd chanting along!

Crowd: 10!

Baker goes up to the top rope.

Crowd: 9!

He hits All Eyez on Me onto Hammond.

Crowd: 8!

He catches his breath.

Crowd: 7!

Baker starts to crawl towards Hammond.

Crowd: 6!

He goes to pin Hammond, 1... 2... Hammond grabs the rope!

Crowd: 4!

The referee breaks up the pin, telling Baker there’s a rope break.

Crowd: 3!

Baker gets off Hammond,

Crowd: 2!

He drags Hammond to the centre of the ring,

Crowd: 1!

Baker goes for the pin again, but it’s too late as the buzzer goes off, signifying the end of the match.

Harrys: Here is your winner, and officially the NEW Mayhem Champion, Scott Hammond.

The referee hands the belt to Hammond, who rolls out of the ring and slowly starts walking up the entrance ramp using the barricade to hold himself up as blood drips off his face. Baker sits in the ring, watching Hammond leave with his head in his hands.

Copeland: A great effort by all these men!

Connor: Baker was so close, but in the end he made one crucial mistake that cost him the title.

Cohen: Forget about Baker, he’s old news. Long live the new champion, Scott Hammond!
It should’ve been mine. No it WAS mine, and I let it slip away. Then that leads me to just before where I got a second opportunity at the Mayhem Championship and I let it slip away from me AGAIN. Unclutch is the word that describes me and it isn’t even a word, I had to step up my game, and instead I stepped down. Where is my career heading? Lethal Lottery makes stars, makes champions, and my time will come, But I need some momentum, and that momentum will carry me to the Lethal Lottery and ultimately the main event of Kingdom Come.

A knock on the door is heard, and an envelope slips under the door. Baller heads over to the door and picks up the envelopes and rips it open. Inside the envelope is a letter from Chuck Myles, General Manager of Meltdown.

Dear Mr. Baller,

Tough loss tonight against Ferbian, but your performance tonight did not go unnoticed. This week marks the celebratory episode of Meltdown 50, and with revenge on your mind, there is no doubt a better person for you to face other then Eurasian Champion Chris Beckford. A win on Meltdown 50 could mean great things in your future, and I know you got something to prove out there after the last time you two met in the ring. I expect the results to be different.

Best Regards,

Chuck Myles

General Manager of Meltdown.

Baller puts a smirk on his face as he reads the letter. He then throws the letter to the floor as he sits back down on the bench in his locker room.

Chris Beckford, eh? Now there is something to celebrate. I recall the last time we met. Meltdown 42, if I remember correctly.

Harrys: Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall.

“Enya Stomp” by Gammar and Re-Con hits the arena and the crowd go wild as Chris Beckford comes out onto the ramp, holding his arms out wide and feeling the adulation of the fans.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Leeds, England, weighing in at 226 pounds… Chris “Cross” Beckford!

Copeland: Although Chris Beckford couldn’t do the business against Reynolds at Apocalypse, he will be looking to get his momentum back tonight against Mr. Baller.

Cohen: My money is on Baller tonight, Seabass. At the end of the day, Beckford has been beaten recently and that has to play on his mind a little.

Beckford immediately runs down to the ring and mounts the turnbuckle. The fans cheer loudly as Beckford backflips off of the turnbuckle and lands on his feet. His music stops and he waits for his opponent.

“We Fly High” by Jim Jones hits the arena and the crowd begin to boo. Mr. Baller appears to the fans, holding his trademark basketball. He begins to jump up and down on the spot and begins to spin the ball on his finger.

Harrys: And his opponent, weighing in at 220 pounds, from Miami, Florida… Mr. Baller!

Copeland: Mr. Baller has been solid recently. Gone are the days of being the companies lackey. Mr. Baller is going places, Seabass. Mark my words.

Cohen: Well, we will see how he does against Beckford tonight before we make any assumptions although a win tonight could see him very much in the hunt for the Elite X Championship.

Baller continues down the ramp and leaves his basketball at the bottom of the steps before walking up the steel steps. He gets inside the ring and looks at Beckford. Tearing off of his tracksuit, Baller looks focused. The referee makes his final checks and calls for the bell.

Both men immediately run at each other and lock up in the middle of the ring. Beckford drops to the ground and pulls the legs from under his opponent causing Baller to fall to the canvas. Beckford immediately locks in the Boston Crab and Baller screams out in agony. However, Baller is too fresh and begins to make his way to the ropes. After somewhat of a struggle, Baller finally makes his destination. The referee calls for the clean break and Beckford doesn’t hesitate to give it to him. Beckford gets to his feet and signals to the crowd. The crowd go wild as Baller nurses his legs. Baller finally manages to get to his feet and rushes Beckford, looking for a clothesline. However, Beckford ducks under his arm and then hits him with a standing hurricarana out of nowhere. Baller again flies across the ring as the momentum of the hurricarana forces him. Beckford gets to his feet and mounts the turnbuckle with ease. Baller does the same and runs at Beckford as he begins to look frustrated by his lack of offence. As Baller attempts to make contact with Beckford, Beckford jumps over his on-rushing opponent and Baller crashes into the turnbuckles. Baller turns around and immediately hits him with a face-plant. Beckford mounts the turnbuckle once more and hits the Cross County and holds onto it for the pin. 1…2…3!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Chris “Cross” Beckford!

Copeland: What were you saying about Mr. Baller, Jack?

Cohen: Beckford was my pick all along.

Beckford gets up and looks at the damage he has caused. Baller begins to come to and begins to struggle to his feet. Beckford extends a hand to him bur Baller slaps him across the face. The crowd begin to boo and Beckford hits him with a clothesline for retribution. Baller gets to his knees and looks at Beckford, who stands across the ring. Beckford runs at Baller and punts him on the head, causing his head to seemingly detach from his body and fly high into the crowd. A lucky fan grabs the head and runs out of the arena with a great souvenir. The impact of the kick causes Baller’s body to turn to mulch as Beckford looks shocked at what has transpired. Beckford tumbles out of the ring and salutes the crowd before leaving. Some WZCW crew come down to the ring and start to pile Baller’s body into some bin bags and carry him out of the arena…
My head was taken off my body. And now 8 Meltdown’s later, Beckford you are now Eurasian Champion, and I am looking for some gold. Now I know this will be a non title match, but soon enough the belt will be on the line. Meltdown 50, may be a night of rejoice, but for me Meltdown 50, is a night for the future. A night for revenge, a night where the era of Baller will occur. Chris, you may he beheaded me at Meltdown 42, but in the near future I will be taking that gold off your shoulder, and part one of that plan is beating you tonight. Because Beckford, payback is a bitch.

And you better believe that.
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