MD49: Jordan Lights vs. Chris Jones - LL Qualifier

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Jordan Lights was promised a Lethal Lottery Qualifier from Chuck Myles providing he was victorious against Jalapeno, which he was. Now he looks to take on Chris Jones who due to have his own qualifier but the match never took place thanks to Big Dave. Which of these two superstars will get their place in the 20 Man Lethal Lottery?

Deadline is Tuesday November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
*camera cuts to the inside of an office, full of the expected items, such as a desk, bookcase, and the like. Chris Jones is seen lounging on what is clearly a psychiatrist's couch, a lounge chair beside him. A young woman enters the room, dressed formally as expected of her profession. Some would say she is the type to turn men's heads, though she never considered herself as such. She sits down in the chair beside Jones, clearly not looking forward to the upcoming conversation*

Woman: Christopher.

Jones: Alice.

Alice: I take it you know why you're here to see me?

Jones: Because society in general is incredibly weak and self-serving?

Alice: It's because you were found attacking and seriously injuring a fellow human being...again.

Jones: I don't care what anyone says, I stand by my belief that he-

Alice: -was a pedophile. Yes, yes, I heard your story already. Quite frankly, I find your reasoning weak and a product of today's extremely paranoid media. Everywhere you look, there's a pedophile on one corner and a murderer on the other. You taking advantage of that for your own sick fantasies is, to be blunt, pathetic.

Jones: *smirks* You know, I always liked that about you, Alice. You were never afraid to say just what you thought of me. And while I can easily see how you would come to that conclusion, you forget the key factor: you simply weren't there. The man was clearly eying those poor, innocent girls with evil intent. I saved them from years of emotional and physical anguish by causing a monster some highly exaggerated pain.

Alice: Did the possibility that one of the children was his own daughter completely go over your head?

Jones: So he's incestuous too? He's lucky I didn't drag him off and hit him some more.

Alice: *sighs, covering her forehead with her hand* You are hopeless. I almost regret the fact that you were able to pay for the damages.

Jones: *looks at Alice* Almost? Why, Alice, if I didn't know better, I'd say you were growing attached to me.

Alice: But you do know better. I don't know how you managed to find the money that that man sued you for, but if I had my way, you'd be in a padded cell, tied up in a straitjacket for as long as humanly possible.

Jones: *grins* You certainly have some unique fantasies, Alice.

Alice: And you're a terrible comedian. And also, your constant screaming of this "Wilhelm" doesn't help your whole pedophile story either.

Jones: *sighs, looking to the ceiling* Ah yes, I was wondering when you would bring that up. The truth is, Alice, I was hoping I would come to this session to tell you that I made a friend. Alas, such a thing was impossible. It seems as though Wilhelm and I are too alike. We want the same thing, and he was willing to stab me in the back to get it. More than anything right now, I want to make him pay for betraying my trust. And if I get to destroy a monster while venting my frustrations in the process, all the better for me.

*Jones grins, placing his hands behind his head, stretching a bit*

Jones: Although, karma did give me a measure of revenge with Wilhelm losing the Mayhem Title to Ferbian last week.

*Alice, who has been writing notes while Jones was speaking, looks up*

Alice: So I take it that you're done with this Wilhelm then?

Jones: I said a measure of revenge, Alice. I'm not finished with him just yet. He lost what was important to him, that's true. But he still owes me his pound of flesh, and I fully intend to take it before long.

Alice: *sighs* I will never understand this wrestling business you partake in. You're allowed to completely decimate anyone you face in the ring, often times more than once. At that last pay-per-view of yours, you were supposedly left coated with your own blood. I suppose if you're allowed to do that, a man such as yourself as found his calling. It makes me wonder how crazy the rest of the people there are.

*Jones turns to Alice, about to comment on her thoughts concerning WZCW, but pauses*

Jones: watched All Or Nothing?

Alice: *frowns* My older brother is a fan of WZCW. He only told me what happened to you because he knew you were a patient of mine.

Jones: *lays back on the couch* Must be nice to have a brother who thinks of you.

Alice: I take it your brother isn't like that?

Jones: *wags a finger at Alice* Ah-ah-ah, Alice. Don't go trying to dig up information I'm not willing to divulge. If you really want to know about my family, you're going to have to work for it.

Alice: *sighs* Of course. Incidentally, I heard that you're supposed to be in a qualifying match for some "Lethal Lottery" this week?

Jones: *shrugs* I'm not really sure how it works. After all, this is just my first year in the company. I guess it'll lead to a title shot somewhere down the line, but if I get to destroy evil along the way, so be it. Who am I against?

Alice: Someone named "Jordan Lights".

*Jones quickly sits up, staring at Alice*

Jones: Seriously?!

Alice: Um...yes?

*Jones stares at Alice for a moment before chuckling slightly. The chuckles grow into full laughs, before becoming mad cackles as Jones falls back on the couch. Jones continues to laugh, slowly annoying Alice until she snaps*


Jones: *blinks* ...what?

Alice: That crazy laugh you always do when you feel like you need to look crazier than you already are! You sound like a bad supervillain in an equally bad comic book! What's wrong with you?!

Jones: According to you, many things. But I'm laughing because I'm excited so please forgive me if that annoys you so much. I mean, I get to fight Jordan Lights! The most blatant pretender to my throne there could possibly be! You see, Lights constantly talks about "justice" as though he is the true authority in the world. He believes that he is the one to make the changes necessary to save the world. The difference between us is his constant failure to do so, while I have had plenty of success.

Alice: You call beating up random people success?

Jones: More than Lights, at least! All he does is talk about him bringing justice to the world, whereas I actually do something about it! Anyone can talk about doing the right thing, but actually doing it is a completely different thing entirely. It's just a blatant example of his weakness and my strength.

Alice: More like your mad delusion, but sadly, I've come to expect that from you.

*Jones suddenly reaches over and snatches Alice's notepad out from her hands*

Alice: Hey!

Jones: "Obsessive qualities, egotistical preaching, possible delusions. No changes since last session."

*Jones sighs, giving the notepad back and standing up*

Jones: No changes is right. You haven't learned a thing since the last time I spoke to you. Alice, I consider you a woman of respectable intelligence, but quite frankly, I'm disappointed. Oh well, perhaps next time.

*Alice glares at Jones as he walks to the door. She notices a small card slipped into her notepad and pulls it out*

Alice: "I'm Your Savior And I Know What's Best For You"?

*Jones glances back, grinning his wide grin*

Jones: Be sure to spread it around.

*Jones then exits the room, closing the door behind him as the camera fades to black*
The camera cuts to a backstage part of an arena. The camera zooms in to Jordan Lights in his ring attire and Lilith in her usual suit/skirt combination.

I'm learning to live a straight edge life style. I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, and I haven't drank in almost a month. My new addiction is wrestling. I thrive to be the best, competition is a must. This woman to my side, is helping me maintain this lifestyle and have great discipline to not drink. It takes a lot of courage to realize you're an addict and get help. Straight edge is the best thing that has ever happened to me. You see when I was around 14, 15, I hung around with an older crowd, and coupled with the fact that my mom was an alcoholic, I just didn't care. I gave in to peer pressure and I became a heavy drinker. It was only until a couple of months ago I had gotten a call from my old tag team partner Max Karzai that I realized I needed help. See what you didn't see behind the scenes was my rage and alcoholism, and with that phone call he helped me realize what needed to be done. And with his help, I found Lilith and she's been amazing from day one.

The camera shifts over to Lilith as she pushes her glasses up.

I've seen great improvement in this man, and I have no doubt in my mind he can and will do great things now. He is 100% substance free. Jordan is a prime example of a bad childhood leading to youth addiction, and I'm glad I could help him out. I knew when I met him he was one of a kind and that is why I am here with him in WZCW. I'm not just eye candy like most valets, I'm here to help him stay on track and stay positive, to help him maintain the straight edge lifestyle. Life's all about second chances, and Jordan knows all about it.

Jordan picks up some tape and starts to tape his wrists for his match.

Life has given me a second chance, and tonight Chuck Myles has given me a second chance. He told me last week that if I won, I would be in another qualifying match for the Lethal Lottery. I've been in this company for about a year now, and it's time I do something to make an impact. I want to do something to really make a name for myself, I want to win the Lethal Lottery. That journey begins tonight when I face Chris Jones. I don't believe I have ever faced you in the ring before. You seem to be a bit of a psychopath, beating up on random strangers claiming to " save them ". You call yourself a saviour? How many people have you truly saved? Let me tell you something, living the way I do has saved my life, and it has saved countless others. I am no longer " The Justice " Jordan Lights. I will save people by showing them that straight edge can help them. Tonight I am extremely focused, I've been training since last week to get prepare for this match. I expect the unexpected out of you, however, I will win this match. The Lethal Lottery needs a straight edge victor, and the people need a real hero, a real man they can look up to and aspire to be.

Jordan tears the end of the tape from his wrists.

Jordan you've been through a lot in life, you've done a lot in the last year, now is the time for you to reach your true potential. You crushed Jalepeno last week which just shows how truly focused you are. When I first met you , you had no motivation, no drive, and now you've done a complete 180. Chris Jones is a small stepping stone to the big mountain. I have faith in you and I know you will gain your spot in the Lethal Lottery tonight.

The scene fades out as Jordan and Lilith walk off to the ring.
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