MD49: Chris Beckford vs. Michael Winters

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Former All or Nothing opponents take on each other in what should be a classic bout, no titles or grudges here as both men will look to shine. No doubt that Michael Winters would like to boost his credentials by getting a win over the EurAsian Champion here, but Beckford will be wanting to prove a point himself.

Deadline is Tuesday November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
Madness and Anarchy.

Those words have been used frequently in WZCW this past week and with good reason. It was the luck of the draw week where nobody knew of their opponents, what type of matches they would be having or even if there would be a title on the line. On Meltdown it turned out that it would be my newly won EurAsian Championship on the line in a tag team match. I had to team with Blade to take on an unlikely pairing of Dr Steven Kurtesy and Barbosa. I was sceptical at how this could play out. On the one hand I was going up against one half of the WZCW Tag Team Champions and on the other I had a man who feels I cheated him out of the EurAsian championship at All or Nothing. Add in Barbosa's unpredictability and we had the makings of a truly unique match up.

Now while me and Blade may have lost the match up I was fortunate enough not to be pinned meaning I'm still the EurAsian champion. After the match I sat back in the locker room and realised how lucky I was and I thought to myself this cannot be the champion I am. I've fought way too hard to get in this position to lose everything on a freak match up. Maybe I was nervous going out there in the first title defence of the EurAsian Championship since Big Dave defended against and retired Titus or maybe I was so scared of losing the title so soon after winning it that it knocked me off my game. Either way it doesn't matter, a champion has to be ready for anything.

With Lethal Lottery weeks away I've had a look around the roster searching for the next potential contender to my championship. First up you have the guys from the six pack challenge, Blade, Phoenix, Baez and Winters will all be coming after me sooner rather than later. Barbosa will have confidence from beating me and Blade last week. Chris Jones, DK Wilton and Jordan Lights are all viable challengers for my belt. It looks like Constantine is busy with his little friend Showtime so I doubt he will try for the EurAsian Championship at this time, however I heard what he said about what happened in the 6 pack challenge and if he wants to get revenge for that, I will be more than willing to get in the ring with him and beat him again.

This week on Meltdown I face off in a non-title match against Michael Winters. This should be an interesting match up considering we are both Developmental battle royal winners. He had a fantastic showing last week on Ascension against Big Dave and Ty Burna in a handicap match and to his credit he showed tremendous heart and determination so I respect the hell out of him for that. Unfortunately for him I have to show I am a creditable champion and last week was just an off day for me. I have to get over that loss with a strong win on Meltdown and unfortunately for Michael Winters it will come at his expense.

Throughout my time in WZCW I've always kept an added interest into what is going on in the federation. From the Tag Teams to the WZCW Champion I feel it's good to keep an insight into what is going on. At the moment we have the Crashin Movement on top in the tag team division and while I may not agree with their tactics they are a formidable team. Brothers in Arms will surely be on their tail for the belts but with the recent return of Hunter Kravinoff what could that mean for BIA. As for the Elite X champion Showtime Cougar, I don't envy him, I know all about what Austin Reynolds can do and I'd hate to be in his crosshairs after everything that transpired at All or Nothing. With the added element of Constantine I can't see the Showtime Power Trip staying together for long. Finally we have the big match for Meltdown 50 Everest vs. Ty Burna for the WZCW Championship, there is a big buzz in the locker room right now that this could be a match of the year candidate, everybody knows that both Everest and Ty will give it their all but what will this mean for the winner of the fatal 4 way number one condendership match on Meltdown this week. Either way the tag team match between The Crashin Movement and Ty and Everest will surely be one to watch out for.

*Scene opens in the parking lot of the Meltdown arena. The fans are out in force hoping to get a glimpse of their favourite WZCW superstar. A few minutes pass and we see Jordan Lights and Scott Hammond signing autographs for fans. A couple of seconds later we see Chris Beckford appear wearing jeans and the latest Chris Beckford T-Shirt with the EurAsian Championship over one shoulder and his kit bag over the other. He stops and walks towards the fans dropping his kit bag along the way and bringing the EurAsian championship down to his waist. The fans all call out to Chris asking for his autograph among other things.*

Beckford: So who are we cheering for tonight, boys and girls?

*All the fans call out numerous WZCW names*
Fan 1: Ty Burna
Fan 2: Austin Reynolds
Fan 3: Gordito

*Beckford signs a few autographs when one person asks him to speak to his girlfriend on the other end of his phone call. Beckford obliges*

Beckford: Hey this is Chris Beckford...yeah for real... Thank you...yeah of course I will, I always do...Take care of yourself...goodbye.

*Beckford hands the phone back and continues signing autographs*

Fan 4: Hey Chris you going to win tonight?

Beckford: I'm going to do all I can mate, I got Michael Winters and he is very tough, but you know I'm not the EurAsian champion for nothing.

Fan 5: Chris how does it feel to be EurAsian champion?

It feels great *Beckford stands back holds his arms out with the Eurasian Championship over his right arm, the flashing of cameras disrupt the main camera feed for a brief moment* Have you seen this...How good does this look?

Fan 6: What's next for you Chris?

Beckford: I don't know mate, whoever decides to challenge for my belt is next. Hopefully with the run up to Kingdom Come I'll be in the mix for the major spots on the shows and then continue on my path to become WZCW Champion.

Fan 7: How’s Austin Reynolds doing after losing the Elite X Championship to Showtime?

Beckford: Knowing Austin like I do, I'm sure he will have things in motion to get back at the Showtime Power Trip and if at any time he needs some help, he knows where I am.

Fan 8: Are you going to be in the Lethal Lottery?

You know last year it was crazy to be even in the match having only entered the company the week before. Now a year later I'm more experienced. I don't know If I'll have a title defence or if I’ll be in the Lottery itself but I hope to be involved in some way.

Ok look guys I need to get inside the show starts soon. Thanks for coming out.

*Beckford walks back picks up his kit bag while putting the EurAsian championship over his shoulder, he looks back waves at the fans and disappears inside the arena as the scene fades*
The sun is shining as Michael Winters makes a left on to North Hermitage Avenue in Chicago's Bucktown neighborhood and pulls into the St. Mary of the Angels parking lot. It's just past 11:30 early Sunday morning as Winters steps out of his white pick up truck, the cool morning air hitting his face. He pulls up the collar of his coat, staring up at the historic Church. Even though he's been here countless times, the overwhelming presence of something divine and unexplainable hits him like a truck, sending shivers up his spine. He stops for a moment and takes a deep breath to steady himself and heads up the stairs, muffled sounds barely audible coming from within the church. As he reaches the front doors he hears what must be hundreds of people erupt in a sea of "Amen's!" and "Praise Jesus". He opens the door and stands near the back as the sermon continues...

Father Fornier: My Children! It was four years ago to this day that I met a man who changed my life forever. A man who has risen up from the ashes of sin to be given a new lease on life! Some of you may know him and some of you may not, but please, know this. This man is a good man. This man is a changed man. This man is a warrior of faith and I have not given up on him despite his recent losses and nor has God himself! I hope you can all find it in your hearts to welcome him in to this church today as he so openly welcomed God into his life so many years ago.

A middle aged man stands up and shouts, "Amen!" as the church goers applaud.

Please help me welcome, a man of good and my good friend, Michael Winters!

Michael Winters leans up and takes off his coat, revealing heavily tattooed arms. Standing at 6'6 and 267 lbs, he's hard to miss but until now he's gone unnoticed to the hundreds of people in attendance. A few people gasp in shock as the crowd applauds, not quite expecting a man of his appearance to be a good friend of their Holy Father. As he makes his way through the pews and up towards the dais, mindlessly exchanging pleasantries with some of the people he begins to feel more comfortable and at peace with himself. As he reaches the podium he and Fornier embrace in a hug as Fornier whispers encouragement into his ear as he steps up to the microphone...

Winters: Thank you for such kind words Father, they truly mean a lot to me. And thank you to everyone here for welcoming me to this lovely family, I'm honored to be speaking in front of you all here today. Now, as some of you may or may not know I've had my share of struggles in life but I've done my best to get back into God's good graces and with the help and guidance of Father Fournier I feel I'm on the right track. But last week on Ascension Anarchy I was given a test that I think was hopeless in passing. I was put in a David vs Goliath like situation but unlike David, I was unable to succeed. God did not want me to be victorious against Ty Burna and Big Dave because my destiny is not yet ready to be fulfilled. I fought valiantly and gave it everything I had so those two would not forget Michael Winters when my time comes to take what is mine, but I was never destined to win that match. Those pawns will realize their destiny once He feels I'm ready, I'll make checkmate and wipe them off the face of the earth.

Applaud and "hallelujah's!" are heard through out the Church.

Like the world, the WZCW is in a state of utter chaos with men like Constantine, Big Dave and the Crashin' Movement thinking they can run around doing whatever they want. Well I've come here not only to win the WZCW Heavyweight belt, but I've come here to install some sense of order in this organization. There's one leader and one leader only who people should have to answer to, and that is God. He has granted me these physical abilities in order to take out men like this. Unfortunately a good man in Chris Beckford has to be sacrificed for the Greater Good this week on Meltdown. It's not my choice who I face week in week out, it's not even Vance Bateman's choice. God's plan and will is the end decider in all of mankind's decisions whether they believe it or not. Beckford just happens to be the one He chose this week for me to strike out against with his will, and he will be struck down in order to advance Our goals.

The crowd is starting to get very loud and rambunctious, screams of "Winters" and "The Chosen One!" start to be heard as Winters tries to regain control.

Now I know the Truth hurts Beckford, but this is nothing personal, it's my time here, not yours. I don't care who you are, Constantine, Ty Burna, Barbosa, Showtime. None of you stand a chance against a man with the will of God behind him. These good people here know the Truth and soon everyone will see the light, in one way or another. I'm not here to play games, I'm here to win Championships. If that means I have to rip you limb from limb come Meltdown Beckford, I will. Not because I want to, but because I have to. There's no failure for me anymore, unfortunately you will be the first man who falls victim to Our new regime.

"Praise the Lord!"

Yes! Praise him! And please keep Mr. Beckford in your prayers this week, because he will need all the help he can get if he hopes to even stand a chance with me inside the ring! Because Beckford, Winter is coming!

The crowd erupts into a raucous roar of Winters chants and Amen's as Fornier steps up and raises Winters arm in symbolic victory, they step down from the Dais and the crowd swarms them, worshiping Winters in an almost cult-like way...
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