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MD49: Big Dave vs. Hunter Kravinoff

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Two Lethal Lottery bound men take on each other in preparation of the match itself as Big Dave will take on Hunter Kravinoff. These two have never come across each other since being in the WZCW but both have impressed in the Tag Team Division at respective times, who will be getting their momentum rolling as the Lottery draws near?

Deadline is Tuesday November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
The scene opens on Stacey Madison who’s in one of the communal areas of WZCW headquarters, she goes to her pigeon hole and retrieves a handful of post that’s lying in waiting. She spots an envelope from DK Wilton and immediately throws it in the bin, a couple from a few fans which she puts to one side. As she shifts through the mail, she spots Big Dave grabbing his own post and begins to look through them, he doesn’t bother organising, he just rips each letter opens, scans it and then puts it to one side. Stacey takes a notice to this in particular and she moves herself closer to Dave.

Stacey: Checking out the latest fan mail?

Dave doesn’t acknowledge Stacey as he continues to keep going through the post, some of the letters he stops at before he resumes on, mostly ignoring them.

Mind if I have a look?

Dave stops for a moment and looks at Stacey in an act of annoyance before continuing. Stacey reaches her hand over to one of the letters and sneaks it passed Dave before she has a look, she glares at the paper in some surprise before smirking.

I see the fans haven’t forgiven you for retiring Titus.

Dave stops again and looks directly at Stacey

Dave: Is there something I can help you with?

No, just wanted to make conversation, you know with the man who is going to win the Lethal Lottery in a few weeks time.

Dave smirks at the thought before returning to a deep stare.

Obsessive pandering will get far if you’re in Chuck Myles’ office Stacey. While I have no doubts over the services you provide, and as tempting as they are, I’m not interested right now!

Stacey looks on in shock at what Dave had to say to her

Look Dave, I remember when I first came here, you mocked me because I wasn’t as ‘open’ as Becky was with the locker room, and I saw you for a fool. But then as the months went by, I saw the potential in you, the fact you could achieve so much more than pander to the crowd, focus on your own goals to get you where you are, you did just that and my respect grew for you. But do you even give a chance to interview you? You let Klamor, Becky, even that nerd Leon get some, albeit rare, words with you, but you still look upon me as if I’m nothing. What have I done to deserve that?

Did I strike a nerve there Stacey? The pressures of the job getting you down? Got no Christmas cards or advent calendars to brighten your day? You going to stop quoting the stuff Ricky use to tell me and actually make use of my time?

Stacey settles back down into her seat, almost on the verge of breaking down

I’m sorry, just been having a rough time of late.

A rough time? Stacey, if not getting interviews is one thing, then compare my situation. I was the longest reigning EurAsian Champion and I vacated the belt to achieve further glory so I didn’t appear like a title hog. I then get punished by getting thrown out of a Gold Rush Tournament, won by the man I defeated in the first round no doubt, to being banned from challenging for the World Heavyweight Championship, to having my long winning streak ended because of Everest, a man that continues to gather my attention because he wants to face me again so badly, but has to wait until after his World Title Shot with Ty Burna. So comparing the situation Stacey, who has had a rough time of late?

You said that the streak didn’t mean anything and that you proved what you did against Everest.

I was merely comparing the circumstances, I may not be affected by the circumstances as much, but to a lesser man, they would have broken down by now.

I suppose, but then you made a great statement last week on Ascension, making the point that you are not playing the waiting game anymore, that you will bring the action immediately.

Something I vowed from the start.

And you’re now in the Lethal Lottery, what better way to get out of this ridiculous ban than to earn a title shot at the grandest stage of Kingdom Come?

I may be in the Lottery, but the achievement wasn’t mine. Last week, I should have been the one to pin Winters and earn my spot, I didn’t need Ty’s help. The Roulette may have paired us up but I would have had Winters sorted, even with the help of Everest. People are expecting a shock that Everest could win the title once again at Meltdown 50, would I be angry at this? No, I felt my frustration come through at the fact he had a shot, but the thought came last week that to me, it doesn’t matter who the champion is, they’re just the people keeping the belt warm as it waits to be put around my waist, right where it should be. But, where I have to wait, I have no problems continuing to remove those who oppose me, like my opponent on Meltdown, Hunter Kravinoff right?


He’s an interesting fellow, seems to have his bad run ins with management much like myself, former Tag Team Champion, gone solo since. Though I must say, I honestly didn’t expect Hunter to be qualified in the Lottery last week, but then we have seen surprises of late. I honestly didn’t think Chris Beckford would be my successor to the EurAsian Championship, the only real kudos I can give is the fact he’s from England, carrying on that legacy of Europe dominating over that belt, but I know he can’t hold a candle to what I’ve done with that belt.

What does this have to do Kravinoff?

Absolutely nothing of course!

Dave leans in Stacey’s face with an intense look on his face.

Look Stacey, regardless of what has been said now, I am not your friend and much like Kravinoff, you don’t gain any interest from me whatsoever. So I’ll make things simple and clear, those who are irrelevant to me are simply the fools who can earn their bucks to think they can last five minutes with me. While Kravinoff is someone that shouldn’t be underestimated, I plan to show him the experience I have that he doesn’t, as we step closer to a domain that I dominated the majority of last year, Hunter becomes prey. The clock is ticking down as the time to strike is drawing near, nothing will be stopping me from getting where I am, people can say I was given a chance by the man who I could possibly end up facing at Kingdom Come, setting up his downfall, but that is another matter. The focus is on now, next is Kravinoff who will be hunted by myself, and then my attentions will focus on Everest and knowing when to get my rematch as I will continue to reduce the number from twenty down to one. That one being me and the final destination will the World Heavyweight Championship.

Hunter is just another who was looking in the wrong places to find his prey, stop the pandering of me and starting the pitying of him, because he’s just another victim.

Dave gets up and heads out of the communal area as Stacey is sitting in blind shock at what just occurred.
A well-dressed, confident looking Hunter Kravinoff is entering the arena at MeltDown 49 through the parking lot, gym bag draped over his left shoulder, stage-hand in tow carrying his portrait of Sigmund Freud. Walking down a lengthy corridor, Kravinoff meets the (almost taunting) gazes of those he passes with great interest. A group of gentleman testing audio equipment snicker amongst themselves as Kravinoff walks by. After a few more paces, the Ugandan Wild Man stops for a brief moment and exchanges a glance with Ferbian as he emerges from catering. The new Mayhem Champion is barely containing laughter at the sight of the Classical Freudian Crusader. Further down the hall, Kravinoff passes Baez, who takes a brief pause from his shadowboxing routine to look at Hunter and make a “cut-throat” hand signal. Further still down the line, Gordito takes a break from talking to an agent to give Kravinoff a cocky grin. However, none of the gleeful prodding the Ugandan is receiving seems to break the look of sheer determination on his face.

A few more steps down the line, Kravinoff and the stage-hand stop in front of a bewildered looking Leon Kensworth.

Why do you look so pleased?

Kravinoff grins widely and turns briefly to look down the corridor he just walked before answering.

What’s not to be happy about?

Leon is taken aback by this response.

You’re... You’re facing Big Dave tonight. Everyone around here has been clamoring all day about how horribly you’re going to be exposed tonight. Haven’t you seen the looks people have been giving you?

Kravinoff chuckles playfully.

Of course I have. But I don’t really see the problem.

Leon throws his arms to side in exasperation.

Do you not understand the weight of what you face tonight?

Of course I do. About 270lbs, right?

Kensworth shakes his head disapprovingly.

Come on, Kensworth. Get a sense of humor.

Big Dave is no laughing matter to a lot of people around here.

I know. He’s really pulled the wool over everyone's eyes.

Kensworth’s jaw drops at this assertion. Kravinoff remains stoically confident.

You’re talking about the longest reigning Eurasian and Tag Team title holder in the history of this company and a man many people believe is due for a run with the World Heavyweight Championship! How can you be so disrespectful?!

Kravinoff chuckles heartily.

Get off it, Kensworth. Big Dave is a man who’s done nothing but expose himself over the last month.

Leon looks confused as Kravinoff presses on.

He’s ranted and raved about how he’s bound for a reign with the World Heavyweight Championship, how he’s the best wrestler in the world. But you know what I’ve seen from him over the last month? Absolute mediocrity.

Kensworth shakes his head once more.

I might not be the president of his fan club, but the man has earned more respect than that.

Has he? Think about it. The man lost to an unrefined reject like Baez and did nothing but make excuses. Nobody told Dave to turn his attention to Everest on the apron, and if he were really the best wrestler in the world then he wouldn’t have been so susceptible to distraction.

What happened after that? He failed to beat Everest. And how did he handle that? He saw it as a victory that he didn’t lose. How pathetic is that?

Well Everest is a legend here in WZCW. It’s always an accomplishment not to lose to him.

Sure, but to flaunt a draw as evidence that one belongs in the World Championship picture? That’s sheer nonsense. You see, being the best wrestler in the world is a lot like being pregnant: Either you are or you aren’t. And Big Dave is neither pregnant nor the best wrestler in the world. Pregnancy, much like being World Heavyweight Champion, is about being able to seal the deal. For the purposes of reproduction, giving the opposite gender’s genitals a good match doesn’t mean a damn thing at the end of the day. Dave can have all the competitive draws with Everest that he wants, but all that makes him is nothing more than an overachieving midcarder.

I see no reason to observe reverence for a man whose big talk about coming for the World Championship is nothing more than self-deception designed to keep Dave from admitting the truth to himself: That he’s not ready. But he’s too weak to admit that. And it takes every defence mechanism in the book to keep Big Dave from coming to grips with the truth and crumbling into a defeated, miserable heap.

Kravinoff turns to the portrait of the father of psychoanalytic theory which is still being held by the stage-hand.

Textbook Freud.

Hunter turns back to Kensworth and continues.

You see, I have no reason to be afraid of Dave. While everybody rubs their hands together giddily when men like Steven Holmes or Jalapeño are scheduled for what are seen as a dues paying session with the man, I see through the facade. I’m coming to take on the real Big Dave, the inadequate Big Dave, the Big Dave who needs the moniker of “Big” to make himself feel like a man. And every strike I lay into Dave tonight is going to be aimed squarely at breaking down those defence mechanisms, laying down the truth, and showing Dave and the world how ordinary he is.

Even if Dave is as “ordinary” as you say, do you really think you have a chance to be the one who exposes this to the world?

Of course. Who better? You see, I, unlike Dave, am actually the best in the world. My travels in the wild have affirmed that I’m the ironman Dave wishes he could be. I’m a man who wins his greatest battles single-handidly, a man who doesn’t need the World Champion to ensure he qualifies for the Lethal Lottery. And above all else, I’m a man who can look in the mirror at the end of day and be confident that I see an honest man staring back at me.

Hunter instinctively takes a deep breath to soak in the impact of what he’s just said before continuing.

When I arrived in WZCW, I said from day one that I intended to come after the deadliest game on Earth on its terms and prove myself to be the greatest hunter on this plain. Tonight, I take a huge step in showing everyone what a serious threat I am. After I beat a man with a reputation like Dave’s, it’s on to the main event for me. I’m headed straight to the top and there’s nothing anybody can do to stop me. Tonight: Big Dave. Next: The Lethal Lottery.

This isn’t going to be a dues paying session ala Steven Holmes. Hunter Kravinoff pays dues to nobody.

With a sceptical look on his face, Leon interjects.

Do you think this sort of disrespect is going to stand with the former Eurasian Champion?

Hunter lets out a condescending chuckle as Leon grows befuddled.

I doubt Big Dave is going to notice a thing I said. The man has Ty Burna and his darkness on the brain when he should be thinking about me and mine.

Leon fires off his retort with an amused look on his face.

Right, right, right. I see exactly where this is going. You’re gonna talk about rockin’ out with your id out, correct?


The look of amusement vanishes from the face of the announcer only to be replaced by a look of surprise.


Mhm. The darkness I speak of is a literal one. You see, just like Ty Burna, I’m a creature of the dark. During my time in the wilderness, I didn’t have the luxury of streetlamps and nightlights to carry me through until the morning sun. On a nightly basis, I became one with pure, uncompromising darkness, and eventually I learned to embrace this lack of light. I became completely elemental, as vast and unyielding as the dark itself, and I preyed on those creatures that were too inept to do the same. If Dave thinks he can look past me and my darkness to the Lethal Lottery or Ty, he is sorely mistaken.

As Hunter finishes his thought, the lights in the hall begin to flicker and grow dim. Leon looks around with sense of panic on his face. Kravinoff smirks as Leon attempts to compose himself.

Umm... I think we have enough.


The smirk on Kravinoff’s face is burning a hole through Leon’s feigned composure.


He looks to his cameraman.

Come on, Jimmy.

Leon rushes from the scene as Kravinoff looks up at the lights. They continue to flicker for a moment before the scene fades to a coincidently serene black.
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