MD49: Austin Reynolds vs. DK Wilton - LL Qualifier

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite coming up short, both Austin Reynolds and DK Wilton made good outings in their respective Qualifiers last week. They will now look to guarantee their place in the 20 Man Lethal Lottery with their eyes on the World Heavyweight Championship shot at Kingdom Come, who will get closer to the dream?

Deadline is Tuesday November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
Only clouds in the pitch black night sky are visible at this time. With rain pouring down on an empty, rugged yet lifted up and glistering street where the various billboards light up their surroundings. A brief moment passes by as we watch the rain fall. The audience is shown what appears to be an old white with grey trimming limousine pass the camera by. The licence on the back of it reads “DKWILTZ”, out of nowhere the vehicle stops. The chauffeur steps out of the car and proceeds to open the back door, but as soon as he reaches out for it the door swings open and pushes him to the side. A figure wearing an all black trench coat with noticeably white gloves steps out of the limo with an un-enlarged umbrella in hand. The chauffeur steps in front and insists the person should have some assistance. We then see the umbrella go to the front of this person as they enlarge it right in the drivers face. We see them pace fully strut into a building which sign reads “Rainbow Bar”. From the Limousine we see Leon Kensworth stumbling out from behind. A conversation begins as we see the figure take off his glasses and reveals his self to be DK Wilton.

And here we are Mister Kensworth. The one place where you can be a nobody as yourself and live like me, A ROCKSTAR!

The men share a brief moment of laughter but after a quick second we see DK snap back to his egotistical ways and proceed to open the door, Leon who is merely confused follows in his steps.

Yeah, tonight is the night DK. I think I’m actually going to do well. What do you think!?

Perhaps if you shut your mouth, followed everything I do, hell even freshened your breath I think you would do great Leon. It’s all about being innovative, even with your looks.

Uhm, okay?

The men walk into the famous West Hollywood night club. People begin cheering as they see Wilton pop through the doors. He takes his jacket off and throws it directly at the bouncers face. Leon who is behind him smiling walks up and throws his jacket at the bouncer as well. Too bad he didn’t get the same reaction as the bouncer grabs him by the shirt and lifts him up off of the ground. But soon as he see’s DK glaring at him he puts Leon down.

Easy Big Guy, wouldn’t want to cause any trouble now would you? I am the guest of honor tonight.

The bodyguard stares DK in the eyes and approaches him slowly. DK takes a step forward and smiles.

No not you jackass, I was talking to Leon.

Both of them then stride on over to the VIP area cautiously avoiding eye contact with the bouncer. Leon begins to act frantic as he see’s women all over the place, let alone bottles of the finest champagne that he could only dream of ever acquiring.

Leon, are you okay? You seem a little out of place man?

Yeah, I’m good. I think?

It’s fine to be nervous when you’re around such greatness. But lighten up, for the sake of having a good night? This is the place where Guns n Roses, Motley Crue, hell even The Jonas Brothers come to party!

DK then laughs to himself as they proceed to a large sofa towards the back of the room. As soon as he sits down DK is surrounded by various women while Leon sits down next to three butch men. The drinks begin to pour as everyone begins to converse, DK wears a smile on his face whereas Leon looks scared out of his mind. After the first couple of drinks the Television that had been playing in the front turns to the show TMZ. As we hear the Words WZCW, DK then looks over.

Hey everybody shut up and listen. Look at the television it’s me! Leon looks at this, see I’m making news around the world already!

Everyone looks over at the television and begins to listen in on what is being said.

TMZ here with the latest scoop on music’s bad boy DK Wilton, and his escapades in the wrestling industry giant known as the WZCW. Sure he is athletic and can put on a good show, but with his recent outings how in the world does he think he will succeed in the business? Roll the footage!

The television then cuts to scenes of Wilton’s latest matches in the WZCW, at first it shows him having his first loss on television against ring veteran Blade. After we see the conclusion of that match weare brough to his loss last week in the steel cage match against Kravinoff & John Constantine. The last image on the screen before it cuts back to the reporter is DK barely standing with Constantine standing tall in front of him.

Impressive isn’t it? Before taking two serious beatings this man was already hated by the music community, due to his intolerable actions and references during the Grammy Award show after he accepted the award for “Light the Fuse” when he and his band mates won Single of the year. Forget about “What would Jesus do” now it should be “What WILL Wilton do”. TMZ here with the latest entertainment news!

The expression on his DK’s face changed as he heard what his peers had heard about him. He slowly slips out of the two women’s grip and stands tall over a glass table starting directly at the television screen. He bends over and picks up a bottle of whisky. Without hesitating he then throws the bottle at the TV, shattering its screen in the process. Everyone around him gasps and begins talking amongst themselves as he leaves the area. He looks back over at Leon, who is pouring alcohol down his throat and motions him to follow. The two head towards the washrooms and begin to speak as soon as they enter it.

You’ve got to be kidding me? So this is what everybody is thinking? I’ve lost my last two matches in WZCW and it is already the end of my wrestling career?

Well DK, you’ve never won a match on television yet. Sure you did win against some guys back in the tryouts but aren’t you in the big leagues now?

OF COURSE I KNOW THAT! And I give it almost everything I got each time I step into the ring and what do I get? Nothing! I’m always coming up short aren’t I? Well something has got to change for the better. And if not, I don’t know what I’m going to do. First my music career and now my wrestling career, WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!?

You could always try winning your next match, you seem to be doing decent in the ring but maybe you just need to take those skills up to a new level or something?

DK then looks up at the ceiling wondering how he should do this. He has a sigh of relief and then looks over to Leon and smiles.

Maybe, I don’t need a maybe! Hell I don’t even know my next opponent at this week’s Meltdown. WHAT AM I GOING TO DO!? Look now I’m having a panic attack, move away Leon I think I need some space.

Leon looks on surprised as he see’s DK fanning his face with his hands and breathing heavily. While DK is pacing around the washroom back and forth Leon is just wobbling side to side as he appears to have a “buzz” from the alcohol.

Try and find my happy place, come on DK you can do it! Come on you stunning man pick it up now!

Well, DK I’ve kind of wanted to tell you who your opponent is while we were having a better time tonight. But I guess I should just tell you now?

Tell me now, for if you don’t I am going to make your life a living hell!

Leon puts a hand of his in his pocket while furthering himself away from DK, he looks DK right in the eyes and proclaims who the mystery man is.

They set you up against Austin Reynolds in a qualifying match for the Lethal Lottery!

DK’s expression changes from a fearful look to a more toyed and applauding look. He moves closer to Leon and looks him in the eyes.

Leon this is it, the perfect chance to shock the world. Reynolds proclaims he is some type of ratings winner when in fact he is nothing but some poor soul trying to live out the rock star way of life. Leon you tell Reynolds I said this. He may think he has this match in the bag, you tell him to keep on riding that high horse of his. Because for one I am going to proclaim dominance in this company and defeat a former champion. Not only that but I am going to be the man to prove to everyone that I have not completely lost my mind, and that I belong here even more so then these so called “Superstars” that wrestle in this company. Reynolds has never been some type of ratings spike for it has always been Cougar who was the true star. Leon you tell Reynolds that regardless if he thinks he is some type of hot shot, he is going up against a REAL rock star. Not to be confused with that other one who ran around in the WZCW back when I was making millions of dollars. Come our match, Austin Reynolds will get an Encore to remember whether he likes it or not. Did I mention, I wanted to win the Lethal Lottery?

DK now takes his hands off of Leon, who is standing there shaking after hearing the Axl Rose esque rant that came from DK’s mouth. He knew that play time was finally over and that DK had now found the ability to bring a mean streak into the ring. As soon as he thinks DK has left he looks back only to hear him speak.

By the way, Leon you’re doing it all completely wrong, it’s not how you impress women. That will be your next lesson.

DK proceeds to leave the washroom laughing his ass off while we see Leon put his head down. The screen fades to black.
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"The Ratings Winner is on life support"

A voice echoes as we see a blurred image of a man in a hospital bed. He is hooked up to machines which beep occasionally. All details like the face of the man in the bed and his surroundings are impossible to make out.

“Best performer, highest flier, flashiest showman – he claims to be many things and may well be those things. He also claims to be a winner, a champion. But not anymore.”

The voice is familiar

“I exposed him for what he really is. A poor imitation of the superior original. The Ratings Winner got exposed when the original got close and in the right stage, like on the bright lights of pay-per-view, he got shown up for being high on his own ego.”

We float above as the voice continues in its’ smartass tone.

“His reign, as Elite X champion was a complete non-event. He was shown up not to be on my level or be mentioned in the same breath as John Constantine. Together, Austin Reynolds will never steal our limelight again.”

“The Ratings Winner is a fraud and he has been ended by the Showtime Power Trip. Or The Salvation. Whichever nickname he wants to be this week. I haven’t decided and he hasn’t told me.”

Austin wakes up in his hotel room, on his own and stiff as a board as he was spread-eagled on the sofa. He has the words of his dreams running through his head. Those words dug deep but hearing them in Cougar’s voice was burning into his consciousness. The scars of not getting the job done. The pain of being tricked out of a record reign on the big stage of pay-per-view. He tried to wash the stench of failure off and even when luck dropped Cougar onto his lap, he couldn’t get the job done.

“Fate had put Showtime in the Lethal Lottery. Thanks to me. But Karma could put me in the same match and give me the ultimate chance at redemption.”

Austin is staring wide-eyed into the mirror in his room.

“I enjoyed being the Elite X champion so much. It defined me week after week, I put the division on the map, it proved that being the Ratings Winner wasn’t just being a loudmouth. I backed it up in the ring. But now, that wasn’t good enough. Constantine and Showtime had to outsmart and outnumber me to take it away.“

It is clear that as he contemplates the events of recent weeks that he is unhappy with how things have panned out.

“And while the limo thing was funny, it would barely make a dent to them. I have to hit them where it hurt; flat on their back for three seconds. I am good enough to do it – but in the last few weeks, I’ve had issues remembering how good I am. Defeat will do that to you I guess.”

“But I am going to the pay-per-view. I am going to show DK Wilton what true wrestling artistry is all about because he gets the privilege to step in the ring with a superior talent. Better than Constantine, Kravinoff, Blade. None of them can do what I can do in the ring. He is going to be another face in my highlight reel, another reason for the ratings to go up and another reason why the fans are desperate to see Cougar vs Reynolds: The Encore.”

Suddenly the confidence in his voice, the bravado comes back and he stands up straight.

“And in doing so he will be the final obstacle on the road towards the Lethal Lottery and the inevitable confrontation between myself and Cougar. Wilton needs to figure out that WZCW is MY stage and I am the biggest star here. He is nothing more than a pain in the ass opening act.”

“When I get there, the Ratings Winner is going to light up the Lethal Lottery, just like I did at Unscripted, just like at Apocalypse and Redemption. All or Nothing should have been the crowning glory, the pinnacle. Even though I failed to come out on top, I showed the world that Austin Reynolds could step up. When the occasion called for it, I showed I had another gear to give. It was a world-class performance, memorable for the athletic qualities and determination was on show.”

The ego that is on show when Austin is in the ring is now on display. Happy, cocky smile, little swagger. He knows one match could turn his month around.

“At All or Nothing, I was the better man but I don’t have the belt to show for it. At the Lethal Lottery, I will ensure that I come out with the rewards that I deserve. Mr Wilton, prepare to be Karma’s bitch because you will not stop me entering the big match at the pay-per-view.”

“I am the man for the big match the Lethal Lottery is the biggest of the lot. But the rewards are incredible. The Ratings Winner, number one contender to the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship has a damn nice ring to it.”

And then it hit him. This could be the important match of my career.....
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