MD49: Alex Bowen vs. Wasabi Toyota

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The recently debuting Alex Bowen had an interesting outing during the Meltdown Madness when he teamed up with Tag Champion Steven Holmes. Now the newcomer is making his presence felt in feeling that the gold is his for the taking which Wasabi Toyota hasn't taken kind to. These two will go on one-on-one as Toyota looks to set the rookie straight in his early days in WZCW.

Deadline is Tuesday November 30th at 11:59 PM EST.
Alex Bowen is setting on his couch , in front of it is a coffee table with a few papers and other things on it. He is still licking his wounds from his first match in Wzcw. His match as Ascension Anarchy was not his finest and the look of disgust. He's shirtless with a roll of tape in his hands. On his ribs is a large bandage, he's just in a pair of lounge around MMA Elite shorts today. Setting on his hunters green couch we look at his face. Full of bruises he still smiles a crooked chipped smile.

Alex- I love it when the fans boo, it gives me something to smile about in the morning. I guess it comes with the terms in today’s business. Years ago when I started their were no boo's for rookies until after the match. They judged you on your character, not your partners.

Alex pauses and clears his mind.

Alex- Did I ask for my partner? No... He claims to be a rich aristocrat.

He makes the talking movement with his hands.

Alex- Blah, Blah, Blah. Another rich bitch in the company. Ha I've seen it all before. Disgruntled little rich boy thinks he's untouchable. I'm not done with you or the Crash Movement. You think with your numbers game your safe..... HA your just luring yourself into a false sense of security. Because when my partner and I get you in the ring, and I hit the end of days on you. That’s it, We will be Wzcw's tag team champs. I owe you that for the horse crap you pulled last week.

Alex reaches back on his ribs and pulls off a bit of tape. He grimaces at the pain, but manages to pull out a smile. He flops down the dirty bit of tape and gauze pads on the table in front of him. The camera zooms in on the large discolored spot about 5 inches wide on his ribs. The camera zooms out and Alex points at the bruise then back at the camera.

Alex- Everest, I have a lot of respect for you. I allays have, I don't feel the need to look up to anyone unless they are taller than me. But you, I owe you one for this.

Alex points back to the large green and black bruise on his ribs.

Alex- I personally don't care about your record, or your titles. I care about being made a mockery of in a wrestling ring. When you have a partner like I did, who's really their to have your back. No one, I had myself. You did pin me, the next time if I face you mountain climber, rock slide, whatever you throw at me. You'll fall, every mountain has to be climbed. You got to Mt. Everest, Now to get what I want if It takes going through the man mountain Everest... So be it. You'll get the End of days just like Steven will.

Alex reaches above the tape and bandage on his table and gets a tube of something. He squirts some of it on his hand and begins to dab the possibly fractured rib he acquired from Everest. When he is done he wipes his hands on his shorts.

Alex- Who the hell is this guy?

Alex slaps his head as he looks down on the table he just grabbed the tube of unknown substance from. A paper with a rather large nipple sumo wrestler on it. It has stats and figures on it. He picks it up and pretends to flip up a pair of reading glasses on his face. With a laugh he says

Alex- OVER 500 POUNDS?!

Alex wipes an imaginary bead of sweat off his head.

Alex- What gives you the right to call me a rookie Mr. Sumo? You know nothing of me.

Alex slaps the paper in his hand.

Alex- I know all I need to know about you, I don't fret about wins or losses regularly. Don't care much, you've won and you've lost to I bet. But I do believe even if you've faced the now mayhem champ or past ones, you've never face The Hardcore Juggalo. You're trying to make up for your past huh?? Well your not making a name off of me. As I've said before, I'm done being a stepping stone for people. I'll especially never lay down for you, I like my spine intact. I think if you put one foot on it you would break me in half.

Alex folds the paper in half and looks on the ground. He finds a box of matches and puts the paper on the table in front, with the matches on top. He lounges back with his hands behind his head.

Alex- Ten years in the Biz and I’m still getting called a rookie and getting call out matches? Well that must be something special. Wasabi, you chose the wrong man to mess with. IF you want the gold, go after the man who has it. I want nothing but the tag team titles. You can have anything else you want. Shoot we could be best friends after this match. But you put your nose in my business. MY personal business, I don't need beef with you. Because it already looks like you've been hitting up that Kobe beef anyways.

Alex pats his stomach and points at the camera.

Alex- To make it simple, I don't really care about your weight. Look at my brother David? He's well over 400 pounds and I’ve beat the hell out of him before. When it comes down to it in the end, you'll be another page mark along the way just like Steven and the Crash Movement. When I'm done with you, you'll be nothing more than a puff of smoke that went down in Wzcw at the hands of The Hardcore Juggalo

Alex looks down and smiles at the matches on top of the Wasabi's scouting paper. He grabs them, he puts the paper in his mouth and takes out a match. He strikes it twice and on the third go he finally gets it to spark. He spits out the paper on the table and throws the match to it. The paper lights, a small trail of smoke comes off of the paper and Alex puts his hands to it.

Alex- Just like this paper, when I'm done with you you'll be nothing more than ashes. 500 pounds or 1000 pounds I will get you up and hit the End of days on you. I might take me some time, but you will fall. I'll put money on that big man. Wasabi Toyota, the worst thing for your life was to challenge me. I will put you down, that will be the end of you.

Alex looks at the fire and smiles, the camera closes out as the fire gets larger on his coffee table.
It's a cold, cloudy day in downtown Chicago as the camera gives us a full view of Sal's Pizza Shop. The place is bustling with customers due to the always popular "Mega Saucy Breadstick Special." Up above, the Brothers in Arms are sitting in Wasabi's Toyota room. Scott Hammond is busy read The Sun while Wasabi Toyota sits sulking in the corner.

How could he do this to me? I don't understand. I don't understand. After all the time we spent together.

I told you, mate. You gotta get over him.

We were so close. How could he say those things about me? They were so mean. And he didn't even tell me where he was going. I was up all of those nights, worrying and hoping. What did I do wrong? Why didn't he call? Why?!?! Why?!?!

Toyota begins to sob uncontrollably and blurt out nothing but pure nonsense over the loss of his once dear friend.

Bloody hell! I said you have to forget about Hunter! Don't you understand? He doesn't matter anymore. He's nothing but a manipulative bastard anyway. You never needed him.

Right now all that matters is us, the Brothers in Arms. We’re one of the biggest forces in all of WZCW. Hell, we proved it last week. You sent Tucker Graham into an early retirement and I beat the snot out of that new guy Sherman.

What you and I have together is something special, it really is Wasabi. That's why you need to forget about Kravinoff, he's hurt you too many times. It's all about us now. I love you, man. I really do.

Toyota is still slightly sniffling, but there is a distinct look of trust and hope in his eyes. Hammond wipes the remaining tears from his cheek and they both smile.

You're right, Scotty. Screw him! Right now, it's all about the Brothers in Arms and bringing home those belts.

More specifically for you it's about Alex Bowen this week.

Indeed, one step at a time. Can't be getting ahead of ourselves. From the looks of it, Bowen is planning on waltzing right in here and taking the World Tag Titles we've been working so hard towards. Pssh.

He says he's not a rookie. Says he has ten years of experiences. Such assertions cause me to laugh mockingly at him. Here's a guy who thinks horsing around with his brother in the basement and hanging out with in his buddies in the backyard for ten years constitutes experience. I'll tell you about experience.

Experience is hiding in a dark, damp crawlspace for 3 weeks living on nothing by moldy bread and piss and while you wait for the opportune time to rob Asia's most dangerous drug lords. Experience is fighting off an entire group of blood thirsty Ingawa-kai despite having six broken ribs and a torn groin. Experience is wondering whether or not you're going to live from day to day, knowing that you whole purpose in life is pure evil, but you're unable to stop it. Experience is taking the most brutal form of torture known to man, tire after tire stuffed down your throat, but being able to endure it and fight off the assailants just to be able to experience sweet, sweet life.

That's experience and Alex Bowen isn't going to match it.

Rightio, mate. That juggalo punk ain't got nothing on you.

Speaking of punks, we've still got three of them that we've got some unfinished business with.

Aye, the Movement. What shall we do this time? Send them a message in the ring? Fight 'em off backstage? Give them a stern warning that we won't be taking any more of their crap?

No, my friend. We have to try something totally different to deal with the Crashins. Nothing we’ve tried has stopped them from doing whatever the hell they've been doing the past few months. I've got a solid new plan. Of course, providing they're still alive after Ty and Dave have their way with them.

What do you got in mind, mate?

Don't you worry about that just yet. First, let's get some saucy breadsticks before they run out. I'm starving!

Hammond follows the quarter ton behemoth as he sprints out of the room towards the smell of fresh, golden-brown bread and saucy goodness.
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