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MD45: Big Dave vs. Gordito

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Unscripted saw the unthinkable as Big Dave ended the career of Titus, retaining his EurAsian Championship in the process. Now he's got his rival out of the way, he focuses on competition in the form of Gordito, who's getting stronger and stronger by the week as he represents the recent wave of youth movements within WZCW. Will the up and comer be victorious where Titus will not or will Dave's dominance continue to reign?

Deadline for RPs is Tuesday 14th September 23:59 EST
[We open to the roof of "The Sludge Pit" just after dawn. We see the back of a man sitting in a lawn chair quietly and slowly enjoying the cigarette in his left hand. The skyline casts an orange glow around him, but through it we can see his relaxed mohawk. There is another lawn chair sitting next to him, empty. In the distance, steps can be heard approaching. The man in the lawn chair doesn't seem to notice, however. The steps grow closer and closer until they stop suddenly, followed by the sound of a door opening. As the door closes, the silhouette of another man steps into view from behind the man in the chair.]

Visitor: So this is where you're hiding.

[The man in the chair finally seems to take notice. He turns his head slightly to to his right. He seems like he was expecting a guest.]

Man in chair: Pssh...I'm not hiding, Boss. Just enjoying the view. My dad always woke me up so early.

[The man in the chair takes another drag from his cigarette as the visitor approaches the him casually.]

I mean, he was a military type, he had a reason for it. But man did I hate it. Until the day I realized why he would do it.

[The man in the chair finally turns completely to greet his guest. As he turns, we can see it is Gordito.]

Gordito: Usually, the morning is the only time of day that can't be ruined by assholes. Have a seat, Boss.

[We change angles to see Gordito from the front. He is wearing his red robe, ratty blue jeans, and aviator sunglasses. He is not wearing a shirt. Behind him is the door leading to the stairway. Beside him is the visitor, now clear to us as Chuck Myles. He is wearing grey business slacks, a tan button up shirt, and a black leather blazer.]

Chuck: This isn't a bad piece of property, all things considered. The building itself is in decent shape, the neighborhood isn't wealthy but it isn't crime central either. It's close enough to the main streets to draw customers. I think you could run a decent business from here. Certainly not the worst place you could have found.

[Gordito turns back to facing the horizon, and us. He takes another drag from his cigarette.]

I knew this place would be perfect. I knew it from the first time I came here. It had life, it had vivacity...it had passion. All it needs is vision...direction...

Just like you.

[Gordito chuckles softly at this.]

I've got vision, baby.

Do you, Juan? Do you really?

[Gordito takes a last drag from his cigarette and stomps it out with his foot.]

Tell me then: what is your vision now? What is your direction?

[Gordito turns to face Chuck.]

My direction? I told you last time what I wanted! I told you I was going to beat Jones and Hammond and prove myself as the number one contender to Baez's title.

But you already beat Jones and Hammond, and you aren't getting that shot this week. What I meant was...

And what about The Crashin Movement? What about their war on Mayhem? I'm not done with Kurtesy, even if he's got the best of me twice now. He, and Holmes and...

You're only looking at the small picture about this...

THE SMALL PICTURE!? Is that what you came here to talk to me about? THE SMALL PICTURE!? That's the kind of crap I can't stand, Chuck. I can't stand the loud mouthed assholes filling up WZCW airwaves with their jokes about Mayhem Division being a training ground for losers and about us and our garbage wrestling lifestyle. I made a commitment to representing the Mayhem lifestyle, and if you think that's "too small of a picture"...

Are you telling me that you want to chase Baez's tail the rest of your career here?

Excuse me?

It's simple, really. I mean, I get it. I should have guessed that you two would hit it off so well. You're both like twin brother engines of destruction. But did you ever stop to think about whether a second coming of The KillJoy is necessary? We already have one, and trust me, one is more than enough. So I'll ask you again; are you really content to be second banana to Baez?

Is that a joke, Boss? I don't...

Or do you want something more? I know you came here looking for more than just the Mayhem Division.


Are you telling me that you didn't throughly enjoy meeting Everest in the ring for the first time?

[Gordito is now totally at a loss for words.]

Are you telling me that you didn't feel complete taking on Phoenix and Blade? Or that when it came down to you and Kurtesy at the last Ascension that you didn't feel joy?

[Gordito turns to face the horizon again.]

I know the boys I hire around here, Juan. I like to know what makes them tick. And I know what makes you tick. I know the insatiable appetite you have for competition. You crave it more than you do anything else. More than the violence, more than the rock and roll life, more than even the music.

You're....you're right, Chuck.

Of course I am. So back to my point: maybe it's time you moved on to greener pastures. You've been collecting energy for months now; how about we release some of it?

You're going to have to drop the cryptic nonsense around me, Boss. Cut out the crap and get to the point.

I think it's time you started competing on the next level. I think it's time that we cut you loose on a lot of the old guard around here. Nothing lasts forever.

[Chuck pauses and he too looks out towards the horizon.]

So much has changed already...

Titus...Hunter...and Vengeance...

[Chuck turns back towards Gordito.]

Now is the time for action. Now is the time to be bold. We're looking at a huge group of rookie applicants this week, and with the loss of those three and the on again-off again health status of Mr. Baller...

[Gordito turns to face Chuck.]

Wait, if he's alive...then whose head does..

...I have quite a few holes to fill higher up the ladder. This is the exciting new era of WZCW, and I expect great things from you in it.

[Gordito remains silent momentarily as he pulls out another cigarette and lights it up. He then turns back towards the horizon.]

So I drop Jones like a dead fish, and he picks up the next shot at Baez?

I'm not saying you can't ever come back to trying again against Baez. I'm just saying that it's time we increase your exposure. I think it's time the fans got more of The Dirty One.

Fine then, Boss. Give me a shot at Holmes, or even better, another one at Kurtesy.

I'll do you one better. I'll give you the most dominant champion in recent history.

[Gordito turns back towards Chuck.]

You don't mean...

Meltdown 45 this week. You. One on one vs the EurAsian Champion, Big Dave.

...You weren't joking.

Non-Title, of course. Is that a problem?

[A smirk crawls up Gordito's face.]

A problem? You putting me against Big Dave, the longest reigning champion in WZCW? Big Dave, the man who defeated and retired Titus? The last bastion of the rWo? I'd have a problem with that? ARE YOU KIDDING?!

[Gordito stands up and drops his cigarette half finished. He stomps it out with his foot while he turns towards the horizon again.]

Big Dave is the kind of opponent I dream about. He's dangerous; there's no doubt about that. But he's also vulnerable. He had a long long time to prepare for his fight with Titus. He'd spent the better part of his career focusing on Titus. He doesn't have that going against me. I'm new to him, unfamiliar. But I've watched everything he's been doing. I know his tricks. He can't counter the Meteor of War into a Stamp of Authority! And he can try using a low blow on me!

[Gordito turns back towards Chuck as he grabs his crotch with his right hand.]

These cojones are Mayhem tough!

[Chuck tilts his head to one side in an amused manner.]

So I take it that you approve of this match up?

[Gordito's face betrays a moment of doubt.]

What are you getting out of this, Boss? First you came to me out of nowhere to push me into the qualifying match at Ascension, and now you're here egging me on to "greener pastures". What gives? Why the interest?

Because, Juan, at the end of the day, I want what is good for business. I know I don't have the best reputation around here, and I know I've caused my fair share of problems. But I feel that at my core what I care about is WZCW. What I care about is making those fans happy, and keeping them hooked to our shows. And I've felt since I first saw you perform that you had that drive and passion I want in our superstars.

Whatever the case, I don't want you thinking you've bought any kind of loyalty from me. But...you're right. I'll do this, and I'll do this with a smile on my face.

[Gordito forms a fist with his left hand.]

I will march into Meltdown 45 and I will take it to Big Dave 100%. This is the new era of WZCW, and I represent the next generation of WZCW Superstar. I will not go down easy, and I will not back down. I hope Big Dave still has some heart and energy left in him after Unscripted because I will pick him apart if he shows up anything less than ready to fight.

[Chuck looks quite pleased with himself now.]

That's the spirit I want to see.

Just one thing, Chuck.

What's that?

Just remember this...remember that you asked for this. Later on down the line, when you are looking at the repair bills for each show we put on...when you are looking at the list of the cowards, liars, cheaters, and posers that we have around here that get put down by The Dirty One...well, Chuck, I just want you to remember that you asked for this. I want you to remember that it was you who came to me. You are unleashing me upon the rest of the roster. This is indeed a new era in WZCW, and I intend to grab this sucker by the horns, baby. The Dirty Train has arrived!

[A phone in Chuck's coat pocket rings. He checks the screen, and ignores the call but starts to stand up and prepare to leave.]

Mmm Hmm, well, I've got what I needed from you today. Keep up the great work and good luck with the renovations.

Thank you for the pep talk, Boss. Have fun and go crazy!

[The two shake hands, and then Chuck turns around to leave while Gordito turns to face the horizon with a big smile on his face as we fade to black.]
The office reception of the WZCW Headquarters is loud and busy as the receptionists and PR agents on the phone, answering calls and dictating conversations as by their daily life until the main door is opened and through it steps the EurAsian Champion Big Dave, wearing a suit and sunglasses and carrying his prized belt with him. The room goes silence for a moment as everyone’s eyes follow him walking through the office, heading to another corridor at the opposite side, once he’s there, everyone resumes back to normal. Down this corridor, Dave reaches a door, he’s about to knock but hesitates and opts to open it immediately, inside sits Vance Bateman writing out some paper work, he doesn’t look up as Dave walks in and sits in one of the chairs opposite the Ascension GM. Bateman finishes up, puts his pen down and looks immediately at the EurAsian Champion.

Bateman: As much as I would like to give a lecture about entering my office, what is it you wanted to see me for Dave?

Dave: Well Bateman, we got ourselves a situation here. I am now currently sitting here, five days gone since Unscripted, retaining my EurAsian Championship and ending the career of that miserable Titus. Yet, I still have nothing as an act of gratitude or some kind of reward to show for it. Your “buddy” Chuck has booked me against Gordito of all people! I am someone who should be in line for the World Heavyweight Champion at All or Nothing, but I get Gordito?! My question to you is, how are you going to sort it?

Bateman: Dave, as you know, the EurAsian Championship is contracted to Meltdown, so Chuck can book you as he likes.

That doesn’t answer my question, I am asking what you’re going to do about it? Clearly your partner fails to see in my potential, he can book me in whatever match he wants, but what are you going to do about my situation? You know it’s the right thing to do. Sure, you must be happy that you got rid of Vengeance and Titus in one night, but why let others suffer because those two made deals they couldn’t back out of? Effectively signing themselves to an early retirement, now comes for the rise of the righteous, a new movement ascending to the top of the company. And I don’t mean this “youth movement” that Gordito keeps going on about. Speaking of which, what is this movement about? I think I’ve seen Gordie move to the doughnut stand more than anywhere near championship gold, and don’t get me started on the Crashin guys!

Bateman: Dave, as much as your putdowns, albeit not usual from you, are always flattering to the rest of the roster, there isn’t anything that can change the situation you’re in. Simply put, you’re the EurAsian Champion and as by our rules, no Champion may challenge for another belt. We made certain of that after that mess at All or Nothing last year! There’s only one way out of this Dave and there is to lose the belt, whether you like it or not, it’s the only way you’ll ever have a chance of winning the big one!

Dave: That’s the thing…I heard word going round there’s some sort of special event going down this week, big announcement, rumours spreading, that you’re going to get a new contender by getting the best available to find your next cotender…

Bateman: Who told you that?

Dave: Just a couple of guys were saying about it, being announced or something on Meltdown.

Bateman: You heard wrong!

Dave: Whatever Vance, you can’t fool me. If this is indeed true then you know full well that to exclude me from that list is total tosh! What other choice do you have? Constantine? Showtime? Blade? Why not just offer Titus another contract and bring him back?! Fact is, you know and I know that I’m being screwed out of the shot I deserve, it’s a shame, you don’t want to lose another top star in such a short space of time…

Bateman: I will not fall to your threats!

Dave: I was referring to your boy Gordito, I mean, while he’s young and outputting, I have to take the frustrations that are building inside me out on someone, and unlike some people, I have too much respect for the management to lay a finger on them!

Bateman: All I will say is, I’ll consider your proposal, talk it through with Chuck. But I can’t promise anything.

Dave: Vance, thank you! That’s all I needed to hear. Now if you excuse me, I got a few things to do for this company, given that you lost a number of sponsors thanks to Titus’ reckless attitude in putting his career up. At least those guys had faith in me and this company!

Bateman: Please leave, I have another appointment due to happen soon.

Dave leaves the office with a smile on his face as he leaves Bateman’s office.


A few days later and we’re on a live webcast showing, Leon Kensworth is hosting.

Kensworth: Greetings Ladies and Gentleman, live on WZCW.com, it’s Crunch Time. This is the hour long broadcast where we look at certain situations going on in the WZCW at this current time but also get up and personal with the WZCW Stars themselves. With me at this time is the current longest reigning EurAsian Champion today, please welcome Big Dave.

Dave walks onto the set with his belt, wearing a polo top and jeans, looking very casual.

So Dave, thank you for joining us, I know that you’re not usually a man of big words but here you are.

Dave: I felt it was time for the fans to have some connection with me, given I took out their idol Titus, they have to have someone to look up to in their stead, so why not me?

Kensworth: A fair judgement, now I understand your time is limited so we’ll get to the questions now, on line one, we got Jason from Winnipeg, Canada. What’s your question Jason?

Jason: Hi Leon, hey Dave. Erm, my question is, what is your favourite match you’ve been in Dave?

Dave: A good question, while no doubt I’ve had a number of great matches in my time here, from defeating Titus, to Showtime in a two out of three falls match. I would have to say my favourite match, despite not being the victor, strange to hear I know, was the Ladder Match at All or Nothing last year, defending the Tag Team Championship with my buddy Ace against Second Coming. The highlight for me was giving Garth Black the Stamp of Authority off the top of the ladder, possibly the best time I’ve ever applied my finisher to anyone.

Kensworth: And a match that was quite history no doubt that always lives on in our minds. Hopefully All or Nothing will see similar to what happened last year.

Dave: Only with me being a victor this time!

Kensworth: One can only hope. Right, going to the emails next, we got Kim from Kansas City. She wants to know which current WZCW Star do you admire outside of yourself?

Dave: Hmm, an interesting question, I think there’s a couple of guys who I’d give a nod to, while I may not think highly of them, I do respect them, you got Austin Reynolds, the current Elite X Champion, he’s been on good form, I think my respect for him grew when he overcame Beckford in that Inferno Match. Another I’d say is Ty Burna, he came into the company and made his presence felt, he was the first EurAsian Champion, former Mayhem Champion and has been through two of the toughest matches ever and is now the World Heavyweight Champion. We haven’t officially faced off one on one, but I think if anything, you would want to see Ty Burna defend against Big Dave at All or Nothing, now while it be a shame to end his reign so early, it would be a match that would possibly even outdo the tension going into that match against Titus.

Kensworth: A shame we had to lose such a fine talent but that’s how things panned out. Got another call on line three, this is Ben from Jacksonville, Florida, what’s your question Ben?


Kensworth: Sometimes the odd ones get through. Line five, who’s on and what’s your question?

Caller: Hi, it’s Chris from New Jersey. I agree that it is your time to rise to face the World Champion, you’ve been tremendous this past year.

Dave: Well thank you, it’s nice to be admired by a fan.

Chris: Yeah, so, given that the EurAsian Championship is CLEARLY holding you back. What do you plan to do in order to complete your transition to the Main Event?

Dave: …Well Chris. It’s hard for me to say, naturally with every bit of success this Championship has given me, there is the drawback that I can’t challenge for the big one at this time. Well this Saturday at Meltdown, I plan on making a statement, firstly, I will make an example out of Gordito like I did against Titus, just to prove that he is right in not getting his hopes up when facing me. But also, I will be addressing this situation further because Chuck Myles and Vance Bateman will be watching and Gordito is just a man who was in the right place at the wrong time, in the ring when I need to vent a little frustration. And it’s not going to stop once the three count is done, it’s not going to stop at Gordito. I will spend every week, every show making my point clear that Big Dave is coming for the World Heavyweight Championship, with the EurAsian Championship around my waist or not, I plan to run this place down until my demands are met and I get my shot and become the World Heavyweight Champion.

Usually I am a man of so few words but the frustration has built over time and I will now make it clear to the locker room of the WZCW that my time has come and there is no one that will be able to stop me. Titus tried and failed, he’s gone, he’s not coming back! I implore you all to pray that you are not my next opponent because you will be just a victim for the cause. Gordito, you better be a praying man because Meltdown 45, you will know the full meaning of my frustration because you will become the next step for me to becoming the Champion. It was nice knowing you!

There’s an air of silence around the studio as everyone is shocked by what Dave has had to say.

Kensworth: Errr…I see you’re done now Dave. Thank you for being with us and good luck in your match on Meltdown…

Dave walks off with an aggressive look remaining on his face.

Coming up on the show, we’ll be showing you an insight into how pyros work, and there’s also a competition to win signed gear, including the new WZCW Thumb Wrestling kit that just got released today!
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