MD44: Gordito vs. Chris Jones vs. Scott Hammond

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Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
All three of these men were involved with men in the center of the Mayhem Title controversy last week. Gordito was unable to overcome the challenge of Dr. Steven Kurtesy, Chris Jones defeated Baez with the help of a distraction from Doug Crashin's music, and Scott Hammond lost to Steven Holmes. In a triple threat that is almost guaranteed to be extremely unpredictable, who will come out on top?

Deadline is Tuesday 10th August 23:59 EST
*camera cuts to a backstage hallway. Leon Kensworth walks into the frame to find, to his surprise, Baez, Gordito, John Constantine, Dr. Steven Kurtesy and Doug Crashin all gathered outside of Chuck Myles' office*

Kensworth: Uh...hey guys....what're you all doing here?

Gordito: No idea, man. Someone just left me a note back at my place, telling me to come here as soon as possible.

Crashin: Which is really weird, because I got the same thing while I was out promoting the Crashin Movement.

Constantine: So, you were going out and begging for attention while leaving your front door unlocked? That's really sad.

Crashin: Hey! The Crashin Movement is NOT about attention!

Constantine: I'm sure it's not.

Kensworth: So...I take it you got a note too, Mr. Constantine?

Constantine: YES I got a note too, obviously! Good God man, use some common sense! You could at least try to be smarter than Crashin here.

Crashin: Why you-

*Crashin starts to move towards Constantine, but is stopped by Kurtesy*

Kurtesy: Now, now, Doug. You know as well as I do that he isn't worth the effort.

Kensworth:, why would you guys be called here, specifically? The only connection you guys really have is-

Jones: -is that they're all connected to the Mayhem Title thief.

*the camera swerves around to show Chris Jones walking down the hallway, usual wide grin on his face*

Jones: Well, gentlemen, I'm so glad you could all-ACK!

*Jones was quickly cut off by Baez lunging at him, grabbing him by his coat and pinning him against the nearest wall*

Baez: I should slap your teeth out of your face for that cheap-ass stunt you pulled last week, Jones!

Jones: Hey, what happened was perfectly legal! In case you forgot, it was no-DQ. Not my fault you couldn't handle the conditions.

Baez: I was kicking your ass all over the ring! You couldn't even see straight! You expect me to buy into the idea that you deserved that win?

Jones: Did I say to you "hey, look, Crashin's the thief"? No, you looked of your own volition, got distracted and subsequently beat down. Besides, you do anything to me now, and you're never going to find out who the real thief is.

*Baez hesitates for a moment, then lets Jones go, allowing Kensworth to nudge his way in between them*

Kensworth: Wait, wait a minute...Mr. Jones, are you trying to say that you know the identity of the thief?

Jones: *adjusts his overcoat* Pretty much. Taking everything into account-

Constantine: Um, excuse me?

Jones: *looks at Constantine* What?

Constantine: Who're you again?

Jones: ...The Savior, Chris Jones.

Constantine: Oh, right. Sorry, I tend to have problems recognizing those whose losses outweigh their wins.

Jones: know Constantine, if you really wanted to make an enemy out of me, an easier option would've been to just paint "HATE ME" on your back.

Kensworth: Uh, gentlemen? The issue at hand...

Jones: Ah, right.

*Jones walked up to Chuck Myles' office door and knocked. Myles opened the door and poked his head out*

Jones: Hi, may we come in?

Myles: Obviously n-

Jones: Great. Excuse me.

*Jones edged his way into Myles' office, despite his protests, the others not far behind him*

Jones: Now that everyone is here-

Myles: In MY office!

Jones: Mr. Myles, I thought you'd be a little more grateful. I'm about to reveal who the Mayhem Title thief is.

Myles: Oh, is that so?

*Myles then walked over to his desk and sat behind it*

Myles: By all means, reveal away.

Jones: Gladly.

*Jones then starts pacing up and down the office in between the wrestlers and Myles*

Jones: Now, the reason I called you five in particular is because you five and I all have something in common: We have either accused someone of being the thief, or have been accused of the thievery ourselves. The thing is, as I am obviously better than that as the Savior of society and the people of the world-

*Gordito lets out a snort while Kurtesy rolls his eyes. Baez crosses his arms and taps his foot impatiently*

Jones: obviously, I'm not the thief. Now, the rest of you are guilty of many things. Being mindless, violent sociopaths-

*Jones points at Baez and Gordito, who glare at him in response*

Jones: -or wannabe psychiatric wizards-

*Jones points at Kurtesy, who just gives a smug grin*

Jones: -or unoriginal, untalented hacks who rip off the first idea that looks good-

*Jones points at Constantine and Crashin, who simply scoff and glare at him, respectively*

Jones: -but being thieves? I doubt it.

*Jones resumes pacing*

Jones: Let's trace things back to the first one accused, Dr. Kurtesy. After giving it some thought, I realized that it was just too easy. Kurtesy may not be the brain surgeon he claims to be, but he isn't an idiot. He wouldn't be stupid enough to leave a note with his catchphrase on it at the scene of the crime. No, someone must've framed him.

Gordito: What about you, Jones? In case you forgot, you were accused too, right after Kurtesy, in fact.

Jones: Well, as I already proved, my car a) was stolen, and b) wouldn't have my own name on the license plate. The other bit of evidence, oddly enough, came from you, Gordito. You yourself said that if I wanted the Mayhem Title so badly, I would beat Baez for it, so I could rub it in everyone's face. And the truth is, Gordito, you're right. I would want to do it that way. Yanking the title out from under Baez's non-existent nose wouldn't prove anything. It would have no significance, and without significant victories, the message I'm trying to send is lost. So, thank you, Gordito, for inadvertently helping my case.

*Gordito looks at Jones strangely, who continues on*

Jones: The next accused was Doug Crashin, and this one was obviously a frame-up. Doug wouldn't be smart enough to throw us off the trail for so long, then have masked hitmen attack Baez while announcing himself. He might have help to do this, but Kurtesy was already ruled out as a suspect, and no one else would've helped Crashin if their lives depended on it.

Crashin: Why does everyone assume I'm an idiot anyway?!

Jones: ...because you are?

Crashin: What the hell makes you think that?!

Jones: You ripped off my idea and you're trying to make yourself popular with it.

Crashin: Wow, how's that for arrogant? What makes you think I ripped the idea off from you?

Jones: ...because you did?

Crashin: That's not an answer!

Constantine: Children, please! If you don't mind, I have something I need to do, so could you please wrap this up?

Jones: Anyway, after the attack last week, I started asking myself questions. But then I realized that I forgot to ask the most obvious question of all: Who benefits? It's the first question that one should ask when investigating a crime. "Who would benefit from this event?" So I started wondering what there is to be gained from stealing a title and sending us all into a wild goose chase, other than holding the title itself. And from there, the answer was obvious.

*Jones stops pacing, facing the wrestlers*

Jones: Ladies and gentlemen, meet...

*Jones then turns around and points at Chuck Myles*

Jones: ...the real thief.

*the room is silent for a few moments as the accusation sinks in. Soon, Myles moves his feet off of the desk and leans forward*

Myles: Jones, have you finally lost your last marble?

Jones: Sorry, sir, but it makes perfect sense. With the Mayhem Title gone, the fans are all tuning in, hoping that this week, they'll find out who the thief is. More fans watching means more revenue, and more revenue means more money, which I know is all you care about. You have the camera equipment to film your skits to frame people, you have access to our theme songs, you have the money to hire hitmen, it all fits! It was a smart plan, but unfortunately for you, not smart enough.

*Myles glares at Jones for a moment, then starts clapping*

Myles: Well, Jones, I must say, you can put on an entertaining spectacle. One small but ever-so-important question, though: Where's your proof?

Jones: ...excuse me?

Myles: You heard me. The proof. Where's the footage of me using the car, or the footage of me hiring those men? Or better yet, where's the footage of me holding the Mayhem Title belt?

*Jones doesn't answer, glaring a hole into Myles*

Myles: Of course you don't have it. So, basically, you came in here and shot your mouth off, even though you have nothing to back yourself up. But then again, that's not surprising. After all, that's all you're good at.

*Jones starts to grit his teeth, hands already clenched into fists on Myles' desk*

Myles: Exactly. You're all dismissed.

*Constantine yawns and leaves the room, Kurtesy, Kensworth, Crashin and Baez behind him, Baez shooting Myles a suspicious glare before doing so*

Myles: Jones, Gordito, you stay here.

*Gordito blinks, then walks forward, standing beside Jones*

Myles: Jones, I don't like how you viciously accused me of such a heinous act in front of everyone. So, as punishment, you two will be facing Scott Hammond in a Triple Threat match on Meltdown this week.

Gordito: Wait, why me? What'd I do?

Myles: I know that you two don't like each other, so I know you'll gladly beat the crap out of Jones here.

*Myles then leans back, ignoring Gordito's glare*

Myles: NOW you may leave.

*Jones turns and marches out, Gordito following him, slamming the door behind him. He then turns and glares at Jones*

Gordito: Well, I hope you're happy with yourself now.

Jones: Actually, I am.

Gordito: Oh really? And why is that?

Jones: That just proves that I am right. He had to pretend I was wrong so as to throw me off the trail. It's so obvious it's sad, really.

Gordito: You're absolutely hopeless. Just last week you were going on about how people refuse to accept the truth and here you are doing the same thing.

Jones: That's different. I provided solid proof that I was innocent and people didn't listen. Same situation here.

Gordito: So you totally believe that Myles is behind this?

Jones: You believe that he isn't?

Gordito:'s a possibility, I'll give you that. But just because you came up with a possibility doesn't mean it's the right one.

Jones: It's the only one that actually works.

Gordito: Man, what is with you? You're not right all of the time! No one is! Just because YOU think he's the culprit doesn't mean he is! Just because YOU think something is right doesn't mean everyone else should!

Jones: So I'm wrong in that society has gone into the shitter and that it needs to have someone come along and fix things?

*Gordito throws his hands up in the air and walks past Jones, Jones following him*

Jones: Oh, of course you wouldn't think that. You don't just sit in the dirt, you revel in it. You're smack in the middle of the worst society has to offer and you enjoy every minute of it. No wonder I can't stand you.

Gordito: God, now I'm actually looking forward to this Triple Threat, just so I can shut you up.

Jones: You, shut ME up? You obviously don't know me as well as you think.

Gordito: Yeah, you'll just keep yakking on and on and on, no matter what happens to you. I thought Scott Hammond would've taught you a little humility, but clearly I was mistaken.

Jones: Hammond? Are you serious? The man is a walking ego and you expect him to teach anyone, let alone me, humility? Do you know anything about who you're talking about?

Gordito: Do you? Hammond actually earned his spot in Mayhem and you think that he's egotistical?

Jones: And I've earned nothing, right? If Hammond is so great, he can go get the Elite X or Eurasian Title or whatever. Sad part is that he realizes that he can't match up and is, in truth, mediocre, just like the rest of the Mayhem wrestlers. Hence, he hangs around here to fool himself into thinking he's worth something.

Gordito: You know, "Mayhem wrestlers" would include you, since you're fighting for that title.

*Gordito pulls away from Jones and walks down the hallway, but Jones keeps shouting to him*

Jones: I see the problem here. You and everyone else think I just talk and talk, that I don't actually do anything and just like to hear my own voice. But you'll see. You'll see that I'm right about Myles, and therefore, right about everything else too! And that'll be the sweetest justice of all!

*camera fades to black as Jones turns and walks away*
(The scene fades into a small green. Children can be seen playing on a rusty climbing frame. A man can be seen walking down the road from the green and past the children. The children can be seen play-wrestling as one of the children breaks off and walks over to the man. The man is Scott Hammond)

Child: Hey mister, your a wrestler aren't you? I've seen you on TV.

Scott Hammond: Yes, yes I am. I wrestle for WZCW.

Child: Yeah that's right. I saw you lose last week to that man, Steven Holmes.

Scott Hammond: Yeah but he did cheat.

Child: I guess, do you reckon I could become a wrestler one day?

Scott Hammond: Its hard work, but I don't see why not.

(Just then, a WZCW camera crew show up and begin setting up near the green)

Scott Hammond: Now kid, I gotta go shoot an interview for this coming week, you kids run along now okay?

Child: Yes sir

(With that, the children run away and the camera crew set up a chair in the middle of the green. Hammond sits down and the cameraman counts down from 5 to being on air)

Scott Hammond: This area is the area that I grew up in. This very green is the green that I used to play-wrestler with my old friends in. We had some fun times. I used to play football just behind me over near the garages, and one time we even brought a ladder down here to have a ladder match for a foam world title that I had brought the previous week. But one thing used to really bug me about play wrestling with my friends. They used to cheat. All the time. I used to get so mad that I didn't want to play anymore. After last week on Meltdown, those same feelings arose. Although, there is no 'playing' in this line of work.

(Hammond re-adjusts himself and puts his head down)

Scott Hammond: Now despite all of the Mayhem Title controversy that my opponent seems to be involved in, last week, on Meltdown, I tasted defeat. Defeat to a man who deserves absolutely nothing. Now I have always been one for getting what you can at all costs, but last week, Steven Holmes took the piss. I don't usually do sit down interviews, but I felt that after last week, I needed to talk directly to those involved with me last week and the forthcoming week.

(Hammond takes off a pair of shades that he was wearing and stares directly into the camera)

Scott Hammond: Last week Steven, you got real lucky. I was readying you for London's Calling, a move so devastating that you would not have got up. But instead you chose to take the low road and roll me up and put both of your feet on the ropes for leverage. Your scum, and if you think I am done with you, then my friend you are sorely mistaken. I will not forgive or forget and sooner or later Steven karma is going to come back and bite you right on the arse. Now I have never been one to make excuses, and, in the record books it will go down as a loss on my record. That I will just have to accept. But we WILL meet again, and when the time comes I will make sure I take you out!

(Hammond then pulls out a little piece of paper with the card for next weeks Meltdown on it)

Scott Hammond: And so we come to this week on Meltdown, where I have a triple threat match against Chris Jones and Gordito.

(Hammond lets out a little smile before continuing)

Scott Hammond: Chris Jones. How is it that a man with such little talent manages to overcome the true Mayhem Champion Baez? Oh that's right, the same way that Steven Holmes beat me. By way of a distraction. You are a man unworthy of defeating Baez. I had already taken you out the week before. Defeating you one-on-one I thought would rid me of you once and for all. I guess I was wrong. So it looks like I will be across the ring from you again come Meltdown and prepare for a little deja-vu. Just a small note Chris, I chose to come back to the Mayhem Division, because this division doesn't create character, it shows it. And unfortunately Chris, you have none. When I am ready, I will move up the ranks of this organisation, but until my business with punks like you are finished, I am staying put. Now Gordito, I saw you give a good account of yourself last week on Meltdown. I saw Steven Kurtesy take you to the limit. I also saw him damn near break your arm before you tapped. You got a lot of resiliency Gordito, and for that, you have my respect. You and I haven't really locked horns here in WZCW yet, and I for one am looking forward to seeing you across the ring. And anyone who was trained by the great Hector Guererro deserves all that they achieve in the world of pro wrestling. But putting aside all the respect, and the controversy surrounding the Mayhem Title, I intend on putting on a wrestling clinic. Jones, you have seen how dominant I can be, and for you Gordito, as good as you are, I intend on out-wrestling you come Meltdown, and then I will do my bit to sort out this whole Mayhem Title mess.

(Hammond gets up, puts his shades back on and walks away as the scene fades to black)
[The camera opens to the exterior of The Sludge Pit during the daytime. As we enter the doors, we find Gordito and Rebecca Serra already in conversation. Gordito is wearing some green camouflage shorts and a black WZCW t-shirt and some grey sneakers while Serra is dressed in slightly more formal attire: a grey pantsuit with fine stripes and a violet blouse. Her hair is put up. They are standing amongst over turned tables in the center of the main room.[/quote]

Gordito: ...and so, if you look in the back there, you can see where we already started expanding the stage. I wanna put some more booths along the side and get rid of the tables on the floor here there's more room for a pit.

[As he's talking, Gordito motions towards the back, where the booths alongside the back wall have been removed and the stage has been taken apart some and expanded sideways. Construction equipment is strewn about on the floor around the area.]

Becky: That so cool, Gordito! Any idea on how long before this place will be open again?

About a month, at least. I'm kinda taking my time with it, but there's also permits to get, and blah blah blah official stuff that I don't really want to go into right now.

[As he's talking, Gordito moves to behind the bar area. As he finishes talking, he reaches down and produces a beer from behind the counter. Before he opens it, he looks up at Becky.]

You want one?

Oh, no thanks. I still have to get back to the offices for some tapings and other work. But speaking of the office, I did have some things to ask you about.

Can't be all pleasure, I suppose. Go ahead, Becky.

[Gordito opens his beer and takes a hearty swig.]

How are you feeling after last week? You told Kurtesy to bring his best, and he certainly pushed to you the limits. Did you get any of the answers you want out of him?

Becky, I can't lie, I'm a little disappointed. I really thought I was going to come up with another win on Ascension. But you're right; he did what I asked of him. So I'll take these lumps, and learn my lessons from it. Next time I cross paths with Kurtesy, it'll be a whole different story. As far as my answers go...

[Gordito takes another swig of his beer.]

...I'm still certain that Kurtesy is up to something. As far as whether or not it concerns the Mayhem belt or not, I can't say. But he's a man that knows how to keep his cards close to the chest, baby. There's likely all kinds of secrets and truths that he's not telling. It's just in my nature to rub men like him the wrong way. I've still got my eye on him and Crashin, but after last week I have start back over at square one.

We're all stumped about this one, Gordito. No one knows where the belt is, or who is responsible for all of this. Last week on Meltdown, Baez was confronted by three masked imitators, one of whom possessed the belt!

[Gordito finds a stool behind the counter, and sits on it with his feet up on the bar. He takes one last swig of his beer before he finishes it, and tosses it aside. He reaches down and grabs another one and opens it.]

I said it last week to Stacey, some nutty stuff is going down around here. Is it Constantine? Baez certainly seems to have a problem with the guy, but aside from being a total weasel, what has he done to draw accusations beyond just showing up here? I mean, I guess...

[Gordito takes a lengthy swig from his beer.]

...I guess he's done no more than Kurtesy has. We're a long way from that note at the ladder match, and I'm open to the idea that someone else has the belt. So maybe I'm going about this all wrong...

[Gordito takes a quick swig of his beer, and then sudddenly stands up and slams the can onto the counter.]

Maybe chasing leads around isn't the best idea anymore. Baez is still hot on the trail, and if he needs any help taking on the thieves, he knows he can come to me. But now, what I need to do is demonstrate my dedication to Mayhem by remaining at the top of the division. I need to show that The Dirty One is next in line for the Mayhem Title. And I've got the perfect match for that this week.

Chris Jones and Scott Hammond. Both were in the 6-man ladder match back at Apocalypse for the Mayhem title. Both are hungry to make their mark and build up momentum to the next pay per view, Unscripted.

Let me do the nice thing first: I was a little dismissive of Hammond back at Apocalypse. I was excited and ready for the big match, and looking back on it, he's as respectful as he is talented. I won't make that mistake again. Now that I've had some time to appreciate his work, I know that I've got my work cut out for me. A former champion is an excellent test of my abilities, and a perfect opponent to gather some momentum off of. Of course, that's if I can beat him, and that's only if I can deal with Jones as well.

[Gordito reaches down to grab another beer, sits back down, and opens it.]

And Jones. Chris Jonesy, the savior. He messaged me just earlier today, asking me to meet him at the offices later this week. I can't imagine what it's about, but if it's his idea, I'm sure it involves pointing out just why he's better than us and what we've been doing wrong this whole time. You wanna know what I think about Jones?

[Gordito lets out a floor shaking belch, and then takes a swig of beer.]

I think he talks out of his ass more than I do. I think he's as far removed from what I stand for than any one person can be. I think he's a sheltered lonely sad little man with no life beyond his short sighted scheming and his megalomania. In spite of all of this crap, I want to respect the guy. But he makes it so damn difficult.

You guys have already got some history between you, despite both being fairly new to WZCW.

I expect we will continue to butt heads for a long long time, Becky. But before Apocalypse, I won our last meeting in the ring, and I'm going to win this time as well. Triple threat, baby, a multi man melee. It's been a little while, but I've already proven that I'm quite capable in that kind of match. In fact, may I remind you that before the lights went out, I was already on my way towards winning the Mayhem Championship and these two had been dealt with. I don't mind losing last week too much, Becky, but I'm not going to let it start being a pattern.

I hope not. Anyway, I should get going now. It's good to see you, Gordito. Let me know when you get this place opened.

[Gordito comes from behind the counter to escort Becky out as we fade to black.]
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