MD43: Steven Holmes vs. Scott Hammond

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
The two Brits face off this week as both men try to move on from the events of Apocalypse, will both men's mentality be focused on the job at hand or will the missing belt still play a role in their minds? Only one victor looks to stand amongst these two, and Holmes is looking confident after his victory of Jordan Lights last week.

Deadline is Tuesday 27th July 23:59 EST
We open in Vance Bateman’s office. It is rather plain. There are a couple of plants around as well as a nice old wooden desk. There are a couple of pictures on the desk as well as a phone and a computer. There appear to be sticky notes also on the desk. Bateman himself is sat in the office on the phone.

Bateman: No...yeah, I get it. It’s just I see it that way too. Okay I’ll talk later, bye.

Bateman puts the phone down. He begins to write something down on a sticky note when there is a knock at the door.

Bateman: Enter!

The door opens and Steven Holmes enters. Holmes is dressed in a suit and has sunglasses on. There is still a small cut above his eye from the Ladder Match at Apocalypse, but the rest of his injuries have healed nicely. He’s got a huge grin on his face.

Holmes: Mr. Bateman, I believe you called me?

Bateman stops writing on the sticky note and sticks it to his computer. He begins to focus on Holmes.

Bateman: Yes, I did. Take a seat.

Holmes sits down, the grin still plastered across his face.

Bateman: I’m sure you’re aware as to why I called you here.

Holmes: Oh I think I know.

Bateman: Well then--

Holmes: You’ve called me here to tell me that I’ll be competing for a shot at the World Heavyweight Championship against Titus right?

Bateman has a look of confusion.

Bateman: What?

Holmes: Oh come on, after what you said on Ascension this past week, you said, and I quote: ‘The other match I haven't truly decided on but it will be Titus against someone who's just as elite as he is’. I figured it out from the subtle clue you left in there.

Bateman: What clue?

Holmes: You know: ‘just as elite as he is’! It’s obvious if you think about it, after all I am ‘The Elite’ Steven Holmes!

Bateman: Sorry to disappoint you Holmes but you’re not who I have in mind. Titus is facing Ty this week for a shot at the gold.

Holmes’ face drops from huge grin to a look of anger. Bateman begins a slight chuckle but stops after noticing how angry Holmes is. Holmes’ anger disappears and as he ponders something.

Holmes: Then what am I doing here?

Bateman: You’re here to help assist in the investigation of the missing Mayhem Championship.

Holmes is annoyed by the idea that he would be a suspect in the belt’s disappearance.

Holmes: You’re concerned about the Mayhem Championship? Shouldn’t you be more concerned about Vengeance?

Bateman shoots a look of displeasure at Holmes whose face has turned into a cocky smile.

Holmes: Regarding the Mayhem Championship, you saw the match, yes? Well then you would have noticed that I was buried under a pile of chairs along with suspect number two Chris Jones. But then again, that won’t stop you from suspecting me; after all it didn’t stop you from suspecting Jones. I mean, clearly it’s not beyond me. Just because I was out doesn’t mean I didn’t hire someone to take the belt for me, after all I have money. I also have the ability to arrange for someone to steal Jones’ car, but most of all; I have the intellect to pull this off!

Bateman shoots Holmes a serious look, almost asking the question of ‘did you do it?’

Holmes: BUT (!) I didn’t do it. As I’ve said before, I’m not as low as to pursue a belt that looks like it’s been glued together and stuck down with sellotape. I’m not a common crook. And besides, I’m not the only person on the roster who has the kind of resources to pull off this stunt. Someone like, oh I don’t know, Doug Crashin or Constantine could have easily done it.

Bateman analyses the response quickly and nods hesitantly as if to agree with the answer given.

Bateman: That makes sense I suppose. I also have to ask you about some of the other talent on the roster, first off The Crashin Movement; anything going on between the three of you I need to know?

Holmes re-adjusts himself in the chair and leans forward almost as if his calm demeanour has oozed away.

Holmes: What, you think because I hold a two minute conversation with them that I have some sort of problem with them? Look, Crashin was doing his usual shtick of trying to get me to give money to his ‘cause’. Fact is, he doesn’t know what to do with his money. He wasn’t taught how to use it like I was. He’s a lone wolf howling in the night, with no answer. As for Kurtsey, he thinks something seems lost about me? Well he’d be right, I was searching, painfully, for my first victory and it came against Jordan Lights.

Bateman: Speaking of Lights, I need to ask you about him. You seems pretty content to keep that sleeper of yours locked on. I hope we don’t see something like that again, you could have hurt him and not only you but WZCW could have been liable.

Holmes: Oh please, he was fine. If I was seriously going to injure him, I would have done a lot more than left that sleeper on! Fact is, what you saw was a new fire, a new determination, to get the victory. That was my first victory in WZCW and it’s all part of my grander plan to leave a legacy within this company. I will make sure that no one forgets the name of Steven Holmes. It’s the beginning of a new era in WZCW and I hope my next victim is prepared for that and much more. Speaking of my next victim, if it isn’t Titus, then who is it?

Bateman picks a paper off of his desk and glances over it before picking out Holmes’ name.

Bateman: You’re facing Scott Hammond.

Holmes: Hammond? You mean that pleb who gave me a cheap shot in the ladder match at Apocalypse? I haven’t had the opportunity to repay him for that but now he’s going to know why they call me ‘The Elite’. Hammond is a man who thinks that because he’s worked his way up from the dirt in which he was born that he deserves respect and power, well he deserves neither of those things. Hammond has yet to prove to me that he belongs in the same ring as a master such as myself. He may be a two time Mayhem Champion but his reigns were short and unmemorable, much like his career will be.

Bateman: Are you threatening a fellow employee?

Holmes stands up and brushes himself off and approaches the desk of Bateman. He leans over it. He is inches away from Bateman’s face when he stops. A sinister grin stretches across his face and he looks Bateman dead in the eye.

Holmes: Of course not Vance, I’m merely making conversation.

Holmes gets up and exits while retaining his grin.

Holmes: I’ll see you soon Vance.

The door closes as Holmes exits. End Scene.
(The scene fades into a large, very organised garden with many people dressed in their finest suite and party wear. There is a man with a manacle standing sipping on a glass of champagne with his much younger wife, conversing with a group of high class entrepreneurs. They can be seen laughing and joking)

Man: ...And so I said 'of course you can't, your working class

(With that, the small group of people burst into laughter, and as the laughter fades, a faint clap can be heard, the small group of people turn their attention to a lone figure a few feet from them sitting with his back to them on a steel chair. He is dressed in a black suit, and stands, turning around on the back of the chair, it is Scott Hammond. He walks up to the small group, cigar in hand)

Scott Hammond: You know, I've never really seen the fun in these little functions. I mean, you come here, get a little merry and probably do something that tomorrow morning your going to regret. Sound's like every college party I went to. But really, I want to know, where is the alcohol?

Man: Well the only alcohol is the champagne.

Scott Hammond: (Open mouthed) so your telling me that there's no beer? What is your name?

Man: Geoffrey.

Scott Hammond: Well Geoffrey, for every party to be successful you need beer. It makes ugly women look good, trust me.

(Hammond then stares down a rather unattractive girl)

Scott Hammond: Beer makes girls like her look good.

Geoffrey: That's my wife.

(Hammond stand there for a moment before speaking)

Scott Hammond: Oh. Oh well, damage is done. Listen, do any of you guys watch pro wrestling? WZCW?

(Everyone within the group shakes their head)

Scott Hammond: None of you? And Steven Holmes associates with these people. Hey look Geoffry...

Geoffrey: I think you should, get out you lower class scum!

(Scott Hammond's smile disappears as Geoffrey finishes speaking. His face slowly turning angry. Geoffrey now looking chuffed at standing up to Hammond is in his face. Hammond delivers a swift kick to the gut and delivers a devastating powerbomb through a picnic table. The rest of the guests scatter as Hammond stands over Geoffrey in triumph)

Scott Hammond: Now I don't class myself as an angry man but when you push me that far that quickly, you deserved what you got.

(Hammond now stares at the camera)

Scott Hammond: Last week I gave Chris Jones a lesson on Meltdown. The first member of the ladder match at Apocalypse that I have had to take down a notch one-on-one. I hand it to you Chris, you gave me a good match, but in the end, I am a thinking mans wrestler, and I out-thought you on Meltdown. I am a master technician and I would like to think that you now have a new found respect for me. It now seems that we have some unfinished business in the Mayhem Division. And, I'm not going to point the finger at Chris Jones here, anyone could have set him up, although, it does seem a little strange. But hey Chris, don't worry, I'm leaving you in the very capable hands of Baez in a no-DQ match next week. Good luck with that. I'm sure if you do have anything to do with the stolen title, that Baez will get it out of you.

(Geoffrey is starting to come to and begins to wriggle. Hammond looks down unimpressed and stiff kicks him to the head. He lays back down)

Scott Hammond: So I guess that brings me to ladder competitor number two, Mr Steve Holmes. Now before I start, I cannot believe that you can stand five minutes in a room filled with people like Geoffrey here. I mean there's being up yourself and then there is this. You my friend have my sympathy. Now I know you have a little chip on your shoulder because of the cheap shot I got in on you at Apocalypse, but news flash, it was a ladder match! My title reigns short and unmemorable? Well lets see, I have two title reigns, and you Much like my career hey? Sounds like a threat to me. I don't take too kindly to threats either. You see Steven, you have a very regal look on things here in WZCW, much like I did at one point, but you lack the knowledge in the ring that I have. I intend on tactically outclassing you on Meltdown. I am going to make you look very foolish. You care so much about looking down your nose at people that you don't really stop to realise that your hated by everyone. Come Meltdown and I am going to twist and contort your body in ways that you have only seen in horror movies. Sure, you have quite an arsenal of moves at your disposal, but I am the 'English Enigma' and if you think for one second that I am going to lay down for an aristocratic prat such as yourself you my friend are in for a very big shock. You may be living your dream working for WZCW Steven, but come Meltdown, I am going to turn it into a nightmare.

(With that, Hammond releases his foot from the chest of Geoffrey. He bends down and picks up a cracker with a little bit of caviar on it and places it in his mouth before promptly spitting it back out)

Scott Hammond: JESUS! Why can't you people just stick to eating hot dogs!

(Hammond then walks off as the screen fades to black)
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