MD43: Baez vs. Chris Jones - No Disqualifications

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Despite his protests and evidence regarding the mysterious car that had the license plate 'J0N3S' that drove off with the Mayhem Championship last week. Chuck Myles has deemed it necessary to make sure that remains true as he's paired up Jones against Mayhem Champion Baez, who is still without his belt and will no doubt be carrying the same fire he had last week against the Crashin Movement. Will a potentially innocent man leave in one piece or will the Champion continue to let his rage spread throughout the roster?

Deadline is Tuesday 27th July 23:59 EST
The scene opens in a McDonalds in Puerto Rico at night where we see Baez and Alisha sitting in a table. Baez has his hands together holding his head. You can almost sense the anger he has due to not having his Mayhem Championship. Meanwhile Alisha eats some french fries. In the meantime a small line can be seen in the corner of the scenery as customers line up to order their meals.

Customer: I want a McBurger Supreme. No pickles, no tomatoes, no mustard and add McSauce. Add a 4 piece nuggets and some mozzarella sticks.

Cashier: Will the meal be for here or to go?

Customer: Here.

Baez remains with his steady look of frustration but the camera does not move. Becky Serra's voice can be heard in the background as she speaks in a very low volume.

Becky Serra: ...come on... something...

A customer with a beer comes in.

Drunk Customer: Yo! I wanna burger.

Cashier: What kind of burger sir?

Drunk Customer: Da kind with meat on it. Duh!

Becky Serra: ...oh boy... Baez might snap...

Baez is perfectly still as Alisha eats her french fries, but he then turns him head directly towards the camera.

Baez: Let me ask you, Becky. How much did the tickets to get you and the cameraman here cost you?

Becky: ...oh... um... About 250 each.

Baez: Does the price include a return flight?


Baez: Hotel rooms?

Becky: ...About... umm... I think it was 120 a night.

Baez: Same room for both or separate?

Becky: Separate. He's an intern.

Baez: Poor guy...

Drunk Customer: Hey, Batman. Who you talkin' to? The pretty girl over there?

Baez: Beer isn't allowed in here.

Drunk Customer: So?

Baez: Get rid of it.

Drunk Customer: No. I don't need to listen to some geek in a mask. And that bitch needs to hurry up with my food.

Baez: If you're in such a hurry, you should've gone home and cook something. Or buy something at whatever stupid bar you were drinking at, you piece of garbage.

Drunk Customer: You're ugly and who the hell are you anyway?

Baez gets up and clenches his fists very tightly.

Baez: Becky... Turn the camera off.

Becky: But..

Baez: Do it. Now!

Becky: But...

Baez: I'll take care of it, just shut it off.

Drunk Customer: You little shit.

The drunken customer begins to walk towards the embittered Baez as the camera is turned off.
*camera cuts to backstage where both Leon Kensworth and Becky Serra are standing, arguing*

Kensworth: No way, I'm not talking to him. You talk to him.

Serra: Why do I have to talk to him? He always talks to you, you go talk to him.

Kensworth: That's the point. I'm always the one interviewing him. You interview him for a change.

Serra: Does this have anything to do with everyone thinking he's the thief?

Kensworth: Uh....yes, yes it does! The guy is usually a paranoid, angry wreck on a good day! He's already threatened my life more than once when he was in a good mood! What's going to stop him from following through now that everyone's mad at him and he's constantly looking over his shoulder?

Serra: So you're basically throwing me to the wolves. You're a real gentleman, Leon.

Kensworth: Oh, come on, I doubt he'd attack you.

Serra: Why? Because I'm a girl?

Kensworth: His thought process, not mine.

*Serra thinks for a moment before sighing and throwing her hands up in the air*

Serra: FINE. But you owe me for this.

Kensworth: *rolls his eyes* Yes dear, I'll get the champagne and candles ready for your return.

Serra: *turns to leave* That'd be nice, thank you.

*Serra heads down the hallway, camera following her. She comes to a stop when she sees Chris Jones in front of her, looking down the hallway with a kendo stick firmly in his grasp*

Serra: Mr. Jones-

*Jones lets out a cry of surprise and spins around, swinging his kendo stick while doing so. Luckily, Serra ducks down as the stick whirls over her head*

Jones: WHO THE F-oh, it's.....wait, who're you again?

Serra: *gets back to her feet* WHAT THE HELL?! You almost took my head off!

Jones: Quit your bitching. I missed, didn't I? And I still don't know who you are.

Serra: It's Becky Serra. Leon isn't the only interviewer, you know.

Jones: He's the only one competent enough at his job, so he may as well be.

Serra: Hey! What makes you think that?

Jones: One of them is a slimy prick, one's a dumb blonde, and you just scream hoe-bag to me.

Serra: What is your problem?! You don't even know me!

Jones: I know OF you. That's good enough.

Serra: *sighs* God, WHATEVER. Why are you hiding around here, anyway? What do you have to worry about?

Person: JONES!

Jones: *sighs* That's what. Hold on.

*a man runs down the hallway towards Jones just as he spins around and swings his kendo stick, hitting the man right in the face. The man goes down and Jones hits him a few more times with the stick, keeping him down*

Jones: What part of "my car was stolen" isn't clear enough to you inbred hicks?!

Serra: Uh...I'm guessing this isn't the first time this has happened?

Jones: Congratulations, Ms. Serra. That has to be the fastest deduction you've ever made. Your parents must be so proud.

Serra: All sarcasm aside, why do you think people keep attacking you? After all, like you said, you proved your innocence on Ascension last week.

Jones: It's a simple fact of life, Serra. People don't like to hear the truth. Even when it's standing right in front of their faces, they prefer to deny it and instead believe a lie that they've concocted, simply because it's easier or it makes them happier. I am an innocent man, and everyone knows it. It's just that some people-

*Jones gives the fallen man a sharp kick in the ribs to accentuate his point*

Jones: -choose to ignore it, because they don't know who else to blame.

Serra: And you haven't considered pleading your case a bit more?

Jones: What difference would that make? People hate me, so they would ignore what I have to say and continue blaming me. Hell, it might actually make these attacks more frequent than they already are. But that's fine with me. I'd rather be hated and be right than be loved and be wrong.

Serra: Just because people hate you doesn't automatically mean that you're right about them.

Jones: Sure it does. Key example:

*Jones then points at Serra with his kendo stick*

Jones: You're an insatiable **** who jumps into Showtime's bed whenever he says a word to you.

*the area is silent for a few moments, save for a few groans of pain from the man who attacked Jones. Soon, Serra points at Jones*

Serra: That was just mean.

Jones: You dyed your hair, didn't you?

Serra: No, I didn't. Want me to prove it?

Jones: You're going to drop your pants on national TV? That's going to change my opinion of you, how?

Serra: I meant my roots, jackass!

Jones: Suuuuuuure you did. We're done here.

*Jones turns around and starts walking down the hallway*

Serra: The reason people hate you is because you're an asshole!

Jones: You say "asshole", I hear "prophet".

*Serra screams in frustration as Jones heads outside, the camera following him. Jones comes to a stop, turning to the camera*

Jones: Like I said, people hate to hear the truth. One of the reasons the abortion debate is still going on is because people don't like to believe that women can get pregnant because of rape. The racism issue is still going strong today, but people like to lie to themselves and say otherwise. It's a form of escape that's existed for years, and will continue to do so for many more.

*Jones sits down, leaning against the wall of the arena*

Jones: I imagine that you're no different, Baez. I'm willing to bet that you think I'm guilty, even though you believed it was Kurtesy last week. I proved my innocence, but you still want someone to blame. I think I know why.

*Jones leans forward, staring into the camera*

Jones: The truth is, the only one who can be blamed for the Mayhem Title's disappearance is yourself. You proved how incapable of a champion you were by allowing some no-name mystery man to snatch it from under your very nose. But you can't accept this fact, so if there's any evidence that points to any one man, you jump on it, in the vain hope of taking the blame off of yourself. It's an attitude unfitting of a true champion.

*Jones gets back to his feet*

Jones: This won't be our last meeting, Killjoy. Once you find the one who took the Mayhem Title and reclaim what you don't deserve, I'll be facing you again, and I'll be taking that belt from you. So, consider our match this week on Meltdown a bit of a sneak preview...of the justice that you'll soon receive.

*Jones starts to leave, but stops and snaps his fingers*

Jones: Oh, almost forgot.

*Jones pulls out a piece of paper from his coat and unfolds it. He holds it up to the camera, which reads:

This Message Has Been Brought To You By The Savior Chris Jones. Remember, Your Savior Knows What's Best For You.

*the camera keeps focused on the paper and its message as it fades to black*
The scene opens in the WZCW office where the camera seems to just be turned on as it is being moved around aggressively. Alisha's voice is heard as she sets up the camera's settings to record. Unaware that she's already recording.

Alisha: I think it's set up. We're ready to roll now.

Baez responds unshown in the camera angle.

Baez: Good. Thanks a lot. Give it to me and go do something you want. I'll meet you in the parking lot.

Alisha: OK.

The camera is vigorously moved as Alisha gives it to Baez. Baez begins to move without focusing the camera. Its swinging. After a while he walks into Becky Serra in a hallway, who seems a bit anguished.

Baez: Whats wrong with you?

Becky: Word of your fight at the restaurant got here. Bateman and Myles aren't happy about the fact that I was there and didn't record it. They called me over.

Baez can be heard moaning...

Becky: I'm not surprised that you don't care. You have bigger things to worry about. A match with Chris Jones and your belt still hasn't been found.

Baez: Trust me, honey. I am in fact concerned about you and your problems.

Becky: Really? I don't believe you.

Baez: Just go to your meeting. I guarantee you'll like the results.

Becky just looks confused and walks off to her meeting still anguished. Baez, with the camera focused forward stands still for a while. nearly 5 minutes. A yell is suddenly heard coming from one of the offices. Baez begins to walk quickly to the office where the yell came from and leans close to the door. He places it in the floor and aims it to himself as he sits quietly on the floor in a very casual fashion. Like a person would in an airport.

Myles: I can't believe you were there and saw the whole damn thing! Why on Earth would you turn the camera off?!

Becky: Baez told me too! He was yelling at me and told me turn it off as he was standing up!

Myles: Why didn't you turn it back on when the fight started?! Why the hell did you even listen to him?! Over 700 dollars to get you there and catch Baez in a natural environment and you screw it up! Dammit! All that money! GONE!! You dumb bitch!!

Baez gets up quickly and grabs the camera. He then kicks the door open hard in a fit of rage.

Baez: DUMB BITCH??!! The only dumb bitch I see here is YOU, you money wasting piece of shit!! Did I hear right?! 700 fucking dollars spent to send her to me and record me doing nothing?! Meanwhile Johnny Stealshit is off playing around with the Mayhem belt! Did you or Bateman think for one second about using those 700 dollars on something more productive like... I don't know... FINDING A DAMN PIECE OF STOLEN PROPERTY?! Well did you!?

Baez slams the camera on a counter aiming at Chuck Myles as he then slams his hands on the desk. Chuck gets up defensively and fixes his suit as if he were nervous.

Myles: I assure you we are working around the clock to get your belt back. Everything possible is being done. Any suspect will face powerful consequences and the real culprit will fell it worse.

Baez: Around the clock?

Baez picks up a clock off the counter and examines it thoroughly. He then looks at Myles and slams it hard against the ground before slamming his hands on the desk again. Becky and Chuck are startled.

Baez: I'm afraid its not around the clock. In it. Outside of it. Or around it's damn orbit. Chuck Myles, you're on thin ice. I will use that video to showcase your idiocy and lack of initiative. I may know shit about politics, but it won't stop me from at least breaking you in half. Regardless of ramifications.

Myles: I gave you Kurtesy and Crashin. Now I give you Jones. I'm doing the best that can be done here. At least they are legal ways to get your frustrations.

Baez: That's the best you have? I bet you overlooked the fact that a skank similar the one Holmes had was holding the belt. But then again, you're on top of it.

Myles: Um... ah... ...damn...

Baez: Neither one has it. You are being played and they are just scapegoats.

Myles: For who?

Baez: I thought you were on top of everything. You should know.

Myles: Any ideas on who it is?

Baez: ...Constantine.

Myles: ...What?! Why?!

Baez: New. Looking to make statements. High power. Stuck up. I hate politics.

Myles: A random grudge. You're making claims because of a random grudge.

Baez: More than what you have. Poor Jones. He's gonna have to spend a few weeks in the hospital getting his Kickassery bottle out of his ass. If anything, it'll just scare off the thief. If Jones truly were a savior, he'd win a damn match. Determination takes people far. It lead me to win the Mayhem title. And it lead the thief to steal it. It's definably not Jones.

Myles: ...Just don't let anyone know about this...

Baez: To late. You should've thought about it. I'm gonna give you this ultimatum. Find him. Find who stole my belt by Ascension. Or I won't only beat Jones to the point of becoming inactive. I'll also put you in the same state and anybody who rubs me wrong. Man, woman, child, all on your head. Except... Becky. She's gonna get a nice little raise and a spa day. Paid by you and Bateman.

Myles: And if I can't find him?

Baez: I just told you. And don't bother giving me a match next week then. I'll be too busy.

Myles: ...fine... I'll find him. Count on it.

Baez: Good. It makes me sick to know what you spend this company's money on. If you don't mind, I think I owe Becky a nice meal. I'll be taking the camera now. I have a revolution to televise. See ya.

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