MD41: Garth Black & USA vs. Everest & Phoenix

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
When Ascension rolled out, we saw two rivalries clash in one ring between USA, Garth Black, Everest and Phoenix. With just a fortnight standing between them and their pay per view encounters, they will take each other on in tag team action. Who will send the final message before Apocalypse?

Deadline is Monday 7th June 2010, 23:59EST
The scene opens in a dimly lit library, as in one that would be found in someone’s home. The are shelves and shelves of books all along the walls of the room with a sizable desk in the center. Sitting at the desk in a large, leather chair is Phoenix. Sitting on the desk in front of him is a copy of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu that looks relatively new, but as though it has been read quite a bit recently.

After my loss last month, I knew I needed a new strategy to finally rid myself of you, Garth. I know that I carried the team and that I am the Second Coming. However, I will be the first to admit that my performance at the PPV did not reflect those beliefs. I dominated that match and destroyed him afterwards, but the fact of the matter is that in 20 years when people look back at the storied career of Phoenix, that match at Redemption will list me as having lost to Garth Black by pinfall. After that match, I found my new strategy. It may be over 2,500 years old, but it still lives on, just like I refuse to die.

Phoenix reaches down and picks up the book, flips through it and reads out loud from it.

Chapter 2, number 18: "All warfare is based on deception."

A bookmark is placed inside the book as it is placed back on the desk.

Deception has been the story since we first joined forces. How is that, you ask? Simple, you deceived me into thinking that you were a competent, equal partner. Now that the ending of our partnership has ended, I realized that deception was a tool I could take and use for my own benefit. Ever since we ended our affiliation, I’ve been a step ahead of you. Coming out of nowhere or, in the case of Redemption, right in front of your face to put you in your place. And trust me, if you dare, what I’ve done so far is just the tip of the iceberg. Once the bell rings for our Last Man Standing match, everything and anything you think you know will be changed.

Phoenix picks up the book once again and flips it to the page he has marked.

Chapter 11, number 65: "If the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in."

Phoenix sets the book down once again, and turns back to the camera chuckling.

Garth, you and USA have made this one way to easy. You have been leaving yourself open for my attacks for almost 2 months now, so I hope I don’t need to explain that one more. USA, you opened the door my interfering with my business. The fact that I destroyed you 2 weeks ago didn’t give you the right to come into the ring on Ascension last week. And since you probably don’t remember, let me remind you where your “heroic” actions got you: A Rock Slide from the former World Champion, Everest.

This match will be the beginning of the end for both of you. Everest and I get soften up our Apocalypse opponents days before we even arrive at the arena for that show. Garth and USA, you guys are painfully mistaken if you think you will get out of this match unharmed. I know Everest, much like myself, is a very intelligent competitor and we will run through this open door.

Some know me as an artist for the designs that I have on my face for all of my matches. This will begin a new era of artistry for me. USA, and especially Garth, you are about to discover that I am now a student and practitioner of The Art of War.

Phoenix goes back to sit at the desk and study the book as the screen cuts to black.
USA is in the locker room right before the match. The General is pacing back and forth across the camera's view.

USA: Why did you not let the cameras around last week. I just walked to the ring, got my ass kicked, and went back into hiding. Why would I do that? I have a message to spread.

GLD: You focus too much on this message. You want to spread a message. You say it yourself. You need to be on top to spread your message. So get on top. What did you think of all week? I'll tell you. You thought about winning. You thought about revenge.

USA: Well -

GLD: You thought about wrestling. Not about proselyting. You have gotten to a much better place in this company. You are a contender. Get to the top. Then teach.

USA: But the point was to get to the top the right way and show that it can be done.

GLD: Who said anything about not doing the right way? If you think you need to change things in the ring, that's on your conscience. All I am saying is that a bit of focus never hurt anyone.

USA: I see what you mean. I think everyone knows where I am coming from now. I can just compete.

GLD: You're stilling being soft! Compete! You've been competing for nearly a year. It is time to win. The message means nothing if you don't win. Quit being such a punk. You didn't go into war hoping to compete as long as you spread democracy. You went into battle with the mindset that no one is going to take you down. You would democratize the people after you destroyed the enemy. What happened to you? You are giving kiddie pep talks when you should be winning. No more segments. No more speeches. You fight to win!

USA stands up and starts assaulting a locker. He is tearing the room part from part. GLD stands aside and smiles. Finally, USA stops, and he growls.

USA: You question my desire? If you want to see desire, look into my eyes. I will tear them limb from limb if it means getting my message across. I can do both. You will see. I will win. I will be champion. I will do it the right way. I will hurt who needs to be helped. I can make this company moral!

The music hits and USA heads toward the curtain. GLD sits back and smiles. It's as if she thinks he finally gets it.
The outside of an arena is shown, after a few seconds the audience realizes that the arena is in fact the home of the upcoming Meltdown. The screen fades to black for a second before it re-emerges and the view of the backstage area becomes visible. A few seconds later the backstage doors swing open and EVEREST emerges, duffel bag over one shoulder, dressed in proper champion style attire. Silk shirt, khakis and some of the most expensive alligator shoes known to man. He struts past workers and backstage personnel until he comes to the dressing room door with his name on it. He pushes open the door and heads in. He drops his bag by the couch and goes to grab a water when he sees a book lying on his table.

EVEREST: What in the hell?

Everest picks it up and the camera focuses in on the title


EVEREST: Interesting reading choice. Wonder who left it here? Oh well I’ve got more important things on my mind.

Everest tosses the book on his bag. Suddenly a familiar voice is heard.

BECKY SERRA: Anything you’d like to get off your mind? Maybe about your match up at Meltdown with Phoenix as you take on Garth Black and USA.

Everest spins around, maybe a little stunned, but more than happy to drop some good old fashioned wisdom on our beloved reporter.

EVEREST: Damn woman, didn’t your momma teach you to knock? Now what did you want?

BECKY: I was wondering about your thoughts on your match up against Garth Black and USA and teaming with Phoenix.

EVEREST: You know what Becky, I’ve got some things to do before the show so I’ll keep this simple and to the point. Meltdown, my show, Everest’s show, the Main Event is back where he belongs. It seems USA has stuck his nose into the wrong man’s business. I don’t like to get personal with these things, I’m just here for one thing and one thing only -- My World Title. I’ve always said it hasn’t been personal, Titus notwithstanding, but USA you are really really trying my patience with this one. Last week you stepped into the ring and got into my business and look where it got you. Flat on your back. And now on Meltdown you went out and got Garth Black to stand beside you. Bold move my friend, I won’t admit to knowing Black or even giving a damn about Black but my teammate at Meltdown seems to have a vast knowledge of the man and an equally vast distaste for him. That’s all I need to know. Garth, it’s pretty simple, stay out of my way and you might just stay in one piece long enough to get pummeled at the pay per view.

This is between you and me USA, don’t worry at Meltdown Black and Phoenix may be bringing their rivalry into it but come the pay per view, there will be no one for you too tag in, nobody for you to get the “hot tag” too and absolutely no teammates to save you from the ass kicking I’m bringing to the arena especially for you.

So at Meltdown I’ll team with Phoenix and we’ll leave you two beaten in a heap, we might spare you the bloody part but I have no guarantees. Don’t think I’m naïve though, I know you’ll get your shots in USA, but this will be the time to cherish them, because when it matters most, you’ll be in the same position as all the rest….Flat………On…….Your…….Back! Beaten by the greatest champion you’ve ever seen!

With that Everest reaches into his bag, grabs his cell phone and dials up a call, all the while walking right past Becky and out into the hall and out of the camera’s view.
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