MD41: Chris Jones vs. John Smith

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Two men who have had different paths take each other on this week on Meltdown, hopefully to give the upper management some notice no doubt. Who will impress out of Jones and Smith? And will the result benefit each men before Apocalypse arrives?

Deadline is Monday 7th June 2010, 23:59EST
*camera cuts to the locker room backstage, as Chris Jones walks into the frame. He sits down at a nearby table and places what appears to be the Mayhem Championship on it. However, it's just one of the belt replicas sold to the fans. He looks at the title with contempt as he begins*

Jones: I want you folks at home to get a good look at this belt. Look at what the prize of the Mayhem division truly is. A random disjointed mess of metal and gold and glass. A hideous title belt that any sensible wrestler would be ashamed to hold.

*Jones picks up the belt, holding it in front of him so the camera can get a better look at it*

Jones: It's a perfect analogy of this division as a whole. A group of disjointed misfits who aren't fit for any other part of this company, so they throw the rulebook out the window and try to kill one another in the hopes that people will pay attention to them. It'd be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

*Jones then throws the replica title over his shoulder*

Jones: What truly sickens me is that you people encourage it. You watch as these wrestlers spill more blood and guts than the average ones, and you cheer them on with savage ecstasy. You like watching them risk their lives and careers on a nightly basis, and if they don't do everything possible to make you like them, they aren't worth your time. Hell, unless your Master of Mayhem, Killjoy, isn't breaking people's skulls with steel chairs, you couldn't care less about him. It's simply more proof of how corrupt society has become as of late.

*Jones then leans back, eyes closed*

Jones: But I'm sure many of you are asking "But Chris, if you hate this division so much, why get involved? If you hate what they do to each other, why did you attack that punk so viciously last week?" Well, let me explain.

*Jones then leans forward, elbows on the table and hands in an arch in front of him*

Jones: I hurt that freak last week as an example of what would happen to Gordito should he cross my path. How the staff decided that meant he deserved a title shot is anyone's guess, but that's not my point. My point is that I did what I had to do because I had to do it. I take no pleasure, no enjoyment from what I do. The satisfaction I receive is from the knowledge that I've accomplished something. That I've made the world a better place by removing a stain on society's image. The violence that I've caused and will cause is simply a means to an end, and I know for fact that the end always does, has, and will justify the means.

*Jones grins slightly, hands on the table and leaning further forward*

Jones: But....I'd be lying if I said I wasn't going to enjoy hurting John Smith this week on Meltdown. You see, John Smith is the type to get what he wants while giving nothing back. He believes that he deserves the best with little to no effort, and thinks he's better than he really is. In short, he's everything wrong with the world today. Lazy, uncaring, and selfish. And he's a former Mayhem champion to boot, so defeating him would gain a lot of stroke with the folks backstage.

*Jones gets to his feet, trademark grin as wide as ever*

Jones: Rest assured, dear viewers, once I crush John Smith under my foot like the insect he is, I'll head straight for your beloved Killjoy, take his precious belt from him, and use it to prove to you all how demented and twisted you've become! Every action has a consequence, and I'll make you all regret your enjoyment of the Mayhem wrestlers! Oh yes, ladies and gentlemen, that will be the sweetest display of justice!

*Jones walks out of the shot, laughing to himself all the while as the camera fades to black*
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