MD41: Chris Beckford vs. Scott Hammond - Elite X No. 1 Contender

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
After providing some assistance to Blade after he named his EurAsian Championship Match on Meltdown 40, Chuck Myles has announced that Scott Hammond will take on Chris Beckford to determine who will face Austin Reynolds at Apocalypse over the Elite X Title. After the amount of respect they have shown in the aim to defeating Reynolds, who will be willing to go the extra to mile to have a stake at his championship? Not to mention that this victory means they will team up with Blade on Ascension to take on Reynolds and Big Dave in a tag team match

Note: The RP submitted in this thread will be also used in your submission for the tag team match on Ascension pending on your victory. Please keep that in mind when writing your RPs

Deadline is Monday 7th June 2010, 23:59EST
(The scene fades into a small empty locker room at a WZCW house show where Scott Hammond is currently resting. He is sorting through his bag when he hears someone enter the locker room. Becky Serra pokes her head around a large locker temporarily startling Hammond)

Scott Hammond: Jesus Becky you almost gave me a stroke!

Becky Serra: Sorry Scott, I just wanted to come in and say hey and get your thoughts on everything that has gone down this week?

Scott Hammond: Well Becky, it has actually been a very busy week for 'The English Enigma'...yeah, I haven't used that in a while have I? I was at Meltdown last week working on some paperwork with management and just happened to catch what was happening on the TV set I had in the room with which I was working.

(Hammond opens his locker and takes out a few personal belongings. As he does, Becky clocks a picture of Austin Reynolds at the back of the locker)

Becky Serra: I don't know if I should really ask this, but, why have you got a picture of the Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds in your locker?

Scott Hammond: (with a small smile) Don't worry Becky, I haven't suddenly begun batting for the same team, I assure you I find you VERY attractive...the picture is simply the next person on my list of victims on my way to the top of WZCW. It helps me focus on the task at hand. The beginning of the journey to Austin Reynolds begins next week on Meltdown.

Becky Serra: You have a massive roadblock in your way if you are to become the Number One contender for the Elite X Title, and that is in the form of one Chris Beckford, how are you preparing for such a huge match?

Scott Hammond: Becky this is by far the biggest match of my career so far. Last week, I saw Austin Reynolds involving himself where he just wasn't wanted. Sure Blade gave him a mouthful, but its not like he didn't deserve it. I simply turned up on Meltdown to even up the sides. I wasn't there to steal anyone's spotlight as I'm sure Chris Beckford will probably tell you. The bottom line is, that Blade and Big Dave have a few things to sort out, and to be honest Beckford, I have no idea why you felt the need to intervene. I came out there to make sure that Reynolds didn't gt away with another cheap beating. I knew that I was getting my chance against Reynolds the following night, the only thing I didn't realise is that Chuck Myles would hand me my opportunity so quickly. I want you to see something Becky.

(Hammond points to his head)

Becky Serra: I can't see anything.

Scott Hammond: Exactly. I did suffer a minor concussion though Becky, which is proof that not all injuries can be seen. Beckford, even though you and I are coming to blows this week on Meltdown, I just wanted to say thank you for saving my arse against Reynolds on Ascension. That nasty bugger almost put me out. But on the positive side I did technically pick up the win against Reynolds. But, I don't like 'technically' winning. I want to win clean. Beat the Elite X Champ at his own game. And I feel confident I will get that chance at Apocalypse after I defeat Beckford. One last thig Chris. I understand that you have had an interesting few weeks, hell last week you even stepped into the ring with Blade. But my need for that Elixt X Title opportunity is far greater than yours. I am out to prove that I am the very best and after keeping up with Austin Reynolds, I think I am proving the doubters wrong. Come Meltdown, I will not give up that title opportunity, and although I have a lot of respect for you Chris, I respect being respected a lot more.

Becky Serra: Scott, one more thing, if you do manage to beat Chris Beckford this week on Meltdown, you will also be put into a tag team match on Ascension, teaming you with Blade against the man who you could face at Apocalypse Austin Reynolds and his partner Big Dave. What are you thoughts on teaming with Blade?

Scott Hammond: Professional feelings aside, I feel it is an honour to share the ring with a Hart Dungeon graduate. 'The Zero Hunter' has my respect as a peer and for what he has accomplished. He and I probably wouldn't see eye to eye on a regular basis but I beleive that we have been brought together with a mutual dislike of the two inbreds that we will be facing. Mr Austin Reynolds, I am zoning in on that title of yours. You hit me in the face with it...twice, and got yourself disqualified because you knew that you couldn't beat me. So at Ascension, it looks like that we are locking horns once again. This time though, I am going to make sure you don't get the chance to cheat you way out of the match like you did last week. You see, my passion in wrestling is submission holds, which in essence is why I respect Blade, a man who was stretched to his limits by Stu Hart, and has become a great wrestler because of it. Once I have taken care of Beckford, I am going to make you suffer come Ascension. I am going to stretch you until you are physically forced to tap. I am a technician Austin, and as such, I am better than you. That is something that you are just going to have to get over. Now as far as Big Dave goes, you and I have only ever met once. And you beat me. Your the EurAsian Champion, and you pulled off a good victory last week on Meltdown against Steven Holmes. But you are now looking at a man much wiser in the ring, more focussed than I have ever been and if you get in the way of my business with Austin Reynolds, I will have no problem taking you out and leaving Blade to finish you off. Here forth is your warning, Chris Beckford, Austin Reynolds and Big Dave, you are all in the line of fire, and come Meltdown and Ascension, I'm pulling the trigger on all three of you. Now if you'll excuse me Becky, I have to go rest up for my big week ahead. Always lovely seeing you.

(Hammond winks at Becky as he picks up his duffle bag and walks out of the locke room as the scene fades to black)
*Scene opens in the arena parking lot of a local WZCW house show. We see a BMW pull to a halt in an empty space. Out of the car appears Chris Beckford wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt and a black jacket. Beckford has his I-pod in his ears. The camera follows Beckford out of the parking lot and down a corridor of the arena. Beckford walks past and nods to James Baker, He sees Jordan Lights and Max Karzai stood discussing something in one of the rooms along the corridor. Johnny Klamor hurries past Chris and down the corridor seemingly off to conduct an interview with one of WZCW's many talents. As Beckford gets to his locker room door he sees Rebecca Serra hurrying towards him. Beckford enters his locker room and takes off his I-pod and jacket as Becky comes in behind him.*

Serra: Chris? I saw you walking down the corridor, you mind if I can get a few words from you?

Beckford: Becky, You'll get to hear what I have to say in a little while. No disrespect to you Rebecca, but I don't want to do an interview backstage. I'm going to go out there to the people.

*As Beckford leaves the room Leon Kensworth enters.*

Hey Leon, I don't get it why wouldn't he give me the interview. You get them with Beckford all the time.

Kensworth: I don’t know Becky. He's been weird ever since last week. He seems to be more focused then I’ve ever seen him right now and wouldn’t give me the interview either. It’s almost like he’s become a different person. I spoke to Sam Remmington the other day and he told me that Beckford has been constantly in the gym training harder than ever. Sam says he’s like he’s obsessed with becoming Elite X champion.

That could be a good thing for him though; the Elite X championship has sent some major players on their way in WZCW. Where is Sam anyway I thought he would be here with Chris?

Kensworth: When I spoke to him he said he was in the UK but would be back in time for Meltdown. All I know is something has to happen with Chris soon. He’s becoming more and more frustrated with every week that goes by. I’m meeting up with him next week I’ll try to find out more soon. I need to go Becky I have another interview to get prepped for.

*''Enya Stomp'' by Gammer and Re-Con hits over the PA. Beckford makes his way out to a loud cheer from the crowd. He runs down the entrance ramp and slides into the ring. He jumps up to the middle turnbuckle, posing for the crowd before back flipping off. He does the same on the opposite turnbuckle before motioning to the ring crew for a mike.*

Beckford: Now, I know we have a stacked show for you here tonight and it's due to start shortly. But I have something to say and I thought it would be best if I came out in front of you lot and said what I need to say in person.

Last week on Meltdown I went one on one with Blade. Now despite the fact that Blade is an asshole we put on a fantastic match which I unfortunately lost. After the match while Blade was making his decision on which title to go for, he was attacked from behind by the opportunistic Austin Reynolds.

*The crowd boo*

Now even though I'm not too fond of Blade, I consider myself a fairly decent guy and don't like to see two guys pick apart one person. So I offered my assistance to Blade by dropkicking Austin through the ropes. I won't lie it's always good to hit Austin and it felt great to do it then. Big Dave then proved what a coward he is by blasting me in the head with the Eurasian championship. Now I was semi conscious at this point and saw bits of what was happening between Scott Hammond and Austin Reynolds. At this point I'd like to apologise to Scott Hammond, I reacted angrily to him attacking Reynolds because I want him to myself. I think it's fair to say over the past few weeks I've proved to be a worthy contender for the Elite X championship. Do you guys think I deserve to be the Elite X champion?

*The crowd let out a big cheer*

So that night I had sometime to think and saw that on Ascension Scott was facing Reynolds one on one. Knowing who Austin Reynolds is, I thought I would tag along to back Scott up like he backed me on Meltdown. Big shock Austin got himself disqualified and looked like he was going to attack Scott with the belt again. I wasn't having any of that, so I came to Scott’s aid.

*The crowd begin to applaud*

This week on Meltdown I face Scott Hammond in a match up with the winner becoming the number one contender for the Elite X championship. More so the winner will go on to partner Blade in a tag match against Big Dave and Austin Reynolds. Now Scott we faced off before in the Eurasian league and I think it's fair to say you weren’t at your best at that point in time. Since then your career is on the up and I have to say I respect the hell out of you for how you've changed it all around. To go from where you were to becoming a former Mayhem champion is an astounding feat but on Meltdown it’s not about what either of us have done, it’s about who wants it more and Scott I have been after this for a long time now. The Elite X championship is what I have worked for and if I have to I'll face and defeat everybody in this business to get another shot at that title.

As for Blade, I want you to know when I beat Scott and qualify for the tag team match I’ll have your back…but the moment you even look at me funny I’ll drop you in an instant. For the record I don’t trust you but this tag match is perhaps the biggest match in my career to date. It’s a chance for me to HEADLINE Ascension and get my hands on Reynolds. Dave the last time we fought we put on a classic in the Eurasian league, you got the win. Last week you decided to smack the Eurasian title in my face, I haven’t forgotten that. What happens between you and Blade, it’s of no concern to me but if you try anything like that again I’ll make you regret it.

This brings me to the last piece of the tag team puzzle…Austin Reynolds. Austin you like to talk about me taking the risk. I take the risk to entertain these people, they pay good money to come to watch us do what we do and I like to give something back. You’re right Austin sometimes taking risks doesn’t pay off but I’ve wrestled like this my whole life, it’s what brought me to the dance and I won’t be changing my style. You see I owe you a lot. You put me in the hospital, you won the title I have been chasing with a shot I should have had. I need to make you pay. Dave, Austin I’ll see you at Ascension.

Ladies and Gentlemen I thank you for your time, I hope you enjoy the show.

*Enya Stomp hits over the PA again as Beckford drops the mike and exits the ring. He heads towards the fans in the front row slapping there hands before making his way up the ramp. As he gets to the top he turns to the crowd and motions for the championship belt before heading into the back*
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