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MD40: Max Karzai vs. James Baker

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Since Redemption, Max Karzai and Jordan Lights have been wanting to get close to the new Tag Team Champions James Baker and Mr. Baller, this week they get them in individual action. How will Karzai fair against the man who took possession of his belt. Will this set up a rematch between the two teams or will Baker show his individual strength to impress his team mate?

Deadline is Monday 24th May 23:59 EST

"You wanna know how I feel about my loss to Phoenix? I'll tell you about it. I'm pissed off about it. It was a god damn screw job. I think he's on steroids. Yeah I said it, STEROIDS! Are the idiots at WZCW management goin' to cry about these accusations like a bunch of bitches? Well newsflash for y'all, I don't give a rats ass about management! One thing I have noticed in that match is that i'm apparently the lone wolf, you know, the guy who has to attempt everything by himself, yet it was clear as day that I had Baller's back at Meltdown. Now I know what you're all goin' to ask, why would you care about somebody havin' your back? See? What matters to me most is the principle of the whole thing. I don't care if I get my ass beaten, but for god sakes, if you say that you're goin' to have my back, then you better live up to your end of the bargain. Don't worry though... Your boy is definitely fired up and one last thing. Get ready to see some blood, action and brutality, all rolled up into one."


The scene fades into a mansion like home where we see James Baker, our good friend, the psychotic gangsta that has shaken things up in wrestling in the past and more importantly, he is one half of the WZCW World Tag Team Champions. As the camera catches more footage of the house, he is on the couch, typing away on his lap top, while he's got earphones in his ears as he's listening to his iPod. The camera then catches James' entire e-mail that is sent out to... Soulja Boy!

"One of my most hated rappers today, Soulja Boy."

"Over the past few years, I have heard my people tell me on how bad you suck and after listenin' to some of your music, I agree with them 100%. You see, over the past seven to eight years, we've seen the hip hop that I have held very dear to my heart, just slowly turn into this whole pop like genre with lyrics that are just complete garbage. The majority of the top guys in the genre wouldn't have lasted very long if 2Pac, Biggie and Eazy-E were still with us as those three are not only legendary, but in their own way, their lyrics are very cool to listen to. Now even though you are one of the bigger parts of the downfall of my favorite genre, big time record companies are to blame for this travesty as well due to them just worrying about the hit single, instead of the longevity of somebody's career. Back to my opinion on you, I hate you, for everything really. You disrespect the legends that paved the way for you when they try to give you some advise to make you better. You're behind Justin Bieber as the biggest disgrace to the greatest escape called Music and what amazes me the most, is that the people who support you are a bunch of mindless sheep who follow the big time corporations."

"Dude, take it from a true fan of hip hop! You're without a doubt, a walkin', livin' piece of shit. I know the people that i've faced in this company are beyond garbage, just like Doug Crashin is, but still, you're absolutely horrible. When hip hop goes away from this pop crap, your career will go down faster than LeBron James' mom goin' down on Delonte West. Oh and in the words of the great Ice-T..."

"Eat a dick."

Sincerely, your enemy.
"Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker.

James just smirks at the email that he wrote. He clicks the send button. Now in reality, we all know that Soulja Boy probably never received it, but just writing it out makes James Baker very happy, actually scratch that, it excites him. He then puts his lap top on the coffee table, takes out a lighter and lights up a cigarette while he lays down on the couch.

James: "Yo what it do everybody? Now I know, this isn't what you normally see from me, but since i'm not really in the greatest of moods right now, I figured, why not send out some e-mails to help me relax. Now these type of e-mails that i'm sendin' out are the ones that are viewed as pointless and that rambles on and on until you don't give a shit anymore. Hell, I don't even care about these e-mails, but I have to write them. Now why do I have to do that? Simple! Because I need to release some anger and frustration that has been inside of me over the last few weeks and I figured, this will be the way I do it. Oh look, it's time to write another one and I know exactly who to write it to."

James then gets his lap top off of the table. He then puts his cigarette into the ash tray before he starts searching for the address that he's dying to send an e-mail to. Suddenly there's an e-mail in his inbox that's from a fan named Ben. James smiles at the e-mail as he looks very appreciated. He then types Ben's e-mail address and immediately types away.

"Dear Ben."

"I'm glad that you're a huge fan of mine. I very much appreciate your support. Now as to the answer of why I went to the tag team division instead of competing for titles such as the World, Elite X, EurAsian and Mayhem Titles. Well other than already have dominated the Mayhem division, I am a generous soul. I like givin' back to the business and I enjoy helpin' younger talent make the rise to superstardom. Now that's not sayin' that I will never make the rise to any singles title. I mean, let's face the facts, one, maybe two of those title holders haven't really done a damn thing as the champion. I'm not sayin' that they suck, actually scratch that, yes I am. I hope none of those people take my bashing personally, i'm just venting out my anger and hey, if you do take it personally, then tough fuckin' shit then. I'm allowed to express myself and judgin' from what you sent to me Ben, I know some of our fanbase agrees with me and to all the fans out there..."

"I love you all. I really do and hey if you got the time, come out to the WZCW events and support your boy out there in the ring and I guarantee that you will get extreme quality matches on my part."

In regards.
"Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker.

James then clicks the send button as the e-mail goes to the person that he wrote to.

James: "Ah, now that I got that one out of the way. Oh crap, I almost forgot. I have one more person that I should rant on..."

James then searches the address book in his e-mails and he immediately types in Max Karzai. He finds the e-mail address and immediately types out what he has to say to him.

"Max Karzai. One half of Heavy Artillery."

"Just droppin' by here to deliver some news. I believe we're goin' to be meetin' up at Meltdown. You know, the good old fashioned one on one match. I'm pretty sure you know about it by now, just like your partner knows about facin' Mr. Baller on Ascension. Now the last time we faced off was at Redemption inside of the cage with two other teams, filled with worthless pawns. Do you remember that? I sure as hell do. The Ghetto Stars became the new WZCW World Tag Team Champions, but more importantly, do you remember how your team got eliminated? Well let me tell you about that, just in case you don't remember. I was the one who eliminated your boy Jordan Lights, when I planted his skull down on the mat with Da Xtreme Knockout and you wanna know how great it felt?"

"It was truly an awesome moment."

"Now don't take that statement as disrespect. Unlike my tag team partner, I have all the respect in the world for you and your partner. I think you guys are very talented, you're one of the better tag teams that have come through this business and believe me dude, i've seen a lot of people come and go throughout the years and I can legitimately say that you and Lights are indeed the real deal. You can definitely dominate the tag or singles divisions for many years to come, but there's just one tiny little problem here. You're facin' one of the more dominant wrestlers over the past seven months. You don't believe me. Just take a look at my win-loss record since I returned. I only lost one time and that occured last week, but other than that, i've been undefeated since i've came back. Coincidence, ironic or maybe, just maybe, it's a sheer of a change in my life style. I'll even go one step further and say that it's all of the above, but the point i'm gettin' at is that i'm without a doubt, one of the hottest wrestlers in this company in recent memory and the greatest thing about that, is that I have not even reached my prime yet."

"That is simply astonishing, yet truthful at the same time."

"And even though you are a brave little soul with a lot of intensity and heart, you winning a match over me, is like sayin' that the Oakland Raiders will win the Super Bowl next year, it's not even close towards bein' realistic. Basically what i'm tryin' to say is that if you think that you're gonna come out of Meltdown with the victory over me, you better get your head re-examined, because I guarantee... no, actually, I know that our match will witness me plantin' your skull on the mat with Da Xtreme Knockout and once i've pinned you for the ONE... TWO... THREE! The referee will be raisin' my hand high in the air as I celebrate my victory over you with all of our great WZCW fans. Oh and one more tiny little thing before i'm done..."

"Welcome to the Slaughterhouse, believe that."

Signed in full by
"Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker.

The scene fades to black as James clicks the send button.
The scene opens to a shot of Max Karzai’s living room, where the man himself is seated in front of his computer. The lights are turned on, and the window is open. A fan spins lazily, causing a light breeze to permeate the room. The camera pans over to Karzai, who stares at the screen, reading his email. He takes a sip from the can of energy drink in his hand and smiles.

Karzai: Interesting.

He grabs the remote from its place on the computer desk, swivels around in his chair, and turns the TV on. The news is on.

Newscaster: …-io, legendary vocalist for Black Sabbath, Heaven & Hell, and Dio, has died after a battle with stomach cancer, according to his wife, Wendy Dio. He was 67 years old.

Karzai‘s eyes grow wide as he stares at the TV. After a few minutes and no more Dio-related stories, he turns it off, shaking his head. He seems upset about the news, but doesn‘t say anything. Instead he turns back to the email, gives a deep breath, and starts talking.

Karzai: James Baker.

His eyes sweep the email, reading it again.

Karzai: I‘ll give you that you took out Jordan. You‘re talented, very talented. But your actions at Redemption weren‘t done by you and you alone. Jordan was weakened, by the steel cage and the other competitors. It‘s not like you defeated him one on one, mano a mano. And this upcoming match between us is going to be just that.

You‘re undefeated. Great. Right now, you‘re riding high in the day of your life. But you know what they say about days…eventually, they all fade to night. And it‘s time for your Sunset, Superman.

Karzai rises from his chair and starts to pace, slowly, the wind from the open window making his hair flutter.

Karzai: I have respect for you, just like you have respect for me. But that respect doesn‘t mean much when we‘re staring each other down in that ring, each wanting to be the One, the winner. Come Meltdown, it will just be us. Come evil or divine, we’re the last in line.

He flips a switch on the wall, causing the fan to spin faster and faster. The curtains and his hair are flying by now.

Karzai: On Meltdown, it will just be us. No partners, no cages, no other opponents. Just you and me. Me with my heart that you so graciously complimented me on. I’ve had to fight my whole life, my whole career here. I’ve had my ups and my downs already, but my heart will not fail me this time. You’ve gotten complacent. You talk about how you have won every match and how you’ll win all the others so easily. I’m not so much worse than you. And I want this more than you.

This is going to be one on one in the sunset of your life. And there’s no sign of the morning coming. You’ve been left on your own. LIKE A RAINBOW IN THE DARK!

Scene abruptly ends.
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