MD40: Chris Beckford vs. Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The time has called upon Blade to make his decision, the Elite X or EurAsian Championship at Apocalypse. Blade has confirmed he will make his announcement after his match this week, facing Chris Beckford who came close to the Elite X Championship at Redemption and will no doubt want to prove a point to Myles and Bateman in getting another chance at a championship opportunity after Blade has made his decision.

Deadline is Monday 24th May 23:59 EST
The scene opens with black screen with nothing but the date and time visible in the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Suddenly the black screen disappears and the camera comes into focus. As it comes into focus we can see Chris Beckford, Sam Remmington at in the front seat of a car with Leon Kensworth in the back. Beckford is in the drivers’ seat. Though the windows of the car we can see trees and house's whizz past as the car goes by. As the camera came online we hear...

Beckford: and then boom right in the head with a Barrett 50.Cal. Sammy boy had no chance.

Remmington: Yeah yeah, I'm sure Leon realises how good you are at Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2.

Ah ha finally the cameras on.

Beckford: Leon can I just ask why you decided to do this interview in a car of all places? It's taken you nearly a half an hour to set up the camera. Surely you could have just waited till we got to the city and done this there like usual. Now we have wires all over the car just so you could work a camera.

Kensworth: Chris I told you before this isn't an ordinary interview, I'm fronting the new WZCW DVD all about WZCW stars outside of the ring, how they live, how they get to and from events, how they travel etc.

Beckford: and you’re telling me this now?? Wasn’t there some kind of contract I had to sign to give permission to do this?

I actually told you before you got in the car Chris, you had your iPod in but you nodded your head and you did sign a contract, it was per the terms of your official WZCW contract.

Beckford: Damn it, I don't have a problem doing this Leon, you know when it comes to what the fans want I'll do all I can, but I could have done with more time man, I mean...look at me.....I'm not exactly dressed to be on a DVD. Can you see how hot it is out there? I'm already sweating like mad, my hair is all greasy. Aw to hell with it ask your damn questions.

Remmington: It's actually a really good idea, Leon who else do you have down to do this?

Kensworth: the's just you Chris. You’re the first one.

Beckford laughs.

Beckford: I was really hoping you would have to go out and do this for Ty. Imagine following him and Serafina around place to would scare the crap outta me.

Remmington: Yeah Leon, just wait till you have to go places with Vengeance.

Leon's face drops.

Dammit guys stop trying to scare me.

Beckford: I suppose that would be better than following round our new Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds. There is only so much ''look at me, aren’t I great'' I could take.

Remmington: Or Toyota, we met him last week and couldn't understand a word he was saying. Big guy though.....real big guy.

Anyway Leon here we are, on our way to the city, It's a scorching hot day, I'm very sweaty, we have plenty of miles to go and I have to listen to you ramble on.

Leon's cell phone rings

Hello......yeah.....yeah I'm with Beckford filming for the real lives DVD. Ok I'll tell him...thanks Becky bye.

Beckford: So what does the lovely Rebecca want to tell me? Was she asking me out? I've seen the way she looks at me.

Don't be silly. She looks at everyone that way.

true but hey thanks for spoiling my dream man.

Kensworth: She just rang to give me the Meltdown match ups for this week. Chris you got Blade.

Beckford: Blade....ah hell. Did you see what he did to Titus last week? Granted Vengeance helped him but he didn't need to crack Titus with the belt. You know I've beat Blade in the Eurasian league, he is damn tough though and with this new mean streak of his he is on top of his game. You know Leon I have been chasing the Elite X Championship now for a number of weeks, coming oh so close at Redemption and with Karnage seemingly gone now the division has got a lot easier. But the wildcard is Blade; he has a choice Eurasian or Elite X. If he decides to go for the Elite X Championship so be it. It's just another person in my way.

Kensworth: Just like Frankie Smith was in your way last week? Some people are saying you didn't need to go and hit the Cross County on him and that he was already out after the Tornado DDT.

Beckford: Leon ask any person on the roster in WZCW. Winning is winning; you do what you have to do to win. I said last week Frankie Smith is a former Elite X Champion, I wasn't taking him lightly. After I hit that DDT I saw an opportunity to win and I took it. You could say I sent a message to the WZCW locker room and most notably Austin Reynolds that I can get the job done.

Leon when Chris first came to WZCW we set out a plan to become a major champion before our first year is up. We tried in the Eurasian League but couldn't quite get it done; we aimed for it all in King for a Day at Kingdom Come but couldn't quite get it done. At Redemption we had it a split second away but alas we couldn't get it done. Chris debuted on the Meltdown before Lethal Lottery in a battle royal match along with Lights and Karzai. Chris won that match yet since then Lights and Karzai have become Tag Team Champions while Chris has yet to taste gold. He is hungry for the Elite X Championship.

Kensworth looks at the camera. We can hear a quiet beeping sound

Kensworth: Ah dammit man the batteries about to die; I thought Becky had charged it up. We will have to continue this again another time guys.

Beckford: Wait your telling me we have just driven your ass all this way for you not have charged your camera properly. Leon next time lets do this in front of a normal camera in a normal place - a place that’s not the back seat of my BMW. Well I suppose this is a good thing, I can actually look the part next time.

The camera scrambles out only audio can be heard now.

Beckford: Hey Sam, we need to celebrate tonight. Leeds United are going up to th----------------------------------------

The screen fades to black.
Rebecca Serra is standing by with Blade, who is smiling from ear to ear.

Rebecca: So on Meltdown, you defeated Titus with some help from Vengeance. What’s next for you?

Blade: Do you know what I hear every time I close my eyes, Becky? Do you know what I hear all the time now? The mere sound of crickets. You see, I have finally silenced all my critics, all the doubters. But do you know what sickens me?

Blade shakes his head with a look of disgust on his face.

Blade: That I still had critics, that I still had doubters before last week’s Meltdown, after all I’ve done around here. Shall we take a look at who I’ve disposed of in less than a year?

Blade starts counting the names on his fingers.

Blade: I destroyed Karnage on just my second Pay per View match. And this was Karnage in his prime, not the shell of his former self that he is now. Later that night, I dispatched of Sanna in the Lethal Lottery match and he was never seen again. Mere weeks later, I delivered the Halo that ended Zander Young’s career. Then at Kingdom Come, I beat Rush so bad his heart gave up. I guess you could say he didn’t have the heart to beat me. Ha! See what I did there, Becky? Of course you didn’t, you’ve got the IQ of a deck chair, but that’s not the point.

Rebecca looks offended, but Blade keeps talking.

Blade: And last week... I defeated the invincible Titus, leaving him in a bloody mess in the ring so Vengeance could pick the bones. My point is... Look at what I’ve done in my time here. I’ve beaten and ended the careers of some of the best in WZCW history. How can there be ANY doubt that this... is... destiny. How can ANYONE doubt this anymore? This is fate. Alas....

Blade looks downward.

Blade: There is something missing here. I need a championship belt around my waist. You see, people can forget about everyone I’ve gotten rid of. I bet none of you have even thought of Zander Young since I ended his career. And that’s understandable, he’s not very memorable. But if I had a belt... say the Elite X or EurAsian belt... Then that would act as a constant reminder to all these people of how good I am.

He strokes his chin for a moment, his signature smirk spreading across his face.

Blade: Oh, decisions, decisions, Becky... I could go for the Elite X title... Take on Austin Reynolds, who is on a delusion based high since winning the title because he beat the monster, Karnage, even though anyone who knows Karnage well enough can see that he is no longer the practically invincible force he used to be. I could be the one to bring Reynolds back down to earth... Or I could take on Big Dave, a man who I’ve taken to the absolute limit before. Perhaps I could beat him this time...

Blade looks into space absent-mindedly.

Blade: I screwed over the rWo not long ago... I’ve taken out Karnage... Destiny is pointed towards me taking you out. And who am I to argue with that?

Blade lets out a loud, hollow laugh

Blade: You see, I’ve beaten Titus, the top guy. But see, people describe you, Dave, as the best in the WZCW right now... And I’m sick of having to correct them, because I AM THE BEST IN THE WZCW RIGHT NOW. Do you have any idea how frustrating is for people to heap praise on the skills of Titus and Big Dave when I know that I am better? I’ve proven I’m better than Titus, but where’s MY praise? Where’s MY recognition?

Blade is exhaling heavily, with intensity in his eyes.

Blade: Taking on and beating Big Dave and proving that I am the best is tempting.... But taking on and destroying that deluded fool, Reynolds, is also tempting... I guess we’ll just have to see.

There’s an awkward silence for a moment as Rebecca waits to see if Blade will talk again or keep staring into space. After a few seconds, she’s breaks the silence.

Rebecca: Yes, you’re making the announcement this week, but surely your mind is still somewhat on your match with Christ Beckford? You two are familiar with each other, with him having come out on top of your match a few months back. What are your thoughts?

Blade: Beckford is a man who might put on a brave face but... At the end of the day, I believe he’s unravelling at the seams. You see, we faced each other last February in the EurAsian league. We had a brutal match, and I lost. It was a troubling time for me, I admit, my head wasn’t in the match. Now, my head and my conscience are so much clearer. But can the same really be said for Beckford? Ever since February, ever since I hit rock bottom in my downward spiral, I have risen like a Phoenix from the ashes and conquered obstacle after obstacle. But Beckford... He just seems to be floating around; in the same place he was in all those months ago, not really going anywhere. Lost at Kingdom Come... Lost at Redemption... And trust me, he will lose at Meltdown.

Blade looks into the camera, his face serious and intense.

Blade: But that’s not the only thing that should be frustrating him, that should be getting to him... Chris Beckford, the man is supposed to be a hero and a role model for kids. But look at what he did to Frankie Smith... Frankie was clearly messed up and Beckford just kept the match going... It was disgusting. Yeah, Frankie has his flaws, but he sure as hell didn’t deserve that. You can say what you want about me and all the supposedly bad things I’ve done, hitting Titus with his own belt and such... But looking at what you’ve done to Frankie, how are you any better?

Blade walks off, the end of trenchcoat sweeping behind him.
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