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MD39 - Scott Hammond vs. The Killjoy - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
At Redemption, The Killjoy was due to be facing Scott Hammond for the Mayhem Title. Only that John Smith took advantage of the 24/7 Ruling and got the belt before the match ever truly got underway. The Board of Directors have responded to the negative fan response and have ordered that a rematch take place with the 24/7 ruling suspended on Meltdown. The Killjoy will be determined to go that extra mile and show he can defeat Scott Hammond, with outside interference out of the way, he can keep truly focused on what is surely to be an epic encounter!

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
(The scene fades into a shot of Westminster in London. Tourists can be packing the streets as the election race rattles towards ballot day. On a park bench outside the House's Of Parliament, Scott Hammond can be seen sitting watching the tourists walk past, happy in their holiday bliss. Hammond however has a look of a man who hasn't slept in days. He stares in a daydream like trance with the Mayhem Title peeking out of his black trench coat. Hammond's trance is broken by the ringing of his phone)

Scott Hammond: Hello...your here...where?

(Hammond looks up and see's Leon Kensworth pushing through the crowd with a cameraman. He stumbles over to Hammond and sets up his mic)

Leon Kensworth: So Scott, why did you call us out here?

Scott Hammond: (Adjusting himself on the seat) I think you ask the wrong question Leon. It isn't why, but for what. Look around you Leon, all of these people, the holidaymakers, what happens to all the corrupt pig's in that building (points to the House's Of Parliament) will have absolutely no effect on their lives. On May 6th, my great country is either going to be run by a man who went to a £28,000 a-year boarding school, an Etonian toff who has no concept of what it is like to work for what you have, or, we are left with a blithering Scottish idiot again for the next five years. So what choices do we really have? The reason that I put Gordon Brown last is for the same reason I called you to Westminster. It is because we have been here before. I have cut a promo outside the walls of this place before. It is called deja-vu. And up until now, I had never experienced such a phenomenon.

Leon Kensworth: I get the feeling there is a punchline here...

Scott Hammond: Oh there is Leon. It is this. After last week, I feel like i am reliving some kind of bad dream. A dream that I am having trouble waking from. I went to Redemption the Mayhem Champion. I walked out the Mayhem Champion, and now this week on Meltdown, I am AGAIN up against The KillJoy for my title. How many lives does this man have? How many more times must WZCW push The KillJoy in my face before they realize that before too long, I will end up killing him.

Leon Kensworth: I was coming to that, but I wanted to hear your thoughts on how things panned out for you at Redemption?

Scott Hammond: Things panned out pretty well in the end didn't they? I mean, sure if you count that bastard John Smith and his pathetic 30 minute title reign, as well as The KillJoy's little title reign, there were a few bumps in the road sure, but after Smith blindsided me and took my title, it only took KillJoy bringing the title back into the building for me to capitalize on such an amazing opportunity. And Leon, I think we have overlooked something here. I am now a two-time Mayhem Champion. Many things were going through my head whilst waiting for The KillJoy to turn up in that backstage area. I knew that I had one opportunity to take back my belt, and as I lifted him above my head, and I drove him through that table with the 'London's Calling', I knew I had completed my task for the evening. I thought that it would be the last time I had to get a three count on The KillJoy, but obviously, once again, I was wrong.

Leon Kensworth: I assume you are talking about your rematch with The KillJoy this coming week? Can we talk about that now?

Scott Hammond: Such impatience Leon. It is a virtue you know. I am tired Leon. I am physically tired. And I am completely tired of The KillJoy. The man has more lives than a bloody cat with WZCW management. If that isn't bad enough, I now have to continually look over my shoulder in case any wannabe champions want to try their luck. But I have been thinking KillJoy. I have been thinking that it is not right that you continually get what you want, and I am going to give you and WZCW management some food for thought. How about this? KillJoy, I have watched you, and that mask of yours is starting to catch my attention. I am thinking about what you look like under that mask. If it means so much to you, how about putting it on the line? Of course we must go through the proper authorities and I will make sure that I pitch the idea to the heads of WZCW, but maybe you will think twice about challenging me again once I humanize you in front of the world.

Leon Kensworth: What will unmasking The KillJoy do for you though?

Scott Hammond: Me? It will forever allow me to say that I was the man that broke the spirit of The KillJoy. I will intend on carrying that mask with me as a sign of what I as a wrestler am capable of. I have finally come to the end of my tether with The KillJoy and come Meltdown, there will be nothing that stands between me and ending this mans ridiculous quest to take my title.

(Leon Kensworth signals to his cameraman to end the promo. Leon then looks over at Hammond)

Scott Hammond: So Leon, seen as you are here in London, are you going to be taking in the sights?

Leon Kensworth: Ummm, probably not, I'm off to the SeaLife Centre, good luck this week Scott.

Scott Hammond: Uncultured swine!

(Hammond gets up from the bench outside the Houses Of Parliament and walks towards the entrance, where a security guard stops him, he quickly raises his arm as if to hit the man but decides against it. Hammond then walks off in the opposite direction as the scene fades to black)
The scene opens live from a WZCW house show with a shot of the crowd as they cheer the show on. The scene then cuts backstage with Becky Serra mic in hand set to do an interview. The Meltdown interview set can be seen in the background.

Becky Serra: Ladies and gentlemen, over the past couple of months the Mayhem division has experienced a huge metamorphosis. The addition of a 24/7 title defense rules an a new influx of talent have taken the division by storm. However in spit of all that what really has the people talking is the rivalry that's been going on between two of those men. One being the Mayhem Champion, Scott Hammond (Crowd boos). And the other is the man standing by me. He challenges Scott for a third and possibly final time, this Friday at Meltdown. And if you've been keeping track, his mask will be on the line as well. This man is The KillJoy.

The crowd cheers on for The KillJoy who comes on the scene along with his assistant, Alisha. He looks into the camera for a bit before asking Becky for a mic.

The KillJoy: Ladies and gentlemen.... If I could have a moment of you're time, please... I would like each and every one of you to join me. Yes. To join me in a moment for unity. To join me in a moment of solidarity. To join me... In a moment of Kickassery!! See, Scotty thinks he has me in the ropes for catching me off guard. What he doesn't realize is how lucky he is I didn't get in the arena fast enough Sunday at Redemption. Hell, he should be lucky that I even returned to the arena. I could've easily have ran away. After all, I, proudly done might I add, high jacked a taxi cab. I could've just left after beating Johnny Boy. But I forgot something. Alisha, if you will.

Alisha hands KillJoy the bag he was retrieving at Redemption before smiling and waving to the camera. KillJoy and Becky have an odd look of confusion in their faces.

The KillJoy: If you don't mind, we're running an interview. You can wave hello to your fans some other time.

Alisha: Oh, I'm sorry. Its just that for a while now I've felt so great. I've felt a huge jolt of energy come into me and it just has me buzzing and being all jittery. It's something in the air. Its something. Somethings there telling me. Telling me that soon. Real soon, things will be going our way. And soon enough we'll for the top. And we will shatter the proverbial glass ceiling with full force. I don't know if its just me, but it feels great.

The KillJoy: Ah, my lovely student slash assistant, THAT... That is one of two things. One possibly being the 6 cans of energy drinks you swallowed... OR... It can be the feeling of change. See, Scotty can dodge me all he wants, while Myles can try to through me off guard all he wants, but sooner or later, they'll make a mistake. And just like how I made one, I can capitalize on one. As soon as they make their mistake, I'll be bringing the wave of unforgiving destructive, and soon to be trademarked bottle of concentrated Kickassery. Now with 50% less bullshit and 25% more Chair Bashin', Ya Hear?!

Becky Serra: Say Kill, let me ask you. Why is Myles now putting your mask on the line? I though he didn't want you to take it off. It seems pretty odd of him to suddenly change his mind.

The KillJoy: Ahh... That bastard, Myles. A true ass. So full of himself. So arrogant. So full of stench. So... hairy. See it my way, Becky. Myles knows I don't exactly enjoy losing. Who does, really? This would be the 4th time I lose to... Potatohead. And don't deny it, those ears are huge. If I win, I get the Mayhem title for the historic fourth time. If I lose... This mask that was forced on me will become nothing more than a piece of cheap merchandise. And I have no problem with it. However there is no way in hell that I'll lose to Scott again, so the mask stays with me. I'll remove this when I'm good and ready. Trust me, I will be good and ready. Eventually. But that's at my own accord. Not when Scotty wants it. So take that, put it in your tea and sip it. *ssssiiiipppp* "Yum. Tastes just like piss."

Becky Serra: Hey, you know, in the thrill of the moment, you kinda forgot about the bag you were holding. It must be pretty important for you to have risked the Mayhem Title for.

The KillJoy: Actually no. It isn't really all that important. It doesn't even have clothes in it. What is it, is one big bag of irony. See I went back to get this because it was supposed to help me on Meltdown and Ascension to defend my... shit... Mayhem belt. As you can see, it didn't pan out that way. Oh, what's in it, you ask? Well let me show you.

KillJoy opens the bag and pulls out a steel folding chair with a paint job on it. On acrylic paint it has written in the seating "Kiss your title shot goodbye". KillJoy shows it off on camera and swings it for a bit as Becky and Alisha dodge it.

KillJoy: A nicely painted steel folding chair. 50 dollars from my.... Assistant, Alisha's pocket. All to defend the belt. Now all I need is the actual title and we're good to go. See, you got lucky at Redemption, Potatoboy. If it would've been one on one, you know wouldn't even have been able to get the belt back. You saw me bash that security guard a few weeks ago. I rang his bell. Friday, I'll be ringing yours.The curtain call is coming, boy. And when it comes, your head will be in between my legs, as nasty as it sounds, and this chair will be colliding with your skull.

KillJoy bashes the chair in between his legs full force as if he already had Scott set up. You can hear Becky worried in the background while Alisha nods in approval. KillJoy breathes heavily as he bashes the chair a few more times between his legs.

The KillJoy: Trust me, when the curtain call comes, the curtain will fall. I'll be holding the Mayhem title up and the mask will remain as my face. As well as the face of Mayhem. Because I. Am. Mayhem!! REVOLUTION WILL BE TELEVISED!! See you Friday, future ex-champ. And remember... Join me there in a moment of Kickassery you will soon not forget.

The scene closes with KillJoy leaving with the chair in hand while Alisha follows him. Becky looks at the camera with a worried face as the scene closes and the house show continues...
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