MD39 - Contract Battle Royale

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
WZCW is always looking to add to it's ever-growing roster and this Contract Battle Royale will be looking for more new talent to show their stuff and prove themselves to be the next breakout star. Who will be joining the elite roster of Wrestlezone Championship Wrestling and who will just keep on dreaming?

Currently Competing: Gordito, Wasabi Toyota, Rodney McClain, Steven Holmes

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
Ode to Joy by Beethoven rings out as we see the text come up: The Elite Lifestyle. It is written in regal font in all white. The music begins to slowly die down. We are in a 5 star hotel and we go into a suite. There are white curtains, lined with silk, the bed has a golden cover. There is a room-service kart placed there with a few empty plates. They have been yet to be eaten off of. There is a bucket full of ice with a bottle of Champagne placed in the bucket. We pan to see 'The Elite' Steven Holmes sat in a robe with a glass of champagne next to him. He looks as if he's been expecting someone.

Holmes: Ah, welcome to my suite here in this luxury 5 star hotel. It's a wonderful place to be and of course, I can afford because, well, I'm an elite. The elite lifestyle I live is grand and very desired. I know all of you people out there are begging your wives, your girlfriends, your husbands your boyfriends, your parents, to come to a place like this. But it's simple fact, you can't afford this; and I can.

Holmes uncrosses his legs and a serious look comes across his face.

Holmes: But that's not the point, you see ladies and gents, it's almost time. Almost time for my official arrival. And I'm looking to a make an impact. And what better way to make an impact then by beating a host of other newcomers. It signafies that I, 'The Elite' Steven Holmes, am better than them. Out of the weeds there must emerge a flower. That flower is me, and that flower will blossom. Right now I'm relaxed, but when I get in that ring...

Holmes stands up.

Holmes: ...I'm all business. I live an elite lifestyle and I'm going to bring that to the ring. I'm going to show you why I am an elite, and you aren't. I'm going to prove to you fans out there why I am the best thing to show up in this profession for a long, long time. And as for my opponents, well you might as well give up now. You see, a blubbering giant is nothing more than a cry-baby. I'll give you something to cry about, don't you worry kimosabe. And as for the 'Ruthless' Rodney McClain, well you're already beat, you see, in the ring it's just as much about mental stimulation as it is about physicality and you are very unbalanced. And Gordito, as 'The Dirty One' you should probably stay away from a clean individual such as myself. I don't want to be catching something from you.

Holmes chuckles. He then sits down once more with a wide grin on his face.

Holmes: But that's all for now. I've got to keep my cards close to my chest becasue it'll be more entertaining to show you folks out there what I'm talking about. Wasabi Toyota, Rodney McClain, Gordito, come that Battle Royale, you'll know why Aristocracy Reigns.

Holmes grabs a glass full of champagne and sips. He then admires it for a moment. He once again focuses.

Holmes: This is 'The Elite' Steven Holmes wishing you all good luck, because you're going to need it.

Holmes begins to laugh once more. Ode to Joy by Beethoven once again plays as the screen fades to black. The regal font from before once again comes up with the words 'The Elite, coming soon.' all in white.
Wasabi Toyota, wearing a tuxedo, can be seen sitting in a small room, fidgeting nervously and sweating profusely. Every few moments he shuffles through his stack of note cards, mumbling to himself. Leon Kensworth enters the room, startling Toyota, causing his note cards to fly everywhere.

Are you ok Toyota?

Uhh... Ya just fine. I, uhh, need my notes.

Toyota sprawls on the floor trying to gather up his cards, constantly slipping due to the perspiration covering the ground.

Easy there, big guy. What the hell are you doing?

Sorry Leon, I'm just a little nervous. This is the biggest opportunity of my life. I can't afford to blow it.

This is just a casual interview Toyota. Nothing to be worried about at all. I'm just here to have a little chat and ask a few questions.

Really? Does that mean I don't need this tux?

No, not really. Listen buddy, just take a second to relax and get comfortable while we set up the cameras.

Leon turns for a second to have a word with his cameraman. He turns back to see Toyota lying naked on the floor in spread eagle position.

Whoa! What the hell are you doing man? I mean, seriously

I thought you said I should get comfortable. I'm most comfortable in this position.

How did you even get undressed that fast? Where did your tux go? Nevermind. Let's just get on with it.

Leon has his back turned to Toyota for the interview, too distracted by the mass of pure beauty on the floor to focus.

So, you're in you're in a Battle Royal this week, which happens to be the same match you were in last week. A match you lost. Logically, how can you expect to win this week?

It's completely different Leon. There were some proven stars in that match. Blade, USA, Smith. Not to mention that terrible, terrible man Leopold Sade, who won the match. Thankfully, he's gone now. And with him, some of the evil. The terrible, terrible evil. I just can't stand it. It make me, so.., so ANGRY!

Umm, alright. Let's try a little less rambling and a little more answering the questions. Contract Battle Royal this week. Four men including yourself. Thoughts?

All of us are rookies Leon, but not exactly. I've had experience on a WZCW PPV. The fans were there, excitement was in the air, it was awesome. I felt it, Leon. I felt it. I was fighting for those fans. I sensed that they needed me. To fight the evil. To bring peace. Rodney McClain and Steven Holmes don't have that experience. Sure, my buddy Gordy was in that match as well, but he didn't win either. And he certainly isn't built like I am.

After the torture, I hated myself and my body. "Why me?" I thought. After a lot of tears and countless bottles of Zima, I finally realized I was given this body for a reason. Perhaps as punishment for my previous dastardly actions. Perhaps just as some sick joke from God. I like to think its the proverbial blessing in disguise. I'm supposed use it to protect the weak and stamp out the evil. It's to be used as a shield against all the satanistic sludge in the world. Also, fat people usually do well in Battle Royals.

Once again, you seem to struggle with staying on topic Why am I even here? We really need to wrap this up. I'm not even going to bother asking another question. Just say whatever you want.

Thanks Leon. You're a real pal. I guess I'll just talk about what a dream this is for me. A year ago I was in a really bad place. I was running with the wrong crowd, just doing whatever the hell Akinori and Hideki and Joey and Jinzhou told me to do. There was no hope in my life. Just crime and filth and guilt. O, the guilt.

Toyota start sobbing uncontrollably.

Umm, it's alright, buddy.

A shaken Leon gives Toyota an akward pat on the shoulder, back still turned.

No, it's not ok. I don't deserve any pity. I brought this upon myself. It's the fans and all of the pure, innocent beings out there that deserve the pity. That's why I'm fighting, for their sake. All of these other wrestlers are fighting for fame or glory or attention. Not me. I hope to help these men as well, in addition to the fans. It's a two step process. First, I humble them with a victory. The, I show them compassion with a hug. Hopefully they will see the light.

However, those evil bastards who don't believe are in for some trouble. I'll show no compassion towards them. They deserve not only to be punished, but absolutely destroyed for stupidity and ignorance. I won't let them hurt people. I WON'T! THEY WILL PAY! I WILL GET THEM! THEY WILL PAY!

Toyota starts going into what seem to be convulsions on the floor. A thoroughly confused and exasperated Leon stealthily exits the room.
Camera focuses in on an empty room with the letters W E E D in the corner. the camera moves around a little bit and there are a couple of cannabis plants around the room.Rodney McClain walks in and takes a seat on the couch with a pizza box and a 2 liter of mountain dew.

Sorry I’m late I had to make a quick munchy run. so, without further ado welcome to the very first edition of W E E D TV.

McClain gets a cheesey applause and opens the pizza box before gathering several cannabis plants next to the couch where he is sitting.

Now let me introduce you to my good friends, Sour Diesel, Yumboldt, and, Afghanica. all three of them will be with me during the battle royal. Sour Diesel will be there so that I can zone out away from the constant blabbing of Steven Holmes and The Crying Giant Wasabi Toyota. Yumboldt will keep me focused and in my zone. Afghainca is there for my stamina she's long lasting trust me.

McClain takes a swig from his mountain dew and starts in on a slice of pizza before his doorbell rings and its none other than selena Anderson. Mcclain welcomes her in and leads her to the couch and he goes into a room and brings out a pair of panties then leads selena back to the door

Yea its what you thought it was hahahha. she's a nice girl though, to bad she wont be announcing me as the winner of this battle royal whether its the fat man the snob or Chalupa..Gordita whatever the hell his name is there getting there asses out of that ring so I ruthless Rodney Mcclain will receive the WZCW contract. and when I do ill be using it to bring the power of the blunt to WZCW while becoming the first WZCW grand slam champion. don't think I’ve forgotten about my many fans that stayed loyal during my time on the indy circuit I treat my fans to the best and will gladly donate a box of swisher sweets for all who attend Meltdown 39. your probably wondering how I can afford this before the contract is guaranteed, well, they've given me a lifetime supply for my frequent purchases so its nothing for me to share.

now well into his third slice of pizza McClain reaches behind the couch and grabs a decent size wicker basket and opens it into a camera revealing hundreds of swisher sweets and begins to speak in a British accent.

did you think I was joking hahahha well looks like were out of time

Mcclain now begins to use his regular voice while putting his hand to his ear to bring in another cheesy applause

its been real guys, Ruthless Rodney McClain is out!!!!!

McClain picks up a remote and presses a button and the screen flashes out.
[We open to a dive bar interior. The walls are covered in posters and stickers. There is a bar along the south wall, round booths and tables along the north wall, and a stage along the west wall. The lights are up, and there are guys on the stage setting up equipment. There are patrons at the bar, but not many. There are also two girls on staff at the bar, both girls in rockabilly outfits, one is blonde and the other is brunette. The blonde is serving drinks at the bar, while the brunette is waiting the booths to the north. A small crowd has formed in the open area in front of the stage, sipping drinks and bullshitting until the show starts. In one of the red vinyl upholstered booths along the north wall sits Gordito and Becky Serra. Gordito is wearing some beaten and faded blue jeans and a black t-shirt with a tacky red blazer that looks like it came from a 1970's time capsule. His mohawk is up, and he's wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses. Becky is wearing a black v-neck pantsuit with leopard print vest, hat, and belt. The belt buckle is a skull and crossbones.]

Becky: Thanks again for taking the time to speak with me, and the WZCW fans, one more time Gordito.

Gordito: Always a pleasure, Becky.

Becky: I want to talk to you about Redemption...

[Gordito winces lightly]

Becky: ...You put up a great fight, but couldn't come away with the win that night. What are your thoughts about your first little taste of WZCW?

Gordito: I had a great night at Redemption. I mean, ok...I did end up being tossed on my ass in that Battle Royal, but that's not the end of my time here baby. I got to rub elbows and trade hip tosses with some of the best. I mean, seriously, Blade was waiting in the ring for everyone else to arrive. Who the hell saw that coming? But I didn't let it get to me. I just went out there and gave my all, and I think the fans saw that.

[More people are filling the empty area, and the stage crew is finishing up]

Becky: I hope they did. In fact, you'll be getting another shot at it soon. A final shot, actually.

Gordito: That's right, coming up on the next Meltdown I'll be part of an exclusive Contract Battle Royal. And to be honest, I'm a little more nervous about this one.

Becky: Nervous?

Gordito: Nervous. Who wouldn't be? Redemption was a free for all dark match; a treat for the fans who made it to the show. It was a chance at getting the people in the crowd to notice me. And it worked, HURRAY THEY NOTICED ME!

[Becky is a momentarily put off by Gordito's sudden yelling]

Gordito: But that's not enough. I got myself this far, but this is the breaking point. Becky, the Dirty One is a little nervous because this match isn't for all comers, new and old. It's for us new guys; it's our only shot. This isn't for the wishy-washy and the sheepish, like the guy who ended up winning the match at Redemption. These guys, regardless of where they came from or what they're about, earned this shot and want it just as bad as I do. This one's for all the cards, all the bones, for all the blood. This is IT, baby. So who wouldn't be a little nervous about it. You'd have to be crazy to not be.

Becky: Well, let's talk about some of the confirmed opponents. Have you had a chance to scout them out any, including Wasabi Toyota, the Matsumoto Mauler?

Gordito: I have nothing but respect for Toyota. The guy is a mountain of man, and he's got a straight up heart of gold. We get along great, but I hardly expect him to take it easy on me tonight. He's a prime example of the fight I have to look forward to on Meltdown. The worst thing you could do in this match is stay in front of this guy too long.

[Stage crew has left the stage, the floor is quite full of people, and the lights are slowly being lowered as band members come onto the stage]

Becky: And The Elite Steven Holmes?

Gordito: Heh heh heh. Let's just say that Holmes is the kind of guy I could get along great with. All pushy and stuffy and dismissive of anything that isn't part of their grandeur. Elitists like him go great with punks like me. I foresee a long and beautiful friendship between us. Heh heh.

Becky: Finally, the last confirmed name for the match is Rodney McClain.

Gordito: Ruthless Mr. Red Eye himself. I've seen his work before, he's no slouch. I tell you what though, Becky, he's gonna need more than a bottle of Visine and indy scene cred to see me coming.

[The band has started playing their first song. The band is Guttermouth, the song is "Baker's Dozen", and the crowd has started to form a pit]

Becky [yelling over the music]: I want to wrap this up before they get going really loudly here; what are you bringing to this fight that you think nobody else has?

Gordito [yelling over the music]: You see that down there?

[Gordito points towards the kids beginning to mosh]

Gordito [yelling over the music]: That right there. As a kid, I always felt powerless and weak. But that all changed the first time I jumped into the pit. The beauty of the pit is in becoming a force of nature. It's beautiful when a man is able to forget his problems, forget his weaknesses, and just get out there and let loose. It's transformative! You go in with your own problems, your own little bag of anxiety, but as soon as you step into it, as soon as you go crazy, you become more than the sum of your parts. It's not just about running into people, it's not just about the violence; it's about becoming unstoppable. When you get into the zone in the pit, NOTHING can stop you. You move with such power, and react fluidly when someone is in your way. You see, I'm used to holding my own in a crowd.

Becky [yelling over the music]: But do you think that will be enough? Could this be the last we get to speak with you, Gordito?

Gordito [yelling over the music]: We'll find out, baby, we'll find out. Like I said, I'm a little nervous about this match. But I'm not going to let that hold me back from jumping in with 110% effort. I told you I was here to have fun and go crazy. Redemption was the fun part; now it's time to go a little crazy. I'm a little nervous now, but come Meltdown, I'll be nothing but focused on proving myself to all of WZCW.

Becky [yelling over the music]: And we'll be watching. Thank you for your time, and good luck out there on Meltdown!

[Scene fades to black as the brunette waitress arrives with two drinks, and the singer on stage throws up after the first song is done]

Becky: EWWW! Does that usually happen?
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