MD39 - Big Dave vs. Vengeance

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Both men had victories at Redemption, but only Big Dave left with the prize he desired. No doubt the return of Vengeance has shook the roster for certain, but Big Dave will no doubt be relishing the challenge after beating Showtime in two out of three falls. With Vengeance looking to get his case noticed in the hunt for the World Heavyweight Championship, will the EurAsian Champion be another victim of Vengeance's destructive path or will Dave keep his stance going strong?

Deadline: Monday 10th May 23:59 EST
The gentle candle light flickers, and the fire crackles in the fireplace, eerily lighting up the room, casting shadows across the room, the black form of two people can be seen.

Footsteps across the stone floor alert the camera to the presence of another person in the room.

The camera pans around to show Vengeance and Tarja standing in the centre of the room, Vengeance with a smile on his face, as Tarja stands looking mildly bemused as she stands just off his right shoulder.

Vengeance: And so, the time has come for chaos to be replaced with the ordered destruction.

Lars Reidar's descent to mediocrity associating with Ty Burna has finally pushed the Warrior King to become nothing more than a plebian failure.

Tarja's facial expression shifts from jaded indifference, to a sour expression.

Tarja: And what, you think the last months have been nothing but a waste of time? Do you even realise what I've put myself through to advance your career? Only with me did you receive the title shots you deserved. I put myself through hell on earth just to advance you.

Vengeance: Tarja, I know all you've put yourself through, and I appreciate it all. And I have one last thing for you to do. Go see Bateman, and offer him whatever he wants, for what I need.

Tarja: Bu-

Vengeance: DO IT!!!

Tarja leaves the room in search of Bateman, leaving Vengeance with the cameraman.

Vengeance: And so Vengeance has begun the path towards redemption. When I came into WZCW, I had a goal, I had a path towards justice and I had someone to focus on, and the same scenario has repeated itself this time around.

Vengeance has function, he has reason, and I will repay those who have brought wrong upon me.

Lars tried to reach the reach the goal, but his chaos resulted in nothing but missed goals and destruction

Vengeance turns to the mirror, a light flashes and the angry face of Reidar, his fists pummelling the surface can be seen before cutting back to the room.

Vengeance: Lars has attracted the attention of three people since his arrival:- Cougar, Ty and Titus, and all three shall receive their recompense in due time.

Vengeance turns and destroys the mirror on the wall, glass shattering and falling to the floor, before Vengeance stands on it, grinding it with his boot.

Vengeance: All will shatter, they will fall and be ground into dust under me.

Showtime has already fallen to Big Dave, and has been left without the only thing he valued, that made him worthwhile. Lars failed to remove it from him, and so I must destroy the one who succeeded in doing so. Dave, the lot has fallen on you to become the scapegoat. On you the sins of others will be cast, and you will be cast out, not through your own doing, but the deeds of another.

The other goat... that lot falls on Ty Burna. For you see Ty, your precious board failed to show you what was in store once. It failed to show your head bouncing off the ring post, and it failed to show my pinning USA to win the match. Not only did you fail to prepare for the opponent, you failed to prepare for what your partner was capable of and you also failed to keep Payne in the ring.

Our failure to win KFAD falls squarely on your shoulders, as yet again you cost me what I wanted. It is written that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sins. And your blood will be the penalty for the wrong you have done against me.

That leaves only one step before I can finally enter the Holy of Holies – the atonement offering.

He pauses, glancing down at the floor where a drip has fallen from the ceiling

Vengeance: Lars Reidar came into being to bring anarchy and chaos down on one man, and that man now stands at the top in my rightful place, having overcome the odds. The first two men are the steps to cleanse the wrong doing, but Titus...
He looks up sharply, an intensity in his eyes

Vengeance: This time, you are my atonement for all I have failed, and you know you have never managed to overcome Vengeance. I have beaten everyone you have, I hold more victories over you than any in this business, and this time, I will make no mistakes.

Vengeance walks to the fire and lifts one of the coals using tongs. He stares intently into the glowing embers, talking in a quiet tone

Vengeance: Then said I, Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips: for mine eyes have seen the King...

Rest assured Titus, the prophets spoke of judgment, but they didn’t realise it would all fall on you.

He holds the coal in his hand, an unearthly yell comes from his mouth as the pain of the heat registers.

The lights flick out, and the glowing coal is all that can be seen, floating through the air to the wall, and lighting up something smeared there earlier. As the flames die down, the charred letters can be seen on the wall as the camera pans out to fit them all in.

For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?​
I have Redemption…now I will have Vengeance

The thunder cracks across the night’s sky as heavy rain pours down, nothing is dry within miles as the camera pans down an empty abandoned warehouse with a Sudan driving up right outside. The driver climbs out, not giving a care about the weather as he takes a torch and goes immediately to the door.

We cut inside as the door slams open and the figure flicks on his torch, going through the mess of what remains inside this warehouse, he stumbles across a fallen chair with cut rope lying underneath it.

So this is where he took him

The torch shines around lighting up burnt photographs and pieces of paper, the images are mostly chard and dusty so the contents are difficult to tell. The place looks damn and the sounds of scurrying can be heard amongst the thunder booming outside.

This was your last resting place and you came back last week

The torch moves upwards to see the figure is Big Dave who’s searching the warehouse, with the warm air blowing from his mouth on this cold night.

What is it about this place? What made you come back? Such a shame Leon wasn’t willing enough to come here, yet I courteous enough not to drag him here either, the sounds of him kicking and screaming, bliss!

But the last time you were here, you were going after the Elite X Championship, an unsuccessful venture against Titus, yet this week you face me, the EurAsian Champion.

Dave continues to search around the warehouse, only to see rusted hooks hanging from the rafters and ripped up pieces of paper on the floor.

But yet on the scale, I must be facing a much weaker foe than my rival Showtime, I mean I’ve beaten him on two nights and have three pins to count for and none as a loss, yet you only managed to score one on him over three weeks. Showtime wanted to hang you the EurAsian Championship in fear of facing me at Kingdom Come, yet you couldn’t go for that chance given to you then, what makes you think you have a chance now?

Dave crouches down to see if any of pieces of paper and other items on the floor have anything of value.

Lar…Vengeance, you seem to be a man of either misfortune or a man with a halfwit ability…two King For A Day Chambers, three World Title shots, best of three for the EurAsian title, numerous chances, even in a cage for the Elite X title…how many times can you go for a belt and not be victorious? I wouldn’t know that personally given that you just need to give me that one shot and the belt is mine. What is it Vengeance? What is that makes you so incompetent to win a championship? Hell you even won your match at Redemption but failed to even get the pin you needed to be the King For A Day again! What is it Vengeance? You make your glorified entrances and presence felt, but what presence should I feeling? Overhype? False sense of security? To me, Vengeance, you’re all talk! I bet Leon was simply being forced to put his hands in bowls of grapes and plastic spiders just so you can get the satisfaction of seeing him soil himself. What is it Vengeance?

Dave continues searching but can’t seem to find anything, he heads straight to the door and storms out into the pouring rain, heading back to the car. He gets in and slams the door, he puts the keys in the ignition and starts the engine but then stops still in deep thought.

Of course…you lack instinct, the ruthless aggression, the ability to go for that extra mile to get to the mountain top…you called the ability to be the Judge, Jury and Executioner, yet it was you being judged because you never left his grasp. You were convinced that you could escape that path and be your own force. You once followed the calls of The Master’s will and yet without since departing from that route, you lost that ability to finish the task because you were lacking the execution you desired.

Well Vengeance, much like Showtime, at Meltdown you will fall victim to my wrath, you shouldn’t be the one to be feared, but the one to be in fear. I take pride in what I do and have proven myself to be capable enough without a leader telling me what to do unless his name is Big Dave. Vengeance, you may have returned to your origins but you are still the same shell of a man in a new set of colours, you may have returned but your Master won’t be making you as you once were…you were his then, but at Meltdown, you will be mine! And anyone who stares to stand in my way will think twice again…particularly those that may challenge me, from Showtime to the Zero Hunter. While you will be crushed under my grasp because Chuck Myles said so, these two have a choice to make, think hard and twice before doing so because I can defeat Showtime without suffering a pin, image seeing the sight of Vengeance turning into Sorrow.

Prepare to bare witness to my unstoppable force…and prepare to make the right choice and run…for Vengeance is mine!

Dave puts the car into gear and reverses away from the warehouse and drives on in the stormy night.
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