MD38 - Phoenix vs. Chris Beckford

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

What a difference a month makes for these two men, Phoenix was riding high with Tag Team Gold being in his reach whilst Beckford was about to make a bold stand in the KFAD Elimination Chamber. A month on, Beckford has an Elite X challenge while Phoenix has called out on his former partner to face him at Redemption, while the answer has not been given, Garth Black will be coming down on commentary during this match. Will Garth's presence affect the outcome and will Beckford escape unscathed before his big title opportunity?

Deadline is Monday 5th April 23:59 EST
*Scene opens with the camera zoomed towards the sky. It's a dark night. As the camera zooms out it pans in a complete circle and we see we are in a stadium filled with people. The atmosphere is frantic is the ground.
The scene then switches to a room, it appears to be inside the stadium high up. The frantic atmosphere inside the ground can still be heard. The camera tilts round to see Chris Beckford stood looking out onto the pitch, he is wearing a Leeds united shirt. Sam Remmington is with him and a couple more people are sat close by.*

Beckford: Man It feels great to be back at Elland Road, I havn't caught a Leeds United game since we were decent at the start of the season. I'm really hoping we can beat Southend today and get back in the top two

*Beckford comes away from the window and sits down next to Remmington*

Beckford: How are you enjoying the executive box man? gotta love the perks of being in WZCW.

Remmington: Dont let it go to your head Chris, I know this is a night away from the training and traveling but you still need to be mentally prepared for the next few tough weeks ahead.

Beckford: Yeah I was just kidding around, its good to have time to relax ya know, away from all the pressure of WZCW.

Remmington: Yeah, I haven't seen you in a couple of weeks, I saw what happened with Austin Reynolds, how are you holding up after that horrific beat down?

Beckford: I'm fine now, but I was in a bad shape and last week in the rematch, I'll be honest I struggled. I wasn't at my best but managed to pin Austin and get to the Elite X Championship match against Karnage.

Remmington: But Reynolds pinned you at the same time and now its going to be a triple threat match for the Elite X championship.

Beckford: Yeah, I couldn't do anything about that. It won't change anything though, I'll be the NEW Elite X Champion come the end of the match.

Remmington: Well we have alot of work to do before then, we got Phoenix this week though, he's got some stuff going on with Garth Black so I doubt he will be fully focused on you.

*Beckford stands up and he walks back to the window*

Beckford: Second Coming have imploded over recent weeks, you're right I think we can take advantage of this. With that being said this will be no cakewalk, Phoenix is tough, he is a former WZCW Tag Team Champion, he will bring his A game.

Remmington: Are you worried about interference from Reynolds and Karnage?

Beckford: Reynolds is unpredictable. He could show up at anytime but he has his hands full with Big Dave, I know first hand from the Eurasian league how tough Big Dave is. I doubt Karnage even considers me or Reynolds a threat to the title at this moment in time and he is focusing on Showtime. I don't think either of them will try anything but if they do I'll be ready for them both.

Remmington: It's good to know you are prepared Chris, Now we came here to relax, lets put all this talk of WZCW away and enjoy the game.

Beckford: Definitely, the games about to kick off lets get a couple of beers and hope we get the win.

*Beckford motions to the bartender for 2 beers and we hear over the Pa.*

PA: Please Welcome Southend United and LEEDS UNITED

*The crowd and Beckford stand to applaud the two teams coming out and as the scene begins to fade the crowd start a renditon of Marching On Together*
The scene opens with Leon Kensworth backstage with Phoenix. Phoenix looks less than his best, as he is pacing and has nervous twitches. Leon gets the signal from off-screen and starts the interview.

Ladies and gentlemen, my gue…

Give me the mic! (pause) Garth, I know what you are doing. This is another thing you got from teaming with me. You are stalling because you are trying to get into my head. Making me focus on what your reply is gonna be instead of my match this week.

Phoenix catches his breath after this outburst, and looks at Leon for a moment before beginning again, this time much more calmly and quietly.

Well, it worked. There, I said it. I haven’t slept in days. I keep waiting to hear a reply. Checking my phone constantly. Checking my e-mail constantly. Checking constantly. And every time, there is still no answer. I haven’t had a week this bad since you lost our tag team belts.

But now, (chuckles) now the time has come, Garth. You can’t wait any longer to reply to me. Either you will face me, or you won’t. Either you will let me do the one thing I haven’t been able to do that would prove I’m better than you and beat you one on one, or you will show the whole world once again that you were the weak link in Second Coming.

Beckford, I know I’m facing you this week; don’t think I have forgotten about you even though you will wish I had. Last week, I told KillJoy that I would see Garth Black when I stepped into the ring with him and this week I plan on doing the same to you. And after I am done destroying Beckford, Garth needs to be prepared. Because if I don’t find his answer satisfactory, I might have to help persuade him to change his mind. I haven’t slept in a week, Garth, but once I hear the answer from you I want, I plan on having the best sleep of my life filled with dreams of delivering your final destruction.

Phoenix looks at the mic in his hand, and gives it back to Leon. He leans in, pats him on the shoulder and walks off-screen just before it cuts to black.
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