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MD38 - Corey Payne vs. Blade

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Two men with title opportunities face off this week as both Corey Payne and Blade will look to prove a point towards their rivals and potential champions as they face off in a standard match. Payne has been a target whilst Blade has been doing targeting of his own, going after the EurAsian and Elite X Champions, how will their encounter fare going into Redemption where their own title opportunities may be on the line.

Deadline is Monday 5th April 23:59 EST
Blade walks backstage after his loss to Heavy Artillery, his face indifferent. Vance Bateman walks up to him.

Bateman: I need to talk to you for a minute, Blade.

Blade: Walk and talk, Bateman, walk and talk.

Blade keeps walking quickly through the halls with Bateman practically jogging to keep up.

Bateman: Well, you’ve got your title shot set for Apocalypse. But you still haven’t made the decision of which title you’ll be challenging for.

Blade: Can you really blame me? I’ve had angry welsh guys and handicap matches to deal with.

Bateman: That may be, but we need answer. We’ve decided you have to give us your decision by the Meltdown or Ascension after Redemption or you’ve lost your title shot.

Blade rolls his eyes a bit, walking through the merchandise stalls.

Blade: Fine, I guess that’ll give me enough to deal with until after Redemption. This is going to be a huge decision for me, so I’d like to request that I have no matches until the decision is announced.

Bateman, now panting, looks slightly worried for a moment.

Bateman: Well, that’s the other thing I wanted to talk to you about. You’ve got Corey Payne next week.

Blade stops dead a few metres from the lockroom.

Blade: No. You’ve got to be fucking with me. I cannot face Corey Payne now. I’m injured! I’m hurt! I’ve just been beaten up by the tag team champions! You cannot do this to me.

Bateman: The match has been booked for weeks, because surveys say the crowd wants to see it. You can’t get out of it Blade. You’re facing Payne on the next Meltdown.

Bateman walks away, leaving Blade speechless.


Blade is sitting in a black leather couch backstage. He is leaning forward, his elbows on his knees and his neck bent forward. His gaze facing straight forward, darting left and right very slightly every few seconds. The camera pans around, moving behind him. It shows a white board in front of him, showing two columns. One has ELITE X written at the top, the other has EURASIAN. Both columns have a picture of their respective champions. Blade’s mind is racing in an internal monologue.

Blade: God Dammit... I’ve been here for 6 hours and still... I’ve got nothing.

Blade wipes a small bead of sweat off his forehead and stands up. He starts pacing back and forward in front of the white board, taking out a cigarette to smoke as he does so.

Blade: Dave... Or Karnage....?

He takes a long, deep drag of the cigarette and exhales, his pacing steadily growing quicker. He suddenly stops and for the hundredth time, reads through the bullet points in both columns.

Elite X:

- I know I can beat Karnage

- Title has been around for longer

- More challengers going for the belt

- The belt that elevated Titus to superstardom

- Elite X = Arguably MOTN at Kingdom Come


- Big Dave is a completely new opponent

- Have longer average title reigns

- Garth might be challenging for the belt soon

- Belt is way better looking than Elite X

- Cougar used to be a dick. Not so much now

The frustration in Blade’s face is obvious as his eyes shoot around the white board, following a pattern each time. He walks over to the table placed at the side of the room. He opens the vodka bottle that’s half empty by now and pours himself another glass. He downs it in a matter of seconds and pounds the glass down on the table in frustration.

Blade: Why the hell am I making such a big deal out of this? Actually, I know why.... This is my destiny, and I have to make the decision... But surely, if it’s destiny, I’ll make the right choice regardless?

Blade lets out a heavy sigh and slumps back into the chair. He leans forwards, putting his head in his hands. He shakes his head a moment but suddenly stops and looks up with an expression of realisation on his face. He quickly gets out of his seat, grabs his trench coat and leaves the locker room.

Rebecca Serra is in the interviewing area backstage.

Rebecca: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest at the time, Blade.

Blade walks into the shot. His eyes are slightly bloodshot and his hair a little messy, but he has a smile on his face.

Rebecca: Well, Blade.... You don’t look so good.

Blade: Always one for subtlety, aren’t you Becky? Last night I had a little bit of a personal crisis. I’ve been given a deadline on deciding what title to go for and on top of that, I’ve got to deal with Corey Payne, a guy who is on great form right now. Hours I spent trying to make my decision, with Payne seemingly taunting me at the back of my mind...

Rebecca: Well.... What happened?

Blade lets out a heavy sigh and smirks.

Blade: I said... Fuck it. I was so stupid for thinking I was the one had to decide, my decision was what was shaping my destiny. So I realised, I shouldn’t have to make this decision. I’ll let destiny make the decision for me. Or, to be more precise, I’m going to let Karnage and Big Dave make the decision for me.

Rebecca: I know something bad is going to happen when you get that look on your face.

Blade: Nah, you’re just being paranoid.

Rebecca: And what about Payne?

Blade: He’s good. But I take comfort in the fact that he’s going to be just as distracted as me. He’s got two of the biggest badasses in the whole company after him. In fact, he’s much worse off than me at the moment. But he’ll probably say I’m not on his mind, he’s not worried about me... So before he says that, let me say this: I’m not an idiot Corey, and neither are you. You know how stupid it is to not be worried about me. I’ve made a career out of taking advantage of people underestimating me. Don’t make the same mistake that so many others have made.
We open up to an outside shot of the Tyson James Training Facility. We see Becky Serra walking into the front of the gym. She enters the gym, scanning the interior with her eyes. Even though it is fairly early in the morning, the gym is half filled. But there is no sign of the man that Becky is looking for. After loitering for a few more minutes, she finally spots the man she was looking for, which is, of course, “Prototype” Corey Payne. He is wearing an official Prototype t-shirt (available at WZCWshop.com) along with Tapout shorts and dark sunglasses. Prototype is limping on his bad knee, is covered in bruises, and looks to be in a world of pain. Becky tentatively approaches Corey.

Becky: Corey? Umm… I was wondering if I could… maybe… interview you?

Corey: (stares at Becky for a moment) Sure. Why not?

Becky: (sighs in relief) Good. First, I would like to ask you, how are you feeling after the attack you suffered from Lars Reidar and Ty Burna at last Ascension?

Corey: Well, not too well. I went to the doctor’s a few days ago, and he said that the condition of my knee has gotten much more severe than they thought. He said that I need to have surgery on it. He said that if I go on much longer like this, I can lose the use of my knee.

Now, it may not be smart, but I can’t stall my career at this time. Even if it kills me, I’m gonna delay my surgery and use alternative treatment. I need to stay in WZCW for now. Burna and Reidar caused this. They need to pay for it.

Becky: Speaking of Burna and Reidar, how do you feel about their claims of you being a…. a drug abuser?

Corey: (takes a deep breath) I’m gonna say something that I have only told a few people about. (takes another deep breath) When I originally injured my knee, when I was still in MMA, I became very depressed. Then my life basically fell apart. I lost my job, couldn’t get back at the son of a bitch who ended my MMA career, and then my wife and dad both died within the same month. People know that. But what people don’t know is that I became what Burna and Reidar are currently accusing me of. I became a substance abuser. My knee hurt constantly and I was suffering from depression. I tried to numb this physical and mental pain with drugs and alcohol. And it didn’t work. It just made me feel worse. I began wondering if life was even worth living. Finally, one day, I tried to end it all…

I sat in my car that was parked in my garage and turned the engine on. I sat there, feeling my life slip away from me as the carbon monoxide flooded the air. I was at the brink of death when the garage door opened. My uncle, Ty, entered and started yelling his head off, both surprised and scared. I can’t remember anything else because I passed out soon after that.

I woke up in the hospital the next day, with Tyson at my bedside. He told me that day that I needed help. So after I left the hospital, I checked myself into rehab. I was in there for a few months. When I emerged, I was clean. With Tyson’s help, I got my life back on track and started to rehab my knee and learned how to wrestle. But the point of this story is that drugs don’t help. And Burna, Reidar, you say that I am a drug abuser. Well, you’re right.

However, the drugs didn’t enhance my performance. I won King For A Day all by myself, and I beat both of you to do it. And I have never taken a steroid in my life. But I did get a little bit over dependent on the painkillers after KFAD. That stops now. I’ve ruined my life with drugs before, and that’s not gonna happen again.

Becky looks at Payne, a bit shocked at what she just heard. But Corey doesn’t seem to notice as he motions to her to follow him. She obeys and follows him to a chair with a gym bag on it. He opens the gym bag, which is clearly his, and pulls out a plastic bag. It has a few filled pill bottles in it. He grabs one bottle and places it on the ground. He then precedes to stomp the bottle and pills into a pile of broken plastic and pill dust. He then does this to the rest of the bottles. Corey looks up at Becky.

Corey: See, I don’t need these drugs. Ty, Lars, pay close attention to what I am about to say. I know you boys are after my King For A Day status. And I just have one thing to say about that: You will not take this from me. I don’t care what the hell you try to do to me. You can light me on fire, stuff me in a casket, bury me alive, tie me to a “symbol” and place a crown of barbed wire on my head, let a toy from the Parker Brothers decide my fate, spike my drink with the date rape drug, sacrifice me to Thor or the Ouija or whatever, and have a raven claw out my eyes. But you will not get KFAD off me. It’s cute that you guys get together, have a playdate, start catfights with your valets, instant message well into the night, and eat dessert with each other. But am I supposed to be scared of that? To quote Psalm 23: “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.” I can incorporate that into what is happening with me and “The Dark Alliance.”

You two think that you can scare me, that you can get into my head. Well, sorry to disappoint you. You can’t. After being so close to death, something like a few ambushes doesn’t frighten me. I think you two should be scared of me. You originally wanted my KFAD status, but now you made it personal. Lars and Ty, you will have hell to pay for your actions.

Corey relaxes a bit then turns to Becky.

Corey: Now, I understand I am facing Blade at Meltdown, is that correct? (Becky nods) You want my thoughts on this right? (Again, Becky nods) Well, you’re gonna hear them.

Blade, you are one of the most underrated wrestlers in the company. I have been waiting a long time to wrestle you. And we have something in common: we are both under pressure. My dealings with Mr. Ouija and The Viking, and you having to decide who you will cash in your title shot on: Big Dave or Karnage. But I guess you have had an epiphany, and you are suddenly focused on this match. But I have been focused on this match, and I will defeat you. You tell me not to underestimate you. And I am not taking you lightly. I have a lot of anger built up, and I’m gonna take it out on you. I see you as I see every opponent. That would be an obstacle. An obstacle that is in the way of my goal, which is to become the WZCW World Heavyweight champion. And it doesn’t matter who you are. It can be you, Blade, or Lars Reidar, Ty Burna, Everest, Bratchny, Jack Cohen, Austin Reynolds, Doug Crashin, a local wrestler, and especially Titus. You can all attempt to step in my way, but you will all have the same thing happen to you. You will all FEEL THE PAIN!!!

(turns to Becky) Now Becky, do you have anything else to ask me?

Becky: I think that about covers it.

Corey: Well pardon me, but I have some training I have to get to. Bye Becky.

With that, Payne leaves. As the camera fades, Becky is still standing there, trying to figure out the complex man that is Corey Payne.
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