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MD36 - Scott Hammond vs. The Killjoy (Mayhem Title)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

The man who entered Kingdom Come as Mayhem Champion faces off against the man who left the pay per view with the same title as The Killjoy challenges Scott Hammond to his first defence of sought after belt. Both men fought hard over the belt at Kingdom Come, so it's no doubt they will be on their top form again under Mayhem Rules.

Deadline is Monday 8th March 2010 23:59 EST
(The scene fades into a wide shot of a large palace in the middle of a large green. The camera slowly zooms into a small wooden park bench just outside the walls of the palace. Scott Hammond is seen sitting on the bench, wearing a large black trench coat and black leather gloves. He is wearing aviator shades and looking directly at the camera)

Scott Hammond: The building you all see behind me is Hampton Court Palace. Allow me to give you a little history lesson. This was the residence of one of the most memorable kings in recent history, Henry VIII. Putting aside his personal dilemma's he was a proud and strong king. Even when everything around him seemed to be crumbling, he held his head high and fought on. He was a visionary to many people.

(Hammond stands and begins to walk down a path and towards the archway that leads to the centre of the palace)

Scott Hammond: This castle was Henry VIII's saving grace. The one place where he truly felt like a king. Some of the most shocking, but relevant moments in history have occurred in this very building. Just like Kingdom Come, in front of the world, one of the most relevant title wins in recent memory took place. I'm not talking about Titus finally winning the World Title from Everest. I am of course, talking about Scott Hammond and his amazing and completely shocking victory in the Mayhem Championship Scramble match. In my very first Kingdom Come match, I won my very first championship.

(Hammond then opens his trench coat to reveal the Mayhem Championship wrapped around his waist. He is still walking into the archway and now walks through a door into the main chamber of the palace)

Scott Hammond: This chamber, room whatever you want to call it, is the most significant in the entire building. It is where Henry VIII sat on his throne and reigned supreme. Just like him, I now sit atop the Mayhem ranks. I look back to my very first match within this company. I faced Milenko in a Mayhem Rules match and completely dominated. And now, with that victory I come full circle. I walked into the Mayhem Scramble, looked over by all my peers, and ever the opportunist, I won the title and kept it all the way up until the final buzzer. I am determined to wear this title with honor.

(Hammond now looks around the room, taking in all his surroundings)

Scott Hammond: With blood pouring from my face I still walked out Mayhem Champion. I now move on to my first title defense this coming week on Meltdown. Apparently, one KillJoy seems to think that he can invoke his rematch clause right away. I mean come on, lets face facts, sure you were a two-time Mayhem Champion during the Scramble match, but when the dust settled, and I walked out champion, what exactly did you have to look back on KillJoy? A paper-championship reign, that's what. The prestige of this title is lost on low-life scum like you and now this title finally has someone who is able to represent it with honor. You see KillJoy, in the end, that is what Henry VIII and myself had in common, we are both men of honor. Come Meltdown there will be no second chances left for you. You demanded this rematch purely as your last resort. You cannot beat me KillJoy, simply put, I am the new royalty in WZCW, and now, I have the gold to prove it. See you on Meltdown KillJoy, because just like your namesake, I intend on making sure you take no joy out of what is going to happen on Meltdown, and I am also going to see it that your dream of regaining the Mayhem title is well and truly killed!!

(Hammond, now turns and walks towards the front exit of the palace as the scene fades to black)
WZCW comes to you live from a small arena close to London, England. A House Show days after the Kingdom Come PPV. The buzz is huge as shown by the fan reaction in the building. Kingdom Come was last Sunday and now we look forward to the first wave of backlash at Meltdown. The night is still young and the show is barely half way through. The camera heads backstage where the former 2x Mayhem World Champion, KillJoy is backstage with his social therapist, Alisha. She's on the phone while KillJoy is on a bench laying down. Alisha's conversation can't be heard as the crowd's boo's cloud her words. KillJoy looks around acknowledging the boo's and stands up.

KillJoy: Alisha! Hang up. Its time to go.

Alisha quickly hangs up the cell phone and the two set off. Johnny Klamor comes in and cuts them off, microphone in hand, to interview them.

Klamor: KillJoy! Sorry to interrupt. I just wanted to get a few words on your match for Meltdown. You'll be facing Scoot Hammond for the Mayhem title. You lost the title twice at Kingdom Come an...

KillJoy holds his hand forward to interrupt Klamor and speaks to him.

KillJoy: Scoot? Did you say Scoot? Great job "Anchorman". Did you expect me to win? Jeez, did you bet on Canada for the Olympic Hockey game too? It was 7 on 1. I didn't expect to win, but I tried my best. It did piss me off though... Oh wait, this is the U.K. They don't play with sticks and balls here. They suck up tea and let dentists die of starvation.

The crowd boo's heavily at the comments as KillJoy smirks. Alisha then cuts them off and grabs KillJoy by the arm and pulls him away.

Alisha: Lets go, sir. You have to go to the ring, remember?

KillJoy: Oh, right. Sorry chump. Some other time then. Ha ha. Scoot.

Alisha and KillJoy head off to the ring area however they first stop by the curtain area.

Alisha: Play his music!
KillJoy rides solo to the ring with a microphone in hand. He seems to be in a good mood as he smiles to the booing from the crowd.

KillJoy: I hope you brushed your teeth this morning. Else you'll stink up the place and suffocate yourselves. Which would be funny. Dr. 90210 would really hate to live here. Anyway. I...

The crowd, in hatred to his remark, begin a chant: "Lose the mask!" "Lose the mask!"

KillJoy: Wish I could. But doing so would mean I can't wrestle. Blame the chickenshit management who's afraid of my face. But really... You'd choose
some idiot brit over me?

KillJoy points to the Titantron as an image appears there.
KillJoy: You went from this.
To that!?
From this?
To this? Come o... (KillJoy looks at the audience in shock.) Holy crap! There he his! (points randomly to the crowd.) Wait! No! THERE he is! (points to another area in the crowd). No wait... Ah! You all look alike! Damn, get a life! I cashed in one of my two, TWO, rematch clauses for Meltdown. Why? Why not? I never got a break as champ. Why should he? Oh. Right. Because he's "average". "Normal". Common. At Meltdown I take back whats mine! The WZCW Mayhem World Championship. And afterward... The sky's the... well... There IS no limit! Revolution Will Be Televised! And then... I'll smash the television THROUGH YOUR HEAD! Get ready, champ. Because after Meltdown, the bland, british, tea sucking drone you know as Scoot Hamburger, yeah I said that, will be a thing of folklore. Completely unexistant!

The segment ends with KillJoy's music playing as he leaves the ring and laughs on his way up the ramp. The crowd boo's heavily at his enjoyment. The rest of the show goes on as scheduled.
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