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MD33 - Second Coming vs. Heavy Artillery (Tag Tournament Final)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
First there were Four Teams, now only Two remain. Former champions Second Coming take on the Heavy Artillery in what is to a grand encounter of the experienced against the youth of WZCW. Which team will go that extra step in order to get their title shot at Kingdom Come?

Deadline is Monday 14th December 23:59 EST
The scene opens onto the nearly-deserted parking lot of a Taco Bell. Muffled music is coming from the distance. A tumbleweed starts to blow across the parking lot, only to be crushed by a familiar old van. The van turns suddenly, pulling into a parking spot. The doors on either side fly open, and the members of the Heavy Artillery step out. The music stops abruptly as they slam their doors. They walk into the Taco Bell, idly chatting with each other.
They take their place at the end of the line.

Karzai: I always crave Taco Bell while on the road. It’s weird. I’ll always be driving along, singing to some songs and thinking about my next show, when suddenly I get the mad desire to eat a chicken Crunchwrap.

Lights: That’s…interesting.

Karzai: Yeah, I’ve never understood it myself. But hey, what can you do about it? I wonder if they still have the Rafael De La Nacho Combo?

The person in front of them finishes ordering and moves off to the side. Karzai and Lights walk up to the cashier, who is named “David”.

David: Place your orders, por favor.

Karzai: Sure. I’d like- Hey, don’t I know you from somewhere?

David: I doubt it, Mr. Karzai.

Karzai: Yeah, I didn’t think so. Anyway, I’d like a Chicken Crunchwrap, a cheesy bean and rice burrito, and a medium drink. What do you want, Jordan?

Lights: I'd like a Cheesy Gordita Crunch.

David: Si. That will be $18.95.

Karzai fishes into his pocket and pulls out a $20 bill, which he hands to the cashier.

David: Gracias. Your order number is 42.

They stand over to the side, and watch the food being prepared. When their number is called, Karzai takes the tray and they walk to their table. As they sat down, Karzai realizes something.

Karzai: Hey, he never gave me my money back!

Lights: Are you gonna go do something about it?

Karzai: No, it’s not a big deal, only a few bucks. I’ll write it on a comment card or something later.

They unwrap their food and begin eating in silence. After a few moments, Karzai looks up.

Karzai: Big match coming up..

Lights: Yep.

Karzai: You ready for it?

Lights: Ready as I’ll ever be. We should probably get in some training after this, though.

Karzai: Yeah, good idea. Damn, who would have thought that in our second match, we’d be facing Second Coming?

Lights: Pretty crazy. But we can take them.

Karzai Don’t underestimate them, Jordan. Second Coming are former tag champions. They have a storied history and are just good.

Lights: Yeah, doesn’t change the fact that they got unseated by a rookie during his debut match. That same rookie that decided to hit me with his finisher at the end of our match with Corey Bowen and Obsidius.

Karzai: You can’t dwell on that. We have to look at what’s happening right now, rather than in our future. Second Coming are an accomplished tag team…but we can do it. Look at how we crushed Bowen and Obsidius. Granted, they weren‘t in the same league as Second Coming, but come on, brother! We squashed them! What‘s to say we can‘t do it again? We need to train and practice, harder than we ever have before. If you really want to get your hands on Kurtesy, we need to defeat Second Coming. And I have no doubt we can do that if we really try.

Karzai and Lights finish their food, and stand up. After throwing their trash away, they head out of the restaurant and into the van. Karzai starts it up, and hair metal fills the car. After backing out of the parking lot, he steps on the gas and he and Lights head towards the gym, ready to resume training…
Max Karzai’s van is seen parked outside of the Newark Wrestling Federation gym as our cameras find Jordan and Max training for their upcoming match with Second Coming. They are trying some new maneuvers when they take a quick break. Jordan is sweating heavily and Max is barely breathing, slumped over in a chair.

Lights: Max, you know, with you being a wrestler and a rocker, I thought for sure you'd be able to keep up with me in the ring, we've almost got the move perfected, just need to give it a few more tries.

Max exhales deeply and is trying to speak, but is finding it a little hard.

Karzai: You forget (he inhales deeply and exhales again) that I was a rocker long before a wrestler. Those years of partying....(he breathes deeply again) …can get to me sometimes. And I don't think I've ever trained so hard in my life. Is something on your mind though? You seem to be a bit tense and frustrated.

Lights : Not really, I'm fine. I just really want to beat Second Coming. They are a strong team, and we both know that, but we really need to beat them. In order to make a name for ourselves we need to make it to Teach N' Kurtesy.

Karzai: That's true. What do you say we take a breather for about 10 or 15 minutes? I want to get some fresh air.

Lights: Yeah, you go ahead, I'm going to keep training.

Max heads outside as Jordan pops in his mp3 player. He is listening to "Show Me A God" by Tech N9ne and a few other tracks. He goes over to the punching bag and starts throwing punches left right and center. As Max re-enters, he sees Jordan over by the punching bag, punching it like crazy, the ropes on the bag begin to snap from the movement of the bag as Jordan punches it furiously. Jordan is panting heavily and sweat is pouring off his body as Max reaches him.

Karzai: Jordan, are you sure you're okay, man? I know you want to beat Second Coming and want to get your hands on Kurtesy, but you're going to hurt yourself and cost us the match.

Jordan takes a deep breath.

Lights: It's not that at all.

Before Max can say anything, Jordan punches the wall. You can see some blood stain through his taped fist.

Karzai: Seriously man, what is wrong? Just tell me. If we are truly friends, you will trust me with this.

Jordan takes a deep breath before replying.

Lights: I never knew my father. My mother told me he left when I was born. About 6 years ago, almost to the day, I lost my mother due to an illness. She was all I ever had growing up, and losing her was one of the hardest things I've ever been through.

Karzai: Wow…I never knew, man. I’m sorry…

Lights: You see, all of this, the training, the wrestling, the goals I've set, it was all for her.

Max turns it over in his head before answering.

Karzai: Keep working towards those goals, brother. Make her proud. Beat Second Coming with me, beat Teach N' Kurtesy with me. While she watches from above, fight your hardest, show everyone you mean business.

Lights: Max, you are right, I need to do this for her, but not just for her, for us. In the name of my mother, we are going to make a name for ourselves. Even if we lose to Second Coming, I will give them the fight of their lives. They will be extremely hard to beat, and I am looking forward to this challenges that lie ahead.. I know now that my mother is watching over not only me, but both of us, and with her in my heart and looking over us, I know we can do this.

They begin slowly walking back to the ring.

They get back in the ring. Jordan retapes his fists. Jordan and Max meet in the ring and Jordan puts Max in a side headlock. He flips Max on his back.

Lights: Thanks for letting me get that out. I really needed to talk about it and vent a little bit.

Karzai: No problem , let's finish up our training and get that new move down pat. We're heading to Meltdown for the upset of the century!

As the scene fades out you can hear Max Karzai's music blasting.
We're backstage as Becky Serra is arguing with a producer

No, no way. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of being sent on a wild goose chase every week, to no avail. I'm sick of the poetry, I'm not doing it. I'm not going to try and find him, and you're not going to make me do so.

You will do it, you have to. It's by the orders of WZCW management.

Can't I interview those other guys instead, Heavy Artillery, at least they'll show up.

No, find Black and get an interview. Preferably not in French this week.



We're backstage once more and Becky is pacing around outside the entrance to the arena. A bearded man walks past.

Oh no, I'm not going to fall for that again. Mr. Black, I would like an interview.

I don't know what you are talking about.

You're trying to tell me you're not Garth Black?

No, I'm not.

What's you're name?

George White

There is no way, I'm going to fall for that... So why are you here?

I've come to deliver this message:

The reading is taken from the book of Success, Chapter 4 Verse 1

An lo, the Heavy Artillery were in the final
Ready for Second Coming to take them down,
And give them injuries, both mental and spinal,
On their way to win the tag team crown

ARGHHHHH!!!! Enough! I know it is you!

Becky starts pulling on the man's beard. As she does so, Garth Black walks past, stops, looks at the scenario, and continues walking into the arena.

What the hell are you doing?

Oh, I'm so sorry sir, I thought your beard was a disguise.

Embarrassed, Becky reenters the arena.


Becky is backstage. A hot dog vendor appears. He has a large moustache and a chef's hat on

Hot Dogs, get your hot dogs!

Have you seen Garth Black

Nope. Want a hot dog?




Why not take a look at the specials board?

The camera pans across to the specials board on the side of the cart. It reads

The Book of Specials, chapter 1 verse 23

Phoenix and Black won in round one
And neither man broke a sweat,
They'll now prove they are second to none
And that Lights and Karzai aren't a threat.

It's you!

Becky launches herself at the vendor, sending buns rolling everywhere. She is straddling the vendor and trying to pull off his moustache, as she wrestles him down, Garth Black walks past and picks up one of the few hot dogs still on the stand, takes a bite and walks off

I am so sorry, sir.

I should think so.

The vendor walks off, and a janitor appears. He is wearing a big coat with the collar turned up and a baseball cap. He is singing

I'm sweeping the floor, that;s what I do
the reading's from the book of Becky
Chapter number four, and verse number twooo-o-o

Becky kept jumping the gun,
She kept pointing the finger,
Getting the wrong one,
Even doubting this singer,
Garth Black's having fun,
But she's a moody m-i-i-inger,

If you think I'm going to fall for it again, you've got another thing coming.

Fall for what

Me accusing you of being Garth Black

But I am Garth Black

No you aren't. You're a janitor.

True, but I'm Garth Black.

She takes his hat off to reveal someone that isn't Garth Black


No, look

He reveals his ID card with the name "Garth Black"

Right, I'm sorry, but this is getting ridiculous, but I have interviewed a Garth Black, so I think I'll leave it there.

She walks off, slamming the locker room door behind her. Garth Black appears. He looks around for a bit, but then he turns to the camera.

I was told Becky wanted an interview tonight, but obviously she's not about. Oh well.

He walks off, after shrugging his shoulders.
The scene opens in the empty arena where Meltdown will take place later in the day. Phoenix is walking around the arena with a camera, talking to the producer who is off camera.

Tonight, this building will witness the beginning of the end of the Tag Team Title reign of William Teach and Steven Kurtesy. Tonight, the Second Coming will become the number one contenders for the WZCW Tag Belts. Tonight, Heavy Artillery will be victims of Second Coming’s destiny to regain our Tag Team Championship.

He looks off-camera, presumably at the producer, and rolls his eyes before shaking his head and beginning to talk once again.

Look, I told you, I’m not doing an interview. You can beg and plead all you want, even pull this following me with a camera crew b.s. The fact of the matter is that I say what I need to say when and where I want to say it. Wasting time talking to that idiot Becky will not help me to regain the belt that belongs around my waist. I don’t care that you want to know about my so-called “attitude change.” I don’t care that you want to know what I think about whichever tag team I’m facing this week or next. I don’t care that you want to know about my obsession with fire. Until talking to you or one of your parrots will give me an advantage in a match, don’t count on me doing it.

Phoenix again looks off-camera and runs his hands through his hair, which once again joins his face paint in looking like flames.

Fine. Here is your damn sound byte. (He slaps the camera a couple times) You ready camera man? You know what makes fire so devastating? Not only are the flames themselves extremely dangerous, but the destruction they leave behind is felt long after the fire has gone. Karzai and Lights will feel the destruction I have in store for them as we beat them to become the number one contenders for the WZCW Tag Team Championship, but I guarantee the destruction they feel in the days to come will be much, much worse. And it will be nothing compared to what Second Coming has in store for Kurtesy and Teach.

Phoenix gives a half-smile to the camera before walking away and putting in some ear buds. He has the volume up loud enough that some of the lyrics can be heard as he walks away:

I lie here paralytic, inside this soul
Screaming for you till my throat is numb
I wanna break out I need a way out
I don't believe that it's gotta be this way
The worst is the waiting
In this womb I'm suffocating​
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