MD32 - Showtime Cougar vs. Frankie Smith (Champion vs. Champion Match)

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

With the new Elite X and EurAsian Leagues starting off this week, Vance Bateman has lifted the Elite X restriction off of new Elite X Champion Frankie Smith so he can face EurAsian Champion Showtime Cougar on Meltdown in a special Champion vs. Champion Match. No doubt both men will look to make a mark in the build up to Kingdom Come as their potential opponents will be watching this encounter closely.

Deadline is Monday 30th November 23:59 EST
Scene opens at WZCW studios where construction and decorating crews are hard at work rebuilding the set and stage of The Show. Surveying the construction is Showtime David Cougar, still dressed in one of the usually suits he wears, but with a hard hat on. EurAsian title is flung perfectly over his shoulders as he barks out orders before turning to notice the camera.

Cougar: Welcome viewers. We are hard at work here rebuilding The Show stage and it will be rebuilt bigger and better than before by the time Meltdown ends this week. That scared animal who trashed my set, Trevor Steel, must've begged management to put him in the Elite-X League, rather than possibly receive a match and a savage beating from your EurAsian champion. Legal is hard at work to nail this scumbag. Trevor doesn't possess a lot of wealth, but we have found a small but sizable amount tucked away in a savings account marked Damian college. I'd hate for you to tell your son how you ruined his future and how he'll grow up to be a tired beaten bum like his daddy, but in life there are always consequences for the actions we make and your actions that you have made against me will be punished swiftly.

Now on to my upcoming match, this week the greatest Eurasian champion, the single biggest this to perform on WZCW, faces off against the Elite X champion Frankie Smith, champion verse champion. Frankie Smith may be a lot of things, but an accomplished wrestler he is not. When we step into the ring he will experience that disadvantage as he faces off against a quicker, smarter and more accomplished wrestler than he has ever fought before.

Don't believe me Frankie. Well let's rewind back, let's compare you to me and we'll see who's the better man. Currently I am the champion on the bigger and better show Meltdown while you perform on the B-show. I am the one whose win total far exceeds his lose total, while you may have the worst record of any champion in the history of this company. Many great wrestlers have held that belt including 'The One' Big Will, Gus, Bratchney, and Titus, and you are not even fit to tie their shoe laces. You lost four times to the same man who held that belt before you, and the only times you ever put up a fight against this small and scrawny opponent were when you used weapons and dirty tactics.

Well Frankie you may bully your opponents and you can beat up every rock musician, actor, or drunken bum to make yourself feel tough, but at the end of the night I know that you are nothing but a phony champion. A wrestler who will never be able to go toe to toe with the best this company has and will never ever be able to match even one 1/8 of the success that every former champion of that belt has ever done in their careers. Frankie I am not just going to give you a fight inside of that ring. No, I am going to give you a war. A savage awe-inspiring display of ruthless athleticism. I am here to prove that I am the single greatest thing to ever arrive in this company and the only way I am going to do that is by beating each and every opponent that I face. My goal is to be the first to hold every single belt in this company, and while this match is a non-title match, I will certainly take pleasure in proving that I am the better champion on either show.

Frankie say your prayers, down your Guinness, and look me in the eye. At Lethal Lottery I did what any great champion does and defended my belt against anyone who felt they could beat me, prepared for all challengers and let them all watch as I made history with this belt. At Meltdown, I will again show you how a champion performs and how he finishes a match standing tall. The Show goes on at Meltdown, and Frankie Smith learns why he is just part of the supporting cast.

David lowers the mic and lifts his EurAsian belt high over his head. He smiles as he places the belt back on his shoulder and continues talking.

Now to all my potential opponents in the EurAsian league. I want you all to sit in front of the T.V and take notes as I show you how a champion walks, how a champion moves, how a champion fights and how a champion wins. I want you to all to watch because no matter who the challenger is at Kingdom Come the outcome will be the same. I am the greatest Eurasian champion there ever is, was, and ever will be, and I will walk out of the biggest show in WZCW still Eurasian champion. There is not an opponent in this league who is even close to being able to run side by side with the whole damn show, and you can all sit backstage and dream that you'll be the ones who will take my Eurasian title off me, but dreams are nothing but illusions. The only thing that's real, the only thing that's worth watching in this world is The Show, and viewers I promise you that you will be able to watch me on each and every Meltdown for a very long time.

Showtime again raises the belt high above his head, this time still holding the mic up to speak.

Gentleman the race for the Eurasian title begins now. Impress me, for I will be watching.

Showtime turns to see three large workers carrying a large statue of David.

No no no guys. This statue has to be much bigger. Take it back immediately.

Camera fades as David can be heard barking more orders
Frankie and Anto are sitting in a bar, at a table, drinking. Frankie looks impatient, tapping the table.

Frankie: Why are we here? This place is a shit hole. I, the new elite X champion, can't be seen drinking here.

Anto: Calm down man, I saw a sign that said cougars drink free. We're sure to see him here sooner or later.

Frankie Just stares at him, then shakes his head.

So anyway, how does it feel to be drinking as the Champ for the first time? Feel any better.

It feels better, sweeter, like everything just got better. Do you know what this means, Anto?

That you're significantly richer.... and cooler.

No, that I'm the Elite. The Elite are the best. No, the best of the best. The men that come from around the world to take part in this division. And I'm the champion. You know what that makes me. The best of the elite. The best of the best... of the best.

He has a proud look across his face.

And the X. Xcellence. Xtreme. Xtraordinary. The differencere between the ordinary and the Extraordinary, is that little bit Xtra. That's why they call it the X factor. And that's what I have.

Now, Mr Showtime, I may not have your slick white hair, your hoolywood good lucks. I may have a losing record, well what difference does that make. I am what I am now, a badass son of a bitch that went through a Marine and a TV "star" to get what I wanted. You think that your better, just because you're on the "main" show. Ha! You're the champion of a belt that changes hands like a virus. That's impressive.

So I'm going to give you a message. You want a fight, a war. That's what they would call a mistake. I spent my life fighting to survive. Do you not understand that in a fight, I'm the best there is. Or is the hair spray getting to your brain. And then I'll damage what's left of it. And I'll be the star of the show.

Now I'm done talking about meltdown. Let's get out of here and drink.

Wait a bit man. I called someone in. To help you.

Do I look like I need help. I'm the damn champ.

I figured that you just don't have that connection with the crowd. That charisma. So I called in a professional.

Before he can answer, a man of medium stature, with short blonde hair and in an expensive suit with a wide smile on his face, walks over and puts a business card on the table. It reads "Conor Hughes: Celtic Charisma"

Who the fuck..

The name's "Mr.Cool" Conor Hughes, and I'm here to teach you the art of celtic charisma. You see, Mr. Smith, everyone has a bit of celtic charisma inside of them. All you need to do is unlock it. And we need to find the key.

He pokes Frankie on the shoulder, and Frankie clenches his fist.

That's not it. So, why am I here. Well, simple, to teach you the art of being cool. Don't worry, it's easy.

He looks at Frankie, who's grinding his teeth.

Well, I've worked wonders before.

You're a twat. Now fuck off, and Leave me alone.

No, you have to make me feel it. Make it hurt. Add a bit of feeling. Stand up, point at me, poke me in the chest, and look me in the eye, and say it again

Frankie doesn't listen, just stands up, and screams in his face.


Frankie just stares at him furiously, about to punch him square in the face.

I see when I'm not wanted. Don't worry I'll be back. When you're ready to unleash the celtic charisma.

He walks, arrogantly, to the door, looks back and says...

Frankie, don't be a fool...

He points both thumbs back to himself.

Be cool!

He smiles, and walks out.

Jesus, what a cunt.

A woman walks over, looks at him, and smiles.

Howdy big boy, can I buy you a drink.

Sure, I'll have a carlsberg. What do you want Anto?


Make it quick, I'm leaving soon.

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