MD31 - Ty Burna vs. Rush vs. James Baker - Mayhem Championship

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

Despite coming up short on Ascension, Rush has been given another shot at the Mayhem Championship after taking champion Ty Burna to the limit. But Myles has made it a triple threat match and has named the returning James Baker as the third competitor in this match.

RP Deadline is Monday November 2nd, 23:59 EST.
*The setting is backstage in the WZCW Locker Room where "Da Xtreme Gangsta" James Baker & his agent Malik Jones are sitting on a couple of chairs in the locker room just chatting away.*

Malik Jones- So James, are you sure you wanna go through with this?

James- Of course i'm sure about this dog. I mean what would give you the impression that i'm not sure about this?

Malik Jones- Well I mean remember the last time we were here in WZCW. We didn't fare too well that night & if I recall, your ankle got shattered really badly.

James- And your point is?

Malik Jones- My point in all this is that I wanna make sure you're 100 percent sure that you wanna make a return to WZCW.

James- Look dog. I'm all in here. If I wasn't all in then I would've never decided to come back here in the first place. Besides I have something to prove & I wanna get back to the top of the wrestling world & I figured what the hell, let's try to accomplish that goal right here in WZCW.

Malik Jones- Well good i'm glad your all in here James. I wouldn't have it any other way.

*Suddenly WZCW Interviewer Becky Serra walks into the locker room & stands by both James & Malik.*

Becky Serra- Hi James & Malik. Are you two boys currently busy with anything at the moment?

James (ponders to himself for a moment)- Hmmmm maybe, maybe not. It all depends really. Na i'm just playin' with ya Becky, Malik & I aren't really doin' anything important at this very moment.

Becky Serra- Well okay then. First off it's great to have both you & Malik back in WZCW. Now the last time fans saw you two, Malik was trapped in the Black Death while your ankle gotten shattered in the match up. Tell us just how is your ankle doing James?

James- My ankle is doin' fine. I recently had surgery on it & it was less severe than what it was originally thought. Now Malik is also doin' fine as the Black Death that hypocrite Phoenix locked on him didn't faze him too badly & now he's recovered from the pain & sufferin' that he's had to endure.

Becky Serra- Well my next question is also intended for you James. Now just what is the reason why you have decided to make your return to WZCW?

James- Well after I got surgery on my ankle, I felt a little burnt out from the ring. You see i've had a few naggin' injuries before I was put on the sidelines with the ankle injury as my shoulder was sore & my neck was killin' me. Now as far as the reason why i'm back here in WZCW. It's quite simple to be exact. You see wrestling is my passion without a doubt. I know my previous run here in WZCW well left a lot to be desired. You see when I was here before in WZCW, I was carryin' some low-rate piece of crap named Kyle Christiansen in the tag team called The Driveby Express & well let's just say that he blatantly prevented me from achievin' my goals, my hopes & my dreams of becomin' a champion once again in this great profession. Basically what i'm tryin' to say here is that i'm here to make a real impact, to help resurrect my career & I plan on doin' that in singles competition & I don't care who is put in my way cause there is one thing that is a fact & that fact is that I will defeat my opponents by any means necessary. Yo I almost forgot to ask you Becky, just who am I facin' in my return match?

Becky Serra- Well James at Meltdown 31 your gonna be facing both Rush & the current WZCW Mayhem Champion Ty Burna in a triple threat match up for the WZCW Mayhem Championship.

James- Hahahahahaha oh hell yeah i'm gettin' my chance at championship gold in my return match. Now the landscape has changed dramatically once I left. Yo Malik which one of my opponents shall I address first?

Malik Jones- How about you address Rush first.

James- 'Ight good choice there dog. Now I believe I remember Mr. Rush. He's the sucka who walked out on me in a tag team match up a while back & plus he defeated me at Civil Revolution II a few months back. Well Rush it looks like we get to do this thing all over again buddy. I know what your probably thinkin'. Just why do I get to have an opponent like James Baker to step in my way towards gainin' championship gold here in WZCW? Well Rush I know i'm gonna be another obstical towards your championship hopes at Meltdown 31. Now while I was gone from this place you've been tryin' really hard to compete with the big dogs & well let's just say that the big dogs have bitten you on the ass more times than you can remember. You see Rush unlike yourself, i'm really well rested unlike yourself who well just competed in a brutal match just last week at Ascension 5 for the Mayhem Championship. I hope you don't gain any false implications that you'll be comin' out of our match up as the new WZCW Mayhem Champion & use me as a steppin' stone in the process cause guess what Rush? Neither of those 2 things are not gonna happen when I have anything to say about it.

Now onto my other opponent in the WZCW Mayhem Champion himself Ty Burna. Now I believe the last time that I was here, Ty was the WZCW EurAsian Champion, a very presticious championship belt might I say so myself. Now Ty has been a destructive force in this company since he's gotten here & well he looks impressive nonetheless, but you see I am the wildcard in this match up. You haven't ever faced me or even had a conversation with me durin' your run here in this company. Now your probaly sayin' to yourself as your hearin' this. "Oh this guy is full of utter crap. There's no way in hell he's gonna defeat me & take my Mayhem Championship away from me in the process.". You see while you maybe thinkin' that in the back of your mind & you may even be havin' those same thoughts when you sleep at night, but don't be so sure of yourself there Ty. You see from what I remember of past triple threat matches that i've competed in for other promotions in my career, it's that I don't have to pin you to become the Mayhem Champion. Oh no no no no no no. you see I could pin you to win the title or if I damn well choose, I could pin Rush's monkey ass & become the new Mayhem Champion in the process. You see triple threat matches is every man for themselves & what makes this match up even sweeter is that this match up is contested under Mayhem rules. Now for the uneducated viewers at home. Mayhem rules means that well pretty much there's no rules to abide by. I can clock either Ty or Rush in the skull with either the Mayhem Championship Belt or a Steel Chair & all of it will be perfectly legal. So Ty Burna, Rush. At Meltdown 31, all 3 of us are gonna be goin' to war with each other with the Mayhem Championship Belt at stake & guess what fellas, I will be the one to walk out of Meltdown 31 as your NEW WZCW Mayhem Champion & there's not a damn thing that either of you two can do about it, believe that suckas.

Becky Serra- Any other comments Malik?

Malik Jones- Yeah. James is sure as hell fired up & ready for his return to WZCW. Expect big things to happen very soon.

Becky Serra- Well there you have it there folks. That was James Baker & his agent/friend Malik Jones & with James all fired up for his return to WZCW, it looks like all of the guys in the locker room had better take notice of him cause James is back & he is refocused on having success. I am Becky Serra & I can say that my job here is done for the day. See ya later fans.

*Cameras then shut off as Becky Serra walks out of the locker room while James & Malik continue to watch television.*
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Fans in line for both Merchandise and consession quickly rush back to their seats as the song ‘10,000 Fist’ begin to play over the PA system and throughout the entire Scotiabank Place for the second half of this WZCW house show.

Walking in beat of the music Rush emerges out through the backstage curtain to a massive united pop from all those in attendance. A black WZCW T-Shirt hugs his massive frame and is gently tucked into a pair of blue jeans. He pauses at the top of the ramp and looks around the arena at all of the screaming the WZCW fans. He tries to hide a disappointed look on his face with a smile to little avail. He grabs his right forearm with his left hand and raises it above his head in his signature pose before making his way down the ramp and towards the ring.

TRUMAN HARRYS: This match is scheduled for one fall and is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship. Making his way to the ring, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Weights 361 pounds. RRRRRRUUUSSHH!!

Rush makes one complete revolution of the ring before climbing up the stairs and walking along the outside of the ring to the middle. He poses once again as the fan’s create a strobe light effect across the arena with their camera flashes. He steps over the top rope and walks to the Truman Harrys who is standing in the center of the ring. He politely asks for the microphone so he could address the audience in attendance.

RUSH: Thank you, thank you. I’m not going to lie… I got some good news and some bad news for you guys.

The good news? It feels DAMN good to be back home here in Ottawa!

The crowd releases a near deafening cheer at the mention of their hometown. Several minutes pass before Rush is able to continue speaking.

RUSH: It’s the noise like that that proves that the wrestling fans in Canada are some of the best wrestling fans in the whole world!

But like I said, I also come bearing bad news. I know that everyone was expecting me to make Ty Burna feel the rush, kiss his ass in redemption for last week’s Ascension and take his Mayhem title away from him today.

Another pop echoes and fills every inch of the arena.

RUSH: But as you all have probably noticed, I didn’t come out here in my normal wrestling attire. Apparently Ty did quite the number on me last week. It was much more than I ever expected from him and unfortunately I have not been medically cleared to wrestle in any type of match, nonetheless one under Mayhem rules.

What you can’t see is past these 15 bad boys
Rush points to 15 stitches that now decorate his forehead result of the hardcore encounter with Ty Burna on Ascension. lies a mild concussion. The great WZCW medical staff advised that if I wanted to compete this week on Meltdown against Ty and the returning James Baker that I shouldn’t compete tonight. To be honest, I wasn’t going to let some guess work from some doctors stop me from competing today. But once some company big-wigs found out about the doctor evaluation, they weren’t willing to risk me not competing on television and lose ratings on Meltdown so I have been ordered not to wrestle Ty Burna here tonight, or I will be face a suspension from now until after Kingdom Come.

But, I fully plan on making it up to each and every one of you with a big surprise here shortly, but more importantly when I walk out with blood and the gold at Meltdown 31.

You see Ty Burna thinks he has me all figured out now that he is only the second person to have gained a win over me inside of the WZCW ring. Well congratulations Ty, but despite what you think, that earned victory didn’t win you a free pass to walk in and out of my head whenever you please. It is going to be a whole new game, a new strategy and new pain come our triple threat match this Friday.

Before you, there was Celeste Crimson who hand delivered Rush the big ‘L’. But redemption was mine at All or Nothing and that is the same fate that I will not hesitate to bring upon you.

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. It’s not too often that someone gets second chances in life, and even less inside of the ring so you better believe that when I am presented with them on two separate occasions, I am going to everything that I possibly can in order to take full advantage of them. Unfortunately for you Ty that means walking out with your gold hung nicely over my shoulder.

The best thing about this match is that it is triple-threat! Meaning the champion doesn’t even need to be pinned or submitted in order to lose the belt. And how convenient for me, that the third man in this match is no other than the returning James Baker? A man that I climbed over at the start of my journey, Civil Revolution.

The thing with James is that he can talk a real good game but he never is able to do what it takes to get the job done. Sure he can talk the talk, but he has never been able to walk the walk with me and that’s what is important in the ring.

You might think that we have some unfinished business you and I, and I’d agree with you. But it all ends at Meltdown. Do you remember how bad I beat you last time James? That was just your average one-on-one contest. Consider for just a second what I am willing to do to you now that there is no disqualifications and falls count anywhere. I can and will do anything that I want to you, and will remain helpless and wishing you never returned to WZCW.

Ty Burna likes to think its Halloween all year around. He wants you to believe that he is nothing but pure darkness and evil. James Baker pretends to live a gangster-to-the-core lifestyle. The think that the both have in common is that they are both fake. They lie to you, and they lie to themselves. They hope that someone will believe them long enough to feel a small amount of fear. They feed off of that fear. Well I’m as real as it gets once I get into this ring and I will not be afraid. I welcome that fear. I will turn that fear into the biggest beating that they have ever experienced.

Now earlier on I mentioned that I had a little surprise for you tonight. Just because I am not able to compete in this match, I went out and found a suitable replacement for me.

The entire arena goes pitch black as a heavy baseline consumes the PA system. Meet the Monster by Five Finger Death Punch plays as a head banging Trevor Steele emerges from behind the curtain to the excitement of the fans in attendance.

RUSH: Ladies and Gentleman! The man who will be replacing me in my match today! TREVOR STEELE!

Trevor Steele climbs the stairs and enters the ring. Rush smiles as Trevor begins to headbangs a more. He stops and smiles at Rush. Both men shake hands and Rush exits the ring leaving Trevor standing in the middle of the ring, waiting for his opponent.
The camera fades in to a darkened room with an large older TV set up in the corner. The screen is playing nothing but static as the camera zooms to the screen. The static continues on the screen before it cuts to black. A scene comes up on the TV scrolling, eventually slowing down and begins. The scene begins with a younger looking Ty and an unknown person standing on a street corner at nighit, both dressed with winter clothing to the hilt.

Ty: These winter nights are buggin me man, it's so much easier puttin work in during the summer.

??: Whatever homie, we gotta get this shipment sold tonight, the bill collectors are starting to knock on the door.

Ty: I hear ya man, I"m hoping with the profits tonight I can finally get a place of my own. I"m tired of sleeping on Arianna's couch every night. Hey they find the guy that jacked your car yet Ant?

Anthony: Nah man, you know how it is, I'm a poor man with a sketchy background, you think the police is gonna help me out?

Ty: I suppose you're right, they always messing with us when we're doing nothing wrong, and never help us when we need em. Go figure.

A rusted out car drives up to the street corner and the driver motions to Ty and Ant.

Ty: Got a customer man, you're up.

Ant: Ight ight I got this.

Ant makes his way to the vehicle and looks both ways before slipping something to the driver. The driver hands Ant something in return. The driver mentions something to Ant before driving away.

Ty: The hell was that all about? Most of these junkies are so damn paranoid they don't want us even seeing their faces.

Ant: Yeah I don't know man, this guy seemed all screwed up in the head. He mentioned this broken down mansion on 34th and 9th. Said there may be something we would be interested in. Anyway he took the rest of the stash so we're good for tonight.

Ty: Serious? Hell yeah finally we're getting somewhere. Let's go re up and put some more work in tonight.

Ant: Aren't you even interested in that mansion the junkie mentioned? I mean, we got our shit done early tonight let's go check it out, not like anyone's gonna be there and we could find something to pawn off for our next pick up.

Ty: Man that sounds like some straight up ghost story shit, let's just get the work and make our paper the way we know how.

Ant: Well he said it was on 34th and 9th, the dealer is on 50th and 9th, so it's on the way man, we can check it out on the way.

Ty: Ight whatever man, but let's make it quick when we get there. Y'all need to keep your focus on what we gotta do. Bus stop is a block down, let's go.

Ty and Ant walk down the sidewalk, the silence between the two almost an omen for what may come. Ty sips on a 40 Oz. wrapped in a brown paper bag, throwing it to the side as they get to the bus stop. Shortly after the bus pulls up and they get on. They take a seat towards the back, Ty starin out the window and Ant checking all the people on board.

Ant: Ty, Ty man check out that honey sitting a few rows in front of us. I think she was checkin you out man when we got on. Go talk to her.

Ty: Nah man what's she gonna see in me? A homeless and jobless drug dealer. I ain't even got a car to get my freak on, let a lone my own apartment.

Ant: Well shit maybe we'll find something in that old house, maybe some real old jewelry we can get a stack for.

Ty: Ant, quit it with that shit man. You sound like a 10 year old going on a fake treasure hunt.

The bus pulls up to the next bus stop, the street signs saying 32nd and 9th. Ty and Ant hop off the bus and begin walking towards the mansion. The mansion looks like your typical abandon house, the wood is decaying, paint is all but nonexistent, the ground is covered in snow and large oak trees stand tall in the night sky. Ant and Ty make their way to the back of the mansion, hopping the chain fence and looking for an opening.

Ty: I can't believe we're wasting our time with this. Come on Ant we need to bounce. Our dealer ain't gonna be around all night.

Ant: What the hell else is gonna do? All he does is sit at his crib and smoke blunt after blunt. You just wanna go get high and chill at his spot.

Ty: Sounds a lot better than what we're doing now.

Ant: Whatever man.

Ant pulls on a window that goes to the basement and it comes lose, giving just enough opening for them to get in.

Ant: Let's go man, this place is screaming to get ransacked.

Ant makes his way in as Ty looks up momentarily at the sky, a full moon, with clouds passing over it. Ty takes a deep breath and sighs.

Ty: Well let's get this over with. I can taste that blueberry right now.

The screen cuts to static once more as the camera zooms out, revealing Ty crouched on top of the old TV setbox, staring dead into the camera.

I learned how to survive on those cold hopeless nights. The struggle was far worse than anything either Rush or Baker has gone through in their lives. Baker acts as if he is from the streets, and yet all he cares about is living a lavish and materialistic existence. He doesn't understand the struggle, the fight just to live for another day. His will is weak, and I will break it, along with every bone in his body. As for Rush, well, he already knows what I am capable of. I put him through more suffering and pain than he has felt in his entire life. His body is injured, his head cracked wide open, and his mind going fuzzy. I will finish what I started last week, and walk out of Meltdown the Mayhem Champion yet again.

Ty laughs and grabs a nearby candle and throws it into the middle of the room, igniting the floor into the shape of the Chaos symbol as a loud laughter can be heard over the crackling of the flames. The camera cuts to black suddenly, with the following words scrolling slowly across the screen.

I will blacken the Sun and I will bloody the Moon.
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