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MD30 - Scott Hammond vs. Corey Payne

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion

After a winning debut in a Mayhem Rules Match against Milenko, Scott Hammond looks to continue in making his impact by taking on Corey Payne who defied the odds by defeating Matt Fox. Both will no doubt be looking for a win on Meltdown.

RP Deadline is Monday October 19th, 23:59 EST.
(The camera fades into an empty locker room. A man can be seen sitting in a chair facing away from the camera. In front of him, a TV set can be seen. As the camera gets in closer, the sound of commentary can be heard. The camera finally gets a close up shot of what is on the TV, and it is Scott Hammond’s Mayhem Rules match with Milenko from Meltdown from last week. We see highlights of the match, culminating in Hammond performing his finisher ‘London’s Calling’ onto a steel chair for the pinfall victory. The man pushes his hand out, turning off the TV. The camera pans out and see’s Scott Hammond, with a cheeky smile on his face. He stands, takes in a breath of fresh air, before turning to walk out of the locker room. As he does, interviewer Leon Kensworth stops him in his tracks, shoving a microphone in he face)

Leon: Hello there Scott, firstly, congratulations on your first win here in WZCW, how does it feel to have a winning start to your career?

Scott: Firstly, Mr Kensworth, I would appreciated not being stopped when I am on my way to a very important rendezvous.

Leon: (Hanging his head slightly) I apologise…I just wanted to get your thoughts on last weeks Meltdown and how you thought your first match went.

Scott: How do YOU think it went Leon?

Leon: Well…er…you won, and that is…good?

Scott: Of course its good. Its better than good, in fact, its exactly what I predicted would happen. I said I would walk into that show, not knowing who I would be stepping into the ring with, and that I would come out victorious. You know Leon, its quite funny, when people saw that I had been drawn against the man who supposedly classes the Mayhem Rules match as his own, they didn’t think I stood a chance. I heard people saying that my first match here in WZCW was likely to be my last because of this drawing. They said I should back out now before things got too out of hand.

Leon: What people said that to you?

Scott: (Looking blankly at Leon) It doesn’t matter who said what. The point of this little story is that I didn’t need to listen. I knew what I was capable of. The fact that I was the first person to draw out a weapon in that match stated my intent. I wanted to hurt Milenko. And hurt him I did. At the end of that match, when I set down that chair in the centre of the ring, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I hoisted his lifeless body up onto my shoulders, and drove his head and body into that chair. I heard his head snap off that chair, and it was at that point, that I knew I had put all the doubters, the people that said it was suicide to get in the ring with this man, to rest.

Leon: That’s a little sick wouldn’t you say?

Scott: Not really Leon no. Because this is precisely why I am here in WZCW. I am here to inflict as much punishment as I can, because I want to be the very best in this company. And I will continue until I reach the top. The streak has started!

Leon: Streak? Don’t you think you are getting a little ahead of yourself?

Scott: Not at all. If you don’t aim for the top in this business Leon, you get no where.

Leon: Okay…moving on, what are your thoughts on your opponent next week, ‘The Prototype’ Corey Payne?

Scott: Well what is there to say. He was very impressive last week against Matt Fox. And Corey, I watched your match, you wrapped that one up quite quickly. Make no mistakes Corey, I am not going to be so easy. I hear it through the grapevine that you are a master in submission holds. That is quite intriguing as I myself have a wealthy knowledge of them also. I personally prefer the Anaconda Vice Grip, as you can feel the air being taken from your opponents lungs as you choke them out. Not taking anything away from your win last week Corey, you were good, but you are going to need to be great to even get close to beating me. You beat a man who has no bearing last week, I on the other hand beat a veteran at his own game. I went into a Mayhem Rules match in my first appearance and won…profoundly.

(Scott Hammond then takes the mic from the hands of Leon and looks towards the camera)

Scott: I will take it from here Leon, thank you for your time.

(Leon takes his leave)

Scott: For all our differences though Corey, we are actually quite alike in many ways. I mean, we are both submission specialists…we both won last week…we both want to be the best. But lets fact facts Corey, I just, want it more than you. Your good, but your not me. I am the future of this company, and next week, you going to find out why. You may well be ‘The Prototype’, but I my friend, am the real deal. And I will not hesitate to walk over you to get where I know I am going. But don’t feel bad, its just…fate. Because like it or not Corey, you may not like me, but you WILL respect me!

(With that, Scott Hammond throws the microphone onto the floor, and looks directly into the camera, eyes wide open. He then quietly walks into his locker room, and over to the TV that he was watching earlier. He sits down, and rewinds his match to the beginning, analysing it in more detail. The scene slowly fades to black)
(By the way, this happened before Ricky basically killed Leon)

It is the morning of Meltdown 30. The location looks to be a parking garage inside the arena where Meltdown is taking place today. A camera crew follows Leon Kensworth as he ventures through the garage, looking for something. Suddenly, a black SUV pulls up to a parking space. This SUV has the license plate title of PROTOTYPE. As indicated by the plate, “Prototype” Corey Payne gets out of the driver side door. The man looks like a walking Tapout endorsement, wearing an open black Tapout coat with a short sleeved white Tapout shirt with Tapout board shorts and a black Tapout flat brimmed baseball hat. He is also wearing dark sunglasses. He doesn’t seem to notice Leon as he opens a back side door and grabs another Tapout item, this time a travel bag that he slings over his shoulder. Only when he turns around does he notice Leon. Payne is surprised by his presence.

Payne: (startled) Jesus, Leon! Are you my stalker or something?

Kensworth: (stammering) Umm…. Sorry.

Payne: Man, can’t you tell me when you’re right behind me? You gotta work on that. (calms down a little) So what’s up? (Corey starts walking towards the main building as Leon follows)

Kensworth: I wanted to ask you a few questions. First off, you defeated Matthew Fox on Meltdown last week in one of the most dominating performances WZCW has ever seen. What are your thoughts?

Payne: For the past couple of weeks, everyone has been complimenting me on my win over Fox. But I know one person that was not completely satisfied with my win. And that person was me. (Takes a look at Leon’s puzzled face and continues) Now don’t get me wrong, I love winning as much as the next guy. But the only time I am completely satisfied with a win is when I beat somebody when they are at their best. And Matt Fox…. he wasn’t at his best. He was not prepared which made it easy to choke him out. I like an opponent that could at least give me a challenge.

Kensworth: What do you think about the man you will face later tonight, “The English Enigma” Scott Hammond?

Payne: Scott Hammond is indeed a worthy opponent. He is prepared for this match and in his debut match, he defeated one of the best hardcore wrestlers in WZCW, Milenko, at his own game. But Milenko is an unstable individual, and clearly was not at his best.

But Hammond is different in the aspect that he is perfectly fine with sinking as low as he can to achieve a victory. And I am not. Hammond made the same mistake I did when I arrived in WZCW. I got a win and became too cocky for my own good. I was then embarrassed in my next match. And this is what will happen to you. I have learned a couple of new moves and I am intent on using them on you. Tonight at Meltdown, I will beat some respect into you and will hopefully set my self up so I can be in the Lethal Lottery match.

Kensworth: Speaking about the Lethal Lottery match, what do you think your chances are of making the match?

Payne: The Lethal Lottery is one of the most unpredictable matches in wrestling. It is full of great risks and even greater rewards. The great thing is that this match can catapult anyone to the top of the mountain. If I qualify, I fully intend on winning this match and getting a world title shot at WZCW’s biggest pay per view of the year, Kingdom Come. And I want to walk out of that as the WZCW World Heavyweight champion. (turns to Leon) Any more questions to ask?

Kensworth: (pulls a small notepad and out of his pocket and quickly flips through the pages as Prototype rolls his eyes at him) I think that about covers it…… Wait! (smacks his hand to his forehead) I forgot the biggest question! What is with that picture you had with you a couple weeks back?

Payne: (suddenly nervous and looks around quickly and sees an open elevator filled with people near the main building) Gotta go! Bye! (Runs to the elevator and closes it before Kensworth can get into it)

Kensworth: (frustrated) You can’t dodge that question forever! (to himself as camera fades) Next week, I’m gonna get that answer out of him, no matter what!
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