MD28 - Carmen Bratchny vs Everest (Non title)


Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Due to the situation with the elite x championship being stolen, the board of directors sees fit to have have titus replace everest to team up with ricky to face the FHD

Titus has added that if one of the tag champions pins him, he will relinquish the elite x title
in adjustment to this, Everest will now face world title contender Bratchny on meltdown

RP Deadline is September 8, 11:59 EST.
*The scene opens with the camera focused on Carmen Bratchny’s face, Carmen is sitting upright but is asleep, The voice of Shaytan can be heard calling in the background*

Shaytan: Carrrrmmmmeeeennn… Caaarrrrrmaaaannnnn

*Suddenly a hand comes in to shot and slaps Carmen around the face, this wakes him in an instant*

Carmen: Wh-What?

Shaytan: Wake up!

*Carmen stirs in his seat, the camera pans out and we see that Carmen was sleeping on the couch in his apartment. Carmen’s apartment usually looks so clean and tidy it’s almost soulless but since the demise of Swindle his clean habits seem to have taken a downturn as the apartment is now littered with rubbish and dirty clothes.

Shaytan stands over the Russian while Angelica is trying to make a start on tidying the mess*

Shaytan: What do Ty Burna, Steamboat Ricky, Everest and Lars Reidar all have in common?

*Carmen looks at Shaytan while trying to become more alert*

Carmen: They all have stupid names?

Shaytan: Aside from that…

Angelica: I’ll give you a clue…. They have all beaten you!

*Both Carmen and Shaytan look over at Angelica as she continues tidying up blissfully unaware that she has given Carmen the answer to the question*

Shaytan: Yes… as my polar opposite has just kindly pointed out they have all beaten you recently

Carmen: Oh…

Shaytan: Oh indeed Carmen, We cannot continue going on like this…. You’re lucky we’re still in the main event picture at the next pay per view because if it weren’t for the fact that managements have thrown a bunch of big guys together in to the ring then you’d be lucky if you were in the Contract Battle Royal

*A look of disappointment spreads across Carmen’s face*

Angelica: Carmen, As much as it pains me to say it… Shaytan is right, we need to start winning, it’s been too many weeks losing now and if you look at the last Molten 10 our stock has dropped badly within the company

Carmen: What should I do?

Shaytan: Cheat!

Angelica *Quickly interrupting*: No, Don’t cheat! Study your opponent’s weaknesses

*Both Shaytan and Angelica look to each other... Shaytan knows Angelica is possibly right for once… the way things are going for Carmen lately he’ll probably end up getting disqualified*

Shaytan: Well we have Everest next… a guy you should know all too well

Carmen: Ah yes… Mr. Weak Left Knee

Shaytan: You can’t go for that Carmen… he knows you know about his knee. Here’s what I would do… Wrestle him for about 10-15 minutes… humour him then BAM! Smack him with the steel chair… then BAM do it again… This match is non-title so use it to soften him up for the pay per view...

Angelica: That’s all well and good Shaytan but then he is just softening him up for the other guys in the match at the pay per view too

Shaytan: So what do you suggest?

Angelica: Everest has a height disadvantage against you; you have a longer reach and your more powerful, keep him at a distance and then as he tires, go in for the big moves and he’ll go down quite easily

Shaytan: You’re right… Everest is short… I suppose there is nothing wrong with a LITTLE competition

*Carmen laughs but Angelica stays silent*

Angelica: We shouldn’t laugh… Dwarfism is a growing problem

*There is a second of silence before both Carmen and Shaytan burst in to fits of giggles, Angelica doesn’t understand why*

Shaytan: that’s brilliant…. But we shouldn’t laugh… Everest is very short… We should be someone he can look up too

*Shaytan and Carmen again bursting to fits of giggles*

Carmen: Ok.. stop now… concentrate… where do I begin to start winning again

Shaytan: *In a voice that sounds eerily like Swindles* You do what you always did... train hard and study the damn tapes

*Carmen sits in shock for a moment before climbing off of the sofa*

Carmen: Time to go back to Silver’s and get myself winning again

*scene fades*
*We are backstage at WZCW studios. The camera comes through a door and the audience can tell we are right on set for a WZCW shop zone commercial. Several personnel people are mingling around getting things ready while Becky Serra waits patiently for the star of the shoot. After a few moments WZCW WORLD CHAMPION EVEREST shows up in the picture. He’s got his World Title over one shoulder, his newest T-Shirt (which reads on the front “TO BE THE MAN…”) He’s got workout pants on and a gold rolex on one wrist. His neck holds a very expensive gold chain and he’s got a pair of Oakley shades covering his eyes.

He looks Becky up and down with his glasses lowered down his nose before turning to the camera*

EVEREST: Well Beavis, we gonna get this thing going or not?

BECKY: Wow Everest, geez be patient, no need to call the young man names.

EVEREST: WHAT? His name’s Beavis, isn’t it.

*The camera man shakes his head in agreement*

BECKY: (Embarrassed) Oh, ah sorry then.

With that the director says the camera’s are rolling. With that Becky starts the shoot.

BECKY: That’s right fans you too can dress like the pros. You can get this Full House Dave’s Championship T-shi….

EVEREST: Or this perfect one of a kind EVEREST championship shirt.

BECKY: Yeah, anyway, you can have your very own stuffed parrot…..

EVEREST: Or, this Everest is the Champ, foam Championship belt.

BECKY: Well yeah that too. Don’t forget your Carmen Bratchney Russian…..

EVEREST: WHAT? Come on Becky you’re worse at this then you are begging for one of the wrestlers to take you out on the town. Here move the hell over and let that champ show you how it’s done.

Take this Bratchney shirt for instance. Come on follow me. I’ll show you just how popular this crap is.

*With that Everest heads right out the door grabbing several pieces of merchandise with him, Serra in close pursuit. The scene travels through the backstage corridors and right out the back door. A quick move around the corner and the audience is face to face with a huge green dumpster and a homeless man, who’s obviously in the need of some new clothes.*

EVEREST: Alright Becky check this out. Excuse me sir? You look like you could use a new shirt, here you go.

*Everest tosses him the new Bratchney t-shirt he has. We see Everest turn around and walk away and after taking about two steps, he gets hit right in the back of the head with the shirt.*

EVEREST: What the hell?

HOMELESS GUY: I don’t want that crap. I don’t wear crap that promotes losers! Especially foreign losers.

EVEREST: Well now there is an American after my own heart. You know I couldn’t agree with you more. I mean damn the guy has done nothing at all in the past few months.

HOMELESS GUY: Not true, he’s done the best sob story routine since Titanic.

EVEREST: Hahahaha, true, true ever since that manager of his hit the ground, his career’s gone the way of last night’s chili, right down the crapper. I heard him talking to whoever that new advisor of his is. Or trainer, or mentor or whatever he’s got talking in his ear. I heard them talking strategy. Uh how are we gonna beat Everest? And what did they come up with Becky?

A whole lot of nothing. They made comments about my height, joked about how short I was. It seems instead of wasting his money on advisors, talkers and trainers, he should have hired a stand up comedian. Maybe then the jokes and his interviews would at least be entertaining.

Not that it really matters cause after Meltdown all that Russian rubble is going to need to pay for is a hospice room. You see Carmen, once again you’ve got your nose in my business. Although it’s not a title match on Meltdown, I’m still treating it like you’re after my title, my championship, my destiny. Once again you’ll see the ceiling, you’ll hear the referee’s hand slap that mat three times and you’ll realize that you still just aren’t in my league. And you never will be.

*By now Everest and the crew have rounded another corner and found a second homeless man.*

EVEREST: Here you go, have a shirt

*With that Everest tosses the man a brand new, EVEREST T-shirt. The same one he’s wearing. The guy holds up the shirt so the audience now sees the back which reads YOUR NAME NEEDS TO BE EVEREST!*

EVEREST: Now look at that guys face, he knows a real champ when he see’s it. He love’s it. Look at that, probably the best present that bum ever got. I’m a regular saint. Saint Everest.

BECKY: If he likes it so much how come he’s about to toss into that fire he just started in the trash can?

EVEREST: What? Worthless, ungrateful piece of crap! Ah hell, that was my favorite shirt. Damn! It’s cool, the old geezer reminds me of Steamboat Ricky anyway. I mean damn he’s talking to himself, smells like bird poop and was mopping his “home” with a rubber squeegee.

Hell Becky, that’s it this, “Commercial” is over. I can’t believe I didn’t read my contract beforehand. How I ever got roped into doing 5 of these things a year is beyond me.

Fact is it doesn’t really matter, after the pay per view, after I’ve defeated all that the WZCW has put in front of me, then I’ll be treated the way I should be: AS THE GREATEST CHAMPION THIS COMPANY HAS EVER HAD.

Bratchney -- Been there, defeated that, Steamboat Ricky -- How many times do I need to swab the deck with that guy? Lars -- It doesn’t matter what name he goes by, he’s no champion. Titus -- oh revenge is so sweet, isn’t it old buddy.

Well Becky, it’s time for me to part, you’ll be able to find your way back to the arena, it’s that big round building right behind you.

*Becky scoffs as Everest exits to the parking garage, quickly disappearing out of sight*

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